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This chaotic, ever expanding, solar system sized maze of metal and plastic is called the...
This chaotic, ever expanding, solar system sized maze of metal and plastic is called the Mega-structure.
Created by the hubris of man and machine working in concert, it is constantly being assembled and dismantled according to the will of a demented god-system.
Life is hard here, for most of the Structure is empty, filled with raving bands of android-like life forms... or worse.
Your journey begins here, but let us narrow the scope a bit, shall we?
First of all, who are you?

[] You are a clone of someone else, waking up in a damp, plastic lined artificial uterus.

[] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.

[] You are a safeguard, and you just materialized near a mass-conversion tower.

[] You are a... what are you? Did the mass-conversion node glitch out, bringing something not of this dimension in the Mega-structure as it exploded?

Adhoc vote count started by GOLDEN on May 18, 2018 at 4:40 AM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.
    [X] You are a... what are you? Did the mass-conversion node glitch out, bringing something not of this dimension in the Mega-structure as it exploded?
    [X] You are a safeguard, and you just materialized near a mass-conversion tower.
    [X] You are a clone of someone else, waking up in a damp, plastic lined artificial uterus.

Adhoc vote count started by GOLDEN on May 18, 2018 at 2:37 PM, finished with 18 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.
    [X] You are a... what are you? Did the mass-conversion node glitch out, bringing something not of this dimension in the Mega-structure as it exploded?
    [X] You are a safeguard, and you just materialized near a mass-conversion tower.
    [X] You are a clone of someone else, waking up in a damp, plastic lined artificial uterus.

Adhoc vote count started by GOLDEN on May 18, 2018 at 3:45 PM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] A meek, almost human looking being, if not for the unnatural pallor, green color of your eyes, and the weird synthetic dreadlocks you sport in place of normal hair. Androgynous and small, you stand at exactly 150cm. You are completely bare, yet you feel a strange power welling in your chest...
    [X] A battleground, filled with corpses both organic and silicon. The battle rages on, and your alcove is all that remains of a small (?) building, probably a breeding ground for your tribe... which could be more aptly be defined as an army.
    [X] A tall, yet lanky, fully armored figure. An obsidian black shell surrounds you, carved with intricate symbols you don't fully understand. Your face is but a grim skull now, but according to your data, you can project a holo-mask of any look you wish upon it.
    [X] Pitch darkness, illuminated by some semblance of light coming from small, pin shaped points all around you. Your alcove, like many others is carved in a huge floating object, and an archaic memory file in your mind whispers... "stars?"
    [x] A completely normal, yet deserted breeding lab, filled with supplies and equipment for the newborns... where is everyone though? No signs of struggle around here...
    [X] A feminine beauty, by the standards of your absent tribe.
[X] You are a... what are you? Did the mass-conversion node glitch out, bringing something not of this dimension in the Mega-structure as it exploded?
[X] You are a... what are you? Did the mass-conversion node glitch out, bringing something not of this dimension in the Mega-structure as it exploded?
Not interested in wildbox option

[X] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.
me: just say the words and im yours
you: BLAME! quest

[X] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.
[X] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.
Could someone familiar with Blame fill us who aren't in on the non-mystery options please?
Could someone familiar with Blame fill us who aren't in on the non-mystery options please?
The clone option is basically what it says on the tin. Could either be a deliberately grown clone, implying a relatively high-tech origin, or an automatically produced one made by a machine nobody knows how to turn off, implying a lower-tech origin.

Silicon Life is the 'cyborg' option. They are a separate species that are at odds with the humans and Safeguard, and benefited by chaos. Because the Safeguard don't really have direction, they survive, but the Silicon creatures still try to exterminate humanity to stop the Net Terminal Gene (genetically coded wifi) from being found and giving the humans an edge. Not necessarily bad people, but the Safeguard will literally exterminate them if given the chance, so willing to take pretty much any edge they can get.

Safeguard are the most zealous antivirus program you can imagine. They go from dumb attack bots to sleeper agents, all the way up to 'remove the entire postcode' nuke options. They were originally designed to serve humans and protect the Netsphere (internet), but due to actions by the Silicons in the past they're more likely to kill you instead. Can be deployed to act with surprising leeway if the situation demands.

tl;dr, humans are humans, anyway from tribal to hard bio/technopunk levels of society. Silicon Life is advanced cyborgs who need to squish out the humans. Safeguard are antivirus programs gone hella rampant.
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The clone option is basically what it says on the tin. Could either be a deliberately grown clone, implying a relatively high-tech origin, or an automatically produced one made by a machine nobody knows how to turn off, implying a lower-tech origin.

Silicon Life is the 'cyborg' option. They are a separate species that are at odds with the humans and Safeguard, and benefited by chaos. Because the Safeguard act largely without direction, they can survive, but the Silicon creatures still work to exterminate humanity to prevent the Net Terminal Gene (genetically coded wifi) from being found and giving the humans an edge. Not necessarily bad people, but the Safeguard will literally exterminate them if given the chance, so willing to take pretty much any edge they can get.

Safeguard are the most zealous antivirus program you can imagine. They range from dumb attack bots to highly intelligent sleeper agents, all the way up to 'remove the entire postcode' nuke options. They were originally designed to serve humans and protect the Netsphere (internet), but due to actions by the Silicons in the past they're more likely to kill you instead. Can be deployed to act with surprising leeway if the situation demands.

tl;dr, humans are humans, anyway from tribal to hard bio/technopunk levels of society. Silicon Life is advanced cyborgs who need to squish out the humans. Safeguard are antivirus programs gone hella rampant.
Ahh i see, thanks.

[X] You are a safeguard, and you just materialized near a mass-conversion tower.
[X] You are a safeguard, and you just materialized near a mass-conversion tower.
[x] You are a clone of someone else, waking up in a damp, plastic lined artificial uterus.

Fuck the silicons, their ancestors were literal LOLCHAOS! bastards that messed up everything and now they want to maintain the horrible status quo for their benefit, at the expense of humanity. On the plus side, everyone is a cyborg in Blame!, so the difference is not that much.
[X] You are a... what are you? Did the mass-conversion node glitch out, bringing something not of this dimension in the Mega-structure as it exploded?
Blame quest? should be good.

[X] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.

Because their side of the story is such a rarity.
[X] You are a newly born silicon life form, finding yourself in a small, human shaped alcove carved in some sort of marble like polymer.
[X] You are a... what are you? Did the mass-conversion node glitch out, bringing something not of this dimension in the Mega-structure as it exploded?
Oh? So you're a member of the silicon race!

Your systems are hazy, glitchy because of your sudden awakening.

Your built-in software comes with a memory pack, filled with the basic knowledge your tribe has acquired along their errings, and you know someone shold have come for you by now... yet no living being is in sight.

You look around and to yourself, what do you see?

Outside, you see...

[] A battleground, filled with corpses both organic and silicon. The battle rages on, and your alcove is all that remains of a small (?) building, probably a breeding ground for your tribe... which could be more aptly be defined as an army.

[] Pitch darkness, illuminated by some semblance of light coming from small, pin shaped points all around you. Your alcove, like many others is carved in a huge floating object, and an archaic memory file in your mind whispers... "stars?"

[] A completely normal, yet deserted breeding lab, filled with supplies and equipment for the newborns... where is everyone though? No signs of struggle around here...

Looking at yourself, you see...

[] A tall, yet lanky, fully armored figure. An obsidian black shell surrounds you, carved with intricate symbols you don't fully understand. Your face is but a grim skull now, but according to your data, you can project a holo-mask of any look you wish upon it.

[] A meek, almost human looking being, if not for the unnatural pallor, green color of your eyes, and the weird synthetic dreadlocks you sport in place of normal hair. Androgynous and small, you stand at exactly 150cm. You are completely bare, yet you feel a strange power welling in your chest...

[] A feminine beauty, by the standards of your absent tribe.
Your supple polymer flesh and hair have a slight azure tint to them, your face is delicately sculpted for grace and your red eyes pierce souls with their gaze. You are about 230cm tall, perfectly proportionated, and dressed in a loose holographic robe.​
Adhoc vote count started by GOLDEN on May 19, 2018 at 1:10 AM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Pitch darkness, illuminated by some semblance of light coming from small, pin shaped points all around you. Your alcove, like many others is carved in a huge floating object, and an archaic memory file in your mind whispers... "stars?"
    [x] A meek, almost human looking being, if not for the unnatural pallor, green color of your eyes, and the weird synthetic dreadlocks you sport in place of normal hair. Androgynous and small, you stand at exactly 150cm. You are completely bare, yet you feel a strange power welling in your chest...
    [X] A battleground, filled with corpses both organic and silicon. The battle rages on, and your alcove is all that remains of a small (?) building, probably a breeding ground for your tribe... which could be more aptly be defined as an army.
    [X] A tall, yet lanky, fully armored figure. An obsidian black shell surrounds you, carved with intricate symbols you don't fully understand. Your face is but a grim skull now, but according to your data, you can project a holo-mask of any look you wish upon it.
    [X] A feminine beauty, by the standards of your absent tribe.
    [x] A completely normal, yet deserted breeding lab, filled with supplies and equipment for the newborns... where is everyone though? No signs of struggle around here...

Adhoc vote count started by GOLDEN on May 19, 2018 at 8:51 AM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Pitch darkness, illuminated by some semblance of light coming from small, pin shaped points all around you. Your alcove, like many others is carved in a huge floating object, and an archaic memory file in your mind whispers... "stars?"
    [x] A meek, almost human looking being, if not for the unnatural pallor, green color of your eyes, and the weird synthetic dreadlocks you sport in place of normal hair. Androgynous and small, you stand at exactly 150cm. You are completely bare, yet you feel a strange power welling in your chest...
    [X] A tall, yet lanky, fully armored figure. An obsidian black shell surrounds you, carved with intricate symbols you don't fully understand. Your face is but a grim skull now, but according to your data, you can project a holo-mask of any look you wish upon it.
    [X] A feminine beauty, by the standards of your absent tribe.
    [x] A completely normal, yet deserted breeding lab, filled with supplies and equipment for the newborns... where is everyone though? No signs of struggle around here...
    [X] A battleground, filled with corpses both organic and silicon. The battle rages on, and your alcove is all that remains of a small (?) building, probably a breeding ground for your tribe... which could be more aptly be defined as an army.
[x] A completely normal, yet deserted breeding lab, filled with supplies and equipment for the newborns... where is everyone though? No signs of struggle around here...
[x] A meek, almost human looking being, if not for the unnatural pallor, green color of your eyes, and the weird synthetic dreadlocks you sport in place of normal hair. Androgynous and small, you stand at exactly 150cm. You are completely bare, yet you feel a strange power welling in your chest...
+Soo, the "trap" option? At least the human-looks will ensure humies and Killy won't shoot us on sight.
[X] A battleground, filled with corpses both organic and silicon. The battle rages on, and your alcove is all that remains of a small (?) building, probably a breeding ground for your tribe... which could be more aptly be defined as an army.

[X] A tall, yet lanky, fully armored figure. An obsidian black shell surrounds you, carved with intricate symbols you don't fully understand. Your face is but a grim skull now, but according to your data, you can project a holo-mask of any look you wish upon it.

To war we go.
[X] A battleground, filled with corpses both organic and silicon. The battle rages on, and your alcove is all that remains of a small (?) building, probably a breeding ground for your tribe... which could be more aptly be defined as an army.

[X] A tall, yet lanky, fully armored figure. An obsidian black shell surrounds you, carved with intricate symbols you don't fully understand. Your face is but a grim skull now, but according to your data, you can project a holo-mask of any look you wish upon it.
[X] Pitch darkness, illuminated by some semblance of light coming from small, pin shaped points all around you. Your alcove, like many others is carved in a huge floating object, and an archaic memory file in your mind whispers... "stars?"

[X] A meek, almost human looking being, if not for the unnatural pallor, green color of your eyes, and the weird synthetic dreadlocks you sport in place of normal hair. Androgynous and small, you stand at exactly 150cm. You are completely bare, yet you feel a strange power welling in your chest...
[X] Pitch darkness, illuminated by some semblance of light coming from small, pin shaped points all around you. Your alcove, like many others is carved in a huge floating object, and an archaic memory file in your mind whispers..."stars?"

No idea on char options but this sounds interesting.
[X] A feminine beauty, by the standards of your absent tribe.
Your supple polymer flesh and hair have a slight azure tint to them, your face is delicately sculpted for grace and your red eyes pierce souls with their gaze. You are about 230cm tall, perfectly proportionated, and dressed in a loose holographic robe.
+Soo, the "trap" option? At least the human-looks will ensure humies and Killy won't shoot us on sight.

Eh, the City is huge beyond comprehension. Our chances of ever running into Killy are pretty remote. As for other humans, i think this depends much more on how much of a dick we and more importantly our tribe are to them. Humans can be pretty heavily cybered up in this universe, so the difference between them and Silicon Life seems to get fluid at times. Also, pretty much everyone except the Safeguard seem to be divided up into small tribes or gangs that fear the other, much like humanity in antiquity. Peaceful relations across tribal lines can pretty much only occur if one side firmly holds the bigger stick, and for that we need to be a warlord.