We Are Alone: A Space Settlement Quest(Dropped)

We Are Alone: A Space Settlement Quest(Dropped)
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"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
  • Arthur C. Clarke

Ever since the first human ventured beyond the safety of its home, mankind has settled on every environment Earth has to offer. But as humanity travels beyond its home system to colonize its first ever exoplanet, what awaits them will forever change the course of humanity…for the better or worse.


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Introduction: Hello there you willy space rascals, this is my very first SV quest game where I get to host a quest game about colonizing another planet outside our solar system, very cool huh? Also I want to apologize in advance if my writing skills is not up to SV standards, this is my first ever….so be aware of that. Anyways this game will have narratives, actions, roller coaster of emotions and dare I say even romance(hopefully I do a good job doing all that)…more in that later but in this game you the players will make decisions that will contribute to the success of the colony(no pressure at all) and depending on the dice roll gods, will determine whether your colony become a new prosperous home for humanity or a failed project forever forgotten into the dustbin of history. Whatever happens, whatever awaits out there…you guys are on your own!

Mechanics: This quest game will include mechanics that will influence the direction of the game and I guess the plot of the story. I will try my best to explain the basics of what I wish to introduce in this game, so every turn you will be introduced to this three I guess you could call them main resources; Minerals, Energy, and Food. You will also receive a Population count on every turn and will change overtime depending on the results of your decisions or outside events. Players will have the opportunity to invest the priorities of the colony through Action Slot. A special resource known as Political Power will come very handy during the game. But perhaps the most influential roll that will determine the fate of your colony is the Stability check.

Resources: This resources will initially have a d100 dice roll, the higher the roll the more bonuses can be added to the rolls in the action slots and the stability roll(more on those two later ;3)the opposite will be if you get a lower roll. Should your ever get a crit roll, expect either a big boon to your rolls or punishment from your QM!

-Minerals(M): from metals, wood, or even slime, this are essential sources for your construction related action slots.
-Energy(E): everyone needs power of sorts to run their stuff, getting energy sources is important for your research related action slots
-Food(F): how else will you function if you don't even eat, having stocks of food contributes to your expedition related action slots

Priorities: Every turn players will discuss and choose which actions they should complete depending on the needs of the colony, therefore you will start with a certain amount of slots and be presented with options.

-Action Slots(AS): Research new technologies, sending expeditions, construction on infrastructure and stuff, completing actions might give bonuses to your colony by either giving you additional bonuses on your dice rolls or an extra option when choosing decisions. Some actions will have higher dc's than others, so choose wisely in which to complete.

Population: Someone once said that the most valuable resource is people…which is kinds true. Not only you have to build your colony but also help grow your population. Every turn or two, the population will grow in increments as long as you are running the place smoothly. Reaching a certain population count will increase certain dice rolls like your resources since you know you have to meet a growing demand, but you will also increase additional action slots plus other bonuses.

Stability: A good colony is one that is stable and running things without having crises of anything. Every turn there is gonna be a stability check a d100, if it's bad roll then expect negative points be contributed to the Resources rolls, if it's good than positive points will be added to said rolls. The stability check will increase as the population grows, so keep a mind on that, also rolling consecutive good or bad stability checks will add permanent effects in some of your dice rolls. There are crit rolls for Stability…but that is a secret :3

Traits: Unique effects that would either benefit you or not in either your rolls or decisions.

-Normal Trait: A common modifiable trait that can be gained in either crit roll in a specific order slot or in certain events. Normal traits can include positive, negative or in some cases both effects. Removing a negative effect in a trait requires either spending one political power or using one action slot.
-Legendary Trait: A special non-modifiable trait that can only be gained under crit roll in an important event. Not even the powers of the QM can remove a negative effect of a legendary trait…

Political Power: A special resource that could be used for asking for a extra dice roll on anything, unlocking or extra decision option. However this are your rare resource and should be used wisely. Gaining PP will depend on events only.

Events: This is after all telling a story about how we colonize the first planet beyond our solar system, so of course there is gonna be events in which tells a narrative. The story will be influenced by our actions, the results of said actions and the actions of outside forces that are beyond our control. So when presented with decisions, good luck and may the dice gods roll in your favor.

Welp, I hope I did my best to explain this as simply so yeah, next update we will begin the game…good luck colonists!
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[X] Pump the atmosphere full of laughing gas.

I will be interested in seeing where this goes. It's a space colonization quest that doesn't seem to have anything to do with an established canon/narrative, sounds good.
Prologue: In the Beginning…
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"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", that is what Neil Armstrong said when he became the first astronaut to land on the moon. Ever since then, we as a people have always looked up and wondered where else can we go beyond our little blue planet. Humanity has made great technological advancements from energy, robotics, even testing our very first FTL engine. But despite our accomplishments we remained divided, whether by conflict, ideological differences or even by the will of one leader.

But all that would come to an end after 2050 when humanity faced the…

[X] Last Earth War
"Or as the boomer generations refer to it as World War 3, a final global conflict ignited between human alliances. To this day it is still debated as to what caused this conflict either it was through political, economic or both. Tensions run high as what starts as a limited strategic release of nuclear weapons snowballs into a bitter exchange of warheads aimed at civilian population centers. When the dust clears it becomes clear that a new way will have to be found to survive and to secure the raw materials needed for society to continue."

Population: Initial 1k, + 1k every migration
Resources: permanent + 5 on your (M, E, and F) rolls
Action Slots: 3
Trait: Militarist( + 10 on your attack/defense rolls)

[X] Sigma Plague
"Records were lost to the origins of this disease, whether through eating a sick animal, experiment gone wrong or even by some doom cult we will never know, but we do know is what followed. Symptoms of the disease begin to emerge, medical facilities across the world are quickly overwhelmed by the number of cases. Social cohesion starts to break down, riots occur around the world and even some governments collapse bringing more death and chaos. By the time a cure was developed and distributed towards the last person, half of the human population perished. With an abundance of space and resources in Earth created by tragedy settling to another world besides our own will ensure the survival of our race."

Population: Initial 1k, + 500 every migration
Resources: permanent + 5 on your (M, E, and F) rolls
Action Slots: 2
Trait: Hygienic( + 10 on your Stability roll)

[X] Great Environmental Collapse
"Had they listened to the climate change report back then maybe perhaps most of the world would still be habitable. Sadly though a decade of chaos ensues as rising sea levels, collapsing ecosystems, broken alliances, and other calamities begin plaguing the world. These crises eventually lead to the creation of 1.2 billion environmental refugees from destabilized nations, made up of families, civil workers of varying professions, and others. In order to deal with the chaotic world, humanity used their limited resources to implement advancements in energy, desert irrigation, hydraulic levees, and coastal walls. These succeed, as entire stretches of coastal cities, farmland, and supply chains are saved from destruction. With the Earth's environment stable for now and with a depleted pool of resources, mankind must look elsewhere beyond its home planet."

Population: Initial 1k, +1.5k every migration
Resources: no bonuses on your (M, E, and F) rolls
Action Slots: 4
Trait: Environmentalist( + 10 on your energy and food rolls)

[X] Asteroid Impact Event
"No one likes when someone throws a rock at your house since it could cause damage, unfortunately for the inhabitants of planet Earth this space rock would cause an extinction level event that not even bacteria would survive such impact. As someone would expect at first chaos and mayhem across the world, then a plan is formulated to destroy the asteroid before it reaches. And when that failed most people would lose hope and chaos would ensue. Except the remaining functioning governments would in secret build these "ark ships" that would take them to the stars and give humanity a second shot while also taking with them their most advanced technologies and whatever resources they will need to build a new home. Of course the whole process was on a tight schedule while still living in a world that at point fell to total nihilistic anarchy. In the end hundreds of thousands of souls would depart towards the unknown while watching their once home world covered in cracks and magma…"

Population: Initial 100k, no migration from Earth since you know….
Resources: permanent - 10 on your (M, E, and F) rolls
Action Slots: 5
Trait: Efficient( + 10 rolls in your action slots), Exodus( - 5 roll on your stability check)

(A/N: I did my best with the writing folks, the voting period is open and will close when I see that enough folks have participate…)
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