Webfiction Discussion and Recommendations

A place to discuss webfiction. Worm is really big around these parts, and I have seen mentions of A Practical Guide to Evil and others here and there, so I'd thought I'd make this thread and try to get so more stuff to read.

There are lots of great stuff floating around in the interwebs, and so much of it is goes unappreciated and I wanted someplace to consolidate and discuss. For example topwebfiction.com has so much stuff I can't believe is not more popular, a lot of them serials on par with and surpassing Wildbow's works. Some examples to check out if you haven't already:

The Gods are Bastards. I shill for this thing all the time. Because this is the best thing. It's set in a deliberately generic world full of all the classic races, and explores the culture and dynamics of the races, religions and governments in a very interesting way. Focused on politics and intrigue but not hopelessly dark in ASoIaF's manner. It's great check it out immediately if you do nothing else.

A Practical Guide to Evil. A YA story that set in a world where tropes are a force of nature. More action focused. Also check this out. The hero is a villain(man what a weird sentence) who is trying to keep the Rebellion down and reform the Empire for the good of the citizens.

Anathema. Looks like a Worm copy-cat at first, but basically it's a superhero serial focused on the the impact of powers on the world. The powers resemble Worm with 'triggers' and such but the author has a very different take on the idea. It's interesting, moreso if you've read Worm before. Sadly underrated

The Zombie Knight. A boy is revived by a grim reaper after killing himself, and gains superpowers in the process. They dedicate their unlife to helping others and the good of the world. Incredible fight scenes, if a little gory.

If anybody has anymore suggestions this is where to put them, no matter how obscure or where it's from. Especially if they're obscure and you think it deserves recognition.

To start things off this week's chapter of A Practical Guide to Evil was funny as all hell. What with Cat trying to adlib hammy dialogue and the Rider having to play along. I'm a bit scared Heiress will go the way of the Lone Swordsman and die anticlimactically though. The finale of Book 2 made me lose some trust in the author. Here's hoping Book 3 will be better.