What if the Faunus in Vale Experienced a pogrom in the finale of Volume 3? (Rwby)

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Banned Forever
Violation of Rules 2 & 6 - Hypothetical pogroms are still unacceptable content.
In this case allow me to explain the context of the scenario:

After the White Fang attack from Mountain Glenn there's a notable upsurge in discriminatory actions against faunus citizens in Vale and , to a lesser extent , worldwide. Things aren't as rosy as Volume 1 and there's quite a lot of anti-faunus protests and rallies running amok due to the damage the breach attack caused. Old grudges are being reopened and taboo or racist thoughts are being brought to the forefront. Even upstanding human characters have to admit that there's justification in the sentiment and humanity's worries.

Then the fall of beacon occurs. With the above buildup and the general lack of law and order in Vale tensions quickly boil and a pogrom happens. Hunters and authorities that would otherwise stop the massacre are either too busy or actively assisting the killing of faunus.
No one is spared. We see men, women and children being slaughter in the streets, gunned downed by humans, crucified, or just lynched. It's a horrible situation and for one night all-nighter Vale burns from the terror, ethnic cleansing and raw hatred the humans of Vale feel for the Faunus who can no longer be trusted after the events the white fang orechstrated.
When morning clears we see the mass graves with official reports stating at least 6,400 faunus and 104 humans were killed in the riots but the number is soon to be rising. And then we see the bodies. We see faunus with their eyes gorged out or their ears cut off. We see human corpses without heads. We see that and more. The pogrom was horrific and intense. There is even some mentions of gang rape, thought we are thankfully not shown it.

Giving the results of these actions, assuming the named characters survived the night to the starting of Volume 4 how would this effect their storyline? What would have been the effects of the pogrom on the world in general?

I brought this up now because I'm trying of how interesting such a situation would have been if it had been played straight or built up to. I based this off of what I know about what has happened in modern pogroms. Of it was built up what changes occur?
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Oh look, a RWBY thread where Leila and I are in total agreement.

I'll add, that's not canon for good reason. That's bad darkfic fodder. We know the authorities in Vale, that's incredibly OOC.
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