[X] Plan Not a single step back
-[X] Atop the walls: You had the clan work hard to ensure that the valley was secure and see no reason to give away the advantage.
-[X] None, you need all the fighters to repel the coming force.
-[X] Against the Grobi assault. (+20 to the rolls for this area of battle) -[X] Stand firm and hold, nothing will be lost (Grudge stone is placed with an Oath at the wall's gate): You will not let the Traitors or the Grobi take what is left of your peoples home, lay the Grudgestone and swear an Oath as such. Gain Trait: Stalwart +1 Martial Ability and +20 to all personal rolls for any battle with which you swear on the Grudgestone. -[X] Leading a Regiment (+25 to any group they are attached to with an additional saving throw)
[X] Plan: Arrow-Blocking
-[X] Open the gates and fight them there
-[X] Ironbreakers on the grobi; everyone else on the Dawi Zharr
-[X] Against the Grobi assault
-[X] Withdraw to the Valley
-[X] Leading a Regiment