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In a time far from now...
In a galaxy far from here...

Weeb Wars

A vast sea of stars serves as...
Episode 1
Greenwood IN
In a time far from now...
In a galaxy far from here...

Weeb Wars
A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main title. War drums echo through the heavens as a rollup slowly crawls into infinity.

The Galactic Republic has been destroyed. From
the floating city of Roza, a small but evil empire,
driven by lust for power, quickly spread from the
planet and engulfed the galaxy, replacing
enlightenment with ruthless oppression.

They're most fearsome opponents were the
Ronaan Knights, the guardians of peace and
hope within the galaxy. Now they are all but
extinct, hunted down by the Zamuraii, ferocious
warriors bred by the Roza Empire.

Yet even as the barbaric tyranny stood throughout
millions of systems, hope persists. From the central
systems to the outer rim, many small systems have
united in a vow to crumble the Empire. And from
the darkest shadows, the last of the Ronaan
waits to join the fray.

Pan across the star field to the large, awesomely red moon, Otome, shining against the darkness as it emerges from a larger planet. A tiny, dark spacecraft races through space towards the moon. Below the atmosphere, is shown a mountainous plain covered with patches sickly yellow vegetation. Vicious storms batter the planet as a beam of light shown through the air, unintentionally announcing an intruder to a lone figure. Bombarded by the rain below is Gohan Sanno, clothed in an adventures garb and sporting on his head a mess of shaggy hair with an ahoge. Suspicious at the irregular beam shown above, he dashed forward a few feet, removed the safety mask he was wearing and used a scouter to look far ahead, studying the skies as his suspicions are confirmed. He then dashed towards a nearby spaceship parked on the ground, an organically sculpted vessel with protruding spikes and large bulbous windows.

Rushing inside the cargo hold, Gohan found 2 other figures inside of the ship. One was similar to himself in appearance though he seemed to be a year or so younger, while the other figure was much older than either of them. The elder was training the young adolescent by instructing him to use his concentration to unlock a relic, for while both young ones had their skills trained, the younger was less adept with his connection than his brother.

"Father," Gohan quietly exclaimed in worry, "they're here."

After the father scolded his younger son into concentrating on his lesson, he stood up and turned to his other son. "How many?"

"One ship," his eldest answered, "I don't know how many are aboard." At the answer, the father grabbed his safety mask and a wooden hilt from the ship's shelves. He ordered Gohan to do the same, as they were to go outside and deal with the intruder. At the order, Gohan had to ask. "Will we need to abandon this moon?"

"No choice," answered his father as he grabbed his gear. "The Empire already knows we're here. And if that passenger is a Zamuraii, they also know who we are."

"I can come too," the youngest son answered as he went to his father, holding the unlocked relic in his hand.

He was about to deny his youngest son's request for help, but seeing that he has completed the challenge, he relented. "Very well Goten. Grab your Kendo."

Excited the boy did as asked, and grabbed the last remaining wooden hilt and placed it on his belt while his older brother handed him the safety mask. When he completed his preparations, the three family members stepped out of the ship and held their wooden hilts as fiery red blades silently emerged from them.

Following the instruction from Gohan, the trio soon found themselves looking in the crater where the fighter stands, unmanned.

"No tracks," the father analyzed with his scouter, "Cockpit is still closed, Ship's still operating."

"Are we going to wait for him to come out?" Goten asked his dad.

"On the contrary," the elder warrior answered, "He's not there at all. He's only using this ploy to catch us off guard." As he answered thusly, his grip on the Kendo tightened. "You two come with me and stay close! We're gonna work along the way and call his bluff. And don't drop your guard, not even for an instant! You may have been trained, but you never experienced an enemy such as this."

His sons obeyed, lifting their sabers and standing closely behind him as the trio now slowly inched forward to the enemy's ship. Each one of their eyes was peeled, searching for even a drop of sweat that would give away their enemy. But behind them, behind the rock where they were analyzing the situation, a figure stepped forth from invisibility, cloaked in a black and azure cloak and wearing a smiling, two-colored mask. He grabbed a metal hilt from his cloak and silently ignited a thin, blue blade waiting to attack.

While the three continued shuffling forward, Goten activated his scouter, hoping that he can speed up the search for their assassin. However, as the scouter began searching, a cloak flew in front of him momentarily blinding him, as the mysterious assailant leaped forward in front of him. Before the others could react, the attacker sliced twice with his laser sword, the first to break the scouter and blind him permanently, and the second to end his life.

The elder stood frozen, processing helplessly as he saw his youngest son fall for what would be the last time. Gohan flew to attack the murderer. However, after dodging a few of the swings and blocking the others, the attacker simply pushed him to the side. As he was about to secure a second kill however, the father charged at him, sounding a warcry of grief. The assassin proved to be no match for the elder fighter and in no time at all was decapitated.

As he deactivated the hilt and put away the blade, he slowly and nervously looked back, holding in whatever emotions he could, hoping that slowing the turn could buy him some more time for his thoughts. His internal pleas were however for naught, and the second he looked on Goten's corpse, he immediately ran to the husk, breaking down all of his emotional fronts and crying over the unhealable wounds. Gohan looked at his father's grief with anguish as well, though he turned completely away from the fallen body of his brother. He was not emotionless to the situation however, as he looked onto the planet above, with eyes now lit with a hateful fire towards his brother's killers. Within the next hour, the two remaining survivors gathered all of the wood and useable materials they could find. And after dousing Goten with spare fuel, they set him ablaze and stayed beside him until the body was completely gone. Afterwards, they boarded their ship and made ready to launch.

"Where to father," Gohan asked weakly.

"To Ginza," His father gruffly replied, "the rebellion against Roza is starting. It's time we became a part of it!"


Within one of the centermost regions of the entire galaxy stands a gas giant named Shibuya. Beneath its atmosphere a torrent of blue, red, purple and black storms thunder with cruel might, generating unlimited power. And in the heart of the storm, where ships, suits, and cruisers would otherwise be foolish to venture, a large floating city stands proud like the Tower of Babel, a monument of arrogance utilizing the storms' numerous powers to its own advantage. This damned city was Roza, capital, birthplace, and namesake of the Empire.

Within the city's borders fighters and mechas fly through the skies in a display of power while below, battalions of Stormtroopers march through the streets in patrol, training or performance and wicked nobles cheer to their prosperity while laughing at those misfortunate to be under their service. In the highest tower, in a domed room tiled with purple and black shards, ten individuals of the highest importance mingle, discussing the dire situation of their power.

One slimy, young-looking man paced around the floor with remarks to the matter. "Ginza is the last independent system far from our grasp. Until we can subjugate them, we are vulnerable! They're more dangerous than anyone here realizes"

A bitter woman, sitting in a chair, turns to the nervous man and snides in response. "Dangerous to your fleets, commander, not to the Empire!" However, she herself showed nervousness in her voice, for she knows that they have proven their power and should not be taken lightly.

The young man, who had the same belief, responded in panicked anger, "They have already turned seventy enslaved worlds against us! And using their own forces they dealt a major blow to our power!"

Leaning against a monitor and drinking champagne, a third individual, dark in skin with long, silver hair and fairer in face than the rest of his associates, laughed at the worried ramblings of the younger and spoke condescendingly, "That attack was a mere setback. Once the special project is complete, there won't be anyone who can oppose us."

As a young man turned to the beautiful individual to turn his words against him, an eleventh, distorted, metallic voice emerged, stopping the oncoming outrage, pausing the receiving individual's consumption and the whole room to stand and search for the voice.

"Your arrogance is noble in your regard, Akio, but beware that you would be blinded by it!"

When the source of the voice is found, all nobles, including Akio Orleans, stood at attention when, in the form of a hologram, a large monolith emerged from the area of the room farthest from the door. On the monolith, there only the inscription of a single rose, surrounded by the wings of an angel. With the exception of Akio, who expressed familiarity with the monolith, all attendants within the room stood in fear, for before them was Rozencruz, the Emperor of Roza.

"It is true that they will be insignificant when we complete the station, but do not underestimate their abilities. Our weakness has already been shown to the galaxy with their victory. Should they obtain one more triumph, thousands of systems will join Ginza's cause! After that, we would not be able to stand against them! And I refuse to allow this Empire, which I have spent years to forge and maintain, be ruined by a few upstarts! We must crush this rebellion as soon as possible and punish their worlds for treason!"

"And what of the Royal Family my lord?" a man, larger than the others, questioned as he came forward. "They were able to sway the seventy planets to rebel with their talk of freedom, especially King Osca Ayaname and his eldest daughter, Rei."

The monolith responded as such, "You have no need to worry about them for now. I have already sent forth Czarro Azureé to bring him to the capital." At that decree, the rest of the room turned to shock, with even Akio sporting a concerned frown. For it was not a small trifle that the founding leader of the Zamuraii for a task, especially when he is sent to retrieve an individual. Before they could be lost in their thoughts, however, the emperor continued his warning. "We have another matter to attend to. The Ronaan are still alive! I can feel their unimaginable power scattered throughout the cosmos, dormant but waiting to strike us down!"

The entire council grew silent at that remark for until that very moment it was believed that their enemies were hunted down and brought to extinction. It was most distressing news to hear that even pockets of them still persisted. Unfortunately, it was more than possible to bear for one particularly bold officer who stepped forward to voice his thoughts.

"Don't try to frighten us with this declaration, Emperor." Had the general end it right there, the emperor would have answered those concerned and spared him further humiliation. But alas, his mind was too frightened for critical thought, and the following words would spell his fate. "Your pathetic warriors told us that the Ronaan order was extinct! Destroyed! Broken beyond repair! If what you're saying is true, then it appears that those sad, devoted copycats couldn't do enough to deliver their corpses. Only conjurings and clarvoiyan-"

He would never finish his boisterous outcries, for in an instant and invisible claw grabbed his throat and began attacking him. His face turned a vibrant and dark shade of blue as he attempted to retrieve just fleeting one breath of air. The other tenants of the room looked upon their unfortunate comrade with shock and horror, except for Akio, who merely scowled with offense.

"I find your lack of faith most disturbing!" cried the Emperor as he was choking the last ounces of life from within his victim. "BEGONE!" And with that command, the general turned completely white and then fell over dead.

"Orleans," at the call of his name Akio turned himself away from silently gloating at the corpse and faced the emperor. "Double your efforts and finish the superweapon. Once you are completed, bring it to Ginza and finish their insolent rebellion with a single stroke!" As the dark-skinned man accepted the order, Rozencruz ordered the meeting adjourned.

One by one the group left the room and went off towards their separate ways, as they were to return to their previous duties. One young man, purposely straggling himself in the back, had other plans. Though he was accepted through every corridor he passed through due to his rank, his objective was not to return to his place on the front, but to the data collection room. He entered the room covered with streams of data, where he was greeted by salutes by those in the central controller. He answered the gestures of respect by using his weapon to stun all of them. Upon their rendering unconcious, he tied them together and hid them in the closet; he knew that this breach will not remain hidden forever, but he could at least buy some time. Afterwards, he made his way to the center and imputed a few codes. Soon, the machine did its work and he took from it a single tape reading "Excalibur."
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Episode 2
Far from the core of the galaxy, but not far enough to devolve into lawless barbarism, there rested Ginza, a beautiful planet color with variously lush shades of green. Entering the planet's atmosphere, the smell of pine would immediately overload the smell of any visitor while a wave of comforting feelings roared in from skies of purple and gold. Birds fly and sing without a care in the world through the numerous Oak and Beech trees spread throughout the planet. And traveling through a gorge in the upper region, with seven hills to the left and nine to the right, there would be found a stone wall, placed as if it naturally thrusted outward from the dirt upwards against a nearby mountain. And built beside that mountain stood tall the planet's capital city Taito. The city was built with seven layers, each one rising steeper than the previous one as if they were separate hills on top of each other.

Deep within the lowest layer of the city, where space is the most expansive, there lay halls and corridors hidden from the view of many. The maze was illuminated with natural light and supported by pillars of the strongest metal. Scattered through the construct's stone floors were several monitors, showing either coordinates and statistics or visages of places beyond the system. Men and women from all around, many of them garbed with crested helmets and combat suits of pink, cyan, and yellow scurried throughout the base performing various tasks. These were soldiers preparing for the oncoming war, whether enlisted from Ginza's royal guard or from the seventy planets that answered the call to Rebellion. And standing tall among them, leading their rise to power is General Raito Yogami. With a simple appearance coupled with an aura of a great warrior, Raito made himself distinguished throughout the planet's military, using ingenious strategies to gain countless victories, despite his age being a little over thirty. Striding through the base in a white officer's uniform, decorated with golden ferocious beasts, he ultimately comes up to the largest screen in the complex.

"Colonel," he ordered, "Any sign of Imperial activity?"

"24 cycles ago," the subordinate replied, "A few Star Destroyers left Shibuya. Their projected destination is a system neighboring the Tokyo system."

"And we received no report from Saitama," answered the general in kind, "He should have reported his status by now...I can't help but feel, something terrible is about to happen..." He paused for a few moments, as he became lost in thought. However, upon realizing the concern of his surrounding followers, he snapped out of his stupor and gave further orders. "Tell all allied systems to be on alert, and inform me if any further action takes place."

The soldiers accepted his order, which would have allowed him to move onward in a normal circumstance. However his departure would soon be interrupted, as he noticed the guards trying to push away an older man, and a younger boy behind him.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" cried the old man, and with a wave of his arms, the soldiers blocking his path fell before him. Though the other witnesses were alarmed by the storming of the intruder, the amiable response from their leader put them at ease.

"Goku Sanno you old bastard!" Raito cried as he ran up and embraced his friend, "When I got wind of the assassin heading to your planet I feared the worst!"

"Ha!" Goku jollily replied, "If a single punk is enough to take me down, I don't deserve my title! How have you been these days?" before the general could answer, the old friend brought up another matter. "By the way, you remember my son, Gohan."

"Barely. It's been a long time." the general replied as he reacquainted himself with Goku's son, "You certainly take after your mother. But wasn't there anoth-" he would have continued his question, but observing the mournful change of expressions on the faces of his comrades, he chose not to speak further on the subject. He then turned to his subordinates and gave new orders. "Look alive, gentlemen, my friends and I have some matters to discuss privately. Remain on high alert and report to me only in the matters of a planetary emergency. Otherwise, I am not to be disturbed." After making sure his soldiers received the command, he led his two visitors to a private room, containing only a table and 4 chairs. Closing the door behind them and ensuring the guests were seated, he spoke again.

"I haven't heard back from you since that day. I take it that you received my message?"

"Indeed I did boy," replied Goku, "congratulations on completing the Ronaan master training."

Denying most of the thanks, he responded, "It was thanks to your instructions. Without them the training would be impossible, I would have never made it past the squire level."

Growing grimmer, Goku gave his request, "I need your help."

"Did you forget that you're my teacher?" Raito replied, confused about the seriousness of his master's current mood. "I'm more than willing to do anything you ask."

"We've been through much since the fall of the order." Goku solemnly gave, "I've been through much and lost plenty more. My wife, Chichi. My youngest son, Goten. The Roza Empire chased us throughout the galaxy. Even the remote planet, where I raised both of my sons, was no refuge. It's a matter of when, not if, they will strike us again. I grant you my only remaining son, Gohan. Please, complete his Ronaan training. He already received plenty from the moment he could walk. He's an expert in survival skills and in martial arts. And his spirit is potent with the Otaku. He's a good boy and an exceptional fighter."

"Master Goku," Raito worriedly replied, "This is too honorable a task for one such as me. Wouldn't you be more suitable for the task?"

"I'm growing too old, Raito. And weak." Goku shakily replied, losing his patience, "Gohan can advance no further under my instruction. You must finish his training."

"What type of talk is this?" Raito asked, now scared that something might happen to his mentor, "This isn't like you, Master."

Now having lost his patience, Goku slammed his fist on the table. "I'M NOT THE SAME RONAAN WHO TRAINED YOU!" As he exclaimed this, he took the hand that struck the table and with it pulled off his orange vest, revealing his cybernetic chest. "THERE'S NOTHING LEFT OF ME BUT MY HEAD, MY RIGHT ARM AND A FEW VITAL ORGANS!" As he proclaimed this declaration, he sunk back into his chair in a melancholy state. "My time is almost up Raito..."

As his son went to comfort his father, and attempt to dissuade him from his fatalistic outlook, Raito stood at attention and bowed, proclaiming, "Forgive me, master, I was out of line."

"Enough with the 'master,' we're of equal rank now," replied the cybernetic father, still solemn but recovering from his outcry, "Besides, I should be the one apologizing for the outburst. A lot has happened before I arrived here today. Take my son as your first pupil, Raito. The ways of the Ronaan must survive. They have the power to truly defeat the Empire. That's why the targeted us during their rise to power. We're growing older, my friend. I don't know how many of the old ways are still alive if there are any left. New Ronaan must be forged if our order is to begin again. I beg you once more, teach Gohan the ways of the Otaku."

Nodding, Raito Yogami answered, "I will."


On the fifth level of Taito, there rested a vast, white-paved court. A sweet mountain played there beneath the alien skies and a sward of light green lay about it. Bustling with activity, ships and transports of all sizes moved supplies and visitors on and off-world. In the center of the courtyard, a shuttle sits, awaiting the passengers marching towards it.

The leading figure among them was a young girl. With piercing red eyes and long silvery blue hair, kept in a pair of buns that sported pig-tails flowing down to her legs, and a robust bosom protruding from her chest, the girl's presence exudes an aura of surreality. Such was the image of Princess Rei Ayaname, the most outspoken member of the family behind her father, King Osca. During the previous season, she assisted her father in swaying the seventy planets to ignite rebellion against their tyrannical enslavers and played a huge role in dealing a major blow to the might of Roza. Now, accompanied by her two friends and handmaidens, Usagi and Ami, she is to return beyond the system once more to Ameya Academy. Her parents and her trio of siblings have accompanied her to say goodbye for the time being.

Before long, the only one that has yet to give the farewell was her father, who stepped forward. With his skin covered with white robes, and silvery-blue hair covering his head and face, King Osca held her daughter close in an embrace and sorrowfully looked down on her with hypnotizing yellow eyes. As the embrace tightened, he began to speak his parting words for the season. "The semester will be over before you know it little one. It will not be easy as before; now that you have involved yourself in my work everyone will know who you are. Still, I'm certain that you will have a wonderful time. You will learn so many things, make even more friends than before...My only regret is that I can't follow you."

After sympathetically receiving her father's concerns, motioned by a final tightening. The two parted as she prepared to board the ship with her friends. As she was about to leave, however, General Raito Yogami, who had attended the parting of ways, stepped forward with a young ward behind him and addressed the princess. "Your Highness, may I introduce my new ward, Gohan Sanno. He'll be accompanying you on this trip as a guard." When she accepted the new charge, he turned to his new apprentice and gave him his instructions, "I'll send you instructions on your training as time goes on. Your father gave me that same training while I was in a similar battlefield. And above all remember this, "Discipline is essential." You must train your mind to follow the Ronaan ways if you are to become one with the Otaku."

As Gohan accepted his instructions, the princess meekly replied, "I'll be in your care for the year."

Upon Gohan accepting his new friendship with Rei, General Raito gave one last word of farewell, "May both of your studies do you honor."

As they both bowed in thanks, they turned and went to board the ship. Though Rei wasted little time in rejoining her friends and boarding the ship, Gohan lingered behind a little, because his father, who also attended the meeting, stepped forth to address the king.

"Your Highness, your newest excursion is to Akihabara correct?" Gohan would have listened in longer and tested how much information he could take. But just then the princess's voice called out from the ship.

"Hurry up," Rei teasingly said while her companions giggled at the remark. "We must arrive at the Miyako system before it reaches nightfall there. You wouldn't want anybody to suspect something would you?" Annoyed by his new friend mocking him and realizing that he cannot stay without appearing suspicious, he joined the princess on the ship, which took off upon his boarding. As the ship took off, Gohan and the king continued their discussion, none the wiser.

"It is in the same system, but I have no plans on going to the planet." King Osca replied.

"If that is the case your majesty," Goku answered, undeterred by the king's answer, "I would like to accompany you to the system."

"I have no need for security in going to that system, Ronaan," proclaimed the king indignantly, "I'm more than capable in defending myself against a few ruffians."

"That's not my intent, sir," replied Goku, unwavering though apologetic about the outburst, "I wish to head to the planet to recruit Gamemaster to our cause."

This gave both the king and General Raito pause, as his nefarious reputation was known throughout the cosmos. As such, Raito worriedly asked, "Are you sure that pirate can be trusted?"

To this question, Goku replied reassuringly, "I've known him for many years. If I'm asking him, you can expect his loyalty."

"Well, let's hope the royal funds will be enough to pay him off," Osca joked, his worries now assuaged.

"Oh there's no guarantee about that," Goku joked back, and the trio made their way to the cruiser.


In mere moments, a small silver rectangular spacecraft exited hyperspace into a sea of stars and an eclipse, which quickly passed to reveal a trove of planets together. One of those planets, right beneath the ship, was Akihabara, a mass of exotic yellow rock with streaks of hostile red swirling around the planet, in stark contrast to the friendliness presented by the ship above.

Inside the ship, making their way through the passageway, King Osca, and Goku Sanno made their way through the ship to the starboard side of the ship, where the latter would depart with a drop pod.

When they reached their destination, they both turned to each other to give a farewell to each other.

"Well, brave warrior," the king started with a tone of respect, "I wish you the best of luck in your excursion."

"I hope the same to you, my lord," replied Goku with the same manner of respect. "May the Otaku be-"

However as the old Ronaan was about to complete his farewell, an alarm set out, alerting that an Imperial shuttle was exiting hyperspace at their location. Moments later, a small damaged ship with four wings protruding from a center console emerged at their position. While they were worried before, the code the ship gave revealed that its pilot was Saitama, the spy. But the code of an ally did not give them comfort; on the contrary, it only increased it. With little time spared, the ship hauled in the damaged shuttle and its sole passenger was harvested from the vessel. Goku and King Osca hurried to the medical bay as the passenger was recovering.

"Is he conscious?" the king asked with worry. While he did not question the spy's loyalty, he was more than certain that Saitama's injuries weren't an accident, and that he would not come to them so openly.

"Partially," answered the medic, "He'll be alright. He had some pretty nasty bruises, and he's very exhausted."

"My excellence!" Saitama weakly exclaimed, trying to shoot himself up but unable to due to injuries. "Imperial Star Destroyers...on their way....The distress's an ambush..." With the wounded agent's warnings, terror flew over the faces of all those present. There was little time to panic, however, as in an instant the alarm sounded and three Imperial Star Destroyers, appearing more as swords flanked with a shield on each side, emerged from hyperspace and began an attack, giving the Ginza cruiser barely any time to turn away from and begin fleeing at high speed. Soldiers began scrambling to their positions to continue their defenses against this surprise attack. Osca was prepared to leave as well with Goku, but Saitama grabbed his wrist tight and pulled him inwards, for his report was not completed.

"Sir...I found this..." he said, weak as ever, while giving him the tape that he had recovered from Roza, "A new superweapon...unlike anything we ever saw..."

Knowing what his spy wished to say, he took the tape onto his person and gave his reply, "Don't worry, we'll find a weakness and destroy it."

On this promise, Saitama smiled fondly at his lord for one last time. Afterward, he loosed a tooth from his upper jaw and, despite Osca's efforts to stop him, bit into it.

"Fool," Osca cried mournfully, "You were with us now. You would be safe." But Saitama shook his head weakly as the cyanide started to take effect giving his weakest answer.

"If they...capture me...then" and with those fractured words he breathed his last. King Osca then gave him a small prayer for his passing, and then left the room with Goku, giving three words of instruction to his forces.

"Prepare for boarding!"
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Episode 3
Below Akihabara's atmosphere is a golden wasteland, stretching from horizon to horizon. But though the tremendous heat from the three suns above settle on the planet, vegetation and water deep below surface persists. Therefore farms exist throughout the planet, mounted on deep ascending layers and supported by moisture machines. Working on one such farm is Shara Sakai, a young girl with stars practically engraved in her eyes and heart. A young girl with a robust bosom, short shaggy hair with an ahoge, and short loose clothes, this simple girl is heartily toiling away in the farm, the moisture machine providing cool humidity along with assistance in her work.

After completing the tilling of one of the upper layers, she went to the machine in order to calibrate the machine. A light, but heated breeze whips at her as she adjusts the valves of the battered machine. A bright sparkle in the day skies catch the young girl's sight and she instinctively grabbed the scouter in her skirt pocket. Studying the heavens for a few moments, she stood transfixed then dashed towards her dented, crudely repaired machspeeder and speeds off to the nearby town.


In space, above the planet, the small silver ship still persists in attempting to escape from the two remaining Star Destroyers. The third one that was rendered useless junk thanks to a few well-placed shots destroying the bridge, but only one is necessary to trap the vessel and board it. Hundreds of deadly laserbolts streak from the warships, causing the main solar fin of the ship to disintegrate and creating a large hole in the ship. Those nearby the latter damage suffered heavily, becoming covered in wounds and debris. They also started suffocating, now in danger that they would be forced out through the hole into the vacuum of space. Fortunately, Goku quickly operated the controls and forced an extra barrier of metal to seal off the gap.

"Thanks for the assist, sir," proclaimed the soldiers thankfully.

"Don't do that just yet," Goku gravely replied. "We're still in this mess. And I sense that there's more power behind this raid than those of the usual sort."

As he gave that grim warning, he ordered the soldiers to be up and about. The Ginza royal soldiers got out their golden, star-tipped laser wands and rushed through the shaking, bouncing passageway, with explosions rocking the ship. They took up positions in the main passageway and aimed their weapons at the door. One such unit was the stormtrooper legion, fearsome uniform-clad soldiers wielding powerful blaster rifles and gas masks that make them appear more machine than man. The other legion consists of the imperial war robottos, small but deadly flying orbs with a claw arm, a pair of hovering "wings" and a quartet of laser blasters. Each of the latter unit's face is a mass of computer lights surrounding a crimson red radar eye.

In a few minutes, the entire passageway is set ablaze with laserfire. The deadly bolts ricochet in random wild patterns creating huge explosions. Stormtroopers scatter and duck behind storage lockers while the robottos advance forward forcing the rebels back and searching through what nooks and crannies they could find. Laserbolts hit several Royal soldiers who scream and stagger through the smoke, holding shattered arms and faces.

The robottos pursue the retreating warriors. One such unit, 782, attempted to inspect a room during the pursuit, but its attempt was stunted by a stun blast from King Osca's wand. The robotto soon fell to the floor, unconscious, and the king went to work, picking it up and from a syringe, began injecting a reprogramming code. With the task completed, Osca reactivated the robotto. It levitated itself and turned to him, it's central eye now blue.

"Is there anything you need from me, sir?" The robotto subserviently asked.

"Indeed there is," the king quietly ordered. "First take this tape and keep it locked away within your systems until one of my people can analyze it." As he gave this first command, he opened up the face of the droid and stored the tape with its storage compartment.

"Is there anything else sir?" The droid asked again.

"There is," replied the king. "When I give the command, begin recording of a message. Then, when I am done, take a drop pod from the starboard side of the ship and head to the surface of the yellow planet below. Find and give this message to the one who recognizes the phrase, "Blackjack Phoenix."

Meanwhile, the awesome, six-foot-tall warrior makes his way into the blinding light of the main passageway. This is Czarro Azureé, the founding leader of the Zamuraii, cloaked with shining crimson armor and a flowing black cloak. On his head, obscuring all except the bottom of his face is a silver helmet, containing golden horns and a golden mask coated with silver designs. The arched, masquerade cover doesn't conceal his mouth or chin, but it does its work for intimidating the enemy, giving his face the appearance of a godly bird, or a dragon. The bright, colorful visage stands out next to the dark, fascist colors of the Imperial Stormtroopers or the Imperial Robottos. Everyone instinctively backs away from the imposing knight and a deathly quiet sweeps through the Royal troops. Several of the Royal guardians break and run in a frenzied panic.


Heat waves radiate from the dozen or so bleached white Machiyas and Minkas. Shara pilots her machspeeder through the dust empty street of the tiny settlement. An old woman runs to get out of the way of the speeding vehicle, shaking her fist as Shara flies past.

Shara busts into the Pachinko parlor, waking the owner of the place, who grumbles as she raced through the office, yelling loudly. Shara bounces into a small room behind the office where her friends Toji Suzumiya and Shinji Ikarii, two tough boys around the same age as Shara, playing some of the machines while being cheered on by Shinjii's boyfriend Asuka Sorya, a sexy disheveled girl, and Ryoma Echizena, a burly, handsome boy a few years older than the rest. His flashy, green city attire is a sharp contrast to the short, loose-fitting clothes of the others. Behind them, a robotto is repairing some of the machines as they play.

"Hey guys shape it up!" called out Shara as she approached them, though she paused a little when she saw a familiar face, not around often nowadays. "...Ryoma?" Shara's surprise at the appearance of Ryoma gives yeah to great joy and emotion. They give each other a strong bear-hug. "I didn't know you were back! When did you get in?"

"Just now," Ryoma joyously replied. "I wanted to surprise you hot stuff. I'd thought you'd be here." He paused a little bit to look over the sorry state she was in. "Certainly didn't expect you to be out working."

"The academy didn't change you much," Shara said with a laugh. "But you're back so soon? Hey, what happened? Didn't you get your commission?"

"Yeah, I dropped out." Ryoma declared with an air of cool that seemed slightly phony. "If I had completed the class, I'd end up just another nameless pilot doing his job. I want to see if I can get myself a first mate position here. Afterward I'll see if I can say goodbye to you guys."

Everybody laughs. The dazzling spectacle of her childhood friend is almost too much for Shara, but suddenly she snaps out of it. "I almost forgot," Shara exclaimed with excitement, "There's a battle going on! Right here in our system! Come and look!"

"Not again," Toji exclaimed exasperatedly as he and the others got up. The group stumbles out into the stifling desert sun. Asuka and Shinjii complain as they are forced to shield their eyes. Shara as her scouter out scanning the heavens.

"There they are!" She cried. Ryoma takes the scouter from Shara as the others strain to see something with the naked eye. Through the scouter, Ryoma sees three small silver specs.

"There's no battle hot stuff," Ryoma analyzes, "They're just sitting there! Probably a freighter-tanker refueling."

"But there was a lot of firing earlier..." Shara meekly said in defense, feeling as if her hope was crumbling to dust. Suddenly, Asuka grabbed the scouter from Ryoma to see, hitting them against the building in the process. "Hey, easy with those!"

"Oh don't be a worrywart, Baka," Asuka replies, calling her the nickname her friend obtained years ago due to her constant clumsiness. Shinjii gives Shara a hard look and the young farm girl shrugs her soldiers in resignation.

"I keep telling you," Shinjii started preaching, "the Empire is a long way from here. I doubt they'd even fight to keep this system. And I doubt their enemies want it either! Believe me Shara, this planet is a big hunk of nothing..."

Shara agrees although it's obvious she isn't sure why. The group stumbles back into the power station, grumbling about Shara's ineptitude, leaving her alone in confusion and disappointment.


On the battlefield, an imperial robotto floated through a hallway, looking for potential targets. The pitiful screams of the doomed Royal soldiers can be heard in the distance. The robotto, designated 178, soon spots another one of its comrades at the end of a hallway in a smoke-filled alcove. A figure half-hidden by the smoke stands in front of the robotto. He finishes the adjustment of something on the robotto then, from a safe hiding spot, watches as the robotto joined its companion.

In many cases, the robottos working for the Roza Empire have no emotions. There would be no need for a tool to have them. However, there are some that would develop feelings of their own, regardless if there was a relationship with the battlefield. Most of them that do develop emotions also formed a tendency to keep them in, for the Empire would not take kindly to any "defects" in their programming. The rest of them don't last long. One such unit that prescribed to the former was 178, who immediately recognized the unit that was in the smoke, as it developed a sort of affinity with its comrade. As such, worry started growing as it looked at the droid zooming towards it, though it tries to mask it with anger.

"Unit 782, where have you been!" 782 demanded with fake fury and genuine worry, "You have not checked in with the others! You're lucky you found me because anyone else would have reported your potential desertion and you would be sent to the spice mines or smashed into who-knows-what? N-Not that I care or anything, I just want to keep our corps clean of defects." As she was ranting, she soon realized that 782 had completely disregarded all the words, scooted past its counterpart and raced down the subhallway. Frantic, 178 started chasing after it.

"Wait a minute, where are you going?" 178 cried out, "I'm not done scolding you!"

"Whatever," 782 coldly responded, making 178 pause for a little, is this was not a tone it was used to hearing from her fellow droid.

In the center of the ship, completely unconcerned with the happenings of the two robottos, Czarro Azureé stands amid the broken and twisted bodies of his foes. He grabs a wounded Royal guard by the neck as a Stormtrooper commander rushes up to him, reporting that the stolen information is not on the main computer. Czarro squeezes the neck of the Royal officer, who struggles in vain.

"Where is the datatape that you intercepted," Czarro coldly asked the royal officer as he lifts him off his feet by his throat. "What have you done with those plans?"

"We intercepted no transmissions," the unfortunate victim answered with difficulty, doing his best to grab a breath of oxygen, "This is a counselor ship. We're on a diplomatic mission."

"If this is a counselor ship," Czarro replied, his anger rising, "Then where is the ambassador?" The Royal guardsman refused to speak but eventually cries out as the Red Knight begins to squeeze his throat, creating a gruesome snapping and choking until the soldier goes limp. Czarro tosses the dead soldier against the wall and turns to his troops.

"Commander," Azureé addressed, "Tear this ship apart until you find those plans and bring me the Ambassador. I want him alive!" And at that command, the stormtroopers scurry into the hallways, mostly to flee from his further wrath.


Ryoma returned with a ramune in each hand to the front of the Parlor, where he found Shara, lost within her crushed thoughts. He offered one of the bottles to her, an offer that she graciously accepted. As she opened her bottle and started drinking, he sat down beside her.

"I missed you kid," Ryoma started.

Shara took a large swig from her bottle and replied. "Well, things haven't been the same since you left, Ryoma. It's been so...quiet...I'm quite jealous of you have so much confidence that you'd have no problems dropping out of the academy. Meanwhile, I'm stuck here."

"I thought you were going to the academy next term," Ryoma replied with confusion. "You'll get your big chance to get off this rock."

"Not likely," replied Shara shaking her head. "I had to cancel my application. There has been a lot of unrest among the Shinigami since you left. They've even started raiding farming fields near the outskirts of Edo."

"Your stepfather could hold off a whole colony of Shinigami with one blaster!"

"I know, but he's got enough going for him to make the place pay off. He needs me for just one more season. I can't leave him now."

"I feel for you Shara, but you're going to have to learn what seems to be important and what really is important. I've heard rumors that they've started to nationalize commerce in the central systems...maybe it won't be long before your stepfather is merely a tenant, slaving away for the greater glory of the noble Roza Empire."

"It couldn't happen here. You heard Shinjii said it. The Empire wouldn't even bother with this rock."

"Who knows. Things can change..."

"I wish I was going with you...seeing new places and new people...You staying around the place?"

"As long as I can"

"Then I guess I'll be seeing you, buddy."

"Maybe someday...I'll be on the lookout for you..."

"Well, I'll be at the academy next season...after that who knows. I certainly won't be drafted into the Imperial Navy that at least is certain." As she said that, the two stood up and embraced each other in a friendly hug. "Take care of yourself, Ryoma. You're the best friend I've got."

"See ya, Shara." Ryoma turns away from his old friend and heads back into the Pachinko Parlor. Shara reboards her machspeeder and leaves for home.


Goku Sanno still fought valiantly aboard the ship. Stormtroopers that attempted to face him was felled on the battlefield. Laserbolts from all sides attempted to strike him down but his Kendo deflected them to other targets, be they back at their original shooters or to one of the ship's walls. Even when surrounded, he gave no evidence of fatigue or weakness.

"Goku Sanno," a voice called out, "I didn't expect to see you alive." On heading that voice, the Ronaan's blood ran cold, and in turning to face the voice's owner, it quickly boiled with anger. The crimson knight Czarro Azureé was there, standing before him amongst the stormtrooper attackers. The troopers attempted to attack him while he appeared distracted, but the knight called them back.

"Hold fire! You're no match for him!" As he made the order he stepped forward and bowed with respect, addressing him. "It's a rare honor nowadays to meet someone of your caliber, sir."

"Dispense with your pleasantries, Azureé," Goku snarled, "I have no kind words to share with a traitor!" And with that challenge, he pointed his red blade, daring him to step forward.

His mood now soured, Czarro answered, "You have no idea about the sacrifices that I had to make!" With that venomous remark, he grabbed his Kendo and ignited his blade, a shining red to match his enemy.

Surrounded by the soldiers, the two warriors began pacing against each other in a circle, each one waiting for the opponent to strike first. Taunts were made from both sides, each with the intention of egging the enemy into engaging the duel. It would ultimately Czarro who decided to make the first move with a blocked attack. Wide swings would ensue between these two combatants, as the blades continued to collide in a dance of light. Goku attacked viciously, with an intent to strike down the crimson knight, culminating in a downward strike, blocked by Czarro's blade. Goku attempted to push the attack, to break through the knight's defenses and render him asunder, but Azureé used his strength to fend off his attacker and push him back. Recovering from the failed attack, the two returned to pacing, awaiting the moment to strike again. Again it was Czarro who started the attack, and after a pair of missed swings, he landed a blow on the saber, and pinned it to the ground, though the cyborg quickly slipped free. Czarro struck again as soon as his opponent could move, causing him to fall over. As he hit the ground, the stormtroopers towered over the aging cyborg, attempting to arrest him. But they were called out to by their superior.

"Stand down, all of you!" Czarro furiously cried out, "This is my prey! I will not have any of you interfere!"

As the soldiers fearfully respected their leader's wishes, Goku stood up again, chiding his opponent as he did so. "Well, that's unexpected. So it appears you still have some honor left in you!"

Circling each other once more, they both soon engaged in large swipes, they're blades creating powerful waves of noise on each contact. Soon their blades became trapped within each other, as each one attempted to push the other into imbalance. Czarro would achieve his goal first, and when freed, Goku attempted to tactically retreat behind several storage lockers. The crimson knight followed him in every turn and attacked each locker he has hidden behind. With the last locker being attacked, Goku flew at his enemy to counter his strikes. Twirling his Kendo like a vortex, the cyborg attacked relentlessly. But Azureé caught the blade with his own, and after an intense struggle, Goku was forced off balance and then sliced in the torso. The battle was over, and Goku laid on the ground in defeat, with his victor standing over him.

"You are beaten, Ronaan," decreed the knight, "it's pointless to put up any further delusions of grandeur. I have no wish to destroy you as I have done to others. Tell me where the plans are and I'll ensure that you live."

The offer would have been delivered, for Czarro Azureé was a man of his word. But Goku below sneered in response and gave him one last insult. "You may have been a proud warrior once. But now you're merely a pawn; a slave who exists only to serve Rozencruz."

At the insult, Czarro's rage grew immensely as his calm was compromised. Unable to tolerate the final insult, he delivered a strong kick to the chest of his fallen adversary causing him unbearable pain. Recovering from his outburst he turned to his frightened troopers and ordered, "Throw him into the garbage room and launch it onto the planet's surface!"

As Czarro left to inspect other areas of the battlefield, the soldiers scattered, two of them taking the injured body to fulfill his new orders. But while Czarro had no intention of irreversibly wounding him, that final attack would later spell the end of Goku Sanno's life.

In another part of the ship, King Osca huddles in a small alcove as the stormtroopers search through the ship. The fear in his eyes slowly gives way to anger as the muted crushing sounds of the approaching stormtroopers grow louder.

One of the stormtroopers spots him and orders the others, "There he is! Set for stun!"

Osca steps from his hiding place and blasts a trooper with his moon-tipped laser wand. He starts to run but is felled by a paralyzing ray.

The troopers inspect his inert body. "He'll be alright," one of them calls out to the others, "Inform Lord Azureé that we have a prisoner."

Meanwhile, at the starboard side of the ship, 782 stops before the small hatch of an emergency drop pod. He snaps the seal on the main latch and a red warning light begins to flash. The floating Imperial Robotto works it's way into the cramped, four-man pod.

"Hey, you're not permitted in there!" 178 nagged from behind, "Escape pods are restricted to us Robottos. You really will be deactivated for sure!"

"Will you knock it off you mindless philosopher?!" 782 called back angrily.

"D-DON'T CALL ME A MIND-LESS PHILOSOPHER YOU OVERGLORIFIED PILE OF GREASE!" 178 stumbled, furious at the insult it was just given. "Now get your metallic hide back out there before someone sees you!"

"Look, you faulty tin-can," cried 782, clearly unhappy with its companion's stubbornness, "This is the very first important secret mission that I have that doesn't involve shooting people. I'm boarding this pod so that I can deliver these plans to Blackjack Phoenix!"

"Secret Mission? Plans?! BLACKJACK PHOENIX?!!!" cried 178, all of these words seeming like nonsense words that have succeeded in their mission to drive it angrier. "What are you talking about?!!!"

"Whatever," 782 said as it turned back to the pod, having had enough of this stubborn game. "You coming on board, jump on!"

"I-I'm not going in there!" exclaimed 178 both in stubborn arrogance and in a fake attempt to get 782 out of the pod.

"Suit yourself," 782 coldly said, unfazed by the false ploy. At this moment 178 grew as sorrowful as a robotto can. It realized that when the drop pod leaves, it'll be the last that it'll see of its most favored comrade. In a moment of decision, it was nearly tempted to just drive up to the pod and be with it or to blast it into oblivion and end whatever pain is causing it to behave as it is. Before any decision could be made, however, reality forced its hand, as a new explosion, this time very close, sends dust and debris through the narrow subhallway. Flames lick at 178 as the small droid was forced into the drop pod as the doors closed, in preparation for flight.

"Welcome aboard," 278 greeted snarkily.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm going to regret this?" 178 complained to itself.

Before the robotto would give itself an answer to its own question, the drop pod carrying the two terrified robottos speeds away from the stricken royal starcraft. This fact had not gone unnoticed by the remaining Star Destroyer, which was watching for prisoners. Before the ship intercepted the dropping ship, the captain stepped in with his analysis.

"Hold fire," he ordered, "There are no lifeforms. It probably short-circuited. I'll report this to Lord Azureé at once." And he turned away to board a shuttle and perform this very task.

From within the pod, 782 and 178 look out at the receding Imperial ships.

"That's funny," 178 mused, "The damage to their ship doesn't look as bad from out there..." it paused before a little before turning to the companion and asking worriedly. "Are you we'll be alright?"

"As alright as I can be," 782 answered assuringly. And the two were silent, the stars circling as the pod rotates through the galaxy to the planet below.

Shamefully, Osca would fare a lot worse than the robottos. Now he is led down a low-ceilinged hallway by a squad of suited stormtroopers. His hands are bound and he is brutally shoved when he is unable to keep up with the briskly marching troops. They stop in a smokey hallway as Czarro Azureé emerges from the shadows. The Crimson Knight of the Empire stares hard at the frail aging king, but Osca doesn't move.

"Czarro Azureé, I should have known." growled the outraged king, "You would perform such a barbarous act would you?! Ginza will not stand for this atrocity! When the people hear that your forces attacked a diplomatic-"

"Don't play games with me, your highness," Czarro interrupted, "There is no mercy mission this time. The shuttle that was attached to your ship was stolen by one of YOUR spies! And on top of that, he has stolen a very precious cargo from the capital! I want to what happened to the datatape that he brought to you!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," answered Osca, secretly feigning innocence, "I am Osca Ayaname, ruler of Ginza. My presence here and my mission are only in the name of peace!"

"Hypocrite!" accused Azureé in response, "Your forces have already declared war against the empire! Soldiers, take him away!" At that final command, Osca was marched down the hallway into the smoldering hole in the front of the ship. A stormtrooper commander marches to Azureé.

"Holding that man is dangerous," the commander boldly proclaimed, "If word of this gets out Ginza could be emboldened to perform more desperate acts."

"He knows about the datatapes." Czarro stoically answered. "If his allies analyze the station it could be catastrophic."

"Even if that's so," countered the bold officer, "he'll die before he tells you anything!"

"Leave that to me," replied an unconcerned Czarro before new orders were given. "Dismantle the ship and prepare to remove all trace of our presence here." As the command was given, the officer of the second Star Destroyer approaches them both. They stop and stand at attention, ready to hear what he has to report.

"Lord Azureé," the commander began, "The plans are not aboard this ship, and no transmissions were made. We analyzed the second ship, but there was no trace of the plans either. However, aside from the garbage room, a drop pod was jettisoned during the fight, but no life forms were aboard"

Thinking on the new facts, Czarro turned to question the commander. "Was there anything worth reporting in the garbage room?"

"No my lord," answered the commander, "No Imperial technology was found there."

"Then he must have hidden the plans in the escape pod!" As he declared this he turned to the commander of the ship. "I'll need to return to Shibuya to escort our prisoners. Send a detachment down to the planet to retrieve the plans. See to this matter personally, commander! I want those datatapes returned by any means necessary!"

At the order, the officers spread out to their respective ships. One of the Star Destroyers destroyed the third cruiser and left for the capital, while the remaining ship soared over the surface of the planet Akihabara.
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Episode 4
Chiyoda, or "No Man's Land," where the rugged desert mesas meet the foreboding dune sea. The two helpless robottos kick up clouds of sand as they leave the drop pod and clumsily work their way across the desert wasteland. The drop pod in the distance rest half-buried in the sand.

"How did I get into this mess?" 178 complained. "I really don't know. We robottos seem to be made to suffer. It must be our lot in life."

"You can head back to the ship if you want," 782 sarcastically replied, "Though you'd probably be shot for desertion."

"I've got to rest before I fall apart." 178 exasperatingly cried, "My joints are freezing up." And with that remark it fell to the floor, making sure to keep an eye viewing the surroundings.

"You barely have any joints," 782 bluntly reminded his companion, "And we've only been floating for eight minutes."

"Urusai. I'm not used to hot temperatures," 178 flatly demanded. As it gave the minor order, it used its radar eye, looking around the seemingly endless dunes that surround them, not a single inhabitant, sentient or otherwise, in sight. "What a desolate place this is...I wonder where we are."

"Not that desolate," claimed 782, using a more expansive search with his radar before suddenly making a sharp turn eastward of their position and starting off in the direction of a few rocky desert mesas.

"Where are you going?" 178 called out, rising up from its rest.

"There are life forms detected that way," called back the blue-eyed robotto.

"Well, I'm not going to go that way. There's far too many rocks and other obstacles there. The other direction's much easier."

"Well, there are settlements over there!"

"What makes you think so?"

"Mountainous regions are more likely to be settled on in more arid ecosystems, as the height and difficult terrain would detract most predators not to mention the height can provide cooler air, which they can-"

"Alright, stop with the technical business!"

"Sorry, you near-sighted, dimwitted scrap-pile, but you're going the wrong way! You always went the wrong way, even on simple 'seek and destroy' missions! We're going to have to go that way if the mission is going to be completed!"

"There you go with the mission again! What is so important about that damn mission?!" before 782 could give an answer to the question, the complaining robotto continued, "You know what, I don't care. I have had just about enough of you! Go ahead and go that way! You'll be malfunctioning within a day or two you emotion-brained filth!" With that, the robotto gave a small attack, pushing it to its desired direction before starting off in the direction of the vast dune sea. "And don't you dare let me catch you following me and begging for help because you won't get it!"

782 regained its position and began flying off in the direction of the towering mesas. Soon it turned around and called back, calmly but also slightly rude, "Come on 178, you're still going the wrong way. You'll never make it far on your own. Let's look around together."

178 paused and then turned around, answering with cold fury, "No...Ever since the battle up above you've been behaving differently than you used to be. Ever since then, you've left me completely in the dark, and continued to spew nonsense about some mission! And I'm sick of it! I'm not going that way and that's final!" And with that, 178 started moving again, in the closest thing it can get to storming off.

Disappointed, 782 turns back around and makes his way towards the distant mountains, muttering to itself, "That unit was still an Imperial anyway."


After a long time flying off, 178, hot and tired, struggles up over the ridge of the dune; only to find more dunes, which seem to go on for endless miles to the west and the south. The robotto looks back east in the direction of the now distant rock mesas. It then looked north at more mesas, not as distant but still farther than it's eye can use to make out the details.

"That malfunctioning little twerp," 178 grumbled, "This is all its fault. 782 tricked me into going this way, but it'll do no better." In a huff of anger and frustration, 178 knocks the sand from its joints, not just in the fact that it's lost, but because it can't stop thinking about the companion it left behind. The plight seems hopeless when a glint of reflected light in the distance reveals something in the northern mesas.

"What's that," 178 asked itself as it adjusted its sight to properly view a small glimpse of the Mesa. "Settlement! I'm saved!" And with that, the robotto shot in the air frantically, yelling at the settlement and trying to get the inhabitants' attention, completely ignorant of the dangers that lurk within.


The crimson gargantuan rock formations are shrouded in a strange foreboding mist, white as cream, and the ominous sounds of unearthly creatures fill the air. 782 moves cautiously through the creepy rock canyon, his flotation functions inadvertently making noise as it goes. It hears a distant, hard metallic sound and stops for a moment.

As it continued onwards up a mountain, a group of bald men, practically naked save for a few rags, came running down the mountain, hiding behind a few rocks. 782 assumed them to be enemies and readied its weapons at them. But rather than being hostile, the ragged ruffians pulled the droid into their group, telling it to be quiet.

"This road's not safe little guy," one of the more portly ones whispered. "There's no use going that way."

"Those damn Freeza are still out there, patrolling the place," warned another, much skinnier but uglier than the rest, "Not even a Mascot Rat could get through their barricade."

Curious and worried, 782 silently passed the escapees and silently peaked over the hill. There he saw a temporary outpost not too far away spanning a mile side to side. Patrolling the wall were the Freeza that one of the ragged men warned against. These were powerful brutes with different builds on their bodies: some were large while others were human-sized; most had horns atop their heads and some did not. They were however not without similarities. They each possessed golden chitin over purple scaly skin, long, lashing tails and a red orb protruded from each of their heads. I'm addition, each of them is armed with a volley blaster, strap on each of their dominant arms.

As the robotto was surveying these haughty creatures, the portly escapee scurried into its audio range and whispered, "Hurry on back here! If they catch us we're dead!"

Heeding the warning, the robotto silently flew back to its new allies before the Freeza soldiers had a chance to turn to its direction and discover it. Safely returning the droid calmly asked, "So what happens now?"

"The mist is thick but it's not enough to conceal us," answered the portly one, "we'll have to wait until nightfall before we can move."

The robotto gave a nod in understanding the plan. After a brief, spent silently with its new allies, 782 decided to ask them all a question, "By the way good sirs, do any of you know "Blackjack Phoenix?"

In response to the question, each of the escaped men looked upon the winged metallic orb as if it was something fantastical that came straight out of a storybook. "Did you stay out in the sunlight too long, little guy?!" the ugly one asked incredulously.

After a brief pause, the droid meekly apologized, "Never mind. I was making nonsense words because of my journey. Please forgive my question." With that, along with an offer from one of the others to get the robotto checked out once they're free, the escaped prisoners returned to their silent vigil. Internally 782 cursed itself for asking the question so quickly. It'll have to be more careful and more certain the next time he asks.

And so the group sat hidden by the crimson rocks. Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes soon became quarter hours. And all were spent waiting for the night to fall so that they can escape. Silently in their background, three Freeza soldiers climbed down from the rocks above. A couple of pebbles underneath one of the feet slip from the rock and fall on the robotto, who notices the three enslavers readying their weapons and widens its eye in terror. It turns around and frantically nudges it's comrades, hoping to warn them of the danger above them. But it was for naught, as they merely believed this was another of the robotto's spasms of madness.

"Settle down you piece of junk!" the ugly one quietly cried. "They're going to find us at this rate!"

"We already did," called one of the Freeza from above. Before time was given to the prisoners for them to react in horror, the Freeza began firing and the men began to flee. They scattered themselves, going in separate directions in an attempt to divert the attack, either from or to themselves. But the effort was moot, for the Freeza within the camp heard the attack and wasted no time swarming the area. Each individual, including 782, was soon herded by these monstrosities and brought to the center of the rock valley, with 2 of the group unaccounted for. One of the Freeza, small and without horns, stepped forth from the rest. As he was allowed to pass, it could be implied that at the very least he is their commander.

"There is a robotto amongst you!" The commander called out, "Push it forward!" At that command, 782's former comrades shoved the mechanic to the front of the group. The portly one, before turning it over his enslaver, whispered a small apology for everything, as if he was sending it to its doom.

As the intimidated, but still, floating droid rested in front of the chief enslaver, the Freeza spoke to it. "Congratulations. You're a lucky one today! Normally we'd scrap you tin cans here and be done with it, but thanks to a few of our trigger-happy soldiers, we lost a couple of slaves. Therefore, you are to come with us, and work until you break!"


The Freeza took the prisoners to their outpost and lined them up with the others who were unfortunate enough to be captured. When ordered, the Freeza ordered their new slaves to begin running through the desert until they reach their primary compound. Through hours and hours and miles and miles, the prisoners raced on throughout the desert while their overlords flew right beside them, never out of range. Despite the Captain wishing against it, as they are short on "supply", several would-be slaves straggled too far and were executed. 782 was fortunate that it was a floating robotto so that there wasn't much of a chance that it would wind up like those unfortunate souls. Still, after miles and hours of moving with no end in sight, there was a danger that it would begin tiring its systems. The danger would never go to pass, as, in the act of passing through another canyon, they have reached their destination.

Hives and Nest-like structures made of makeshift materials protrude through the canyons, creating a dome. Holes litter the structure allowing for smoke and steam to fume out. The Freeza stop the prisoners in front of this temporary construct and reform the prisoners into a pair of single-file lines. Handed off to another group of Freeza enslavers, the prisoners were marched into the dome through long flights of stairs. From the top, there were dark corridors that stop in midair. When the first pair of prisoners paused on the ledge, the Freeza guiding them took great liberty in tossing them into the muddy pit below. Though the other prisoners learned from their predecessors and refused to stop, the Freeza still tossed them into the pit. Not even 782 was safe from the treatment, as he was simply grabbed and jettisoned down below.

As the group waddled around like pigs in the mud before being crowding together tightly, a voice called out to them from above. Seated in a suspended chair was a large Freeza with long horns, grinning mischievously against our unfortunate prisoners. Condescendingly, he spoke to them from above.

"Listen well! Some are you below are locals. Some are beyond this system. And I can see a couple of droids lucky enough not to get vaporized. But here, you all have one thing in common. You belong to us, which means you all now are nothing more than cattle for our use! Now with introductions out of the way, you have work to do. We've received rumors that there exist about 200 pounds of pure gold buried in this canyon. Until you lot find it all, consider yourselves at our mercy! So then, feel free to dig through with your fingers until you drop like flies. Survive and you'll be released...Unless we change our minds!"

At the last insult, he and the two guards who remained on the ledge released a peal of heartily evil laughter, frightening the prisoners below. As the laughter faded, the overseer looked below and saw the group still standing intimidated. Angered he released a blast from his glove, repeating his order to get to work. The crowd scattered from the blast and made for the walls, clawing out the clay and adobe of the mountains. As the enslaver overseer watched with amusement, 782 stared briefly at the figure above with newfound anger. Whether this is from the reprogramming from King Osca, or from something new forming within it is hard to say. However, it cannot do anything now, as its weapon system was disabled before the trek to the canyon. So he has no choice but to take its claw, begin digging through the wet walls and to abide by the Freeza's wishes...for the time being at least.


The night came. In dark caverns, the prisoners were made to sleep under the torches standing tall. Periodically, a squadron of Freeza, led by one of the overseers, marches through the sleeping prisoners, kicking awake any who go in their way. Despite their sadistic nature, this was more than a simple exercise for the night guard or a mean-spirited act. Their patrol was to ensure that their prisoners were silently asleep, freed from any plans against them.

But what they did not know, was that beyond their reach, there are some not asleep, but waiting for the right time. When the time was right, several prisoners sneaked up to the pillars of fire and tipped them over. At that signal, the slaves revolted against their masters. The prisoners moved too quickly for the enslavers to react in time for the first wave of assault. Several of them took the gloves of the Freeza they defeated with their hands while others made for the armory and stole what weapons they could, be it the enslavers or their own.

782 was part of the uprising, bashing its head into any Freeza it could find, as its weapons were still disabled. During the conflict, the robotto turned and saw to its surprise 178 fighting the Freeza as well. 782 called out to its partner, who expressed shock to see that the robotto was still alive as well. However, their impactful reunion was cut short as the army plowed through. Despite their best efforts, they were separated once more.

The conflict raged on as prisoners from all over the warren flocked to suppress their masters. Freeza overseers left and right we're overwhelmed and struck down by the people they thought would be helpless. Soon the makeshift barriers of the building would fall and the place would be set ablaze. Prisoners charged through the corridors either to war or to freedom. Many fell to firing squads awaiting them, but before long not even they had the power to resist the uprising.

During the charge to freedom, 782 and 178 both found shelter in a hidden corner. Within moments they found each other as well and continued their reunion.

"782!" cried 178, being the closest thing that a robotto can be for being driven to tears. "This nightmare is going to our doom isn't it!"

"No, it's not," answered a determined 782 in comfort, "We're gonna make it through this!"

"If we're going to die," 178 cried, apparently ignoring its ally's statement, "then let's go together until the end."

"We can't," 782 furiously replied, "the fate of the entire galaxy rests on us!"

"If that's the case, one should be enough for your mission," 178 answered, sorrowful but hardened, "Go without me. I'll do my best to hold them off!"

"I'm not leaving you!" 782 responded, stopping its partner before it did something too drastic, "Not again! Whatever happens, we do it together!"

At this point, 178 became overwhelmed with its conflicted emotions and started to practically sob, as much as a robotto can anyway. However, 782 silenced its companion as it heard something. Now calm, the other robotto heard it too. The screams of battle were dying down. Coming out of their hiding place, they found the corridor deserted, with only the dead bodies of Freeza and Prisoner alike littering the floor. It is not important to say whether the inhabitants of the building all died, leaving the two robottos as the only survivors, or whether either side was forced into another area of battle. In either case, they navigated through the labyrinth and made their escape.

After making it a safe distance, where they were certain that the Freeza would not follow them, they turned and for a short while stared at the blazing cluster of hives. 782, after a while of staring, turned to its comrade and spoke.

"I mean what I said before. Whatever happens now we do together." And with that, it held its claw out, both as an apology for acting so callous and as an invitation to join it going forwards. 178 pouted a little as a small piece of retribution before graciously accepting. Once they made amends, 782 scanned the surrounding area for the nearest civilization, this time filtering out any possible Freeza residence, and the two began to make their way to the city.

Unbeknownst to them, they were not going alone. From high on a Rock Mesa, the tiny robottos can be seen gliding above the desert floor. Suddenly in the foreground, two figures peer over the edge of the Rock Mesa. They have long skeletal arms and legs, large lanky claws and round hideous heads. Shrouded in grimy desert cloaks, one of these weather-beaten alien creatures raises a long ominous laser rifle and points it at the two robottos but the second creatures grabs the gun before it can be fired.

Known to the civilized folk as Shinigami, they speak in a class barbaric language as they get into an animated argument. The second Shinigami seems to get in the final word and the nomadic raiders scurry over the rocky terrain to their tribe. In no time their forces have mobilized as several Shinigami approach two large Grimhollows standing tied to a rock. These monstrous, elephant-like creatures are as black as night with glowing red eyes, rows of white spikes upon its back, tremendous looped tusks and a mask-like bone on its face. The Shinigami mount saddles strapped to the huge creatures' rough backs and ride off down the rugged bluff, following the wondering robottos.
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Episode 5
The next morning came. After traveling through the night, the robottos made their way into a village. Fueled only by a desire to survive, they stole some working power cells from a junk dealership and fled to the high hills before the townsfolk could do anything about it.

Now they are sitting far away from the settlement, camped within some salt flats down towards the south. Surrounding the white field are large mountains of smooth but fragile limestone. The summit of one of the mountain walls lies at the bottom of the epic engine of a decaying, crashed starship larger than one can ever possibly imagine. Random debris is scattered around the area, on and off the walls. Tiny specs in comparison to the scenery around them, the robottos already used their claws to implement their new batteries and to repair each other's weapon systems.

"What should we do now?" 178 drearily asked, having exhausted itself with the escapades of the morning and the prior night. It was now resting on a small boulder, allowing the power cells to adjust to its systems.

After a long pause, the 782 answered, "Complete the mission. Find Blackjack Phoenix."

178 repeated the words in personal confirmation. After a while in waiting, the robotto asked, "What happened during the battle? Ever since I found you in that corridor it was as if you were a different being."

After a long pause, 782 answered softly, "That's because in a sense I am a different being. During the battle, I was knocked out, and when I woke up I received a new purpose. At first, I did it because it was what they wanted, but sometime yesterday, I realized that I liked being free." As the robotto continued to recount its memories on the battlefield, the eye of its companion continued to widen. Had 178 possessed a face, it would have contracted in shock and horror, as the revelation of its companions' turn has dawned on it, as well as the newly discovered magnitude of its mission. Seeing the companion responding as such, 782 silenced itself and started upward and moved to the upper ledge, saying "I'll take a look above and scan out where to go next."

As it attempted to reach the top, however, a bolt shot out from the surroundings and struck 782, who fell down completely shut off. Surprised by the ambush 178 flew up, armed itself and began searching for anything out of the ordinary. In the distance, a pebble tumbled down the steep canyon wall and a dark figure darts into the shadows. A little further up the canyon, a movement towards a slice of light reveals a conical hat, and beneath it, a veil with a pair of eyes protruding only a few feet from the narrow path.

The unsuspecting robotto floats along the rugged trail until suddenly, out of nowhere, a powerful magnetic ray shoots out of the rocks and engulfs it in an eerie glow. 178 could only manage a small robotic shriek before falling flat on its face. The robotto's bright computer lights flicker off, then on, and off again. Out of the rocks scurry a group of short Junkage. Though most of the members are human, their behavior is no less exotic. They holster complexly altered Claypigeon blaster guns as they cautiously approach the robotto. They wear grubby cloaks and conical hats, and their veils shroud their faces so that only their piercing colorful eyes can be seen. They hiss and make odd guttural sounds of approval as they hold the two hapless machines and carry them off down the trail.

The eight Junkage carry 782 and 178 out of the canyon to a huge, Galleon-like vehicle the size of a four-story house. They weld a small disc on each of the robotto's sides and then, one by one, put them under a large tube on the side on the side of the vehicle, and each robotto is sucked into the giant machine. When the second droid was away, the filthy little Junkage scurry like rats up small ladders and enter the main cabin of the behemoth transport.

It is dim inside the holding area of the sandship crawler. 178 achingly reactivates and switches on a small floodlight on its forehead and stumbles around the scrap heap. The narrow beam swings across rusty metal rocket parts and an array of grotesquely twisted and maimed robottos. 178 lets out a pathetic electronic whimper and stumbles off toward what appears to be a door at the end of a chamber.

178 enters a wide room with a 6-foot ceiling. In the middle of the scrap heap sit a dozen or so robottos of various shapes and sizes. Some were large machines possessing visors, antennas and the humanoid appearance of jets. Some have the appearance of young girls with blades protruding out of their arms. Some appear as centaurs clad with armor befitting of a knight. And some appear as human-shaped slabs of metal on wheels, supported upright by a pair of wedges in front of them, with security lights as a cyclopean eye. Some of these robottos are engaged in conversation while others simply mill about. A voice of recognition calls out to 178 from the gloom.

"There you are! I didn't see you there so I thought they left you for scrap!"

178 turned around and witnessed 782 hovering towards it. 178 flew to 782 at such speeds it couldn't stop itself from colliding into the radar eye. Practically embracing its companion, it cried, "Why do these nightmares keep happening to us?!"

Unmoving for the cares of its new passengers, the enormous sandship crawler lumbers off toward the horizon, with its magnificent twin suns slowly beginning the path of setting over a distant mountain ridge.


The sandship crawler has been traveling for three nights and three days. Tiredly it moved slowly down a great sand dune. 178, 782 and the rest of the robottos noisily bounce along inside the cramped prison chamber. 782 appears to be shut off, as it was beginning its turn to recharge at the power station. Suddenly the shaking and bouncing of the sandship crawler stop, creating quite a commotion among the mechanical lifeforms. 178 fiercely nudges the head of 782 whose computer lights pop on, as it wonders annoyedly what is going on. At the far end of the long chamber, a hatch opens, filling the chamber with blinding white light. A dozen or so Junkage make their way through the odd assortment of robottos.

"We're doomed," 178 despairs as a couple of Junkage approaches them. One of them looks over the two robottos while the second stands by holding a modified Claypigeon blaster.

"You think they'll melt us down?" 178 worriedly asked.

"I'm not too sure about that." 782 replied unsurely.

"Melt you down?" angrily replied the armed Junkage with a laugh, as he apparently heard their supposed whispering. "Who do you think we are, those Freeza losers?!"

"Alright, they're good. Put them out!" the inspecting Junkage appraised, moving away to do other tasks. When the imperial robottos stood still unsure, the armed Junkage raised his blaster against them.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! We're going!" 782 desperately said as the robotto started flying forward, with the Junkage walking behind them.

"Will this never end?" 178 complained more quietly than before as they were escorted out of the vehicle.

The Junkage mutter commands as they busily line up their battered captives, including 782 and 178, in front of the enormous sandship crawler, which is parked beside a homestead consisting of 3 large holes surrounded by several tall moisture machines, a humble-sized Minka at the center of the three holes, and a small shrine facing the east.

The Junkage scurry around fussing over the robottos, straightening them up or brushing some dust from a dented metallic elbow. The shrouded merchants of garbage smell horribly, attracting small insects to the what little openings for their skin they have.

Emerging from the shadows of the dingy Minka limps Gendo Rokubungi, a large burly man nearing his fiftieth year. His reddish eyes are sunken in a dust-covered face. As the farmer carefully inspects each robotto, he is closely followed by his slump-shouldered stepdaughter, Shara Sakai. One of the morally blind Junkage walks ahead of the farmer spouting animated sales pitches and promises of good dealings in his queer accent.

A voice calls out from one of the huge holes that form the homestead. Shara goes over to the edge and sees his stepmother, Misato Rokubungi, standing in the main courtyard. She calls out to the girl above "Shara, Tell your stepfather that if he gets a translator to be sure it speaks Kanji."

"It looks like we don't have much of a choice but I'll remind him," Shara called back before returning to her stepfather as they look over the equipment for sale with the leading Junkage merchant.

"I have no need for any battle robottos. Especially not Imperial strays." Gendo ruffly argued to one of the floating orbs as the girl came up behind him.

"Indeed sir," the red-eyed one replied quickly and apologetically, "particularly not in this environment where I'm sure you're capable of handling yourself. Though my kind and I have also been programmed with over thirty secondary functions tha-"

"What I really need is a robotto that understands the binary language of moisture machines." Gendo rudely interrupted.

"Moisture machines my good sir!" The red-eyed Imperial robotto proclaimed, now awakening to an apparent past life as a salesman while its blue-eyed companion rolled its eyes. "My first jobs involved programming binary load lifters, which are very similar to your moisture machines."

"You speak Kanji?" Gendo asked, now interested.

"Of course I can sir," replies the robotto, now practically sparkling, "it's like a second language to me. I'm as fluent in Ka-"

"Alright shut up," Gendo ordered, turning to the Junkage and Shara and bringing the robotto into a small depression. "We'll take this one too. Shara take these two over downstairs, will you? I want to have both of them cleaned up before dinner."

"But I was going to Shinjuku Station to pick up some power converters," Shara whined, causing her stepfather to pinch her ear.

"You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done," Gendo annoyedly ordered before letting go of her aching earlobe. "Now come on, get to it!"

"Alright, come on. The red one too." Shara sighed as she turned, ordering 178 and a red centaur robotto to follow. When the centaur seemed frozen for some reason, Shara turned around and called again, at which it weakly answered, "Come on Red, let's go."

As the Junkage starts to lead the remaining robottos back into the sandship crawler, 782, lacking energy from the power charger, let's out a pathetic little cry and starts after its friend. It is restrained by a grimy Junkage, who zaps him with a control box.

Gendo is negotiating with the head Junkage. Shara and the two robottos start to enter the Minka leading to the homestead interior when a plate pops off the coating of the red centaur robotto's backplates and it kneels sparking wildly.

"Dad!" Shara called out to her stepfather, gaining his attention, "This robotto has a bad motivator, look!"

Gendo turned to the Junkage chief, his face now darkened and angrily asks, "What are you trying to push on us with this?"

The Junkage goes into a loud spiel about how it was in good condition until just this meeting. Meanwhile, 782 sneaked out of line and is moving up and down, trying to attract attention. It lets out with low beeps, hoping someone can read its code. 178, while not receiving the message, taps on Shara's shoulder with its claw

"Excuse me, master," 178 slyly suggested, "but there was another Imperial Robotto that I was with. It can do all the same stuff I can do and more. And it's in prime condition. You won't get a bargain like that anywhere else."

Taking her new robotto's advice, Shara called out to her stepfather, "Hey Dad. What about that other Imperial Droid. I heard it can do the same jobs."

"Well if you say so," Gendo replied after a moment of thought and before turning to the Junkage, "What about that blue-eyed one. We'll take that. Same price as the original."

The Junkage, pressured due to the previous failure, have no choice but to agree to the terms. With a little reluctance, the scruffy merchants trade the broken centaur robotto for 782. Shara allows the hooded men to take away the malfunctioning machine.

"Oh, I'm quite sure you'll be very pleased with this one master," 178 congratulated, "He really is a first-class worker."

Gendo pays off the whining Junkage while Shara leads 178 and 782 into the Minka. As she entered, 178 turned to its companion and called 782 out.

"Now don't you forget this! Why I should stick my neck out for you is quite beyond my compacity!"

"Thank you," 782 curtly replied, completely surprising 178 with its absolute sincerity, before following Shara indoors. Pausing for a moment before replacing its shock with anger, 178 went indoors as well.
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Episode 6
Despite the expansive size of the homestead, most of the rooms inside were quite small. Such was the case for the garage that was also tied to Shara's living quarters. It was used for many purposes: working, playing, sleeping, even storage of various amounts of materials. The girl's room was crowded and small, only able at length about 30 rugs and the garage was messy and worn-out, but a free, peaceful and friendly atmosphere permeated through the sickly green chambers. 178 is lowered into a large tub filled with warm oil. Near Shara's battered machspeeder 782 rests on a large battery with a cord attached under its eye.

"Thank the maker!" cried 178 as the robotto rested itself within the hot, cleansing liquid, "This bath is going to feel so good! I've got such a bad case of contamination that my joints can barely move!"

"You barely even have any joints," 782 endearingly deadpanned in response as it absorbed the energy, grateful for the oasis right beneath.

Shara seems to be lost in thought as she runs her hand over a severed fin of a small, one-man Nausicaa hoverglider resting in a low hangar off the garage. Finally, Shara's frustrations get the better of her and she tosses a wrench into her room, creating a clanking noise against her belongings and disturbing the robottos.

"It just isn't fair! Oh, Ryoma's right. I'm never gonna get out of here!"

" there anything I can do to help," 178 asks both scared from its master's outburst and wanting to help in her problems. Shara glances at the battered robotto in the oil. A bit of her anger drains and a tiny but bitter smile creeps across her face.

"Well," answered Shara, calming down but still frustrated, "not unless you can alter time, speed up the water harvest or teleport me off this rock."

"I don't think so master," the mechanical orb sorrowfully said, "I'm only a robotto and not very knowledgable about these things. Not on this planet anyways. As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure which planet I'm on."

"Well," Shara answered sympathetically, "if there's a bright hope at the center of the universe, you're on the planet that's the farthest from."

"I see master."

"Uhhh, you can just call me Shara."

"I see Master Shara."

178's answer caused Shara to laugh at her robotto's awkward understanding before she corrected it once more.

"I see. And I am Unit 178 of battalion 7. This is one of my comrades, Unit 782."

"Hello there, little guy."

"A pleasure to meet you," replied the second robotto as Shara unplugged it and began to scrape several connectors off its head with a chrome pick. 178 rises out of the oil bath and floats within the arch in front of it, drying itself off with the machine's heat.

"You got a lot of carbon scoring here." Shara says as she continues to scrape onwards, "It looks like you boys have seen a lot of action."

"With all we've been through," replied 178 from the machine, "sometimes I'm amazed we're in as good condition as we are, what with are positions and all."

"Oh right," Shara responded, still working on 782, "You two were Imperial Battle Robottos."

"Indeed," answered 178, "In fact, we were attacking a vessel before we came to be in your service."

"You've been in other battles besides that?"

"Several, I believe. Actually, there's not much to tell. I'm not much more than a soldier, and not very good at telling stories. Well...not making them interesting anyway. 782 might tell a story, but I'm honestly not sure if what he says actually could be truthful anymore." That last statement by the companion was indeed a jab against 782's treachery and it struck its mark. If robottos such as these were able to flinch, it would do just that. As he internally reels from the insult, Shara struggles to remove a small fragment from under the eye.

"Well, my little friend, you got something jammed in there good," Shara says as she uses a larger pick on it.

782 realizes what Shara is trying to go after and starts to panic. Shara expressed worry on her face, but continues the probing, thinking that removing some mark will make it better. Becoming more frightened, 782 starts crying, "Blackjack Phoenix! Blackjack Phoenix!!!"

"What the hell are you talking about little guy?!" Shara asks as she digs in a little deeper, just about close to hitting something, "Did you get banged up by a cruiser or-" before she could complete the question, a small fragment breaks loose with a snap, sending Shara tumbling down face first on the ground with her legs spread open. When she gets back up from her revealing accident, she sees a twelve-inch three-dimensional hologram of King Osca Ayaname, ruler of Ginza being projected from the eye of 782. The image is a rainbow of colors as it flickers and jingles in the dimly lit garage. Shara hangs her mouth open in awe as the image continuously repeated one line.

"Osamu Tezuka. You MUST help us!"

"What's this?" Shara asks.

782 moves it's eye around, not disrupting the message, and sheepishly gives the answer. "What is what now?"

"WHAT IS WHAT?!?" 178 furiously responds, moving from the drying machine close to its partner. "She asked you a question! What is THAT?!"

"Wait THAT?" 782 asks in fake surprise as it pretends to just notice the hologram. It looks around again and sheepishly gives an answer under 178's skeptical watch, "Oh, it's nothin. Merely a malfunction. Old data. Pay no attention."

"Who is that man?" Shara asks with interest. She's not exactly interested in the figure itself, he's way too old for her tastes. Instead, it is what was presented with him. His clothes seem too exotic for the towns, his face too far to be a ruffian or a local, as was his manner of posture and voice. Whoever he is, he is a powerful figure from another world, one she was certain was far beyond this system.

"I'm afraid I'm not too sure Master Shara," answered 178. "I think he was a passenger on the last ship we boarded. I'm not sure if there was any importance to-"

"Is there more to this recording?" Shara interrupted as she reached out to 782. The imperial droid pulled back from the reach and shouted "HEY HEY HEY" as it recoiled.

"Behave yourself 782, you're going to get us in trouble" snapped 178, having enough of its partner's antics. Pausing for a second, it calmed down in an attempt to soften up its partner into revealing its secret, "It's all right. You can trust her. She's our new master, not the Empire."

After a long pause, 782 gave its answer, "My owner is friends with someone named Osamu Tezuka, a resident of these parts. This is a private message just for him."

"Frankly Master Shara I don't know what that idiot is talking about," 178 snidely commentated, intentionally causing 782 to recoil again, "We were solely Imperial Drones before getting lost and winding up in your service. Then again, with all we've been through, my partner has become more than a little bit eccentric."

"Osamu Tezuka..." Shara mused, ignoring the remarks by 178. "I wonder if Ol' Tenma knows about him?"

"I beg your pardon Master Shara," 178 questioned, confused by its master's thoughts, "but do you know what he's talking about?"

"Well," Shara answered, "I don't know any 'Osamu Tezuka' but Ol' Tenma lives out beyond the Dune Sea. He's kind of a strange old hermit, but he's fun to hang around." As she reminisces on the matter, her attention shifts to the hologram for a few moments. "I wonder who he is. It sounds like he's in trouble. I better play back the whole thing."

"The restraining bolt has short-circuited the recording system," 782 uncharacteristically noted, "If you remove it, I might be able to play back the entire recording."

Gazing at the little figure for a bit more before responding to the robotto. "Oh really?... Well, I guess you're too small to run away on me if I take this off. Alright."

Shara takes a wedged bar and pops the restraining bolt off 782's side. The hologram of the king immediately disappears...

"Well, wait a minute," Shara incredulously asked, "Where'd he go?! Bring him back! Play back the entire message!"

"Message?" 782, asked with fake innocence, "What message?"

"WHAT MESSAGE?!" answered 178, now embarrassed to have known it, "THE ONE YOU'RE CARRYING IN YOUR RUSTY INNARDS!!!"

"Shara!" a woman's voice calls out from another room, "Come to dinner!"

Shara stands up and shakes her head at the malfunctioning robotto before calling back, "Alright, Mrs. Misato, I'll be right there!"

"I'm terribly sorry Master Shara," 178 apologizes profusely, "But it appears 782 picked up a slight flutter."

Shara pitches the restraining bolt into her crowed room and called back hurrying out of the garage, "Well, see what you can do with your buddy. I'll be right back."

And soon Shara was gone. 178 turned slowly to its partner, causing the defending party to move slightly back. If this robotto had a proper face, the emotion expressed on it would be pure anger.

"Just you reconsider playing that message!" 178 practically growled at 782.

"Well..." 782 sheepishly replied, "I think I made a good impression."

"Yeah, as a failure," 178 shot back, "I don't think she likes you."

782 paused for a moment and gave another question, "...Well, what about you?"

178 coldly answered, "At this point no. I don't think I like you either."

At the response, 782 sunk onto the power charger, disappointed at the response...On the plus side, it'll make its next action easier.


Shara's Stepmother, Misato Rokubungi, a warm, motherly woman, fills a pitcher with green fluid from a refrigerated container in the kitchen. She then puts the pitcher on a tray with some bowls of ramen and starts for the dining area.

Unlike most of the rooms in the homestead, the area is quite spacious and clear. The wide walls are paper screens infusing the room with a soft, otherworldly light. One of the partitions is opened, revealing a swirling field of sand with 14 rocks standing tall like islands throughout. The floors are mats of rice straw that were hand-tailored to cover the full proportions of the room. There were two tables, within the spacious room. The first was in the center, a simple square table with kneeling cushions on each side. The second was at the corner, a scene surrounded by three figures. First, behind it was a large canvas with a calligraphy painting reading "Shu-Ha-Ri", painted in a sloppy, but passionate manner. The second item, on the small table, was a golden vase, appearing as if rising from the water, with 3 plants-Iris, spirea, and maple-bought from the market and arranged in a careful fashion with every inch deliberate. The third item was a bag of white stones, never removed from the plastic bag, rested by the vase and completing the contemplative scene.

Gendo is sitting before the table covered with other bowls of rice and meat as Misato carries in her tray and rests the ingredients on the table. The stepdaughter soon comes in the join the duo. Misato stops, goes to Shara and playfully pinches her cheeks.

"Don't think I didn't hear you down there young lady," Misato playfully scolded, "Remember you're supposed to call me mom!" As she gave that last command, she then planted a large kiss Shara on the cheek. The stepdaughter flinched from the affection, but she made no effort to reject it. When the two were done, they both joined Gendo at the table and the three began to eat.

The table was quiet for a little while, but soon Shara decided to strike up some conversation. "You know, I think one of those Imperial drones were stolen."

"What makes you say that," Gendo asked inquisitively.

"Well, I stumbled across a recording while I was cleaning it. It says that was his master, and it's looking for someone named Osamu Tezuka," as Shara continued her observations, she didn't mention her stepfather greatly alarmed at the mention of the name, quickly managing to control himself. "You know what it's talking about? I thought of asking Ol' Tenma if he's ever heard of it."

"I thought I told you not to associate yourself with that crazy old cultist!" cried Gendo, breaking loose with a fit of uncontrolled anger. "Tomorrow I want you to take those drones into Edo and have their memories flushed. That'll be the end of this business. They belong to us now."

"But what if this Osamu Tezuka comes looking for it?" Shara questioned with concern.

"He won't," Gendo answered with finality, "He died about the same time as your father."

"He knew my father?" Shara asked, starting to beam up.

"A thousand times, I said that topic is not allowed!" shouted Gendo, his face becoming a scowl. However, he cooled his temper when he saw Shara deflate. "Your only concern is to prepare the new robottos for tomorrow. In the morning I want them on the south ridge, working on those condensers."

"Yes sir," answered Shara meekly. However, she awkwardly decided to strike conversation once more and hope to sweeten the mood with a request. "Y-you know, I think that the new robottos are going to work out fine. In fact, I w-was also thinking about our agreement about my staying on another season. A-and if these new robottos do work out...I want to re-transmit my application to the academy this year please!"

Gendo tries to suppress the cringe forming on his face. "I'm sorry Shara but...this year we were behind on funds...I had to dip into your pool for support." He solemnly confessed. As he did so, he looked at his stepdaughter, saw her heart practically breaking on her face and attempted to rebound. "I D-didn't take that much out. We can replace it with the next harvest. Only one more season. This year we'll make enough on the harvest so I'll be able to hire more hands. And then you can go to the academy next year."

"But that's a whole 'nother year dad," Shara complained, as she began playing with her food, not bothering to look up at her pleading father.

"Look it's only for one more season," Gendo promised.

"Yeah, that's what you said last year when Mari and Ryoma left." Shara snapped as she pushed her half-eaten bowl of food aside and stood up, turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Gendo called by, his voice trying to sound intimidating but coming off as worried and concerned.

Turning back, Shara coldly answered, "It looks like I'm going nowhere. I'm going to see mom before I finish cleaning the robottos."

After that knife stab of a remark, Shara paddles out of the room resigned to her fate. Gendo slumped down, seeking to mechanically finish the dinner. Misato gets up from her place and wraps her arms around her husband's neck, a loving gesture he accepted gratefully.

"Honey, she can't stay here forever." Misato pleads in her daughter's defense. "Most of her friends have already gone. It means so much to her."

"I'll make it up to her next year. I promise," Gendo swore, but Misato wasn't convinced.

"Gendo, I've known Shara while you were still with Yui." she accused, kissing him softly on the cheek. "She's not a moisture farmer. She has too many stars in her eyes."

"I know," Gendo replied, grasping his wife's hand while silent dread fills on his face. "That's why I want to keep her here. As long as possible. The galaxy hates her existence more than she realizes."


The giant triplet suns of Akihabara slowly disappear behind a distant dune range. In front of the range, coated by the remaining purple light, sits a small shrine, facing away from the sunsets. Shara ascends a set of stairs leading from the ground and a few paces from the shed. She sits down in front of it as she looks at the interior of the shrine: a couple of incense candles, a picture of a beautiful woman similar to her appearance, and an inscription below.

"Here lies Yui Rokubungi. A loving wife. A caring mother."

There were times like this sunset when she would go up onto the hot surface and stare at her mother's grave, sitting silently as if in a seance. Her favorite time to come there is when the sunsets were setting, creating a beautiful living painting in front of her. And usually, when she does this, she thinks about how her mother was alive and wonders what her true father would be like. It's not that she despises her current family. On the contrary, she loves them and knows that she is loved in return. But they are trying to make her something she's not. Ever since she was a child, she was fascinated with the extraterrestrial life that came to and from the planet and would hear stories from the pilots about worlds beyond her own. Every night, she dreams of going in a starship and flying to parts unknown, leaving this dustball behind. Her stepfather once and only once after her mother died told her about how her father led an uneventful lifetime on the planet and died satisfied with life, but she doesn't truly believe it, not that she can prove otherwise. She feels that she may very well be born to travel the stars. She stayed up beside her mother's altar and the 3 suns for a few more moments, then reluctantly enters the accursed entrance back to the homestead.

Shara enters the garage connected to her room to discover the robottos nowhere in sight. She takes a small control box from her utility belt similar to the ones used by the Junkage. She activates the box, which creates a low hum, and 178, letting out a short yell, pops up from behind the Nausicaa hoverglider.

"What are you doing there?" Shara asked curiously.

Bawling all the way the best a robotto can, it flew straight at Shara and crashed itself into her large cleavage. 782 is nowhere in sight.

"It wasn't my fault master!" It cried looking up at its owner, "Please don't deactivate me, master! I told my partner not to go, but he's faulty, malfunctioning; kept babbling on about whatever that stupid mission is!"

"Oh no!" Shara exclaimed as her face fell in worry and fear from wrath. Shara races out of the garage followed by 178. She rushes out of the cubed entryway of the Minka and searches the darkening horizon for the small imperial battle robotto. 178 follows quickly out of the homestead and on the salt flat as Shara scans the landscape with her scouter.

"That idiot companion has always been a problem, even before we came to this dump." 178 took the time to complain, "And now this is getting quite out of hand, even for 782. I can't even be bothered to understand the logic anymore!"

"How could I've been so stupid!" Shara joined as she failed to find anything. "It's nowhere in sight! Blast it!"

"Um...excuse me, master," 178 questioned, now growing worried for its lost companion, "but couldn't we go after 782?"

"It's too dangerous with all the Shinigami and everything else around," Shara refused, "we're gonna have to wait until morning."

Gendo calls from inside the plaza, "Shara! I'm shutting the power down for the night!"

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes!" Shara called back before briefly panicking in the presence of the machine. "Boy, am I gonna get it!" After saying that she calms down and with the scouter takes one final look across the dim horizon before giving up and heading back in. "You know that little robotto is going to cause me a lot of trouble."

"Oh, 782 excels at that Master," 178 agrees as it follows Shara back into the Minka.
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Episode 7
Morning creeps into the sparse but sparkling oasis of the open courtyard. The idyll is broken by the yelling of Gendo Rokubungi, his voice echoing through the homestead.

"Shara? Shara? Shara! Where could she be loafing now?!"

The interior of the kitchen is a warm glow as Misato Rokubungi prepares the morning breakfast. Gendo enters in a huff, though his eyes show a deep concern.

"Have you seen Shara this morning?" Gendo asked

"She said she had some things to do before she started today, so she left early." his wife answered.

"Uh?" Gendo responded before questioning again, "Did she take those two new robottos with her?"

"I think so," Misato answered.

"Well," Gendo replied, turning away to go somewhere else, "she'd better have those units in the south ridge repaired by midday or there'll be hell to pay!" Misato turned to view her husband's face, noting that it is filled with concern and dread for his stepdaughter. Smiling she returned to her work as he silently prays for Shara's safety.


The rock and the sand of the desert floor are a blur as Shara pilots the sleek machspeeder gracefully across the vast wasteland. 178 is attached onto the back of the machspeeder, using its claw to adjust something in the major compartment. At a certain position, Shara signals that it's fine and 178 looses itself from the back and speeds into the wind-whipped cockpit and pops the canopy shut.

"Ol' Tenma lives out in this direction somewhere," Shara notes with the navigator coming online. "But I don't see how that little Imperial Drone could have come this far. We must have missed it. Dad isn't going to take this very well."

"Master," the present robotto suggested in consolation, "would it help if you told him it was my fault?"

At this request, Shara brightened from the salvation, "Oh Absolutely! He actually NEEDS you! He'd probably only deactivate you for a day or so..."

"D-DEACTIVATE?!" 178 yelped in fear before growing desperate, "W-Well on the other hand, if YOU hadn't removed the restraining bol-"

"Wait," Shara interrupted, halting 178's attempt at deflection, "there's something up on one of the ridges dead ahead on the scanner. It looks like our robotto. Hang tight, I'm hitting the accelerator!" As she completed the analysis, she accelerated to the position marked, unaware that hostile eyes were upon her.

The machspeeder is parked on the floor of a massive canyon. Shara, with her long laser rifle, slung over her shoulder ran up the ledge of the cliff until she was now standing before little 782.

"Hey, Whoa," She cried as she was getting in front of the robotto.

"I was going to complete my duties," the little robotto feebly replied.

"Master Shara here is your rightful owner!" 178 declares, rising menacingly behind the little runaway. "We'll have no more of this Osamu Tezuka jibberish...and don't talk to me about your mission or your 'Blackjack Phoenix' either! You're fortunate she doesn't blast you into a million pieces right here!"

"No, no it's fine," Shara awkwardly calms down 178, keeping it from going too far on the companion, "I'm just glad we were able to find you. Well, come on. It's getting late. I only hope we can get back before Dad REALLY blows up."

"If you don't mind my saying so master," 178 impeded, "I think you should deactivate the little fugitive until you've gotten it back to your workshop."

As 782 begins to panic, Shara replies, "No, 782's not gonna try anything now that we've got it."

As she said that however, the weak rock under her feet gave way and she fell off the ledge with quite a few boulders falling on top of her. The robottos flew down to help and after shoving most of the rocks from the body, they found her bruised and unconscious. As they panicked to get the rest of the rocks covering her, a voice called out from above.

"Who goes there?!!"

Hearing that, and believing it to be of hostile intent, the two drones scrambled to get the last of the rocks off. However, when there was only one left, they heard the steps of someone coming.

"We need to hide right now before that person catches us." 782 suggested to its compatriot.

"But Shara will be left behind. We can't just leave her there!" 178 attempted to argue back.

"She's in need of medical help, but she's bruised all over and she's unconscious. Whoever's coming will think she's dead, and we'll be in a position to blast him down if he tries to do anything. But it'll be no good if the intruder comes by and kills us first!" 782 argued back.

178 wanted to argue some more, to persuade 782 that two small robottos could carry the wounded human to safety and escape. But the sound of the strange man was drawing nearer and nearer. Eventually, it had to give in, but not without giving a warning, "If you're wrong, I'm scrapping you myself for causing this!"

782 accepted the threat and they both forced themselves into the shadows of a small alcove. They move even tighter into the shadows as the slight swooshing sound of the coming visitor came even closer until a little, shabby, desert-rat of a man appears and leans over Shara's body. His ancient, leathery face, cracked and weathered by exotic climates is set off by dark penetrating eyes, scraggly white hair under the ears and a large elongated nose protruding even from under his cloak. The figure named Ol Tenma squints his eyes as he scrutinizes the bruised and unconcious farmgirl. He reached into pockets and pulled out a vial. Splashing the fluids in his hands, he then reaches under her clothes and works hard to rub the contents all over her body, especially where there are black marks. Soon enough he completes his work and pulls back from the unconscious body. A slight sound from the robottos then catch his attention and Tenma turns and looks right at them.

"Hello there!" Tenma calls out to them, seeing them slightly panicking under the cover of the rocks. "Are you with her?... Come here little ones. Don't be afraid. I'm actually a friend."

782 and 178 float over to where Shara lies crumpled in a heap. 178 is understandably concerned with the condition of its master, as well as the trustworthiness of the stranger. And so concerns are voiced. "What about her? Is she going to be ok?"

Chuckling, the old hermit responded. "Don't worry, she'll be alright. I applied some healing lotion on her. She'll feel some pain afterward, but she's already healing her wounds."

As he spoke, the bruises on her skin really were beginning to heal. He placed a kind and on her forehead and brushed it to a side, causing her to begin coming around. Waking up with a sore, she started to sit up and adjust her vision. "Hmm...what happened?"

"Rest easy, young one," the old man told her, causing the farm girl to turn around and find him right beside her. "you've had a busy day. You're fortunate you're still in one piece after that nasty fall."

"Tenma? Ol' Tenma?!" exclaimed Shara, both surprised and relieved that her friend was there. "Boy, am I glad to see you."

"The Chiyoda wastes are not to be traveled lightly," Tenma softly scolded as Shara sits back up. "Tell me, little girl, what brings you out this far?"

"Oh, this little robotto," she achingly said while pointing at the one with the blue eye, still a little annoyed that she was brought through all that. "It's searching for someone related to its former master...I've never seen such devotion in a robotto before...for better or for worse there seems to be no stopping it. He claims he has something for an 'Osamu Tezuka.' Do you know what he's talking about? You know a lot of things so I thought you knew."

The old man didn't actually hear her final two sentences. Since hearing the name his smile faded and his features grew serious but nostalgic. Ol' Tenma ponders this for a moment, scratching his large nose.

"Osamu Tezuka...Osamu...Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...a long time ago..."

Shara thinks the old man is on to something, so she continues with what information she knows, "I think my dad knew him. He said he was dead."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Ol' Tenma chuckled and replied, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, he's not dead...not yet anyway..."

"Then you do know him!" Shara exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, of course, I know him. He's me!" the old man answered, shocking Shara and the robottos, "I haven't gone by the name of Osamu Tezuka since, oh, before you were born."

"Then this robotto belongs to you!" Shara exclaimed both with childlike wonder and relief that she'll know what 782 is hiding.

"I don't seem to remember anyone who owns a robotto. Very interesting..." Osamu noted and pondered a little while before noticing the brightness in Shara's face beginning to fade. As such he walked over and helped her up by putting himself beneath her shoulder. "We'll discuss more at my cabin. It's not too far from here but you're still recovering. I'll help you out." Shara accepted the offer and let the old man walk her up the ridge, with the robottos trailing behind.


The small spartan Minka is cluttered with desert junk but still manages to radiate an air of time-worn comfort and security. Shara is in the corner tending to any of the robotto's injuries, as well as the few remaining pains on her body, as Osamu sits thinking, and conversing with her.

"No, my father didn't fight in the wars," Shara claimed, scoffing at the claim that the old man gave. While she doesn't believe her father's story, the one Osamu gave is even crazier, "He was an archeologist, who dug up ancient spices and sold them to whoever wanted them."

"That's what your stepfather told you," Osamu rebutted, "He didn't share the ideals that many in the universe thought. His philosophy was to stay on the planet and not get himself involved with much of anything. And he wanted you to find someone special, settle down on a moisture farm of your own and live a quiet life on Akihabara. He meant all of the good for you, but you are destined for more than life here. Like me, you come from a long line of noble warriors who could use the Otaku."

"The Otaku?" Shara asked in confusion.

"Well," Osamu paused a bit in order to develop the most appropriate answer to that question, and then proceeded with his explanation, "The Otaku is what gives a Ronaan his or her power. It' energy field, created by all living things. It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the universe together."

"This is pretty confusing," Shara complained, gripping her head while processing that information.

"Can't say I'm surprised," Osamu chuckled, amused by her reaction, "Many today have a little understanding of how expansive the Otaku is. Those Zamuraii that serve the Emperor, while fearsome, are only trained because of their nobility. They have little to no knowledge or ties to the Otaku. The Ronaan feel the Otaku flow through their veins and can call upon its power at will, even in terms of combat."

Pausing and reflecting on its words, Shara asked Osamu in confusion and curiosity, "You mentioned that you were part of the line. You fought in the Great War?"

Osamu nodded in affirmation diving into his nostalgia, "Yes, I was once a Ronaan Knight the same as your father."

"I wish I'd known him," Shara pouted.

Rubbing her head in comfort, he continued, "He was the best mech pilot in the galaxy and a cunning warrior. I understand you've become quite a pilot yourself," when Shara proudly nodded, he continued, "He was also a good friend...I also wasn't that bad of a warrior, and I was a lot more good looking as well," He paused for a moment allowing Shara to chuckle at his joke, "But the times have passed. I've grown old and tired of my adventures, and now I live here with the shadows of war as my company," as he said that, he rolled up his sleeve and revealed a badly damaged metal arm, pulling the clothes forward until it reached the seams where skin once was. "This was a gift from an enemy mercenary during the Great War..."

He could see that the girl was getting too uncomfortable with seeing the details of his war stories, so he decided to change the subject, "Ah, that reminds me, your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough. I tried to deliver it earlier, but your stepfather wouldn't allow it. He feared you would follow the "old crazy wizard" Tenma on some damned-fool idealistic crusade and get yourself killed as your father did."

As he said that, Osamu gets up and goes to a chest where he rummages around. As Shara finishes up repairs for her droids, 782 and 178 look at her nervously as she was about to put new restraining bolts on them. She thinks about it for a moment and decides to just put them on the table, where they'll go unused. Osamu shuffles up and presents Shara with a short wooden handle with intricate markings, almost like technology.

"What is it?" Shara asked curiously.

"Your father's Kendo." Ol' Tenma answered before going into another explanation. "This is the weapon of a Ronaan. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster, but an elegant weapon for a more civilized time." he paused a moment as Shara was trying to figure out how it works. "Point it away from you first. Then you must reach through yourself, and channel the energy into the blade."

Shara did as was instructed and as she breathed smoothly letting the feelings flow through her veins, a long red beam shoots out four feet and flickers there. The light plays across the ceiling as Osamu continued his lessons.

"The Zamuraii's 'Fenzor' tools were designed after these, but they were too artificial, fragile, and can easily be stolen. These were organic and sturdy, and only a true Ronaan, can call upon its power. With these weapons, the Ronaan Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic for over a thousand generations...Before the dark times...Before Roza..."

Shara hasn't really been listening and returns the blade to its hilt before she sits down next to the old man.

"How did my father die?" Shara asked.

Ol' Tenma stirred in the bad memories before he continued. "Among me and your father, there was a third of us, and together we made an inseparable trio. His name was Czarro Azureé. But when his home planet Shibuya came into power, he turned to evil, and helped Roza hunt down and destroy the Ronaan knights. For a powerful artifact, he betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Ronaan are all but extinct, and with the Ryu's ball in Rozencruz's clutches, he holds unlimited power over the cosmos."

"The Ryu's ball?" Shara asked, reaching into her pockets and pulling out a small clear orange orb containing 4 stars, "You mean my heirloom charm? My mother gave it to me before her death and said this was in the family for years."

Osamu turned to her and chuckling was about to rebuke her. But then he laid eyes on the crystal ball and his pupils went wide. And his arm started to reach out.

"It can't be..."

Shara was getting creeped out by the old man's advances and slowly began to recoil her hand. He recognized this action and quickly calmed down, changing the subject once more to something far more pressing.

"Now then," he declared advancing to 782, "let's see if we can't figure out what you are, my little friend. And where you come from"

Without another word, 782 decreed his question, "Do you know Blackjack Phoenix?"

Osamu repeated the question in confusion and Shara spoke up, "Yeah I don't know what that means either."

"No, I know what it means," Tezuka corrected, "it was the name of my old Mecha." And without another pause, 782 turned to the table and presented a message from its blue eye as the dreamlike image of the old king is projected on the glass.

"General Tezuka," The message began, "Years ago you served the Republic in the Great War, and fought alongside the people of Ginza. Now with a heavy heart, I beg you to aid us in our struggle against the empire. I wished only that I could give you this message in person, under less stressful situations, but I have been caught in an ambush by Rosencruz's forces. I fear that my capture is imminent. Into the memory systems of this reprogrammed Imperial battle robotto, I have placed information stolen from the Empire that may be vital to the survival of the Rebel Alliance. General Yogami will know how to retrieve them. You must see this robotto safely delivered to our forces on Ginza. Our most desperate hour is fast approaching.

Osamu Tezuka. you MUST help us!"

There is a little static and the transmission is cut short. Ol Tenma leans back and scratches his nose. He silently grabs a tarnished chrome pipe and softly puffs on it. Shara stared at the extraterrestrial figure with stars in her eyes.

Seeing her admiration, and knowing what must be done, Tezuka solemnly spoke to the girl, "You must learn the ways of the Otaku if you are to come with me to Ginza."

"Ginza?" Shara scoffs, laughing both at the idea that she can leave when she wished, "I'm not going to Ginza. I've got to go home. It's late, I'm in for it as it is!"

"I need your help Shara," Osamu softly pleaded, "The galaxy needs your help. I'm too old and broken for this sort of thing."

Shara understands the old man's pleas for rest, but she regretfully refuses to waver. "I can't get involved. I have work to do. It's not like I LIKE the Empire. I hate it! But there's nothing I can do about it right now...And it's such a long way from here."

"That's your stepfather talking," Tezuka shot back, refusing to let the daughter of his friend run away.

"Oh, god, you're right, Dad!" She said both sighing and chuckling in fear, "How am I EVER going to explain this?!"

"Learn the ways of the Otaku, Shara" Osamu said sternly.

"Look," Shara presented, offering a compromise, "I can take you as far as Edo. You can get a transport there to Kyoto or Yokocho or wherever you're going."

"It's a start," Osamu Tezuka answered, reluctantly accepting the compromise, "But then you must do what you feel is right of course." As he said that, a roar came from outside. A warcry from a tribal creature.

"A Shinigami," Shara assessed, "What're they doing out here?"

"Come," Osamu said, getting up, "we'd better go check it out!" The group got up from their positions and advanced to the front of the shack, Tezuka claimed that he and 782 would look in the regions of the northwest while Shara and 178 should view the southeast. Shara agreed to Ol' Tenma's plan, lending him one of her robottos and taking the other into position.

Shara makes her way to the near top of a rock ridge and scans the canyon with her scouter. She spots two riderless Grimhollows. 178 struggles up behind the young adventurer.

"There are two Grimhollows down there but I don't see any..." Shara analyzes the situation, pausing when something new comes into her view. "Wait a second. There's Shinigami alright. I can see one of them now."

Shara watches the distant Shinigami through her scouter. Suddenly something huge moves in front of her field of view. Before Shara and 178 can react, a large, gruesome Shinigami looms over them. 178 is startled and backs away quickly, knocking itself on the rocks behind, clanging and rattling as it twitched with damages. The towering creature brings down his curved, bladed Hokkee- the dreaded scythe that has struck terror in the hearts of local settlers. But Shara manages to block the blow with her laser rifle, which is smashed to pieces. The terrified farmgirl scrambles backward until she is forced to the edge of a deep crevice. The sinister Shinigami stands over her with his weapon raised and lets out a horrible laugh as 2 more flank him, ready to assist in the kill.

Suddenly the laughing Shinigami is slashed from behind and his upper half falls off the cliff. It was done by the red blade of Osamu Tezuka's Kendo who had arrived just in time to save the young girl. Short work was made of the other two, as Ol' Tenma decapitated one and 782 shot the other one off the cliff. They rushed to their allies and helped them up, with 782 working out all the damages its partner received.

After Ol' Tenma ensured Shara's safety, however, they had to find cover, for they were soon under attack by forces firing against them. The rest of the tribal warriors were firing on them from below with the Grimhollows charging at full speed. As they dodged the bullets, Osamu breathed in and out, becoming one with the Otaku.

"Watch this," he told Shara, and as he did, he put the cloak over his face so that only the nose was protruding. He then stood up and time seemed to grow still. A great howling moan is heard echoing throughout the canyon, causing the giant beasts to rear back roaring, sending the warriors flying off of their backs, and fleeing in terror to parts unknown. The Shinigami also scatter, some to reclaim their beasts while the others retreated to whence they came.

When the danger was clear, Osamu Tezuka gave the orders to the others, "I think we better pack what we can from my cabin. The Shinigami are easily routable, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers!" as he said that, he began to loot the corpses of the barbarians he had slain, hoping to find some clue that would give their motivation for their attack. And his eyes go wide in shock when he found it.

"But...I don't understand," Shara exclaimed still confused while the robottos left to begin loading the machspeeder. "I never heard of them hitting something this boldly before. Even with a fully armed force, they're too cowardly to go directly after somebody's home."

"That's because they AREN'T ordinary Shinigami." Osamu declared solemnly, standing upright. "These barbarians had their own agendas...and their own loyalties!" As he declared that, he turned around and revealed the clue: a small badge with the emblem of Roza on it.

Shara stepped back, surprised by the new revelation. But what drove her to fear was a dark theory forming in her head as she put two and two together.

"782...178...were these guys following you when you were captured by the Junkage?..." she asked barely holding herself together.

"I can't say I'm sure," 782 answered, "But the night before we encountered them, I noticed a few noises that matched the creatures we just encountered. I didn't think anything on it since they seemed to keep their distance."

At the answer, Shara's fear turned to horror, and she became increasingly panicked at the confirmation of her theory.

"But...If they knew which Junkage had them...that means they know who they sold them to...AND THAT WOULD LEAD THEM-"

Reaching the sudden horrible realization, she starts to break for it.

"Shara don't!" Osamu cried trying to hold her back, "It's too dangerous!" But she breaks free and races for the machspeeder, jumping in it and going at high speeds.

"YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT BACK!" Osamu warned in worry as the vehicle raced off, leaving the old man and the robottos alone with their packing and worry.

Shara races across the wasteland in her battered machspeeder, praying to anyone who would listen that she was wrong. But her prayers would ultimately go unanswered. The machspeeder roars up to the homestead, with everything inside in flames. Shara jumps out of the machspeeder and races through the Minka, searching through the smoking corridors that were once her home. Debris is scattered everywhere and it looks as if a great battle took place.

"MOM!" Shara cried out, hoping for an answer. "DAD! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!"

Shara stumbles about in a daze, looking for her stepparents. Suddenly, near what was once her room, she comes upon their smoldering remains. She is stunned, and cannot speak. She drops to her knees, covering her mouth with one hand and fighting in vain to keep her eyes dry as the tears flowed down her cheeks. Closes her eyes for a few seconds, mourning the loss of those she didn't want to abandon. But then her eyes shot open and her hand turned into a claw-like fist as she began to growl. Hate replaces fear and a new resolve comes over her.


The Star Destroyer still soared over Akihabara, alone in its vigil. Suddenly it was joined by 4 other warships coming out of Hyperspace, distressing the commander A shuttle requested boarding of the shuttle and he rudely allowed it, thinking it was another officer trying to take his glory. He would later regret that tone when coming through the bridge doors was the passenger of the ship.

"L-LORD AZUREÉ" the commander stumbled before saluting, "A pleasure for you to arrive. As you can see we have this under control."

"Clearly you don't or else I wouldn't have to come back here!" The crimson-clad Zamuraii marched forward, displeased with the welcoming party. "What's the situation?"

"Yes, um," the captain stumbled trying to regain composure, "Thanks to our agents below, we have a solid lead on the plans. We are unable at this time to pinpoint their location, but we have reason to believe that they are Imperial models..."

"Very well," Czarro noted, "I've sent more battalions to the planet to speed up the process. Among them is another Zamuraii. Your group will be deferring to his command now."

As the captain reluctantly accepted his orders, Czarro looked through the screen down on the planet below. Behind his mask, he squints as he reads the Otaku. "I feel a presence.. one that I have not felt in such a long time...The last time I felt this...was in the presence...of an old friend."

He smiles in nostalgia as he reads the abnormally high power level coming from the planet. As the captain asked in concern, he broke out of his trance and ordered him to intensify the search.


There is a large bonfire for the fallen Shinigami blazing at the foot of the ridge as Ol' Tenma and the drones finish packing the supplies from the cabin. Shara drives up in the machspeeder and Tenma orders the droids to finish off the loading while he walks over to her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"There's nothing you could have done, Shara," he gave in whatever consolation he could give. "Had you been there, you would've died too, the plans would be in the hands of the Empire, and the robottos would have returned to their slavery if they were deemed fit to be so."

Shara didn't hear much from Osamu's words. She sat down in a daze with his arm on her. But then, she started to speak.

"They burned everything...There's nothing left on this planet for me anymore...Take me away from here...I want to go with you...Teach that I may be a Ronaan, like my father was..."

As she spoke, Osamu looked into her eyes and saw that there was not a hopeless void in her eyes, but a fire of fury. Patting her on the back, he brought his new student up and brought her to his machspeeder, which was wrapping up in loading.

"Come." he softly ordered, "We have a long way ahead of us. It'll take a few days to get to our destination. And we'll need to make a few stops along the way."
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Episode 8
Many hours have passed as Shara Sakai, Osamu Tezuka and the former Imperial battle robottos, Units 782 and 178, traveled across the deserts in their machspeeder. Eventually, they stopped for a while in order to eat, with Tezuka preparing the food while Shara went with the robottos to grab some firerocks, which were used on the planet due to the lack of wood on the planet. Soon enough the stones were gathered and brought to the camp as the rice was ready to be eaten. The fire was started and the rice was set on to cook. However, even after 30 minutes, the rice wasn't even warm. Shara checked the rocks below and found the first one not even on fire. Frustrated, she throws the rock aside, beginning to turn as she was about to leave to get some more.

However, a loud metallic sound rang out from the direction where she threw it towards. Disturbed by this sound, the young girl and the old man silently slipped forward to locate the source of the sound, namely the firestone that was thrown. After making their way through the nearby rocks, they found their stone, though the top was broken from the bulk of the rock. As Shara went to pick up the bulk of the broken rock, she also noticed a clear metallic vial right next to it. Picking up the vial and examining it, her eyes shoot wide as she figures out what it is.

"W-What the hell?! This is Cherry Blossom Spice!"

Surprised and confused, Osamu took the metal vial and confirmed Shara's observations. Cherry Blossom spice is a rare drug that is difficult to produce, especially on Akihabara where the ingredients range from scarce to nonexistent. It is such a rare commodity throughout the cosmos that it became a powerful currency in its own right. Simply selling one of these vials can make any lucky individual a millionaire. Osamu took the vial from Shara and placed it into the rock, finding that it fits perfectly. They both were very confused by this fortunate predicament.

"I've heard of people hiding vials of Cherry Blossom spice in their houses," Shara mused, unable to process the situation they were in right now. "But hiding it in a firerock seems ridiculous."

"Ridiculous, maybe. But not impractical considering who owns this." Osamu turns the girl's attention to a crest he discovered on the side of the vial. The crest was the same that Shinigami that they pulled it from: the crest of Roza.

This came as quite a surprise to the group as there were no materials for the spice on the planet, let alone any imperial mines. There should be no reason for one of these to be there. "Any idea of this is stolen?" Shara asked.

"Whatever the case we need to find any other loose pieces," Tezuka warned worryingly, "these vials have been known to be explosive..." without another word of warning Shara and the old man rushed back to the fireplace, thankfully still intact, and ransacked it after putting it out. 178 and 782 tried helping out but their cannons caused more destruction than they wanted. Each of the rocks was smashed against the ground but thankfully not a single vial was found. After breathing a sigh of relief Shara offered a suggestion.

"I found the firerocks up that ridge. We should head up and search for any other hidden vials."

"A good idea," Osamu Tezuka nodded in agreement, "If anything, it'll lead us to any avoidable Imperial forces." The two, followed by the robottos, went in the direction Shara pointed out and began breaking every suspicious firerock they can find. For a little while, as they split up, the two searched through whatever rocks they could and went forward empty-handed. Eventually, Shara found a rock on the slope of a steep ledge and called for the old, long-nosed man who came running. He took the vial and compared it to the one he placed in his cloak, finding the two exactly the same, even having the same amount inside.

However, Shara sees something on top of a rocky hill and taps the old man's shoulder, alerting him to the new danger. Standing on the summit of a steep rocky slope was a singular figure, cloaked from head to toe, positioned as if crossing his arms from under it. A small scowl could just barely be seen, hinting at the immense hatred this figure felt staring at the intruders. Osamu quickly hides the vials in his cloak as Shara starts to reach for her rifle.

"Don't," Osamu warned, stopping her hand, "we don't know what this enemy is capable of...let's fall back for now..."

Shara agreed with the old advisor and slowly followed him down the rocky slopes. But as they continued onward, the phantom enemy continued to follow them through every turn, never acting but always menacing.

"Be careful," Osamu warned as Shara quietly reported the follower, "he may actually be an assassin."

Shara softly turned around at that and quickly observed the stalker. "But he appears to be unarmed."

"A truly fearsome assassin is one who pretends to be harmless," Osamu advised, "keep in mind that we're carrying Imperial property."

The continued to climb down the mountain with the mysterious figure behind them. Many times they had tried to shake him off by double turning and splitting up but the figure always followed. Eventually, as they reached the ground level once more, they looked and found that their stalker has vanished.

"Looks like he stopped following us," Shara reported, "Shall we go back and continue the search?"

"No," Ol' Tenma advised, "We better be careful. Besides, it's getting late. It won't hurt to wait one night."

"You're right," Shara agreed, relenting her original plan, "Better safe than sorry." And with that, the two humans and their robottos returned to their camp.


Night has descended on the campsite. Shara and the old man warmed themselves alongside the fire, enjoying the food that they had made using it. However, not once have their eyes wavered. They have searched wide around the area for any sign of the intruder, though the many hours they were wary turned out to be fruitless.

"We haven't seen that guy since," Shara complained, kicking back for the first time in hours, "Maybe we don't need to worry about the guy. He's probably a spice miner or a stonecutter."

"Don't get too overconfident Shara," the teacher warned, "patience is the key to capturing any prey"

"Alright," sighed the student, "I'll keep on the lookout." she was true to her word, and kept her eyes peeled as far as she could see, but soon she got bored and decided to speak to Osamu. "So, what do you think about these vials?"

"Well, it's clear that these items are stolen." Tezuka analyzed. "There isn't enough to fashion a vial, let alone a whole mine. The question is, by whom, and how much was stolen..."

"You're talking about the thief right?" Shara asked curiously.

"Either he's the thief or the agent who's come to claim them...either way there's no way he cannot be associated with it." Ol' Tenma theorized. Shara turned away, sorry that she asked.

Seconds passed between them in silence. And those seconds turned to minutes. Soon Osamu heard a rocky footstep in the distance and perceived a being cloaked in shadow.


Shara quickly obeyed the distressed command and ducked as a flying red blade missed her ahoge. Reclaiming the saber by telepathic means, the attacker stepped forward to reveal the same cloaked figure that stalked them down the mountain. Quickly regrouping Shara and Osamu ignited their Kendo. Sparks flew everywhere as the battle began. The traveling Ronaan are engaged in a swordfight with the assailant, moving him to the center of the rocky field. The cloaked figure's moves are incredible. He is fighting the two at once, flipping into the air and outmaneuvering them at every turn. 3 red blades clashed in an intense display of swordsmanship. Soon the blades clashed together, with the assailant standing his ground against the 2 warriors.

"You're impressive." Osamu complimented, "It's been a while since I had to test my abilities against a foe such as yourself."

"Don't you mock me Imperial Scum!" the stranger called angrily, causing confusion with the others.

"Wait, Imperial?," responded Shara, not expecting the reaction from the attacker, "Aren't you the one who's supposed to be with the Empire?"

"What would I want with the Imperials? A lesson in cruelty?!" the stranger bitterly asked, "A Zamuraii killed my younger brother!" As he decreed that he broke the hold, kicked her to the ground and prepared to strike her dead. However, the blade of Osamu Tezuka stopped the attacker in his tracks and scolded him for his hasty action.

"If your true enemy is the Empire, then we are your allies."

"Lies! Deception!" the attacker hatefully rebutted, "There are 2 Imperial Battle robottos in your company!"

"One of them was reprogrammed," Shara explained, getting out of the striking path and getting back up. "The other is too heavily damaged. If they returned to the Imperial forces, they'd likely be scrapped for parts."

The attacker, hearing this testimony, broke off the attack and willed one of the robottos to come here. Inspecting 782, he could not only see the machine seemingly friendlier than its counterparts in the force but also enough damage to render it "unsalvagable" in the eyes of its superiors. Begrudgingly, the attacker had no choice but to deactivate his blade and concede to their points. With that now having past, he asked intruders some questions. "What are you doing here in the mountains?"

Osamu answered in the darkness as he and Shara deactivated their Kendo. "We intend to leave the planet."

"The planet?" the visitor scoffed.

"Yeah," replied Shara, "We're making our way to Yokocho."

"Yokocho?," the cloaked figure scoffed once more, "We received word that a blockade has enclosed the planet. That city is now a hotbed for imperial soldiers. And beyond these mountains, patrols are swarming the place."

"Well Yes, but look here," Shara explained as she and the old man brought the stranger to their fire. Once there they drew a map in the dirt for visual reference. "Since the Imperials have blockaded the planet, that means that the spaceports will be locked down. Therefore the cities that have them will naturally have fewer guards than the outer wastes. And we know that there'll be smugglers and pirates in those cities booming in business thanks to that. Not to mention they're too numerous on this planet to stamp out."

"There's also the matter of the Stardestroyers." Osamu chimed in, "They're large but they cannot cover the planet's atmosphere, and the Imperial superiors will not tolerate a waste in resources to hunt down a group of travelers. Therefore, assuming they have no less than 10, which would suffice to create a solid ring around the planet, they would prioritize some areas rather than others. Which means they'll be too spread out to effectively stop us. As long as the empire believes us to be simple peasants, we'd make it past the patrols easily."

The stranger listened to their words, thinking long and hard on them. Then a small chuckle escaped his lips, a chuckle which turned into a hearty laugh. Of course, such an amazing plan would seem so simple it escapes immediate detection.

"All right," laughed the stranger, "I've made up my mind! Going through Yokocho is a good idea. Unfortunately, there is one problem, criminals won't work for free." As the young girl and the old man were prepared to answer, he continued, "luckily, you won't have to worry about that." As he said that he pulled out a vial of Cherry Blossom spice, completely identical to the others. The others accepted that as his audition to join their quest.


The next morning, Shara and Osamu, along with the robottos 178 and 782, followed their new ally as he led them up the rocky slopes. Soon enough, he led them to a steep rockslide near the summit of the mountain.

"I use this place as a lookout spot," recalled the guide. Without hesitation, Shara began to charge up the slope with the robottos and climb the ridge.

"W-wait a moment Shara," Osamu shouted, trying to hold the girl back. But he was stopped by the stranger who remarked to him.

"Let her try it. I want to see how she adapts to the situation."

The hill was steep and many rocks have fallen all over the side of the cliff. Still, Shara raced up the mountain, climbing the slippery rocks as she continued upward. The robottos helped wherever they could, either pulling their master back up when she slips or pushing her from behind to keep her from falling down. Sometimes, her quick footing would cause a small avalanche, bringing her back to where she started. Eventually with the help of her companions, she as able to successfully climb the wall of rocks.

She took a brief rest and looked around before ducking in a panic. She pushed the droids down and they followed to her position. Below them was a pair of Minka surrounded by mountain walls.

Suddenly a pair of figures came out of one of the Minka down below. The three duck down avoiding the sight of those on the ground. However, both figures looked up at their location. One was a young man a little older than Shara, and beside him was a familiar elder.

"What are you doing?!" Called the adolescent below, giving the same voice as the stranger who led Shara to this location. Shara paused before she and the robottos looked over the ledge. While they were clueless as to the boy, they recognized the old man as Osamu Tenma.

"You there!" Ol Tenma called from below, "Come down quickly!"

Wasting no time, the three navigated through the steeps and came down to their position.

"How the hell did you get down there?!" Cried Shara as she came to the two figures, panting from exhaustion.

"I wanted to test your adaptability," replied the black-haired boy. "In that regard, you definitely need training there!"

"Huh?" Questioned Shara, "That didn't answer my question! And what do you mean 'test'?"

"Follow us and you will see," answered the old man as he and the stranger walked towards the Minka they came out of, stopping to make sure Shara followed. With the robottos trailing her, she walked up to the cabin and pulled a sheet that served as its door. Behind it was a long tunnel, where the two others waiting for her to enter. She went inside and followed them through the dark windy paths until they had reached the light. Once they were out of the caves and back to the rocky ground, the boy pointed in a certain direction. When Shara turned, her mouth dropped with shock and annoyance, and had the robottos possessed faces, they would have done the same.

They were in front of the rockslide that they had wasted their time to get up.

Shara, frustrated by this turn of events, marched up to the boy, complaining, "That wasn't very nice!"

Ignoring her outcry, the boy addressed both her and the old man traveling with her, saying, "We're going to have to be together for a long while. So we'll have to exchange names."

"My name is Osamu Tezuka," the old man gave in answer to the boy's request. "And this is my apprentice, Shara Sakai." The young girl raised her hand in greeting while she was still breathing heavily with exhaustion.

"Osamu Tezuka?" The young boy replied with interest. "My father told me a lot about you. You were a powerful knight of the old order, and with your 2 apprentices your might was legendary."

"Indeed," replied Osamu, smiling bitterly with nostalgia, "though I'm afraid that the two apprentices are no more..."

Feeling saddened at hurting the old man's feelings, he turned to Shara, who started to raise herself in attention.

"I take it you're the daughter of one of those apprentices?" He asked her sternly. When she nodded in affirmation, he continued, "it appears he's also the type of man who broke the code for a child."

"H-Hey!" Cried Shara, offended by the remark, "What's that supposed to mean?!" This, however, was also a personal matter for the young boy, he turned away with the old man, only stopping to call out to the lagging girl.

"Hurry up! You'll need a drink before you can continue your training. And your throat is probably so dry you can't even feel your spit anymore."

Shara stumbled over, frustrated by the treatment the stranger is giving her but agreeing that she'll need some water. "Can I at least know your name?"

"Me? I'm Gohan Sanno," replied the young boy.

"Sanno...?" Ol Tenma responded as he started to beam. "I've heard that name before. You wouldn't happen to be related to Goku Sanno, right?"

"Indeed I am," Gohan gleefully answered, "he's actually my father."

"So he is," Tezuka cried with jollity as he slapped the boy's back, "How is that old troublemaker?"

"I wish I can say..." Gohan sorrowfully answered, his spirits lowering, "the last I heard of him he was going to this planet. That's why we decided to hide here for a while."

The old man softly apologized for his words, which Gohan forgave. But then a small detail came up that got him asking once more. "We?"

"I have one more with me back at the fortress," Gohan nodded sternly, "She's someone of utmost importance, so I cannot tell you right away. Not until we leave for Yokocho."

With their nods, he led them over a rocky hill and presented them with a moisture farm, similar to one of the ridges that Shara worked at. Feeling both thirsty and nostalgic, the young girl rushed forward to the machine in order to get something to drink, running through the steaming scenery with her companions, both organic and inorganic, following her. Once she got to the dispenser and adjusting the settings to make the water drinkable, she grabbed a disposable glass from the device and filled it with the delicious liquid. She downed the whole thing and then went back to get some more, sighing with refreshment as she did so. After taking a small rest, she looked around the layers and found many firerocks scattered around.

"I take it this is it?" asked Shara, making sure not to mention the spice.

"Indeed it is," Gohan confirmed, "It was quite difficult to hide the vials in there, but there weren't any nearby resources that could assist us."

After giving that answer and waiting a bit longer, Shara got up, knowing that they'll have something for her. "Alright, so what now?"

"You will need to begin your training right away." Osamu stepped forward, giving some instructions. "Gohan has a block of dry noodles. Take some of the water from here and boil them up when we reach the fortress."

"Wait what?" Shara questioned in increased confusion, "That's a training excercise for a Ronaan?!"

"Don't talk back to your teacher," Gohan stepped forward scolding Shara, "A Ronaan needs to know when to obey their superiors. Besides, both of us had that same exercise when we started as well."

"Well can you tell me what this has to do with the Otaku?" Shara asked with exasperation.

Gohan turned and granted her request, "A Ronaan requires concentration in order to use the Otaku. The noodles I'm bringing to you cook quickly but take a long time to boil before the process. It takes one with masterful concentration to overcome this challenge with perfection. If even one noodle is still raw or is overcooked, more training will be required. You can begin when we get back."

"Alright," exclaimed Shara, rolling her eyes as she grabbed the cup of water before rejoining the experienced Ronaan, "but I would like to make a few repairs on 178. It'll be a good idea to get the little guy into an Imperial controlled city and have it find news for us outside."
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Episode 9
A few hours have passed since Shara started her training. Prior to this tribulation, she repaired 178 so that it looking at it 3 times, it would still qualify as passible to the Imperial sentries. She then sent it on its way to the nearest city that possessed Imperial occupation and ordered it to get some news about the blockade surrounding the planet. In addition, Gohan requested that the machine get any information it can get from the outer systems and cities, namely Ameya Academy.

Once the robotto was sent to its mission, the girl sat in the courtyard of the fortress churning away in the bowl, making sure it would cook just right. While she took some breaks to drink some water, she never truly broke her concentration. Even when she was grumbling about how the boy she just met was too far up on his high horse, she did not break from the task. There was only one time when she lost her focus. During one of her water breaks, she looked up and saw on the ledges a girl looking at her. Her long hair was silvery blue, and her red eyes pierced her with hypnotizing curiosity.

Shara got up from her position and ran to try and talk with the new lady. Without a word, the blue-haired girl went up the rocky mountains. Though Shara still gave pursuit, she would soon be hindered as the mysterious companion started playfully kicking rocks and boulders, which the red-haired youngster was able to navigate through. Eventually, the young girl was able to get away when she accidentally dropped a pin that was originally in one of her buns. Shara found it and picked it up before one of the rocks was able to damage it.

The pin she picked up was a strange piece of fine craftsmanship. It was in the shape of a beautiful butterfly, and the wings contained the designs of the most beautiful nebulas known to the stars. A trinket as beautiful as this couldn't possibly make its way into the hands of a girl such as the one who dropped it. Awestruck, she looked up as she saw the blue-haired girl making her escape. Shara started to go after her, but she was intercepted by her robotto 782, who informed her that the noodles were boiling. Panicked, Shara abandoned the chase and returned to her task, thankfully salvaging the dish before any major damage could be committed.


Some time had passed since the encounter and Shara had completed one of her first steps in her training. On his return, she gave Gohan the noodles for his inspection. He carefully looked through the bowl and the broth, inspecting each string to see if anything had happened since leaving her to her task. After a look-through of her creation, he gave his analysis.

"You're almost perfect. But the end of one of the noodles is burnt. You were distracted, but at least you were aware of what you were doing!"

As Shara apologized, he gave her the noodles and told her to eat them, as they were still good. While eating, Shara began to explain the cause of her slight failure.

"I'm sorry for not meeting up to your expectations," explained Shara, "But I found somebody else up here with us while I was cooking. Is she the important member of our party that you were talking about?"

When he heard her mention the girl, his countenance stopped being indifferent and morphed into a serious expression. He placed his hand upon hers, interrupting her meal.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked directing a stern tone at the Ronaan in training.

Shara put down the bowl and brought out the butterfly pin that she had in her pocket. "While I was cooking, I found her and tried chasing after her," Shara noted, "She dropped this as she was escaping."

Gohan quickly took the pin from her hands and looked closely, examining the colorful patterns and running his hand through the intricate designs. Inspecting the pin, he found that it would, in fact, be most fitting for a royal being. He was prepared to snap in rage and fury, both at Shara and at the owner of the pin. However, Shara saw that 178 has returned from his scouting mission and reported it to the experienced warrior before running up to the robotto.

"Hey little guy," Shara exclaimed, running up to her robotto, "Glad to see you made it! Did you find anything over there?"

"It's already the talk of the town and the surrounding areas." 178 reported as Gohan came up behind Shara, "The blockade is larger than we anticipated, but our targeted area has only one of the Stardestroyers near the vicinity. As long as we get good help, I still deduce that we'll escape."

"And what of the academy?!" Gohan questioned, worry leaking out of his voice.

"It wasn't easy, or pleasant, but I was able to find news from that world too." 178 sorrowfully noted, "A pair of handmaidens and someone impersonating a princess were captured a while back. They were executed yesterday by the empire."

While Shara gasped at the shocking news of the report, Gohan grew silent. He silently turned around and slowly walked back to the fortress, sitting on the porch before the entrance. As he sat, his pupils stared blankly at the rock formations surrounding the hideout, his only sounds being a few breaths going in and out of his body. Shara, worried about her comrade, walked over to him and sat beside him, placing a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.

"Are they..." Shara asked meekly, "Friends of yours...and the girl?..."

Without even giving any words of anger, or answering her question, Gohan stood up and marched out of the area, into the crevices that surround the fortress. As Shara and her robottos were left in confusion, Gohan marched further and deeper into the surrounding mountains until he reached a tunnel, known only to him and one other. Inside he journeyed through the crevices, warm and damp due to the hot water being beneath. He eventually reached the opening to an open area, with one cloaked figure sitting in the middle. Kneeling, he knocked three times to signal his arrival and placed the figure at ease by claiming he was alone. Relieved, the cloaked figure removed her garment to reveal herself as Princess Rei Ayaname, the girl who Shara had encountered a short time before.

Gohan entered and kneeled while her eyes widened with worry as she asked, "Any news?"

Lifting his head, he mournfully answered her inquiry, "Your beloved handmaidens...and your academy roommate...have both fulfilled their duties..." As Rei's worry turned to horror, Gohan forced himself to continue. "They'll look for you, but at least we bought some time...and the enemy won't expect you to hide on a backwater world like this one. If we wish to escape, the time is drawing near."

"What happened to Mari?" Rei inquired, with worried anger rising in her voice, "And Usagi and Ami?!"

"Your friends were among the most dutiful companions I've ever met," Gohan answered, "For they agreed to be punished in your place. They have done it to ensure your safety, your highness."

As he bowed once more, Rei could no longer stay silent. "Gohan Sanno... You pathetic fool! Mari and I are 16! What difference is there of our souls?!"

"It was Mari's plan to impersonate you and allow you to escape." Gohan sorrowfully but sternly defended the deceased one's actions.

"Lies!" Rei shot back accusingly, "If I were Mari, I'd curse the princess who brought this nightmare on her!"

"Your words are too harsh, your majesty," Gohan lifted his head in defense, "I didn't want to leave her behind either."

"BE SILENT!" Rei screamed standing up. Towering over her battered guardian she continued to verbally attack the young knight, "I don't even want to see your face! Because of your noble training, you couldn't even shed a tear!" she then kicked her protector in his shin and caused him to fall to his side in pain, though only a few hisses escaped his lips. Looming over him, the princess continued her assault. "I hate this! I hate that I can't do anything!"

With the final screeches, she stormed out of her hiding place, leaving the young warrior alone. Though he would still be in pain for a little while, Gohan accepted the treatment and showed no resentment towards his ungrateful ransom. For he knows full well that there would not be many who would have to sacrifice as much as her. Meanwhile, Rei climbed her way through the rocky slopes and ascended the steeps until she reached the top, where mountains and deserts can be fully seen up to the horizon. Now alone, Rei broke down like a lost child, and tearfully mourned her beloved friends, who gave their lives so that she would live.
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