[X] [Mendicant] Call for tribute of lesser giant bond slaves, grain, and all manner of beasts; teach agriculture and pastoralism to the lesser giants for as long as their bonds last, send them back to their tribe with the seeds and small herds; guide from a great distance
[X] [Factotum] Write in: Use him as your first table-ruler and select people who love numbers and are suitable for service as lesser table-rulers, but no cutting off their balls is needed, as not all customs of cities are wise, some details are idiotic. Also, there is no reason why women couldn't be table-rulers, as no cutting off balls is truly needed, and minds of women are not worse than these of men.
[x] [Mendicant] Send for the Galugr tribe and settle them within the lands of the Nine Nations [x] [Huckster] Write in: Show enough to get interest and trade some, but don't show all and trade with patience