Wizards in Karak Eight Peaks
Panoramia, Journeywoman of the Jade Order
> Panoramia is sweet, but coddled and naive. It's clear her natural home is fields and forests, not battlefields.
< Panoramia is thoroughly impressed and a little terrified of you.
Armament: Staff
Speciality: Potions
Mission: Helping Others
Fieldhand: Panoramia has found her element in farming, working to improve both the short-term harvest and the long-term soil quality.
Halfling Affinity: Panoramia has a strong relationship with the Halflings of the Eastern Valley.
Kind: Out of naivety, optimism, or natural disposition, Panoramia defaults to believing the best of people.
Black Lotus: A deadly poison that can be applied to arrows and blades.
Koo-sha Grass: A hardy grass from Ind that can treat dysentery and influenza.
Estalian Pine: The sap can be distilled into an oil good for fighting infection and parasites.
Waaaghsoak Mushrooms: A variety of mushroom prized by greenskins for its ability to absorb magical energies.
Mission and traits are new, herbs got put into a spoiler
Maximilian de Gaynesford, Journeyman of the Gold Order
> Maximilian is quite self-centered, but he has a good heart and he's proven to have a suite of useful skills.
< Maximilian has accepted you as his superior in rank, ability, and knowledge, and is happy to be along for the ride.
Armament: None but magic; wears a bow as an affectation.
Speciality: Craftsman
Mission: Seeking dwarven favour to purchase an education in dwarven crafting techniques.
Diplomacy: 7 - While Maximilian is not unlikeable, he is prone to dramatics and petty feuds.
Martial: 12 - While relatively inexperienced in battle, he is learning to fire Silver Arrows with deadly accuracy.
Stewardship: 15 - The Gold Order has no objection to profit, and Maximilian is no exception.
Intrigue: ???
Piety: ???
Learning: 18 - What he lacks in imagination he makes up for in logic and perseverance.
Magic: 4 - Maximilian is adept at tapping into the mystical aspects of Chamon.
Amanuensis: Maximilian is developing his ability to turn another's insights into the formal language of scholarship.
Blacksmith: Maximilian is developing into quite the blacksmith under Dwarven tutelage.
Dawongrish: While not quite a full Dwarf-friend, he has learned their language and how to get along with them.
Patient: Maximilian is quite resistant to boredom, and is able to keep his attention focused on a single task for weeks or even months at a time.
+1 Stewardship, +1 Learning, blacksmith used to say 'has learned the fundamentals of reshaping metal'
Adela Burgstaller, Journeywoman of the Bright Order
Armament: Wand
Speciality: ???
Mission: Engineering
Diplomacy: 11 - Not her strong suit, but she can be convincing when it occurs to her.
Martial: 13 - Military training has elevated badness to mere mediocrity.
Learning: 17 - Adela has an affinity for both the fires of Aqshy and industry.
Magic: 4 - Her reach is impressive, but she really should let her grasp catch up.
Burgher: Adela comes from a middle-class urban family.
Flame Saber: Adela is growing increasingly skilled with the Flaming Sword of Rhuin.
Mechanic: Adela has begun to learn the basic applications of the Six Machines of Morgrim.
Wand of Aqshy: Adela's self-created and very short 'staff' is filled with gaseous Aqshy, allowing her to rapidly cast spells that manifest as various forms of fire.
Uncanny Memory: Adela has an amazing ability to retain information.
Known Spells:
Aethyric Armour
Fires of U'Zhul
Flaming Sword of Rhuin
+1 learning, presumably from mechanic
Edit: Also she just went up +2 martial, so boney is in the middle of updating:
Martial: 15 - Increased accuracy and speed has made Adela a genuine threat on the battlefield.