Were people ever concerned about other media when they were new?

Since there are a lot of articles online about how the Internet is "ruining our brains" or "ruining society and how things were" did people ever fear other media forms when they were new? I still remember the whole violent video games debate about how video games are going to turn us into mass killers. There was also the anti comic book scare back in the 50s with that one doctor who wrote the book "The Seduction of the Innocent". Any other examples of people fearing new media?

For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise.

So, uh.

When newspapers and journals were really taking off people complained they were killing the art of conversation.
Since there are a lot of articles online about how the Internet is "ruining our brains" or "ruining society and how things were" did people ever fear other media forms when they were new? I still remember the whole violent video games debate about how video games are going to turn us into mass killers. There was also the anti comic book scare back in the 50s with that one doctor who wrote the book "The Seduction of the Innocent". Any other examples of people fearing new media?
I'm pretty sure, as Horngeek shows, that every new form of media has had the hate cult following since the inception of media itself at this point. It's a vicious cycle, but hey, gotta give the alarmists something to do.
I'm pretty sure, as Horngeek shows, that every new form of media has had the hate cult following since the inception of media itself at this point. It's a vicious cycle, but hey, gotta give the alarmists something to do.

It's one of those things that's nothing new.

Also nothing new:

Socrates (again) said:
"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."
When the Radio became a thing there was fear. And do I have to even talk about television? The older people here still call it "The dumb box".
Forget new media, you know how much outrage there was about VCRs? The ability to just tape a show being broadcast on TV and watch it later? Mr. Rogers had to go testify before congress so videotaping wasn't banned!
Go on youtube, search fox news gaming.
I see one video where they demolish a anti-gamer, another where they try to suggest a link between a shooting and video games, and another video that just blasting fox about the Mass Effect one.
That doesn't really seem enough to make Fox News hate gaming. More so when they actually have a section for gaming.
I see one video where they demolish a anti-gamer, another where they try to suggest a link between a shooting and video games, and another video that just blasting fox about the Mass Effect one.
That doesn't really seem enough to make Fox News hate gaming. More so when they actually have a section for gaming.
Meh, I was using them as an example, for more on people who actually pay attention look at review tech usa or someat.
"Damn youngsters, staying inside messing about painting their walls stupid colours, rather than going out and seeing real mammoths! It's ruining our culture, I tells you!"
Great and Venerable Respected Elder Ugg (Age 27)
Since there are a lot of articles online about how the Internet is "ruining our brains" or "ruining society and how things were" did people ever fear other media forms when they were new? I still remember the whole violent video games debate about how video games are going to turn us into mass killers. There was also the anti comic book scare back in the 50s with that one doctor who wrote the book "The Seduction of the Innocent". Any other examples of people fearing new media?
my dad remembers that when he was a child, quite a few people thought that television would just make you stupid.
and if you count new forms of music as media, then basically everytime a new genre becomes popular people say its a horrible thing that shouldnt exist (from jazz to rock to heavy metal to rap. people of the older persuasion said that it was the worst music they had ever heard and that it would lead to violence and/or becoming a pervert)
my dad remembers that when he was a child, quite a few people thought that television would just make you stupid.
and if you count new forms of music as media, then basically everytime a new genre becomes popular people say its a horrible thing that shouldnt exist (from jazz to rock to heavy metal to rap. people of the older persuasion said that it was the worst music they had ever heard and that it would lead to violence and/or becoming a pervert)
Yup. I hear that as well.

I found a really good book on the Subject. You can read the few chapters here. It is Evil Influences crusades against the Mass Media.