What if a "Benevolent" Alien Invasion happen?

Let me set the scene, It's the year 20XX and after few years secretly learning about us, the extraterrestrials comes to earth and they gives us a warning that if we don't surrender in next week then they will start EMP blasting and orbital bombarding any nations that don't surrender. One way or other the aliens have mostly complete control over earth. Instead of making our lives a living hell, the aliens start fixing many problems on earth like pollution, global warming, free education for all, decreasing poverty, and uplifting our society and technology beyond our wildest dreams. While authoritarian the aliens will allow many of our laws and world leaders to be untouched unless the law they view to be disgusting like force , teenage, or arranged marriages (for more info look here (185) The Child Brides of USA - YouTube ) and if world leader proven to be troublesome they would replace him and hid him away outside the public eye. Despite all most improving and fixing every problem in our lives and opening space exportation for us; there would be questions that need to be answered as a part of the main question. How would world react? What nations would surrender first and which ones would surrender the last? Which humans would gladly work with the aliens? Despite making our lives better why would humans rebel? What will you do this scenario? (for more info look here Benevolent Alien Invasion - TV Tropes )