Eh, I guess a wink wink nudge nudge think could be different. Will depend on the man I guess.
That's not quite what I was getting at? It's like...
Right, it's like Elves. Everyone knows Elves, everyone knows they're right arrogant bastards, so when one of them says something like
this to you -
But then Boris passes on the transcript of the lecture on greenskin magic, which some of our mages found intriguing because, of course, we're not capable of lowering ourselves enough to understand their magics. So we had a look into you,
yes, they're pretty clearly insulting you and your entire race, but, like, of
course they are. That level of condescension is taken as a given for Elves, barely registers really, and there's certainly no point in
calling them out on it. Really, what would the best case scenario for
that be? For the elf to apologize to the human for being too arrogant?
Everybody involved knows
that's not going to happen, so the entire insult portion of the interaction gets filed away into Just Elgi Things and everyone gets on with their lives. The humans involved aren't
happy about it, but what's to be done?
That's the sort of thing I'm getting at. As a Grey Wizard Dawongr, he's going to know we're going to hold some stuff close to our chest, because of
course we are. Magic Spy
and tightly bound to the most oath-abiding race in the world? We'll almost certainly be keeping
something back.
But is he going to call us on it? What would that get him? Evasiveness, half-truths, or an outright refusal, potentially relating to secrets that he for all he knows he
doesn't have the clearance to know by order of the Emperor, and then if he presses us it's going to be a whole
thing where he's developing an adversarial relationship with one of the most valuable diplomatic assets around. Nobody
wins. And Otto's good at his job, so he knows that! It's not that we'll be walking away winking and nudging at each other, chuckling about the great dance the Colleges and Diplomats play - he's just going to know that there's probably something we're not telling him as part of our Just Mathilde Things, and then he's going to sigh, file that knowledge away, and move on with his life.