What if a Psychotic Got Path to Victory?

Massachusetts, U.S
This could turn out either totally hilarious or utterly terrifying. Suppose a person that's psychotic (not psychopathic, there's a huge difference) one way or another got the Path to Victory shard. For instance, let's think of an example where they ask "How do I stop the pink gorillas from stealing all my cereal". Given that in actual life there aren't actually any pink gorillas the power would probably have to interpret things somehow and do something. Now imagine someone like this going about their day (they might have escaped from the nuthouse when they first got the power) how would they impact the world around them?
Boring version: It either ignores impossible demands, or gives him a Path to Sanity.

Funny version, it tries to make his crazy problems real, so it can then fix them as demanded.

For instance, let's think of an example where they ask "How do I stop the pink gorillas from stealing all my cereal". Given that in actual life there aren't actually any pink gorillas the power would probably have to interpret things somehow and do something.
"Bonesaw, what made you decide to turn all those people into pink gorillas with an urge to steal cereal?"

"Dunno. It just seemed like a funny idea at the time."
Matthew looked at his feet, where yellow fish were trying to nip his toes. He ducked as a wierd bat-lizard swooped out of the sky to do a barrel roll dive thing.

That's when they struck.

The gorillas came from the alley, running past him towards the apartment complex across the street. He stood there for a few moments, watching, until the gorillas ran past again, this time holding boxes or bowl. One's chest was splattered in a milky-white liquid. He caught the label of one of the boxes- Honey Nut Bunches of Oats.

"No Tasty Flakes! Go on, try again."

Matthew peaked around the alley to see a little girl swinging her feet as she sat in a trash can. The gorillas ran back to the apartments. The pink gorillas.

Matthew walked away before they could steal his cereal.
Out of curiosity, what's a Picard supposed to be here? Just a facepalm or something else?
Quite, but MOAR would suffice.

Matthew continued walking down the street, ducking away from the bat-like creatures occasionally. They didn't steal my cereal! Now let's make sure no bugbears try to eat me.


Bonesaw's eyes grew wide. "Oh, that'd be so much fun!"

Jack had a bad feeling about this...

Armsmaster looked at the street as large creatures that several PRT Troopers had identified as "bugbears" (after staring and gaping at them for several minutes) ran through it. Reports had come in about pink gorillas, and now fictional monsters? Not to mention the sightings of Bonesaw. The world must be ending.


AN: Of course PtV had to come up with something for him to avoid...I wonder what DnD creation (or maybe something else? Purple aliens anyone?) Bonesaw will create after Matthew decides he needs to avoid it.
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