Way Down in the Mines (Naruto, Closed)

Wendigos? Great monster, or Best monster?

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And here is the thread where I'll post OOC information, ideas, background and of course handle any and all XP stuff so as to not clog up the thread! Those who are invited, feel free to post questions/etc here, since you ARE all my cute Genin team. :p

Others may, of course, watch!
Concerning MInes: History and Clans
Concerning MInes: History and Clans

What is it about the desire for treat, for solace, for quiet? Is it a return to the womb, or something even more elemental than that? When chased, some stand and fight, and some run. And some take a third option. Mines was founded by the masters and mistresses of the third option. They ran only to fight, they fought only to retreat and lure one further into a trap. Hunted clans, hunted individuals, banding together in a vast abandoned mine, older than Hidden Villages themselves, and haunted by strange rumors, the ghosts of past evils, and literal monsters, chakra eating vile fiends.

In this environment, they hid and survived, and all who tried to break in died from traps, from battle, from the monsters that Mines had learned to control, to kill, to avoid. And thus they grew, and became not just a huddled collection of survivors, but a village. A village that knew how to defend, that knew it would be safe so long as it was clever, cunning, and swift.

They were the masters of the mines, and to reach their village would be a task even a powerful, stealth based Jonin might balk at unless they had inside information, so carefully and perfectly are they woven.

It's said nowadays that most of the monsters are gone. Or tamed. But who knows what lurks in the deepest, darkest parts of the mine. Certainly not any outsiders.

The village prospers, and some grow bolder, seeking power, safe in the knowledge that if they fail, they can retreat to the safety of the Mines.


Yarase: There are monsters within the mines that do not need eyes to see. That have abilities and senses beyond the normal. The Yarase, founded by a blind man who learned in the darkness how to see, are almost all universally blind, and from birth as well. But in the darkness of the mines, they have perfected jutsu as well as sheer blood affinity for their senses. Stronger hearing, stronger senses of smell, chakra sensing...they are a clan that is blind, yet doesn't allow this to defeat them. Don't understimate them, or it will be a very bad mistake.

Seishin: A clan of spiritualists and lorekeepers who have perfected the art of hunting these monsters, knowing them, and banishing ghosts. They can capture and summon tamed monsters, and have learned, as many in Mines do, to use the powers of the monsters as inspirations, and create copies of many of the strange supernatural things the monsters can do using jutsu.

Fukaidesu: Those who dig deep, this clan has found deep in the mines more than monsters. Strange gasses that can be bottled and used for traps, odd plants grown in darkness that have strange medicinal effects, and metals seen nowhere else in the world that can forge weapons the likes of which can hardly be imagined. Suppliers for the Mizuyama Clan, Mines in general, and many shinobi across the world. Though they of course know their creations best.

Mizuyama Clan: Trappers , they know gas traps, snares, every kind imaginable, and their skill with them is unprecedented. They know the mines like the back of their hands, and some have even developed ways to fight with traps directly if forced to, ways that often involve wires.

Senritsu: It can sometimes be strange, what ends up buried deep.

The Senritsu Clan are tough, even for ninja: they're the intersection of a minor healing bloodline and a minor durability bloodline that (thankfully) bred true. Eyewitness reports say the Clan Head once pulled out over two hundred separate senbon from his body after a skirmish with Kusagakure, and only had a day in bed to recover from both the puncture wounds and the two dozen different poisons. Others say one of their legends from before the Pax got direct hit from Kirigakure's Shibuki, explosions and all, and laughed in the Swordsman's face before catching him in an Earth Prison.

Mekanniku: A clan that first began with a bunch of outcasts and civilians trying to repair the mine infrastructure for use, they are now a powerful clan that uses chakra-driven gadgets and gizmos of their own devising, as well as clan jutsu like Slow Repair, and Fast Repair. They have the unique Engineering skill and usually one or two interesting gadgets, at least at the lower levels.
The Academy of Mines
Mines (Active) Ninja Populations!

33 Jonin
55 Special Jonin
84 Chunin
119 Genin

Not all Genin need supervision, especially the adults or the ones well on their way to retiring as a Genin. And Special Jonin can and do teach teams, usually related to their specialty (like a team of combat medics, trap layers, a fast-assault team, etc.)

The Academy of Mines!

The Academy uses a track/class system, in which the class you're assigned to (which can in fact be changed) has to do with the overall potential seen from you.

Class A are the ones who are expected to mostly pass. And in fact, in this year, of the 37 students, 33 of them passed, making up eleven teams, including Team Eleven, which consists of the glorious PCs!

Class B are those who are the next rung down, with still plenty of potential. Because of excess numbers which have made this a 'bumper class' there is now a B-1, and a B-2, which are of the same 'rank.' Of all of the kids in the class, 30 of them passed onto the next stage as Genin Teams.

Class C too had to split a little, though not as much, and has had 27 graduates!

Class D are the dregs, who often are expected to do little and often expect to spend most of their lives as Genin. Or hope for better. It would take a lot of incompetence to go down from Class A to Class D without just washing out, though it has been a feat managed by several in the past, and the current Oyabun *graduated* in Class D but went on to be an amazing ninja. So there are success stories. But as a whole, they graduate at a way, way lower rate than any of the other classes.

There were only fifteen students deemed worthy of even briefly possessing a headband.

Now, how many of these 35 teams will make the cut, well, it depends! A bumper year, though, I'm sure you'll agree!
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so, I'm imagining that Ran is considered 'that weird girl' in her clan. I'd imagine they respect her for throwing herself headfirst into the clan specialties/disciplines, but she's utterly incomprehensible on an interpersonal level. "she'll make a good chuunin, but thank the gods she's not in the line of succession for Clan Head".

on inter-clan politics: the Senritsu seem to be the only clan that actually focuses on front-lining, which makes sense for a village based on guerilla warfare and constant tactical retreats, but it also gives them a solid role. they're the ones that hold off the monsters long enough for the Seishin to handle them, the brawn that manhandles machinery into place for the Mekanniku, the earth-walkers who set mines for the Mizuyama.

that said, I think they've always been a little 'other' to the rest of the clans. everyone else has abilities and specialties that work incredibly well in the environment of Hidden Mines, whereas the Senritsu could work just as well anywhere, really. they stay because the deep places are home, they're the only place the Senritsu stay safe. it's no secret that they get restless, agitated, above ground; Senritsu on long-term missions have been known to create themselves little pockets of underground bedrooms.

I... lost where the rest of this post was going.
so, I'm imagining that Ran is considered 'that weird girl' in her clan. I'd imagine they respect her for throwing herself headfirst into the clan specialties/disciplines, but she's utterly incomprehensible on an interpersonal level. "she'll make a good chuunin, but thank the gods she's not in the line of succession for Clan Head".

on inter-clan politics: the Senritsu seem to be the only clan that actually focuses on front-lining, which makes sense for a village based on guerilla warfare and constant tactical retreats, but it also gives them a solid role. they're the ones that hold off the monsters long enough for the Seishin to handle them, the brawn that manhandles machinery into place for the Mekanniku, the earth-walkers who set mines for the Mizuyama.

that said, I think they've always been a little 'other' to the rest of the clans. everyone else has abilities and specialties that work incredibly well in the environment of Hidden Mines, whereas the Senritsu could work just as well anywhere, really. they stay because the deep places are home, they're the only place the Senritsu stay safe. it's no secret that they get restless, agitated, above ground; Senritsu on long-term missions have been known to create themselves little pockets of underground bedrooms.

I... lost where the rest of this post was going.

Makes sense. Of course, there are other things going on. Like the Yarase are surprisingly adaptable and you might see why I was so amused by Ran's 'blind' comment soon enough, but it makes sense. There's nothing wrong with having a role and doing it well, you know?

Also, revealed non-spoiler thing about End of an Era.

Emiko, in fact, has underground hideouts beneath the earth at other locations. Earth Jutsu is a hell of a thing.
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