What if 50% of humanity gets transformed into nonhuman or nonhumanoid Monsters from mythology and fiction?

What if?

1. The monsters will not look like a human or even similar to a human so no vampires, orcs, elf's, or mermaids. (However robotic humans like Ultraman or Evangelions are exceptions)

2. No God like monsters so monsters that can destroy an entire universe, planet, moon, or continent are not allowed. The monster has to be at the very least nuclear, city, or large island level.

3. Physics would be ignored because lets be honest most non human monsters like dragons or kaiju would die from their own weight or to be big to barley fly or even move.

4. Everyone would keep their intelligence and speak their native language despite being completely different from humans.

5. Everyone would into transform to a monster based on their personally and or desires; for example, a person who likes eat and gets angry really easy would transform into a Deviljho or any other monster that fit this description, while a person who very possessive and protective over people or property would transform into a Diablos or any other monster that fit this description. Another example is someone really likes Pokémon will become one in this scenario.

6. Everyone will be able to transform back into human and monster but it will take some time to figure out how to.

7. These people would be able to pass down this strange transformation trait to their children.
On Alternatehistory.com they have a rule that states magic or alien scenarios cannot just result in massive death and societal collapse. I thought it was a dumb rule at first, but after reading more and more of TriassicDino's threads, I now fully understand why it was made.

Every country on Earth collapses and a billion people could die if you do anything slightly negative or disruptive to even 25% of Humanity. This scenario would get instantly locked on AH.com
5. Everyone would into transform to a monster based on their personally and or desires; for example, a person who likes eat and gets angry really easy would transform into a Deviljho or any other monster that fit this description, while a person who very possessive and protective over people or property would transform into a Diablos or any other monster that fit this description. Another example is someone really likes Pokémon will become one in this scenario.

I will move to New Equestria, wherever it ends up being, with the other ponies.
5. Everyone would into transform to a monster based on their personally and or desires; for example, a person who likes eat and gets angry really easy would transform into a Deviljho or any other monster that fit this description, while a person who very possessive and protective over people or property would transform into a Diablos or any other monster that fit this description. Another example is someone really likes Pokémon will become one in this scenario.

Imagine all the weebs who become Dragons to protect their hoards of waifu merch.
Rocks fall everyone dies.
50% of humanity transforming into monsters means every apartment building, skyscraper and government building gets destroyed instantly when a couple people in them are suddenly a couple thousand times as massive as they're used to and accidentally take out the load-bearing walls with their tails/wings/giant limbs. Doesn't even take malice. Babies and little kids turn into building-destroyers and have no idea how to control it. Every city on the planet turns into a charnelhouse just from population density, even assuming everyone is perfectly nice and reasonable about the whole thing. The economy is gone. Logistics is tanked. Communications infrastructure is bork. People starve and die en masse.
The governments don't react, because they don't exist anymore.
The public panics and starves and dies a lot.
Organized religion is also destroyed. Individually you get a lot of doomsday cultism.
I would be a Ralts. The pokemon. Because being tiny and therefore needing little food, and able to teleport, is a winning strategy in this scenario, and it's also my favorite pokemon.
Rocks fall everyone dies.
50% of humanity transforming into monsters means every apartment building, skyscraper and government building gets destroyed instantly when a couple people in them are suddenly a couple thousand times as massive as they're used to and accidentally take out the load-bearing walls with their tails/wings/giant limbs. Doesn't even take malice. Babies and little kids turn into building-destroyers and have no idea how to control it. Every city on the planet turns into a charnelhouse just from population density, even assuming everyone is perfectly nice and reasonable about the whole thing. The economy is gone. Logistics is tanked. Communications infrastructure is bork. People starve and die en masse.
The governments don't react, because they don't exist anymore.
The public panics and starves and dies a lot.
Organized religion is also destroyed. Individually you get a lot of doomsday cultism.
I would be a Ralts. The pokemon. Because being tiny and therefore needing little food, and able to teleport, is a winning strategy in this scenario, and it's also my favorite pokemon.

That depends on the economic of the monsters.

Dragons that are immortal and don't need to eat would be very different economically from Dragons that need to eat cows daily.
Unicorns probably don't weight much and wouldn't require much food, and have telekinesis.
That depends on the economic of the monsters.

Dragons that are immortal and don't need to eat would be very different economically from Dragons that need to eat cows daily.
Unicorns probably don't weight much and wouldn't require much food, and have telekinesis.
Not really. Like I said, every single major densely-populated city on the planet gets destroyed. As is a ton of infrastructure because it just takes one guy on the highway suddenly turning into a dragon inimical to highways to make it impassable. Major chunks of communication and electrical infrastructure also get taken out. Goods production everywhere is destroyed when people accidentally destroy the machinery. People can't communicate to coordinate. The leadership that would coordinate lived in a city, and therefore is half made up of corpses. Goods can no longer be transported, and can no longer be produced in the quantities necessary. There is no economy anymore just from the initial fallout, nevermind any dietary needs or powertripping or whatever. 50% of humanity doesn't transform anyway so they mostly die if they aren't relatively self-sufficient.
Not really. Like I said, every single major densely-populated city on the planet gets destroyed. As is a ton of infrastructure because it just takes one guy on the highway suddenly turning into a dragon inimical to highways to make it impassable. Major chunks of communication and electrical infrastructure also get taken out. Goods production everywhere is destroyed when people accidentally destroy the machinery. People can't communicate to coordinate. The leadership that would coordinate lived in a city, and therefore is half made up of corpses. Goods can no longer be transported, and can no longer be produced in the quantities necessary. There is no economy anymore just from the initial fallout, nevermind any dietary needs or powertripping or whatever. 50% of humanity doesn't transform anyway so they mostly die if they aren't relatively self-sufficient.

A car accident doesn't render a highway unusable, nor does a hole in the wall render a house unusable. I'm not sure what you mean.
A car accident doesn't render a highway unusable, nor does a hole in the wall render a house unusable. I'm not sure what you mean.
You misunderstand me. I'm not talking a car accident. I'm talking a guy turning into a hundred ton flaming giant dragon right in the middle of driving, and possibly even retaining that momentum. Even without that momentum, he flails a bit and scratches the road? Gaping rents a car can't pass. Kid turns into a dryad during a car ride? Well, suddenly there's a giant fucking tree in the middle of the road. Fire elemental? Melt EVERYTHING.
And I'm also not talking houses. I'm talking skyscrapers and apartment buildings, which absolutely are not rated for dragons and absolutely will collapse. We're talking literally half of humanity turning into magical monsters, of which a large portion will be magical monsters of mass destruction with no clue what's going on or how to not breathe giant fireballs on instinct. Absolutely everything with any large amount of humans present is getting blown up. Individual houses in the suburbs might be fine, yes, but if there's a single skyscraper left standing afterwards I'll be surprised.
You misunderstand me. I'm not talking a car accident. I'm talking a guy turning into a hundred ton flaming giant dragon right in the middle of driving, and possibly even retaining that momentum. Even without that momentum, he flails a bit and scratches the road? Gaping rents a car can't pass. Kid turns into a dryad during a car ride? Well, suddenly there's a giant fucking tree in the middle of the road. Fire elemental? Melt EVERYTHING.
And I'm also not talking houses. I'm talking skyscrapers and apartment buildings, which absolutely are not rated for dragons and absolutely will collapse. We're talking literally half of humanity turning into magical monsters, of which a large portion will be magical monsters of mass destruction with no clue what's going on or how to not breathe giant fireballs on instinct. Absolutely everything with any large amount of humans present is getting blown up. Individual houses in the suburbs might be fine, yes, but if there's a single skyscraper left standing afterwards I'll be surprised.

Potholes and such don't make roads unusable either, and maybe some buildings will collapse, but people aren't in every building all the time, and not every person is transformed into things that would be a structural threat to them.

There's be a temporary economic shock, sure, but nothing dangerous.
Potholes and such don't make roads unusable either, and maybe some buildings will collapse, but people aren't in every building all the time, and not every person is transformed into things that would be a structural threat to them.

There's be a temporary economic shock, sure, but nothing dangerous.
Are you being deliberately obtuse? No offense, but I am absolutely not talking about potholes. At any given time, there are millions of people on the road. If even one percent of the fifty percent of people transforming into monsters transforms into something dangerous to the environment if not carefully controlled, be it because of size, instinctive magic or just being innately hazardous (ex, lava elemental - made of fucking lava), they will not know how to control it, and therefore will cause destruction. Literally just one section of any given highway needs to be made impassable and the highway is suddenly unusable until repaired.
For the buildings, I sincerely doubt any Manhattan skyscraper is ever empty at any given time. Even assuming the transformation happens at night, (which just shifts the burden to Asia's also-overpopulated cities really) basically everyone in NYC lives in apartment buildings, and, again, it only takes one kid turning into a fire elemental, or a dragon, or a flame demon, or a charizard to burn the building down. During the day it's even worse because there's tons of people in those buildings and they will be destroyed.
Chinese workers at the production line? Well, there's a lot. Statistically, one of them is going to turn into something dangerous and whoops, all the machinery is borked.
Et cetera. Anywhere a large amount of people are present gets destroyed. Fucking annihilated. And the economy is too interconnected, relies on too many things all working together, to survive this.
And all this - it's assuming everyone is perfectly nice and reasonable about the whole thing once they get over the initial surprise. They absolutely will not be.
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