Warhammer Gods

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A lively discussion on Warhammer Fantasy, specifically the Gods and how they relate to the Old Ones. Personal theory that I wanted to discuss but would love to see some people's own take on it!
Just a bit of a thought I had from a number of different quests here as well as my general knowledge of Warhammer Fantasy. I do not claim to be an expert and haven't seen anything personally to disprove this theory.

Any way, the thought. So with the Lizardmen having the most "continuous" history from the beginning of the world outside of the mixed with mythos, especially in regards to the Aethyr and Chaos gods. Ignoring various different species claims of former ruling such as the Fimir, Prometheans and Dragon Ogres are generally viewed as within this sort of pre-history, akin to dinosaurs to modern day.
We know the gods in general aren't really mentioned by the Lizardmen, outside of the Old Ones and their own, however combining their knowledge and apparent blind spot, with how the Elves view gods and the general description most people agree on as the gods perceived by someone with significant knowledge. What if Gods are the Aethyric version of the Lizardmen? Beings working on shattered history, with limited understanding and working from different ideas of how to accomplish the agreed upon goal? Using tools they sometimes barely understand and having to plumb them routinely for new insight, they use what little remains after the great catastrophe, their tools were broken by chaos, so they sought new ones. Sheer magical grit wasn't enough to counter Chaos on their chosen plane, they reached for something, anything, Chaos uses broken mortals to do their being, to use their belief as tools to throw themselves against the Old Ones. Why couldn't the Gods do the same? Provide some in exchange for their belief, provide champions and heroic feats in your service, to show what you can do for them. Miracles on occasion are a small price for a continous stream of power.
Something of a thought I had, wished to get some people to weigh in.
Just a bit of a thought I had from a number of different quests here as well as my general knowledge of Warhammer Fantasy. I do not claim to be an expert and haven't seen anything personally to disprove this theory.

Anyway, the thought. So with the Lizardmen having the most "continuous" history from the beginning of the world outside of the (parts?)mixed with mythos, especially in regards to the Aethyr and Chaos gods. Ignoring various different species claims of former ruling such as the Fimir, Prometheans and Dragon Ogres are generally viewed as within this sort of pre-history, akin to dinosaurs to modern day.
We know the gods in general aren't really mentioned by the Lizardmen, outside of the Old Ones and their own.
However combining their knowledge and apparent blind spot, with how the Elves view gods and the general description most people agree on as the gods perceived by someone with significant knowledge. What if Gods are the Aethyric version of the Lizardmen?
Beings working on shattered history, with limited understanding and working from different ideas of how to accomplish the agreed upon goal? Using tools they sometimes barely understand and having to plumb them routinely for new insight.

They use what little remains after the great catastrophe, their tools were broken by chaos, so they sought new ones. Sheer magical grit wasn't enough to counter Chaos on their chosen plane.
They reached for something, anything, Chaos uses broken mortals to do their being(bidding?), to use their belief as tools to throw themselves against the Old Ones. Why couldn't the Gods do the same? Provide some in exchange for their belief, provide champions and heroic feats in your service, to show what you can do for them. Miracles on occasion are a small price for a continuous stream of power.
Something of a thought I had, wished to get some people to weigh in.

I want to respond cogently but am not sure I fully understood your hypothesis. I edited the quoted section a bit entirely in the hopes of obtaining clarity.
Run-on sentences are difficult to read. Some of these sentences inside of your post could more accurately be described as sentence fragments.

If my edit encapsulates what you were trying to say without distortion then we can proceed. I just don't want to start responding with a strong misunderstanding of your thinking.

What I'm hearing is that you think the gods(or most of them?) of the old world(and maybe AOS?) all lack omniscience and are also of the '' Gods Need Prayer Badly'' variety?
That page has a section hypothesizing on Warhammer also.