[X]A Speed Problem: Kelly needs help… she's phasing in and out of existence, or at very least in the visible light spectrum... not being able to control her molecules, or her own speed. She's terrified, and without a doubt… in need of help.
[X]Hero Too: So… the Spartans are a bit on the… confused side. Good thing you have a cure for that confusion… A Spartan Cultural Festival! What is Mendez going to do, try and stop 75 super-powered super soldiers?!... You Blame Light for this.
[x]A… Wait what the-!: Serin has a problem. You think something went horribly wrong with the augmentations. Mostly for one reason… She wishes to… have a relationship. Clearly this requires more study, because half the damn Spartans aren't emotionally stable enough to even consider relationships with each other, even when there is clearly chemistry between them! You blame Mendez for that.