So- non waystone projects for WEBMAT:
- the dwarves and elves used to combine runework and magic to make wonders. What were they, how does it look like they worked, sand can we reproduce anything using wizards instead of elves?
- light of sigmar/burning shadows combo melted a vampire king. Can it be reproduced? Formalized?
- the dwarves have a speech-to-text rune. This might just be because khalazid is logical and semi magical, or not. Get some book priests and see if a device can be created, or a language modified enough to work with such a device.
- Celestial weather spells and jade growth spells as compliments over large areas.
- New black orcs from Brettonia? Get some samples and a damsal and try to reverse engineer what was done to them and by who. Also, weaknesses.
- Weapons to kill gods. The Horned Rat is the keystone that holds the skaven together and keeps them a threat. There was a time before it was a god. How can what it did be reversed or ended?
- Field trip to record the resurrection of the cults Kasmir is setting up, and their effects on the sacral-magical landscape?
- Wtf is with Bok?
- AV decomposition and potential recreation. The way tongs failed but AV holds together, along with qyesh, implies that the winds feel constricted by each other and struggle to escape as soon as there is an imbalance in the ratios between the levels of ALL of the other winds. Can this be explored further?