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A standalone mythos of the Solar System inspired after inspecting a beehive.
What if we were Beekept?

After inspecting a hive I was sitting watching the bees and began to wonder what an Inspection would seem like from our perspective.. What if Immense and Unknowable entities reached down and Touched us? Rearranged our cities, and moved our world(s)?

It quickly became apparent that this concept was parallel with alien encounter tropes and Invasion themes. However I wanted to step past the idea of physical conflict or invasion and instead highlight the ineffable unknowableness that truly separates us from insignificant or insectile beings, but in reverse.

I admit to conflating this idea with the Polar Configuration ideology (and others) -conspiracies? beliefs? I had been watching the Electric Universe videos around this time and found their narrative to be fantastically compelling from a fictional standpoint. What a rich source of plot devices.

At some times I have considered adding these events to the Outer Planets setting, as if some action on our part triggers or precipitates this to occur. They share numerous themes.

I am presenting it here independently until a compelling narrative reason is found to subsume this storyline into the wider Outer Mythos.

This is not ment as a chronological timeline, more as elements of a crescendo of overlapping experiences .. {this is a complete discordant mess}

. !¡Be Not Afraid¡!

-Smoke- = Teeming Aurora - changing magnetic resonances and fluctuations across the Earth's magnetosphere and electrical-transmission infrastructure and signal services.
Immense shifting Auroras planetwide.
The geomagnetic pole shifts rapidly, like a compass needle moving near an approaching electromagnet.

-Opening the Covering-
Spectacular dramatic Solar Event - Solar flowerbud begins to form.
Aurora becomes Geometrically Organized and stabilizes into fractal patterns.
Convergence with Window or Opening - Movement to Grand Conjunction. Separating and Gathering the planets together in a row, along a string or axis.

Appendages Appear Above - Cities, Nations, Landmasses are Grasped.
Tools lowered into position - first appearances of Hyperevolution Structures and Perfect Art.

-Lifting the Frames-
Titanic, nigh Unimaginable appendages of All kinds descend from above. These appendages begin to move and manipulate Everything. They move casually as if moving pieces on a game board.

Leighlines and Wyrwells appear with the Earth's Kundalini and Chakra system - the teeming Aurora are drawn into rivers and great vortexes above.
Grasping/touching of disparate regions, Objects, Buildings, Organisms.
Terrestrial and tectonic upheaval - 'the earthquake around the world.
tremendous movements of water.
Peak Catastrophic Natural Events moving spinward around the globe sequentially.
Appearance of Beings and Assemblages Above - some frome Below.

Disassembly increases - by now nearly all sky-scrapers and industrial structures and areas vastly disturbed by humans are affected, at least partially disassembled, and floating in the air.
Disruptions and Social catastrophes occur without completely destroying services.
Particular attention to specific regions, casual benign neglect to others.
Massive Aurora and Geomantic Thunderstorms, Hurricanes - Fractile Sandstorms, Tornadoes, Living Rain - living water in Pollution corrupted regions
absolute disruption of the human capital economy, partially functional utility grids are left intact.
Occupation of the Internet by Beings ..lolol…
Beings Generally are benign - typically nearly-unintelligible Energetic Fractalforms - if static and intelligible: Avatars of Mythology and the psychosomatic Archetypes.
new religions are formed - nations rise and fall and fall faster and faster.

Manifestations and Convergences of Beings around Individuals, Organizations, Communities.
Assisting, helping, encouraging seemingly innocuous or contrary behaviors and construction projects, interference with surviving infrastructure increases and specific industries are destroyed outright - specific oil rigs, industrial complexes, factories, power plants, monoculture farms, specific crops and types of mines all raised up and melted, shredded, disassembled and re-organized, usually left in sorted piles by element or mineral - Final fall of remaining Nations.

~Transcendence of Weirdness..

Metamorphosis of the Moon.
Fossils exposed and Holographically Resurrected - entire ecosystems resurrected.
Hyperevolution Structures placed sporadically/specifically throughout the planetary ecosystem.
Hyperfast Evolution and rapid appearances of supercomplex ecosystems.
Appearance of Transcendental Sculptures, Chandelier Mirages and Perfect Art planet wide.
4th-dimensional Superobjects appear high above in orbit and around the moon, sun, and planets.
Fractile Treatments, Appearance of Manas, Psychedelic Mists, Geometric Wildfire Holograms.
Natural Geomantic standing stone Protrusions, Crystal and Crop Circle formations sublimate.
Leighlines, Weyrwels, and Earth/s Kundalini extend filamentary rhizomatous extensions.
Spirit Trees and Fountains grow and erupt.
Peak Auroral Psychedelia - Earth Trumpets - Tremendous Humming from Everywhere.

Sudden Disassembly of Earth and Planets, Universal Transparency - Inner-earth visible -
the cores and interiors of all the gathered planets and even the sun are revealed.
Continents/Places seem to orbit Toroidal distributed globoids or inverted vortexes within Planetary Nebulae.
-- complete dissolution of Normalcy - ending of time

. : *}-/- :End of the Age: -\-{* : .

Inversion of Heaven and Earth - 3 Days of semi-Darkness.
Sudden and Tremendous Rearrangement of Planets, Moons, Continents, Oceans, Nations, Cities, Buildings, Industries, People - Everything is Effected! New Planets and Moons coalesce, arc, and discharge in profusion out of the Solar and Planetary Nebulae.
Rapid Geoformation of many planetary surfaces - their equivalent holo/info plasmoid, as they are re-formed. Many moonlets and other bodies are absorbed and fall into newly coalescing planets and increase their mass.

During QueensRites Individuals, Families, Communities and Nations are attracted to specific places on the Earth - then during the Great Transformation some are transplanted and relocated to new moons and planets by several means, flying mountains, temples, saucers - the rainbow bridge, magnetodynamic tubules, direct antigravity, quantum tunneling, domesticated wormholes, mystic teleportation, astro-local translocation, psychic inter-coherence, continua devices and dimensional backdoors - not all migrations were intentional, consensual, or seem to place people in incorrect climates.
Arctic populations arriving to a jungle, and forest people are given a desert moon - several environments and habitats are awful to new arrivals/ unadapted.
Many people are transformed or arrive to transformed environments.
Uplifts and Downlifts - some in delayed fashion and some nearly instantaneously.
Tremendous variety in allowable technology, some seemingly arbitrary restrictions, some odd mixtures of high and low technology encouraged or enforced in different cases.

As Manipulations occur vast amounts of materials are moving throughout the Solar Egg - Material is exchanged between planets and cores - rearrangement of the crust of the Earth and other planets - Vast flows of water and atmosphere between planets - rains of minerals and metals from the sun and Greatest Planets. Consumption of minor moons.
The Hyper Evolution structures are removed along with their attached reefs, forests, and other ecosystems - Most of the remaining unintegrated fossil organisms are collected.
Flows of topsoil and peat moss and loam - bodies of water and air masses are collected.
Due to the splitting off of at least half of the Human population, and the confusion before and after, it is never known how many people vanished or were moved very far away.
Nearly every person who lived through the event was touched by a being at least once for the purpose of collecting/Assessing their geno/pheno/psyco/somatic/fractal coordonate/timeplace/aura inprint/ biometric fingerprint, waves, and general vibe.

-Restoring the Frames-
Ultra-Rapid Re-assembly of the Solar system into the Grand Conjunction - Planets re-sublimate into globes - Heaven and Earth Restored -
Sudden recommencement of Time and re-establishment of (semi) Normality.
Without satellite imagery it is difficult to understand the changes to Earth and the planets.
New and Old features recognizable but intermingled, Nations and Citys, building, rooms, even Individuals are transformed and changed - Completely new Climate Zones and ecosystems
as much as is familiar is different - new life forms and new forms of olden life.
People begin to seep out of their sheltering places - Very few ruins remain.
Most Perfect Art and Transcendental Sculpture remains but is Changed - now they are not impervious to the elements - or people, increasingly they are damaged or destroyed sparking fundamentalist conflicts and violence.
Cultural Conflict over Interpretation of the Event - Mass Confusion/Mythical Insanity - widespread neo-tribalism - Frantic Shamanism.

Rapid dissolution of the Polar Configuration:

Planets recede from view and depart - some energetically - re-distribution of orbits of planets, moons, comets and asteroids/belts, rings.
Quiescence of the Sun - Aurora dissolves into chaotic plasma and dissipates - the Sky Clears.
On Earth and elsewhere.
Societal Questioning Reality of experiences as if in a mass dream - deliberate misinterpretation of evidence and creation of false accounts - Masses of people believe it did not actually happen or that there was no change.
Physical evidence was changed throughout the Event.
Subversive Mysticism - subtle effects/changes not apparent to struggling communities re-establishing utilities grids - rapid recovery of quality of life, food, water and shelter plentiful - work of rebuilding distracts from cultural wounds and remembered events.
Pervasive cultural Post Traumatic Shock Syndromes.

-Replacing the Covering-
Increasing Automatic and Deliberate Occultation of Events - Transcendental Sculptures and Perfect Art are vandalized and destroyed by indelicate worshipers and clergy, overzealous artists, Loud preachers, Old Machines, and thrown rocks.

Tremendous confusion of accounts due to Asymptotic Weirdness and Infinititude of Experiences.

After rebuilding increasing construction of imitations of imitations of memories of Perfect Art or temples to remaining fragments - cult behavior regarding perceived symbolism and interpretations of interactions with beings or memories and myths of interactions.

Codification of incorrect or completely fabricated accounts of the Events - Disagreement in the Nascent Sciences about Everything - Persecution of sects and people and communities claiming to remember the Old Moon or Jupiter, or having seen the Inner Earth or the comet Venus, or Blaspheming the Second Son by worshiping only the Old Sun, for not observing holidays during the changing Phases of Pluto or the Eclipses of Titan and Mars.

Political Normalization - new Churches and Nation states begin to Rise and Fall Again…first quickly than more slowly in following decades and centuries.
Obscuration and Occultation of Cultural Memories, passage of experiences into Myth.

Stories and accounts:
Accounts of survival~transformation~transcendence.
Official Narratives devolving into madness.
Mythological treatise or New Fables.
Accounts of Interactions or Experiences.
Creation Myths of the Splits.
Shadows of Perfect Art.
Products of Hyperevolution Structures and resulting Ecosystems.
Archeological discovery and evidence of past 'Events' in stone and mythological Archetypes.