What if the current town or city that you are living in was transported into 1 out of 9 random fictional universes?

Let's set the scene it is 1:00 Pm, and every person will be given a loud announcement from a mysterious being in the sky (probably ROB) that would announce that their (your) town or city has been chosen to be transported into 1 out of 9 random Fictional Universes.

Each person would be given a piece of paper that would instantly be in their hand of the list of universes that would probably be transported to and the entire town or city are given a year to be prepared and contact any government body for help. A hologram of a giant digital clock would appear in the sky counting down how much time the town or city has.

To prevent people from leaving, a dome would be placed over the town or city that prevents any living thing from leaving even if they try to dig (there will be no loopholes) but can allow any living thing to enter the town or city.

The List of the Universes Are:

1. Fallout, placed in Nevada near New Vegas when Mr. House first wakes up.

2. The Walking Dead (Comics), replaces their version of the current town or city that you are living in right after Rick's Crew leaves Atlanta.

3. The Last of Us, replaces their version of the current town or city that you are living in during the beginning events of the game.

4. Z Nation, replaces their version of the current town or city that you are living in right after the events of the first episode.

5. Eldar Scrolls, placed near Anvil during the events of the Oblivion.

6. A Song of Ice and Fire, placed in the middle of Old Oak, Highgarden, and Goldengrove right after King Robert dies.

7. Avatar: The Last Airbender, placed in the Earth Kingdom near Gaoling just when Aang gets frozen in the Ice.

8. The Dragon Prince, placed near Katolis Capital right after King Harrow's death.

9. Star Wars, placed on Tatooine near Mos Espa right after the death of Jabba the Hutt.


How would everyone react?

Can your town or city survive?

Which would be the best or worst place to be transported to?

What will you do in this situation?
The best... would probably be, uh. Avatar? Maybe? Literally everything else is death and/or slavery and/or worse in fairly short order. I'm not sure which would be worst, though. Everything listed there except maybe Avatar is kinda' fractally terrible to be a random mook in.

But yeah, barring the one, relatively survivable setting, everyone dies or is functionally or explicitly enslaved pretty quickly. I'm not sure basically any town could survive getting hauled into those places without warning; several of them are explicit apocalypse settings set in relatively technologically-on-par-with-modern-times scenarios, and most of their city/town/etcs. bite it. The rest are in warzones or death worlds you need magic or high technology to survive in, most cities or towns just aren't going to make it, at absolute minimum without losing most of their population one horrible way or another.

And, like. I put Avatar aside just 'cause it's not quite as on-screen deadly or vicious, but, y'know. It's unlikely to be super much better, and probably most people gets eaten by some kind of hybrid horrorgrue, assuming they don't get put under the heel by some random group of punch magic assholes.

though realistically, especially in the literal apocalypse plague settings, just about everyone would die of disease pretty rapidly, so :V

... so far as personal decision making, unless there was some serious assistance way beyond "you get a year to prepare and beg for help from your gov't", my choice would almost certainly be rapid onset lead poisoning. A bullet's a lot quicker than what those settings will probably do to you.
Just going to note that there will be a huge bacterial build up on the inside of the dome, especially on the stream outflows.

I mean the real question is, why are the Alien Space Bats doing this? And how can they be stopped?

Note that the dome is going to look REALLY weird.

Just going to note that as a city of one million people, and a cornerstone of the regional economy, AND silicon valley, this is going to have some catastrophic effects throughout the state, that will rebound internationally. For a start, the dome is going to pretty much completely cut off all traffic to the bay area from the main freeway and arteries south. There's also a major regional airport and two secondary ones blocked off as well. For a start.

This is literally a major terrorist attack and act of war against the US in particular, and humanity in general. If the ASBs can do this to San Jose, they can do it to any metropolitan area. A ceasefire will be called for world-wide, with varying levels of success, and an intense research project at the level of dozens of Manhatten projects will be effected to study the the shield, and whatever dimensional technology is going to be used on San Jose.

Whatever the Fate of San Jose, humanity WILL find a way to dimension travel, and track down the ASBs of SV that are responsible. A Coalition of the Willing will form for Operation Universal Freedom to bring the perpetuators to justice.

Better run man, the Marines are coming for you.
Whatever the Fate of San Jose, humanity WILL find a way to dimension travel, and track down the ASBs of SV that are responsible. A Coalition of the Willing will form for Operation Universal Freedom to bring the perpetuators to justice.

Better run man, the Marines are coming for you.
I mean, they probably won't be able to? The ASB could be doing some literally impossible physics to teleport the city that can't be replicated or, if they are using real science, outright just make dimensional travel impossible after it does its thing and that's that. Artificially imposed physics and technological barriers aren't exactly new ideas. Or just erase everything else besides your city since they don't need it.


How would everyone react?

Panic. I mean, we have a year to prepare so we can probably work something out but there will definitely be a lot of panic.

Can your town or city survive?

I unfortunately don't know enough about any of the options to be very comprehensive so it's hard to say. Food-wise, it's not that uncommon around here for people to have mini-farms in their backyards so if we spend our prep year expanding those we might be good on that end. Although, even if it is we'd still have a lot of logistical issues.

The Walking Dead: Considering the fact that the zombie population is effectively infinite and seemingly everyone are psycho, we probably last a good couple of years (guns aren't exactly uncommon around here) before being overrun by an insanely large horde or getting conquered by absolutely evil raiders. Or both.

The Last of Us: Uniquely advantaged in that if we figure out where we are fast enough we might be able to make a safe haven since we're arriving at the very beginning and we know how the infection spreads. Wouldn't make any bets on it though.

Elder Scrolls: We probably just die.

A Song of Ice and Fire: Either get treated like invaders and die after a brief but bloody holdout or become part of the peasantry. I feel like the former is much more likely.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: We get conquered.

Which would be the best or worst place to be transported to?

Probably Fallout, even if we manage to carve out a niche we're still stuck in an irradiated wasteland full of raiders, super mutants, and deathclaws.

What will you do in this situation?

The details really depend on which world we're sent to but I'll probably just be a farmer. Maybe try to learn magic at some point if we land in Elder Scrolls and live. Either that or run off with friends and family and just try to survive.
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My home city has about 177,000 people; most of us die in short order from a lack of food and water. The only setting on the list that I recognize and has the capability to stop that is Tatooine, but they won't, hive of scum and villainy that they are. The others just don't have the logistics to help.
Can your town or city survive?

Which would be the best or worst place to be transported to?

What will you do in this situation?

I'll stat from the middle...

I don't see any scenario where Star Wars isn't the best option here. Jabba is dead, the Empire is going to fall shortly after, yeah we're on the armpit of the galaxy Tatooine BUT... nothing particularly major or catastrophic happens there.

The absolute worst case scenario is my town, very much not a desert town, crumbles and we all kind of just... move to Mos Espa and then do whatever.

What will *I* do? I'm 38 years old... i'll probably hightail to Mos Espa right out the gate and try to find some labor job or something, save up a few credits to catch a transport to one of the nicer planets... i'm thinking Chandrilla, and eek out a life there. By the time the Final Order issue comes around... which Chandrilla seems largely spared from anyway... i'm old man if i'm still alive. I'll live a relatively happy life under the New Republic.
1. We all die from radiation poisoning due to a lack of evolved defenses.

2. We last until we get overrun by a horde of zombies. Then only the homeless survive due to being given immunity from all the used needles.

3. We might adapt in time to stay relatively safe in the fungal apocalypse, but it would be about as nice an existence as Boston (pre-apocalypse, post-apocalypse is better).

4. Know nothing about Z Nation.

5. If we can speak the native language and don't all die from unfamiliar diseases or something in the atmosphere then we might actually do reasonably well due to being next to a capital, unless they kill us all for spreading smallpox or a dragon attacks or something, but we can probably fight off any smaller threats with our bloated police budget and armies of homeless people.

6. Invaded by startled forces or serfdom, probably sucks either way.

7. However bad living under the Fire Kingdom is.

8. No idea.

9. If disease, wild animals, or the desert climate don't kill us and we can speak Basic then we might have a chance if we take the initiative in forming connections with Mos Espa and reaching out to other planets. We're Californians, so the weather shouldn't be a big deal.