Welcome to Lobotomy Corporation! (IC)

Snip gave a happy clap, "Marvellous! Lead the way."

Ah~, he couldn't wait to see what those security measures did to his connection to this protrusion.

The four agents led the abnormality calmly in a square formation to the Information department that for some response Snip's vision couldn't pierce. The three of the troops took guarding position while the woman opened the door and ushered the extradimensional being inside. The moment Snip entered he would have found his vision of the entire facility and quite a lot beyond it blinded.
The four agents led the abnormality calmly in a square formation to the Information department that for some response Snip's vision couldn't pierce. The three of the troops took guarding position while the woman opened the door and ushered the extradimensional being inside. The moment Snip entered he would have found his vision of the entire facility and quite a lot beyond it blinded.
How fascinating!

To manage to impose such limits on his perceptoid was quite the accomplishment.

He'd perform further testing later, now was time to furnish up this room into a proper clinic!
A group of agents finally arrived, all of them wearing full body armour and armed with heavier looking weaponry than the usual agents are given to work with. While none of them acted with outright aggression they did seem to be wary.

"We were sent to escort our new...guest to one of the containment rooms." a deep female voice spoke with assurance.

Throughout the facility the lights began to dim somewhat as the containment barriers around the cells strengthened by a rather large margin, but also blocked off the production of energy. Soon after an automated voice spoke through the facilities speaker system.

"Attention all workers. Today's quota has been met and containment measures are now moving into night-time procedures. Working with Abnormalities beyond this point offers no reward or pay beyond placing yourself at risk. You have been warned."
For her part, Belphe only stirred slightly in slumber, before returning to normal. Her dreams where non-existent, and she was happy.
A group of agents finally arrived, all of them wearing full body armour and armed with heavier looking weaponry than the usual agents are given to work with. While none of them acted with outright aggression they did seem to be wary.

"We were sent to escort our new...guest to one of the containment rooms." a deep female voice spoke with assurance.

Throughout the facility the lights began to dim somewhat as the containment barriers around the cells strengthened by a rather large margin, but also blocked off the production of energy. Soon after an automated voice spoke through the facilities speaker system.

"Attention all workers. Today's quota has been met and containment measures are now moving into night-time procedures. Working with Abnormalities beyond this point offers no reward or pay beyond placing yourself at risk. You have been warned."

"Oh thank god." I would say as I heard the announcements and head back to my department to bum around until closing time, Enhanced containment procedure mean lesser chances of breaching, and seeing as there aren't any Anomalies I want to check in on, I don't have much work left.
Throughout the facility the lights began to dim somewhat as the containment barriers around the cells strengthened by a rather large margin, but also blocked off the production of energy. Soon after an automated voice spoke through the facilities speaker system.

"Attention all workers. Today's quota has been met and containment measures are now moving into night-time procedures. Working with Abnormalities beyond this point offers no reward or pay beyond placing yourself at risk. You have been warned."
The King sat in his cell still, the furnishings had not arrived yet, sadly. He cooed as the lights dimmed, noticing as he seemed to sort of plop down to the floor of his cell, his cape and crown now more like a blanket wrapped around his body as he sat in the corner. It was not kingly, or much good at all, but he supposed it would be the best he'd get tonight.

He gave a hum, he hadn't actually slept in quite some time... he was quite quiet as well... he closed his 'eyes' and slowly drifted off, finding himself legitimately sleeping for the first time in years, seemingly 'coiled' up inside his cloak and cradling the first new King inside himself as he drifted off Together with himself.

The King(s) dreamed of a Holiday Star, a far off kingdom, among the Stars of the afterlife. It was a melancholic dream.
The Knight calmly sat on the Bench, head tilted down a bit as the personless voice spoke out, mentioning Quotas and Risks before disappearing once again. The Knight did nothing, simply...sitting there in their cell, rather content. One could even say that it was thinking to itself, but that would be a lie. It did not think for itself, it just did things based on the information it is given.

It simply watched the Weavers down below as they skittered about, the Knight not bothering to even think about the cowardly ones as the lockdown went without a hitch.
All of the agent's received a message informing them that they may not leave the facility for the night or go to the barracks as the nighttime workers and agents are swapped in.

Overnight each of the Abnormality's rooms were furnished more suitably to the requests of those who asked for more furniture, oddly enough the night time workers seeming more calm and less paranoid than the daytime ones.