[X] Plan Bless The Snake
-[x] The documents of the Stirlandian League will allow you to rebuild the north-south trade network with speed and efficiency.
-[x] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
--[x] Intrigue
--[x] Learning -[X] You've got a handle on most of the Petty and Minor magics, but some still elude you. Dispel in particular could have come in very handy recently. Time to round up the rest of them. (NEW) -[X] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW)
--[x] Ranald's Blessing
-[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required) (NEW)
--[x] Julia
[x] Plan Documents and Training
-[x] The documents of the Stirlandian League will allow you to rebuild the north-south trade network with speed and efficiency.
-[x] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
--[x] Learning (Overwork)
--[x] Intrigue
-[x] Combat Training: You're virtually surrounded by armed warriors of various sorts. See if you can convince one to teach you (choose who).
--[x] Gustav is well-known for his ability with cavalry, and as it happens you're very good with the Shadowsteed spell. See if he can teach you a few things about mounted combat to give you experience and training that matches your magical skills.
-[x] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task. (expense paid for by Van Hal)
--[x] Ranald's Blessing
-[x] You've got a handle on most of the Petty and Minor magics, but some still elude you. Dispel in particular could have come in very handy recently. Time to round up the rest of them.
-[x] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
--[x] Julia
-[x] Change embezzlement
--[x] Change to no embezzlement.
[X] Plan no fires.
-[x] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
-[x] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned.
--[x] Intrigue
--[x] Change to no embezzlement.
[X] Plan Getting Good and Doing Work
-[x] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
--[x] Ranald's Blessing
-[x] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned.
--[x] Intrigue
[X] Getting To Know You Whether You Like It Or Not: Schultz
[X] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task.
[X] You've got a handle on most of the Petty and Minor magics, but some still elude you. Dispel in particular could have come in very handy recently. Time to round up the rest of them.
[X] There's a vacuum where a dozen trade guilds should be. Found one of your own, and let information and profits flow through you, and see what the Stirlandian League does about it.
-[x] Change embezzlement
--[x] Change to no embezzlement.
-[X] Free Time:
--[X] Get to know Julia better.
[X] Plan Getting Good and Doing Work
-[x] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
--[x] Ranald's Blessing
-[x] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned.
--[x] Intrigue
[X] Plan Seize It
-[x] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
--[x] Ranald's Blessing -[X] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors or your liege, offering your help in their tasks and generally getting a feel for them (choose one). --[X]Wilhelmina Hochschild, Steward of Stirland: Work with them to seize and account league assets.
-[x] The documents of the Stirlandian League will allow you to rebuild the north-south trade network with speed and efficiency. --[X]Gustav von Jungfreud, Marshal of Stirland: Work with them to seize and account league assets. -[X] [ADDITIONAL] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith is worrying. Maybe there's something you can do? (write in) --[X] Ask Anton to invite head of local faiths to meet with Van Hal individually. Then meet with Van to talk to him about your god, Ranald. -[X] You've got a handle on most of the Petty and Minor magics, but some still elude you. Dispel in particular could have come in very handy recently. Time to round up the rest of them. (NEW) -[X] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW) -[X] Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try again with local goods. (-personal gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
[X] Plan Finding Faith
-[X] The leaders of the Stirlandian League need to be rounded up so you can question them regarding their former patron.
-[x] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
--[x] Intrigue
--[x] Learning -[X] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW)
-[X] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith is worrying. Maybe there's something you can do? (write in)
--[X] Use our connections to seek out a local holy man of Sigmar that fits Van Hal's personality, and set up a meeting between the two. Someone who has also seen his share of horrors of the Night and could do no more than feel impotent rage at the crumbling Sigmarite influence under the previous Elector Count, but whose faith and principles are still strong as steel.
--[x] Ranald's Blessing
-[X] Free Time:
--[X] Get to know Julia better.
[X] Plan Seize It
-[x] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
--[x] Ranald's Blessing -[X] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors or your liege, offering your help in their tasks and generally getting a feel for them (choose one). --[X]Wilhelmina Hochschild, Steward of Stirland: Work with them to seize and account league assets. --[X]Gustav von Jungfreud, Marshal of Stirland: Work with them to seize and account league assets. -[X] [ADDITIONAL] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith is worrying. Maybe there's something you can do? (write in) --[X] Ask Anton to invite head of local faiths to meet with Van Hal individually. Then meet with Van to talk to him about your god, Ranald. -[X] You've got a handle on most of the Petty and Minor magics, but some still elude you. Dispel in particular could have come in very handy recently. Time to round up the rest of them. (NEW) -[X] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task. (expense paid for by Van Hal) (NEW) -[X] Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try again with local goods. (-personal gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment) [X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required) (NEW)
--[x] Julia
[X] Plan no fires.
-[x] The assets of the Stirlandian League will be a huge boost to Stirland's coffers.
-[x] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned.
--[x] Intrigue
--[x] Learning
-[x] Personally construct the Mirrorcatch Box. Though being around that many mirrors for that long makes you antsy, there's nobody else you can trust with the task.
-[x] A Crisis of Faith: Van Hal's ongoing alienation with the Sigmarite faith is worrying. Maybe there's something you can do?
--[x] Attempt to convert him to Ranald.
-[x][ Enchantment: So far you've failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but youcould always try again with local goods. (Overwork)
-[x] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better.
--[x] Wilhelma
-[x] Change embezzlement
--[x] Change to no embezzlement.