What if Deep Space 9 plus Spacedock (Star Trek) and the Colossus plus the Death Star 1 (Star Wars) was transported into our world in 2018?

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Let's say that a very bored Alien Space Bat decides to transport Deep Space 9 plus Spacedock (Star Trek) and the Colossus plus the Death Star 1 (Star Wars) into our world to see what will happen.

(Important Note: The Death Star's main superweapon would be damaged beyond repair by the Alien Space Bat making it impossible to actually fire the superweapon and the damage would be very visible, any ships that are not docked onto these space stations during the time of the ISOT would be left behind, and physics would be ignored in order for the technology would not be rendered useless.)

How would everyone react?
How would politics work?
What will Earth's future be like beyond 2018?
Let's say that a very bored Alien Space Bat decides to transport Deep Space 9 plus Spacedock (Star Trek) and the Colossus plus the Death Star 1 (Star Wars) into our world to see what will happen.

Image result for deep space nine See the source image

Both Deep Space 9 (Right after the events of Season 7 of the series) and Spacedock (Around 2293) would be transported in a stable orbit around Earth.
See the source image

The Colossus (Around Season 2 ep 1 of Star Wars: Resistance) would be transported floating right above the city of San Diego.
See the source image
The Death Star 1 (Canon/During the Battle of Yavin) would be transported in a stable orbit around Mars.

(Important Note: The Death Star's main superweapon would be damaged beyond repair by the Alien Space Bat making it impossible to actually fire the superweapon and the damage would be very visible, any ships that are not docked onto these space stations during the time of the ISOT would be left behind, and physics would be ignored in order for the technology would not be rendered useless.)

How would everyone react?
How would politics work?
What will Earth's future be like beyond 2018?
Yes the crew would be transported along with the stations
imperial troops on the death star mount a campaign of conquest in order to secure lines of logistics. The more advanced tech of the space stations would allow them to hold out only briefly as they are overwhelmed with numbers (While star trek shields is immune to star wars lasers the death star had 1.7 million military personnel, with troop carriers, fighters, and conceivably everything up to and including capital ships included, as well as torpedoes and drones). With he main gun offline, presumably their "this makes us blow up" button is off the table (probably). Being the size of a planetoid with their point defences and sheer mass, they can't be easily dealt with. Unless the Trek guys have the Defiant and it's cloak online, in which case that just rolls the death star with targeted disabling strikes.

The empire would strike first, and strike hard because aggression is ingrained into them. If star trek guys had time to mount a response without being under assault they could use transporters and strategic attacks to disable their opponents, but the numbers are overwhelming here.

Then they establish a beachhead on earth while making repairs. Demand earth capitulate to their authority as the empire.

Meanwhile star trek guys include Bajoran freedom fighters and terrorists who have fifty years of experience facing the yoke of a technologically and militarily superior occupying force. And they won in the end. So those guys backed by federation assets salvaged during retreat and local allies launch those strategic counter strikes, using the death stars own design, their superior knowledge and tech (including transporters) to "reactor overload, boom" the planetoid.

Now everyone is a refugee, most of their assets are destroyed, and they are left to try and salvage what they can and either integrate with the local populace or attempt to rebuild. Earth barely enters into the conflict since it mostly happens in space, but enough tech makes its way to earth via opportunistic theft and trade with aliens (ferengi, bajorans, Empire civilians and others from the stations who are not limited by federation rules of first contact or prime directive) that a new tech boom kicks off. Governments attempt to fearmonger and ostracise our alien friends to maintain power, or the opposite in order to acquire those refugees as strategic resources, depending on the country and their politics.

from there, who knows. Depends who and what tech survives and where those people and pieces get distributed and to what ends they are applied.
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In "Q-Who" where that is used on the Enterprise, the shields are explicitly down before the cutter is applied at approx 26:45 . In The Outrageous Okona, it is explicitly stated that the laser weaponry "cannot even penetrate our navigation shields" though it still requires yellow alert due to regulations at approximately 19:30 into the episode. In the beginning episode of deep space 9, Emissary, approx 1:10 into episode, shields are 0, then the cutting beam hit engineering, causing a warp core breach. In TNG: Best of both worlds part 2, shields fail at approx 37:10, cutting beam activated at approx 38:30.

So yes, "laser" (though I did not look for references to it actually being a laser, I only saw it referred to as "cutting beam") might work on hull (Borg grade sustained cutting beam at that) but not while shields are active. This is consistent, across all instances used as reference in the page you linked, ignoring the one referring to Star Trek Enterprise: Regeneration as that is outdated tech and not relevant to this scenario.

Edit: I only remembered off the top of my head the line about "cannot even penetrate our navigation shields." The rest I looked up scanning through the relevant episodes and watching the relevant segments on netflix. Oh hey, that's where the throw dice button is.
the vale threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: to test button Total: 6
6 6
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It's probably worth noting that blasters/turbolasers/laser cannons etc. in Star Wars are laser-initated plasma guns, not actually laser weapons.
And their effective engagement range consiquently sucks. This is further exaberated by the fact that they pretty much exclusively aim via iron sights for their bigger guns, with everything manually and often mechanically operated, so.
The efficiency of ST shields is a moot point, because SW weapons will effectively be completely incapable of actually hitting a ST ship that isn't obligingly sitting still.

That said, the DS 1 is, uh, a bit much, compared to the federation things, just because of how big the crew is; as mentioned, it has literally millions of troops embarked and just completely frags the balance, unless IG88 manages to seize control as it planned and vents the meatbags to space.

I would pick something a wee bit more comparable to the feddie stuff, maybe taking a bite out of KDY or the shipyards at Corellia. Or perhaps a few Golans.

Alternatively, have the DS 1 at least operating with only a skeleton crew, with most of it's systems consiquently disabled because SW doesn't believe in computerized fire control or any aiming technology more sophisticated than optical rangefinders.
That said, the DS 1 is, uh, a bit much, compared to the federation things, just because of how big the crew is; as mentioned, it has literally millions of troops embarked and just completely frags the balance, unless IG88 manages to seize control as it planned and vents the meatbags to space.

IG88 had nothing to do with the first Death Star. It tried to - and did - seize control of the Second Death Star, but only for a few moments before Wedge destroyed the reactor core and it blew up.

Both Spacedock and DS9 have transporters, and the Death Star has no shields. Too bad Vader, Luke and Leia got left behind; Vader could at least keep a choke-leash on Tarkin if needed.
IG88 had nothing to do with the first Death Star. It tried to - and did - seize control of the Second Death Star, but only for a few moments before Wedge destroyed the reactor core and it blew up.

Both Spacedock and DS9 have transporters, and the Death Star has no shields. Too bad Vader, Luke and Leia got left behind; Vader could at least keep a choke-leash on Tarkin if needed.
Oh right. (It's been a while since I last deep-dived SW lore, hah.)
And what are you talking about, the Death Star absolutely has both ray and deflector shields, planetary-grade ones as a matter of fact, and I severely doubt a ST transporter can punch a matter stream through either and get anything other than a cloud of disparate elements at the far end. It's the DS II that needed the external generator, because it was only half done and it's own generators weren't fully installed yet.

This still does not address the small issue of the DS having enough troops to just flat out occupy most of the developed countries on Earth, and a complete willingness to just bomb any serious resistance flat from orbit however.
The feddies would try to stop them, sure, but without knowing the Achilles heel exhaust port, they'd definitely run out of torpedoes long before the Death Star ran out of ship, and with a full crew it's defenses are... Formidable. Granted, Federation ships fly like snubfighters to ST sensibilities, but still, fire enough bullets and there just won't be anywhere to evade to.
Even without the Superlaser, the Death Star is among the most powerful war vessels of the Star Wars universe, and certainly a contender for the largest. Executor might be a better choice, both in terms of relative power scales and narritvely- especially if Vader isn't aboard!
Since, you know, Piett is actually a fairly reasonable guy. For an Imperial.
And what are you talking about, the Death Star absolutely has both ray and deflector shields, planetary-grade ones as a matter of fact, and I severely doubt a ST transporter can punch a matter stream through either and get anything other than a cloud of disparate elements at the far end. It's the DS II that needed the external generator, because it was only half done and it's own generators weren't fully installed yet.

Then how were the Rebel fighters able to get so close they were scaping the hull? No way could a starfighter fly through an active shield.

The feddies would try to stop them, sure, but without knowing the Achilles heel exhaust port, they'd definitely run out of torpedoes long before the Death Star ran out of ship, and with a full crew it's defenses are... Formidable. Granted, Federation ships fly like snubfighters to ST sensibilities, but still, fire enough bullets and there just won't be anywhere to evade to.

Did you miss the giant honking superlaser dish connected directly to the reactor core - and you can bet ST sensors are good enough to pick that up on scans - that just screams bullseye? Also, ST ships use the same power source as their torpedoes, so a starship is basically a mondo torpedo in a pinch. Wouldn't even be the first time a starship got sacrificed to take out a planet-killer.
Then how were the Rebel fighters able to get so close they were scaping the hull? No way could a starfighter fly through an active shield.

Did you miss the giant honking superlaser dish connected directly to the reactor core - and you can bet ST sensors are good enough to pick that up on scans - that just screams bullseye? Also, ST ships use the same power source as their torpedoes, so a starship is basically a mondo torpedo in a pinch. Wouldn't even be the first time a starship got sacrificed to take out a planet-killer.
On the first: SW shields are two separate, mutually exclusive types- you cannot have both Ray and Particle shields active simultaneously. Ray shields- which protect a ship from energy weapons such as Turbolasers- can, therefore, be penetrated by fighter craft, as turning your shields off to reconfigure them in the middle of a battle is monumentally stupid and, moreover, would leave you completely exposed to weapon fire either from a supporting capital ship, or from those same snubfighters skimming your shield perimeter and blasting away at their leasure.

As for the second: given that such tactics were unable to destroy a single Borg Cube, barely a kilometer to a side, it beggars belief that doing the same would do much of anything to a ship whose diameter is measured in hundreds of kilometers.

I mean, maybe if they chucked the spacedock at it, since those keep giant reserves of antimatter on hand, but otherwise it's the 'killing a Cube' problem; ST ships are just too small, and their weaponry too precise and contained in damage, to meaningfully oppose a vessel the size of the Death Star.
Tarkin would almost certainly move the battle-station into Earth orbit, and compel compliance under threat of turbolaser bombardment- Earth, after all, has no planetary shields with which to resist such tactics, nor, indeed, anything even theoretically able to strike back. The Federation presence is functionally a nonentity- unable to meaningfully oppose the Death Star any more than Earth is, simply due to the sheer disparity of scale. Hells, the DS can just grab any impertinent Federation ship with its tractor beams, and blast it at will with ion Cannon and turbolaser fire until it is destroyed or disabled!

As mentioned, a more reasonable balance would be Executor. Still far larger than any federation ship, but lacking the sheer size which makes the Death Star effectively immune to anything that DS9 has on hand, the massive army that makes conquering an entire planet feasible, and with a commander that probably isn't going to immediately jump to "obey or we bomb you flat" like Tarkin.
well earth is not defenseless we have thousands of nukes to launch at the deathstar
They turn the Shields on. The nukes hit those and do jack diddly squat. Tarkin BDZs the offending silos, and probably a few major cities to make a point, then reiterates the "obey or we bomb you flat, did you think I was bluffing"

Assuming that they don't just go "chemical rockets. How quaint." and smack the things away with the tractor beams or have TIEs shoot them down.
well earth is not defenseless we have thousands of nukes to launch at the deathstar
Contrary to Stargate, most Nukes are incapable of even reaching full orbit, let alone far enough out to reach the Deathstar at the range it can fire from.
This is something I've seen a few fics do, but no, we did not design our Nukes to be capable of intercepting alien spacecraft- their propulsion and guidance systems are designed to hit a spot on the ground.
Well Earth is not defenseless we have thousands of nukes to launch at the Deathstar

We could try but it would do us no good. Nukes are made to hit points on the ground. We would need to make a new type of nuke to get to the moon-sized superweapon. I doubt the empire will be nice enough to allow us to make such a weapon to use on them. So the Earth is defenseless. We don't have a fleet of ships that we have parked in orbit.

At best we have a few men and women pissing themselves in fear as they watch as the empire lands and orders we work for them or die.
And on top of that, nukes are kinda shite in vacuum anyway- you aren't going to get the secondary blast effects and thermobaric shockwave that makes them so devastating on the ground, since there's no air for that stuff to be caused by/propagate through. You're pretty much just going to get a bright flash and a bunch of radiation that any ship designed to operate outside a planet's magnetic field will just shrug off, unless you get the thing inside the enemy ship, or at least in direct contact with the hull, before detonation.
I just looked at the opening post and it says the Dreathstar is in orbit of Mars. So unless our nuclear technology is capable of getting to the planet Mars we aren't going to use nukes on the Death Star at all. Besides even if we could send them to Mars it would take weeks. So the empire could just watch as they move like a glacial before just moving out of the way at the last second.

They then blow up the Earth as payback or enslave us all.
unless one of the fedi ships decides to teleport one of the higher yield nukes armed next to the central computer for the deathstar not only does it screw the starwars dudes computer it devastates the inside of the deathstar