We Are Alone: A Space Settlement Quest(Dropped)

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Scheduled vote count started by ProjectUnidad on Jan 9, 2022 at 7:57 PM, finished with 28 posts and 25 votes.
Prologue: Then we united…
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[X] Great Environmental Collapse
"Had they listened to the climate change report back then maybe perhaps most of the world would still be habitable. Sadly though a decade of chaos ensues as rising sea levels, collapsing ecosystems, broken alliances, and other calamities begin plaguing the world. These crises eventually lead to the creation of 1.2 billion environmental refugees from destabilized nations, made up of families, civil workers of varying professions, and others. In order to deal with the chaotic world, humanity used their limited resources to implement advancements in energy, desert irrigation, hydraulic levees, and coastal walls. These succeed, as entire stretches of coastal cities, farmland, and supply chains are saved from destruction. With the Earth's environment stable for now and with a depleted pool of resources, mankind must look elsewhere beyond its home planet."

Population: Initial 1k, +1.5k every migration
Resources: no bonuses on your (M, E, and F) rolls
Action Slots: 4
Trait: Environmentalist( + 10 on your energy and food rolls)

The greatest trial mankind had to ever overcome is the almost complete destruction of the environment…because of their own undoing. Prior to the 2050's, extreme climate change events take place that causes massive global upheaval, from monster size hurricanes, coastal cities being flooded, extreme drought seasons, and other environmental disasters. The collapse of many government powers causes other nations to divert their limited resources to tackle environmental threats and hopefully mitigate the worst effects. Years later with a somewhat stable environment, advances in technology have allowed humanity to begin rebuilding a global society, and so humanity one way or another came together under the…

[X] United Terran Federation
The UTF was founded by a coalition of Earth's richest companies and governments in the aftermath of the Great Environmental Collapse. In response to the resource shortage on Earth that was used to repair both environment and infrastructure, the UTF began a space colonization program in search of new resources and allowed other companies/governments to fund their own colonization projects, but under the strictures of the UTF government.

Political Power: 1
-Inefficient Bureaucracy( - 5 on resources rolls)
-Meritocracy(+ 5 on your action slots rolls)
-Will of the Voters( every election cycle the newly elected government will either permanently boost your positive or negative dc on your stability checks or none at all, can use political power to influence the elections)

[X] Union of Terran Socialist Republics
During the Environmental Crises, several socialist groups believed that the current system not only was harming the average working person but played a role towards environmental collapse as well. One by one governments would buckle under the proletarian revolution, eventually the whole world united under the red banner. Now the world reorganized as the UTSR, the executive committee has started a space colonization program in search of resources needed to rebuild their world as well as spreading the revolution towards space and beyond.

Political Power: 1
-Sectarian Squabble( - 5 on action slot rolls)
-Workplace Democracy( + 5 on your resources rolls)
-Workers' Solidarity( for every high dc roll on your stability check gives an additional + 10 on your resources rolls and action rolls, while low dc rolls will give - 10 on your resources rolls and action rolls, crits will either autocomplete an action roll or halt it for one turn)

[X] Great Terran Empire
As the climate disasters worsen, and elected leaders fail to properly respond to the needs of the people, governments would collapse and anarchy would reign supreme. But through the chaos one charismatic leader would rise to the call to bring order and peace, would do so by leading the people towards their salvation. With the last government being toppled by the imperial army, the whole planet will unite under the GTE with the emperor ruling with the consent of its subjects. Under imperial decree, a space colonization program has been initiated to acquire new resources and expand the empire across space.

Political Power: 1
-Direct Rule( - 5 on stability checks)
-Prestige( + 1 Political Power every other turn)
-Imperial Mandate( a quota system will be set up, if successful in fulfilling the quotas than expect extra dice rolls in either resources, action slots or stability, but expect for quota to increase next time. Failure to meet quota will result in either - 20 resources rolls, halting one action slot for 1 turn or - 20 on stability rolls)

(A/N: Thanks a lot for the participation so far guys, hopefully I'm doing a good job providing a good quest game!)
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