Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
My decisions and reasonings:

[X] The Waystone Project

Waystone is obvious because they're hella important and looking into Old One/Lizardmen shit should help give Mathilde ideas.

[X] Nagarythe

Killing Dark Elves is always fun and rescuing slaves is a worthy cause. Plus, learning from the Elves about Ulgu can lead to further insights perhaps? At the very least, rubbing in what Teclis missed at Vlag is its own petty reward.

[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks

Either this or Ambassador, but I wouldn't mind if we keep working with Belegar.

[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev

Am very interested in seeing how exactly such a path would go. Plus, having Ranald owe us if/when we die has it's own special appeal (as in, Boney would probably have to write a hell of an epilogue as to how Ranald repays us then, lol).
Now that i can post again.
Your argument is we will be aiding Ranald. Therefore we are working for him, and working for him exclusively.
I was not aware i was an employee when holding a door to someone.
Should i sue people for lost wages? :V
Helping =/= Working.
And even if we are working for Ranald, that does mean he will be in our debt, you know, wages and shit, might be a coin upgrade there, or something equally nifty.
Frankly, I'm not sure why the job being offered is spymaster when he seems to want us more or less mainly for dealing with the skaven undercity. Having to spend time and effort also dealing with spy networks just...doesn't make sense.

The guy hiring us is two Eshin Skaven in a trenchcoat. He wants to trick us into defeating his rivals so he can seamlessly integrate himself in society and gain prestige by secretly taking over the land. He also wants to use the Skaven as a justification for having a famous Lady Magister as his pet spook, knowing her overachieving nature will make her do all the normal Spymaster tasks as well, in addition to dealing with Skaven. Even if he says she shouldn't do that. ESPECIALLY if he says that.

Layers upon layers; schemes upon schemes, yes-yes.
I do wonder if the option would have been doing better if the title was "head of city sewer jacks" or something.
Well, the conspiracy of silence exists - what else are they going to call it when a Lord Magister gets appointed as rat catcher?
"Master of City Sanitation"
"Head of City Sewer Cleaning"
"Special Advisor for Sewer Maintenance"
"Supreme Matriarch of the Rat Exterminators"
"Special Advisor for City Plumbing"
"Special Advisor for Mario Ain't Got Shit On Me"
"Firebat Hero"
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So full disclosure: because i'm very commented to the thread.

one of those votes was my nephew that's staying with me right now trying to help me out with the vote. (I'm the one that got him into Warhammer stuff: my sister has never forgiven me.)

which would have been fine, if it was not for the fact that he used one of my emails without my permission to open the account because my Sister doesn't let him have one of his own. (so he is in trouble about that IRL.)

so I asked that it be marked as a sock puppet.

I'm saying this open as I think it's important as a major player-voter to be honest about these things. as for better or worse I'm going to be influencing people just by dint of post spam.
Waystone is obvious because they're hella important and looking into Old One/Lizardmen shit should help give Mathilde ideas.
Waystones are purely dwarven/elvish creations, and were made loooong after the Old Ones left. They might have some form of connection to the geomantic Web, but even that's far from certain.
Foreword: I am making this argument to encourage voters to go with Empire-based options over Dwarf-based options. I do believe every word, though.

I think there's a solid argument to be made that if you want to help the dwarves long-term, you should be picking options to help the Empire in the short term.

"But Deathbybunnies, you buffoon, surely if we want to help the dwarves we should be helping the dwarves?"

Well, in the short term you'd be right. But the Karaz Ankor is currently in a somewhat odd position. It has achieved significant successes in its recent past, that inhibit its ability to do much else for, like, a generation. So any really big pushes won't be happening for 20 years on the outside (40, really.)

Meanwhile, I think we all take it as a truism that humanity is generally on the rise. The Empire is solidly the Karaz Ankor's closest ally, and half of the Empire will kill the other half before that changes.

But paradoxically, despite being on the rise where the Karaz Ankor is juat starting to get back up, the Empire is much more fragile than the Karaz Ankor. The former is made up of squabbling counties that have been together a few hundred years since they were last all trying to kill each other. The latter has been in more or less this exact situation for the last few thousand years, give or take a wobble down and up in the last few centuries.

I think it is by now widely accepted here that if the Karaz Ankor is to reclaim its former strength, it will be on the backs of men. Karak Eight Peaks and the Expedition to Karag Dum only succeeded with human assistance, and that was without the Empire itself formally taking an interest. Imagine what could be done if the Empire was secure and united enough to actually help properly?

In 10 years' time if we help the dwarves directly, they won't have fire dragons living in their attics, and the Empire will be as divided as ever. In 10 year's time if we help the Empire, the dwarves will have lost half a corridor to those fire dragons, or possibly ousted them themselves, but our effect on the Empire? Will be much greater.

Humans adapt, and change, and grow quickly enough, that I genuinely think that helping the Empire will not just have larger returns overall, but returns large enough that the knock-on effects on the dwarves will be at least as large, if not larger, than helping them directly.

I could be wrong - we don't have hard numbers, after all. But I think the possibility is at least worth considering.
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[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
Well adjusting my vote again.
I like the dwarves, but i'm not sure i want to spend the next 5 to 10 years of Mathilde's life putting down fires for them at this moment.
[x] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[x] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[x] The Waystone Project
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Previously-written effortpost aside: it looks like every group had socks among them, with the Bodyguard socks just being recent and obvious. I was worried that group was going to be screwed by an understandable wave of "fuck sockpuppeteers" countervoting, but that wouldn't make sense here.
Voting is open