[X] Lights and Trees
-[X] Monument of Lord Haku
-[X] Bioluminescent Abundance
-[X] Yes to Uniforms - (Different depending on the school, but all related to military of some type. Navel, Army, Etc...)
-[X] School Day Length - (An hour longer than the typical Work Day)
-[X] Academic Focus - Faith (With a traditional emphasis of binding a community together.)
-[X] Civilian Transportation - (Scooters/Bikes for land and Gondolas for water)
-[X] (What music genre is the most popular? (Folk music)
-[X] (What type of theatre is the most popular? (Greek Chorus)
[X] School Day Length - 6 Hours plus a bunch of state funded after school activities parents can sign their kids up for that stretch the school day up to an hour longer than the average work day , as one of schooling more practical uses is to get kids out from underfoot in a safe and supervised way