Vote tally - Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jun 30, 2020 at 3:52 PM, finished with 623 posts and 97 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest
Post #132041
Post #132663


  • [X] Plan Versatile
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
    --[X] Capable of shifting between the spells Urannon's Thunderbolt for direct damage, and Lightning Storm for dealing with many targets.
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Commission an altar based on (boosted) Transformation of Kadon.
    --[X] Able to transform non-wizards.
    --[X] Optimized to reduce destructive consequences in case of miscast.
    --[X] Can only be activated by a Dwarf not currently being transformed.
    --[X] Can only be activated with one of three keystones.
    --[X] Transportable but heavy and unwieldy enough that even the resulting dragon can not just carry it away.
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Skavenslayer with Less Vague Artillery
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Attempt to create a network of anti-air artillery emplacements, featuring runed artillery, personal/Altar scale enchanted items to provide accuracy buffs, and a small reserve of specialist runed ammunition for the hardest targets.
    --[X] Suggested artillery runes: Rune of Accuracy/Flakksson's Rune of Seeking for precision, Rune of Penetrating for damage
    --[X] Suggested buffs: Trial and Error, Second Portent of Amul (not necessarily at the same time)
    --[X] Specialist bolts: (Master) Rune of Dragonslaying/Demonslaying, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Striking
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Skavenslayer
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
    --[X] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
    --[X] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery (see below)
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Create artillery emplacements with appropriate runic augmentation to supplement the new tower
    --[X] Suggested runes: Rune of Accuracy/Flakksson's Rune of Seeking for precision, Rune of Penetrating for damage
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmith in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Skavenslayer with Artillery
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Attempt to create anti-dragon artillery pieces, using whatever combination of engineering, enchanting, and runework you can manage to wrangle together.
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon+Panpan-AV
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Commission an altar based on (boosted) Transformation of Kadon.
    --[X] Able to transform non-wizards.
    --[X] Optimized to reduce destructive consequences in case of miscast.
    --[X] Can only be activated by a Dwarf not currently being transformed.
    --[X] Can only be activated with one of three keystones.
    --[X] Transportable but heavy and unwieldy enough that even the resulting dragon can not just carry it away.
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan An Opportunity
    - [X] MAX: Write a paper: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish (Half Completed)
    - [X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures (FADING)
    - [X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
    - [X] Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    - [X] PENTHOUSE: Add security measures to your Penthouse to prevent forcible entry.
    - [X] SERENITY: Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy (TIMELESS)
    - [X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities (Consult with College of Heaven wizards to see if any have an 'Anti-Air Tower Of DOOM!' or similar blueprint lying around they don't have the funds for. Otherwise: Roiling Skies, Urannon's Thunderbolt, Chain Lightning.)
    - [X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (Staff Making, 1 College Favour)
    - [X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    - [X] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
    - [X] The Gambler: Runesmith AV research.
    [X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb v2
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Create artillery emplacements with appropriate runic augmentation to supplement the new tower
    --[X] Suggested runes: Rune of Accuracy/Flakksson's Rune of Seeking for precision, Rune of Penetrating for damage
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmith in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (Staff Making, 1 College Favour)
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    --[X] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery (see above)
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Skavenslayer + Urannon's Thunderbolt
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
    --[X] Capable of the spells Urannon's Thunderbolt for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [x] Attempt to establish diplomatic relations with the Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin with the ultimate goal of forming a mutual defense pact. The ultimate defense against a marauding dragon is a bigger badder
    [X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Missile Launcher
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Collaborate on an anti-air artillery vehicle that can be used by non-wizards and specializes against dragons and ice dragons in particular.
    --[X] Request Light Wizard(s) to identify weaknesses of Ice Dragons.
    --[X] Request a Celestial Wizard(s) for the main enchantments.
    --[X] Request Runemaster(s) to add any helpful runework.
    --[X] Request Dwarf Engineer(s) to aid in basic vehicular mobility.
    --[X] Emphasize the potentially available budget and the results of the last such collaboration while headhunting for collaborators.
    --[X] Suggest the spells Lightning Storm, Urannon's Thunderbolt, Curse and Second Portent of Amul and the Runes of Accuracy and Flakksson's Seeking during brainstorming.
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmith in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan Finishing Up Old Business Hubert Edition
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation(Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (MOSTLY FADED)/Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish)
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures (FADING) (can be written by Johann).
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard. (NEW-ish)
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (MOSTLY FADED)
    -[X] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security. (NEW)
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have firing platforms built around the Penthouse so that it can be defended from flyers or climbers without granting access to it.
    -[X] Write a paper: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    -[X] Gain enough control of your attraction to smoke and gases to have it collect away from your face.
    -[X] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to a power stone.
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities (specify Dwarven Rune or College spell it would be based on; does not cost favour).
    --[X] A combination of Second Portent of Amul, Curse, and Lightning Storm, along with Wrath and Ruin if one of the Runelords could see to aligning the powers.
    -[X] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to.
    --[X] Anti-Dragon tower
    [X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb + Urannon's Thunderbolt
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
    --[X] Capable of the spells Urannon's Thunderbolt for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery (see below)
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Create artillery emplacements with appropriate runic augmentation to supplement the new tower
    --[X] Suggested runes: Rune of Accuracy/Flakksson's Rune of Seeking for precision, Rune of Penetrating for damage
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmith in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan All Out Research
    -[X] MAX: Study an artefact:
    -[X] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
    -[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires. (NEW)
    -[X] ACTION 1: Current Task: Create and design an Anti-Air weapon and ask Gotri for help, but add enchantments to the bolts to make it able to target and hurt a dragon. This would be Smoke And Mirrors to teleport the bolt right next to the target after firing, then maybe Shadow Knives to deal damage,
    -[X] ACTION 2: Study an artefact: Ranald's Coin
    -[X] ACTION 3: Using what you've learned of how it reacts to Runes, create new means of storing and moving the Vitae in complete safety. (NEW)
    -[X] ACTION 4: Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
    -[X] SERENITY: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish (Half Completed)
    -[X] COIN: The Gambler: Studying Ranald's Coin
    [X]Plan moving on (Dragon needs fill in)
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which. Must be taken with a 'dictate' action.
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    -[X] Serenity dictate Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: specify which.
    --[X] Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures (FADING) (can be written by Johann)
    -[X]DUCK: Work with Panoramia to try to implement the Waaaghsoak Mushrooms as an aid to spellcasting.
    -[X]EIC: Completely and over management of the EIC intelligence apparatus to the Hochlander. Will remove this section from future turns and regain the half-turn invested in it.
    -[X]Attempt to interest a young Runesmith with ambition and flexibility in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will give a selection of candidates)
    --[X]Move EIC half action to AV
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities (specify Dwarven Rune or College spell it would be based on; does not cost favour).
    -[X]Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Try to create them.
    -[X] Eshin Sorcerer paper
    [X] Plan: Skavenslayer with Less Vague Artillery+Panpan-Staff
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Attempt to create a network of anti-air artillery emplacements, featuring runed artillery, personal/Altar scale enchanted items to provide accuracy buffs, and a small reserve of specialist runed ammunition for the hardest targets.
    --[X] Suggested artillery runes: Rune of Accuracy/Flakksson's Rune of Seeking for precision, Rune of Penetrating for damage
    --[X] Suggested buffs: Trial and Error, Second Portent of Amul (not necessarily at the same time)
    --[X] Specialist bolts: (Master) Rune of Dragonslaying/Demonslaying, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Striking
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Fight Dragon with Dragon+Panpan-Staff
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Commission an altar based on (boosted) Transformation of Kadon.
    --[X] Able to transform non-wizards.
    --[X] Optimized to reduce destructive consequences in case of miscast.
    --[X] Can only be activated by a Dwarf not currently being transformed.
    --[X] Can only be activated with one of three keystones.
    --[X] Transportable but heavy and unwieldy enough that even the resulting dragon can not just carry it away.
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Skavenslayer with Less Vague Artillery+Panpan-AV
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Attempt to create a network of anti-air artillery emplacements, featuring runed artillery, personal/Altar scale enchanted items to provide accuracy buffs, and a small reserve of specialist runed ammunition for the hardest targets.
    --[X] Suggested artillery runes: Rune of Accuracy/Flakksson's Rune of Seeking for precision, Rune of Penetrating for damage
    --[X] Suggested buffs: Trial and Error, Second Portent of Amul (not necessarily at the same time)
    --[X] Specialist bolts: (Master) Rune of Dragonslaying/Demonslaying, Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Striking
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
    [X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb+Panpan-AV
    -[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
    -[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
    -[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
    -[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
    -[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
    -[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
    --[X] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery (see below)
    --[X] COIN: The Gambler
    -[X] Create artillery emplacements with appropriate runic augmentation to supplement the new tower
    --[X] Suggested runes: Rune of Accuracy/Flakksson's Rune of Seeking for precision, Rune of Penetrating for damage
    -[X] Dictate papers:
    --[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
    --[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
    -[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
    -[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery