[X] Allow Alteration of: "the deer falls down, straight onto a pile of jagged rocks hidden by a bundle of rope and a grass-colored cape of sorts."? (Earn a Fate Point)
[X] Allow Alteration of: "the deer falls down, straight onto a pile of jagged rocks hidden by a bundle of rope and a grass-colored cape of sorts."? (Earn a Fate Point) NO.
[X] " the deer dearly drops down, directly unto a deadly pile of prickly pieces of pointy petra that was cleverly concealed beneath a craftily crafted cape-like contraption consisting of not quite-composted compost and a few scraped up scraps on hand.
[X] Change "a period of peace following the prophesied arrival of a Hero meant to defeat the evil Lord of Darkness" to "a period of piece about to come to an end due to tensions rising between good and evil. The prophesied arrival of a Hero meant to defeat the Lord of Demons is also slowly coming up...." (Spend a Fate Point)