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I respectfully disagree, the blur gives you an idea of how long a spoiler is before you read it, so that you can skip long winded things if you feel like it.
Was blurring this really necessary? While I don't have really have a bone in this discussion (barring that blurred text in a quote can be finicky), that was kinda provocating. There was nothing there worth blurring.
Although I don't have an opinion either way, the blur is valid forum feature. You can request others to not use it, and others don't have to comply. If it degrades your experience, please petition the staff in the suggestion box subforum.
I prefer the blur over traditional spoilers, at least on mobile (which is what I'm on most of the time). Spoiler boxes compress the text it into even less space and quotes in spoiler boxes don't have the 'show more' option at times.
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Hunh! Neat! Wouldn't that make it a pain to reload, though? Sounds great for a sidearm, shit for a rifle.
Yeah, it's not really compatible with swing-out cylinders and speedloaders; it reloads one cartridge at a time via loading gate (which is not uncommon among higher-powered revolvers iirc). Pretty awful for a military service rifle.
For me, one of my browsers doesn't show the blur at all. So... Every bit of it is totally invisible.

So I kind of have to awkwardly move the mouse around over a post and guess and click. Sometimes it's easy, usually it's a bit of a hassle, because getting something blind isn't as easy as I'd have thought. It's like... I know that it's going to be there, just below the quote box, because that's where the text would be. But actually nailing it down takes a few extra movements to reorient correctly.

I usually end up using some mix of "highlight the whole post, then click on it to reveal it." And not every post will reveal the entire post with just one click.

Abby Normal's posts are actually really good about this; just one click reveals the whole post! :)

Hence why I generally prefer the old Spoiler box pretty much every way. Because I can immediately locate a spoiler box, heh. And don't have to fumble around on clicking it.
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A Thought: I wonder if the Vitae might be useful as a learning tool for training to manipulate the other winds, as a canned source of all of them.

well I'm of the opinion it's decent part of what makes Ulgu tongs training viable as we can source small amounts of other winds to manipulate and if they make dhar we're only making small portions to burn away with the belt. Granted making the technique to manipulate another wind is something I think will be time consuming but I think we're pretty much the best placed for it. Just need a free turn to work on the action where we can throw the gambler at it.
I kind of wonder at the Bursar's face after she realized we stopped sending ludicrous amounts of gold and instead mailed a suspicious vat of organs floating inside to the College while the Amethyst College just got a series of mega tithes.
"Oh, how sweet! She's sharing."
And suspicious vats of organs are probably in the "slightly odd" category for things mailed in.
How long does it take to assemble a Matrix anyway?

Hamster-missiles aside, I think the main practical use of it with Universal Confusion Mastery would be to nab some orcs/skaven with Mockery of Death without them noticing, weave a Matrix into them with Mastery Universal Confusion armed, keyed to trigger when they see their leaders, and then step back for the popcorn.
Hit them with Mindhole, too. That way, they won't remember anything from it.
Hm. Need to check with the Halflings about popcorn supplies. :D
We want to recon the dragon sooner than later, especially when theres basically nothing in the near term which would meaningfully improve our ability to sneak past a dragon of this tier.
We want to have the initiative because that lets us set the scene, stack the Gambler, rather than run around frantically when it intervenes and you don't know what its stance on dwarves are.

My thought on the proposals of the immediate next turn should be:
-Investigate(NOT fight) the dragon.
-Investigate Mhonar
We want to research the dragon, first. Because I would imagine that there's a decent chance that an Ice Dragon would have a history chronicled somewhere.
Regarding library topics: Skaven, obviously, since we can get that last point without spending Favour. Anatomy, also obviously, since getting +3 more on that just costs gold and it's been assisting the translation dicerolls. Beastmen and Chaos Mutants are out, since the stuff about how they mutate into what they are is classified. Dragons are probably worth picking up to some extent, just in case we get pulled in to consult on that topic (and in case we want to post a bounty for dragonbone). We should get Dwarf books on the Aethyr, to flesh that topic out. Do we want Physics or additional Chemistry stuff, for AV testing? It didn't modify dicerolls last time, but it did come up in narration.

(Keep in mind that because of our library stipend, it makes sense to make smaller purchases of only-what-we-expect-to-deal-with-next-turn, rather than buying a ton of stuff at once that will come in handy eventually.)
I will be voting for, at least, Imperial and Dwarven Extensive/Obscure, preferably Extensive/Esoteric books on Dragons.
Because I want Mathilde to have all the information available about who this dragon might be, before getting into possibly-snack range.
Hmm. Is anybody in the thread talented enough with 3d modelling to get a holy symbol of ranald (with a loop for a chain, to wear as a pendant) on Shapeways? Because I would totally buy one...

About the inline spoilers, I don't mind either way personally, but find the complaining about them distracting and also unlikely to go anywhere. People are going to use what they feel like using, and any attempt to ban it inevitably leads to "we added this feature to our website so people could use it, stop trying to browbeat them into stopping, dealwithit.jpg" from the staff.

tl;dr you can't get rid of them, so please don't clutter up the thread with off-topic whinging about them.
We want to research the dragon, first. Because I would imagine that there's a decent chance that an Ice Dragon would have a history chronicled somewhere.
Wouldn't you want to investigate it first? So you can find identifying marks etc. rather than just hunting history books for any mention of an Ice Dragon ever?
The forgettable arcane mark doesn't seem as bad as people are making it out to be. People don't forget the person with it, just what their face looks like. We'd still be recognizable as the only person in K8P going around in Grey Robes and cool hat.
Snippets of War: Attack of Karagril
War. Carnage. All the things that should be expected in a scrum to the death involving greenskins fighting dwarves fighting greenskins fighting greenskins fighting humans.

Loved it. You captured the flow of fights, and the moments of petty heroism, and the multi-lingual wordplay that has turned into such a cool piece of this version of the world. :)

You also packaged it so it fit into sidestory, so nicely done there too!
Regarding the blurring, it may be offtopic, but my two cents.

For my whole life I've lived with a degree of strabismus - that is to say, my eyes do not focus properly and in sync with one another. If I relax completely, I have full double-vision. You know as a child how you might be intrigued by the fact that if you extend your arm and lift a finger, and then close one eye, and then switch the eyes that is closed, the finger seems to be moving? I never got that, since I can do that, at will, with both eyes open.

So, in order to read anything, I must concentrate on specifically looking at a piece of text or it becomes a blurred mess that causes quite severe headaches over the long term as the muscles moving my eyes become strained as my brain tries to make sense of things.

The blurred text makes me instinctually think that I'm focusing wrong on that piece of text, and attempt to refocus my eyes in a split second in order to bring the text back into focus. But that's of course impossible, and as a result the entire screen just becomes somewhat blurred.

So I have to blink a couple of times, and I'm all good since my brain has caught up to the fact that I'm not supposed to be able to read the spoilered blurred text.

But I cannot begin to describe how fucking annoying it is.

Think about it. You're happily doing whatever on your computer, and suddenly everything is out of focus for just a noticeable fraction of a second, like someone has slipped a pair of wrong prescription glasses on your face for a tenth of a second. Jarring, annoying, and if possible I'd prefer to avoid it.

I understand I am very much in a minority here and intellectually I get that the spoilered by blurring has advantages to it compared to normal spoiler boxes, and usually this doesn't happen to me if I'm working with fresh eyes. But since my work involves usually staring at a computer screen for 6-7h a day, and then I want to catch up with the stories and quests I'm interested in, my eyes are kinda tired by that point. And so this sort of thing can happen quite easily.

Anyway, derail over from me.
Yo, everyone: Complaints and discussion about the new inline spoiler system should go in its own thread in the Suggestions forum, not here. It is 100% off-topic.
Yeah, it's not really compatible with swing-out cylinders and speedloaders; it reloads one cartridge at a time via loading gate (which is not uncommon among higher-powered revolvers iirc). Pretty awful for a military service rifle.

Still an improvement over current Empire rifles that have to be reloaded after every shot, and IIRC these are all still before cartridges.
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I... rather disagree with that. It is not at all a hundred percent off-topic; because it's not just a discussion of a board feature. It's also a discussion of posting style or etiquette. In that sense, it is quite relevant. Because it's talking about posting styles and habits of a given thread; the thread culture of a thread. Posting habits that get used in the thread. Not a hypothetical discussion about board features and their hypothetical merits.

In other words, it's on-topic because a few of these guys are complaining about their eyes being hurt by the posting in this thread; or about how it's inconvenient in some way; or how Spoiler Boxes are totally cooler; and so their posts are directed directly at the actions that people in this thread are taking. Or grumbling about inconveniences. And so on.

Or, put another way: if these people are having problems with posts in this thread, do you really expect them to go over to another sub-forum and make a thread going "Please remove or change this feature"? A request that will likely not be granted?

Or do you think it's far more reasonable for them to post "Hey guys, this is kind of mildly annoying to deal with/giving me eyeache, can you change this please?" in this thread where it's happening, and where they might actually affect some change because they are directly speaking to the people taking these actions?

... Also, um... Spoiler-using etiquette is also a discussion topic.

Like, imagine if instead people were talking openly about Info threadmark updates, and somebody was asking them to start using Spoiler boxes or Spoiler text. Because they didn't want to be spoiled. Would replying with a "Go complain about Spoiler boxes in the relevant thread" make a lot of sense?
Anyone can spot what changed now in the Dramatis Personae? Cause I can't.
Yeah, some.

Panoramia gained a bit of clarification and new stuff:

Mission: Helping Others

Fieldhand: Panoramia has found her element in farming, working to improve both the short-term harvest and the long-term soil quality.
Halfling Affinity: Panoramia has a strong relationship with the Halflings of the Eastern Valley.
Kind: Out of naivety, optimism, or natural disposition, Panoramia defaults to believing the best of people.

Also, her plants got edited to be put in a spoiler box.

Max got +1 Stewardship and +1 Learning. His blacksmith trait advanced a bit.
Blacksmith: Maximilian is developing into quite the blacksmith under Dwarven tutelage.

Adela got +1 Learning and the mechanic trait.
Mechanic: Adela has begun to learn the basic applications of the Six Machines of Morgrim.

EDIT: Ah, she also learned the spell Flashcook.
EDIT: Also, Adela got +2 Martial. Here's the side-by-side comparison.

Martial: 13 - Military training has elevated badness to mere mediocrity.
Martial: 15 - Increased accuracy and speed has made Adela a genuine threat on the battlefield.
That's what I've gotten so far.
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Here's the full DP Sneak Peek:

Wizards in Karak Eight Peaks

Panoramia, Journeywoman of the Jade Order

> Panoramia is sweet, but coddled and naive. It's clear her natural home is fields and forests, not battlefields.
< Panoramia is thoroughly impressed and a little terrified of you.

Armament: Staff
Speciality: Potions
Mission: Helping Others

Fieldhand: Panoramia has found her element in farming, working to improve both the short-term harvest and the long-term soil quality.
Halfling Affinity: Panoramia has a strong relationship with the Halflings of the Eastern Valley.
Kind: Out of naivety, optimism, or natural disposition, Panoramia defaults to believing the best of people.
Black Lotus: A deadly poison that can be applied to arrows and blades.
Koo-sha Grass: A hardy grass from Ind that can treat dysentery and influenza.
Estalian Pine: The sap can be distilled into an oil good for fighting infection and parasites.
Waaaghsoak Mushrooms: A variety of mushroom prized by greenskins for its ability to absorb magical energies.
Mission and traits are new, herbs got put into a spoiler
Maximilian de Gaynesford, Journeyman of the Gold Order

> Maximilian is quite self-centered, but he has a good heart and he's proven to have a suite of useful skills.
< Maximilian has accepted you as his superior in rank, ability, and knowledge, and is happy to be along for the ride.

Armament: None but magic; wears a bow as an affectation.
Speciality: Craftsman
Mission: Seeking dwarven favour to purchase an education in dwarven crafting techniques.
Diplomacy: 7 - While Maximilian is not unlikeable, he is prone to dramatics and petty feuds.
Martial: 12 - While relatively inexperienced in battle, he is learning to fire Silver Arrows with deadly accuracy.
Stewardship: 15 - The Gold Order has no objection to profit, and Maximilian is no exception.
Intrigue: ???
Piety: ???
Learning: 18 - What he lacks in imagination he makes up for in logic and perseverance.
Magic: 4 - Maximilian is adept at tapping into the mystical aspects of Chamon.

Amanuensis: Maximilian is developing his ability to turn another's insights into the formal language of scholarship.
Blacksmith: Maximilian is developing into quite the blacksmith under Dwarven tutelage.
Dawongrish: While not quite a full Dwarf-friend, he has learned their language and how to get along with them.
Patient: Maximilian is quite resistant to boredom, and is able to keep his attention focused on a single task for weeks or even months at a time.
+1 Stewardship, +1 Learning, blacksmith used to say 'has learned the fundamentals of reshaping metal'
Adela Burgstaller, Journeywoman of the Bright Order
Armament: Wand
Speciality: ???
Mission: Engineering
Diplomacy: 11 - Not her strong suit, but she can be convincing when it occurs to her.
Martial: 13 - Military training has elevated badness to mere mediocrity.
Learning: 17 - Adela has an affinity for both the fires of Aqshy and industry.
Magic: 4 - Her reach is impressive, but she really should let her grasp catch up.

Burgher: Adela comes from a middle-class urban family.
Flame Saber: Adela is growing increasingly skilled with the Flaming Sword of Rhuin.
Mechanic: Adela has begun to learn the basic applications of the Six Machines of Morgrim.
Wand of Aqshy: Adela's self-created and very short 'staff' is filled with gaseous Aqshy, allowing her to rapidly cast spells that manifest as various forms of fire.
Uncanny Memory: Adela has an amazing ability to retain information.

Known Spells:
Aethyric Armour
Fires of U'Zhul
Flaming Sword of Rhuin
+1 learning, presumably from mechanic

Edit: Also she just went up +2 martial, so boney is in the middle of updating:
Martial: 15 - Increased accuracy and speed has made Adela a genuine threat on the battlefield.

Edit: Another point in the favour of inline spoilers: I always fuck up thespoiler box tags D=

Edit 2: Wow boney updated the page again while i was typing this stuff XD
Adela now has:
Martial: 15 - Increased accuracy and speed has made Adela a genuine threat on the battlefield.
Martial: 13 - Military training has elevated badness to mere mediocrity.
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"Oh, how sweet! She's sharing."
And suspicious vats of organs are probably in the "slightly odd" category for things mailed in.
I can see the Lord Magisters of the college having a family-like dynamic. That's your peer group, after all, and pretty much nobody else can really understand your living experience (being a wizard, being a powerful wizard, being an Ulgu wizard, and getting up to all sorts of crazy shit).

So, once Matty gets the rank, she's clearly the little sister. The bursar is the stern but loving aunt, who's always ready with a cup of tea, some scones, and good advise. Melkoth is the mischievous grandpa (he doesn't forget his own name, he makes others forget his name). Algard is the busy dad, who does his best to make time for his family. And Kurtis Krammovitch is the strange flaky uncle who has some weird ideas, and you try not to let him get drunk or he'll rant about the [insert topic], but he's still family (occasionally despite himself).
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