[X] If there's anything life has taught you, it's that work is for suckers. You'll be impoverished no matter what you try ... so why not enjoy life while you have it? Sure, wandering from town to town at random, may seem risky and unprofitable ... but you are Free! Truly Free! Free to wake when you please, eat as you please, do as you please! Who wants to wake up in the morning, only to do the same boring old routine they did yesterday? Why not make every day a new adventure? The life of a wandering VAGABOND is the one for you.
[X] Travel is as necessary as it is dangerous across the empire, and Stirland is no different. Merchants must move their goods, families must visit one another, Notables must attend important meetings. For fast, reliable, and safe transport, the people look no further than the great Coaching lines! A vast network of companies that stretch from one end of the empire to the other, ferrying people and items from point A to point B with minimum fuss. So prolific is this industry that dedicated coaching inns pop up to provide maintenance and repair services to coaches-on-the-move. The Hockling-&-Ingofen coachline is the premier such transport service in Stirland, and they are always looking for new, dependable drivers! You've heard tell that Coachmen also usually travel armed, as they are responsible for the safety of their cargo, but how dangerous can it be, really? You've joined up to become a COACHMAN.
[X] The law is difficult to enforce across vast stretches of wilderness. Rural villages are often reluctant to answer to the government, forests and caves provide perfect hideouts for any would-be-bandits, a wanted man might flee in any direction and be nigh-impossible to track through brush and hill as he hops borders and jurisdictions with an ease a city watch can never hope for. But still, someone must bring order to the chaos, and that's where you come in. The courageous and resourceful ROAD WARDEN is the nightmare of every fugitive, keeping the emperor's peace and bringing justice to even the darkest corners of the wilderness. It is a hard life, but a virtuous one.
[X] "OH IM A LUMBERJACK AND IM OKAY, I DRINK ALL NIGHT AND I WORK ALL DAY!"- That's the ear-grating song your fellows began belting out when your first joined them as a WOODSMAN, felling trees for lumber and fueling the expanse of civilized space over the wilderness, providing fuel for homes and material for new buildings. It's a rough life among the work crews of the woods, but it's taught you a great deal of valuable skills. Plus, you get a real big axe, and the work has really fleshed out your musculature.