[X] Politics and Personal - In addition to the favor to Mira, you're concerned that, depending on how things play out, the problem could spill over to the Empress and/or Roswita.
[X] Other (It started as a favour to Mira - she asked me to find out what Alric was up to, in exchange for aid with the Waystone project - but now I've found out it feels like unfinished business from Stirland, and I owe it to my old friends to make sure the business is finished properly and the case closed.)
[X] Other (If it is that Haupt-Anderson who's behind it, it could result in someone trying to take vengeance on his last living relative. I want to make sure that doesn't happen.)
[X] "In part, I am doing this as a favor to Lady Magister Mira for the Light Order's contribution to the Waystone project. There's also some personal curiosity on my part, from Egrimm's tales. I could use the help, but I understand if you find yourself more useful elsewhere. " Give him a bittersweet smile. "Reginald. My teacher." you say, apropos of nothing, recalling his words from last time an Empress hung in the balance, "tell me what you know of the highest level of secrecy ratings." Becasue there's another reason for the Four to be doing all this. One where Alaric is a potentical problem, not help.
[X] The Empress you had assassinated was replaced by a woman who had previously pretended to be a member of the conspiracy you assassinated the Empress for being a part of, who was able to pull off the deception partly using Ranaldian magic which you personally gathered by being possessed by Mork and then funnelling that power to Ranald, and now you seek to bury this matter for the safety of your godson, the heir apparent.