Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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@BoneyM this is something we can do, right?:

[] [PURCHASE] Post a bounty for dragonbones at Barak Varr/with the EIC, and send that Bright Lord Magister who made the MAPP a cask of fine dwarven ale.
Yeah, I would definitely like to flip him. And then, possibly, see if we can poke at divine magic/theurgy enough to figure out how to invite the Horned Rat to be the guest of honor at a divine boot party. I figure we can definitely invite the Ancestor Gods to attend...
Hey, we should aim high, right?

We work with Ranald to convert the rat men into cat men devoted to his domains making the Khajiit and set them on the Skaven as there ultimate nightmares and Heresy against the Horned Rat by stealing more power from Gork and Mork cementing our legend.
@BoneyM this is something we can do, right?:

[] [PURCHASE] Post a bounty for dragonbones at Barak Varr/with the EIC, and send that Bright Lord Magister who made the MAPP a cask of fine dwarven ale.
I would unbundle them into two votes, as they have nothing whatsoever to do with each other and people might want to support only one or the other. Bundled purchase votes already lost us another revolver at the hands of the anti-rifle lobby, so I'd prefer not to try that again.
Looks like a very old statement, before the great spell creation overhaul. It's the other way around these days: you need lots of traits, possibly +magic ones, to create spells.
Nah it was just before the update. Someone basically joked that we need to invent 5 more spells to get another +1 magic. BoneyM said that was only for the spellbook, but if we did make that many spells we're likely to pick up magic related traits that might give us +1 magic.
Matrix only works on bio targets. You could enchant the bullets normally with it, but it's kind of at cross-purposes since the person who might cause chaos under the influence of Bewilder is also much less able to cause chaos because they've got a bullet in them.
[ ] [PURCHASE] Romance: Extensive and Esoteric Bretonnian, Extensive Dwarven, Esoteric Imperial 500 gc

A proposal for later. It's listed under PURCHASE because it's a personal purchase, it doesn't help the Karak and so Karak resources shouldn't be used for it. And while a romance can be "magical" there is no actual magic involved, so it shouldn't require any favors. if that turns out not to be the case, it's early enough to drop anything that would require favors.

If we're going to have a collection, it might as well be the best collection possible... within reason.
After the trouble BoneyM went to give us the exact name and price point, I feel it's important that the purchase vote be specific. And it's easy to incorporate into other things!

[][PURCHASE] Firkin of top-quality dwarf ale for LM Olenus (5gc)

[][PURCHASE] Plan: Do The Things
-[] Thing 1
-[] Thing 2
-[] Firkin of top-quality dwarf ale for LM Olenus (5gc)

Spending 500 gc on romance books is supremely beyond reason.
I love Mathilde being horny on main, but I agree with Andres. We do not need esoteric romance novels.
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But it's funny. It makes for a good story. It gives her a character quirk. It doesn't have to make sense. besides it's not like we don't have the gold to spend. the EIC is growing, it supplies a steady income. our job supplies a steady income, so does out fief. We have had multiple opportunities to grab a little loot. 500 gc is a drop in the our bucket... which by oath should be more of a plate. It's fluff and lore. Give in to the Dark Side. You know you want to... We have cookies.
To go back to this for the moment, does any have any other suggestions on how they might run the turn plan?
Add an unreasonable amount of paranoia to our dungeon. Not to stop Qrech from getting out, but to stop Eshin from getting in.

-When talking to Algard, Mathilde mentioned there was no mundane way the Skaven could know we have him. That implies they have non-mundane ways to find out.
-There now is a mundane way for them to find out: Eshin will be observing the Dwarves' movements, and may be able to deduce that we've been reading Mors' mail.
-Eshin is Up To Something. That may be messing with the dragon/Skryre/Karag Mhonar, but it could just as easily be messing with us - especially because we're the new factor here.

Queekish translation is going to be huge if we can pull it off, and I don't want to see it cut short by finding Qrech dead in his cell.
Oh, I am aware. My question remains the same, though I don't need any details, approximate eyeballing by QM in one sentence would be a more than sufficient answer.
It's worth remembering that Western Stirland started off distinctly poorer than Southern Stirland. As far as I'm aware, we have no idea how to measure the economic impact Wilhelmina's investments have had on W.S. yet, but regardless of anything, S.S. is still going to have a substantial advantage in population.
So, according to the notes, W.S. ends at Halstedt (not including it) and S.S. is Leicheberg and everything below it. About half of W.S. is controlled by the Elector Count, particularly Wurtbad, which is the largest population center in Stirland. Numbers 2-5 are all in S.S.

Leicheberg has the largest land area, but is also the closest to 'Eastern Sylvania', though that might be less of an issue now that the Haunted Hills have been purged. Though, at the same time, that's the domain of Von Stolpe, and Wilhelmina stated back in, like, turn 1 that those lands were particularly poor.

Hornau, Sigmaringen and Schramleben all seem to be more densely populated, going by the number of towns in close proximity. My assumption is that one of the latter counts as the "strongest" noble.
But it's funny. It makes for a good story. It gives her a character quirk. It doesn't have to make sense. besides it's not like we don't have the gold to spend. the EIC is growing, it supplies a steady income. our job supplies a steady income, so does out fief. We have had multiple opportunities to grab a little loot. 500 gc is a drop in the our bucket... which by oath should be more of a plate. It's fluff and lore. Give in to the Dark Side. You know you want to... We have cookies.
It's not actually a drop in the bucket. We have about 3500 gc left, and make 57 a turn. That purchase represents 15% of our liquid assets.

I would gladly pay that much to library up for an important project, but not for romance novels.
Add an unreasonable amount of paranoia to our dungeon. Not to stop Qrech from getting out, but to stop Eshin from getting in.
This turn we secured our home against surreptitious entry. I am now happy in our anti-Eshin countermeasures. Next turn I want to dig down so we can build the vault/shrine/two other things.
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Add an unreasonable amount of paranoia to our dungeon. Not to stop Qrech from getting out, but to stop Eshin from getting in.

-When talking to Algard, Mathilde mentioned there was no mundane way the Skaven could know we have him. That implies they have non-mundane ways to find out.
-There now is a mundane way for them to find out: Eshin will be observing the Dwarves' movements, and may be able to deduce that we've been reading Mors' mail.
-Eshin is Up To Something. That may be messing with the dragon/Skryre/Karag Mhonar, but it could just as easily be messing with us - especially because we're the new factor here.

Queekish translation is going to be huge if we can pull it off, and I don't want to see it cut short by finding Qrech dead in his cell.

Personnaly, I think it's fine to wait one more turn for our skaven friend, but what I'm worried about is our loot, especially the Aethyric Vitae. I feel we need a vault next turn, to protect our potentially destructive valuables. I don't want to see what skaven can do with AV.
But it's funny. It makes for a good story. It gives her a character quirk. It doesn't have to make sense. besides it's not like we don't have the gold to spend. the EIC is growing, it supplies a steady income. our job supplies a steady income, so does out fief. We have had multiple opportunities to grab a little loot. 500 gc is a drop in the our bucket... which by oath should be more of a plate. It's fluff and lore. Give in to the Dark Side. You know you want to... We have cookies.
Dropping 500 gold on anything at once isn't a small purchase. It'd be one thing if we spent that over multiple turns, buying up one set of romance novels at a time over a period of years, but 500 gold is more than the material cost for any one of our tower buildings (the Tower of Serenity is the most expensive base option at 300 gold plus favours).
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Personnaly, I think it's fine to wait one more turn for our skaven friend, but what I'm worried about is our loot, especially the Aethyric Vitae. I feel we need a vault next turn, to protect our potentially destructive valuables. I don't want to see what skaven can do with AV.
We use the royal k8p vaults for snekjuice, which are better protected than anything we can build. Personal vaults are for things we dare not show the dwarfs.
@BoneyM My apologies for the bother, but I'm curious. To what level are the We hunting the Skaven currently? How far could we sustainably increase those levels if the We went all in on producing Hunters to fight the Skaven? How far could we unsustainably increase those levels if the We went all in on fighting the Skaven?

I'm curious if the We could be used on the scale of industrial warfare.
This turn we secured our home against surreptitious entry. I am now happy in our anti-Eshin countermeasures. Next turn I want to dig down so we can build the vault/shrine/two other things.
This turn we took one of two options to protect the dungeon against surreptitious entry. If we're up against an Eshin Assassin - and we will be once they figure out we're working on Queekish translation - I sure as hell want both.
Ok, so book purchases.

Esoteric Imperial Anatomy - 150 gold
Antiquarian Dwarven Linguistics - 100 gold, 2 favour
Imperial Gems - 50 gold
Extensive Dwarven Familiars - 100 gold

Total expense: 400 gold, 2 dwarf favour
Out of pocket expense: 100 gold

The Anatomy books are to support the ongoing Chaos Dwarf anatomy translation, which used Anatomy as a bonus. Because that's part of our job, spend dwarf money on it.

Similarly we used Linguistics to translate the skaven correspondence and it's rather likely we'll make use of Linguistics again in skaven related matters. It may also be relevant to teaching Wolf to talk, which I think we might do next turn. Because of the skaven translation stuff, we can spend part of our budget on it.

Gems is for the study of that weird anti-magic crystal we found, but really it's because there was a spare 50 gc on the budget and it needed to be spent on something. Because our job as Court Wizard is in part to study weird, miscellaneous stuff, this does count as part of our job.

And finally, Familiars, again, because I think we might be boosting Wolf's intelligence this upcoming turn. It's not part of our job so can't use the budget on it. Dwarves don't have familiars, but they did fight the elves who do, and we have a number of dwarf books whose subjects are stuff that they don't have but that their enemies do, so pretty sure this is a valid purchase.
An excerpt from the journals of Soizic d'Karak, a Questing Knight 10
An excerpt from the journal of Soizic d'Karak, a Questing Knight-

Silks, jewels, and spices! Celebrations and satisfied smiles worn on all faces were the result of the first caravan to return to the old world through our Eight-peaked Karak. Dear diary, I fear it seems as though only drink or bloodshed prompts my pen to you, but the first is more to my taste should the choice be offered.

Master Jennysen was a canny old trader, one of the innumerable caravan masters who wear away at the cobbles along the ways between Tiles and the empire, who looked at last to an adventure beyond the tame threats he knew, a final trip that would secure him and his heirs from need or want in the next generation. Such was his mindset upon setting out, he told us, but like many when riches fall from dreams into their hands, his return journey was done with an eye towards miserly care. His caravan on return was only ten wagons, perhaps forty people, and all primed to move fast over long distances.

It seems that such a strategy paid off, though Francesco snorted with disapproval when I mentioned it to him- such had been his plan as well and all it led to for him, he claims, was a taste for pepper and a dead horse. For my part, I listened well to the tales of gold-limmed temples of many roofs, of strange clothes and stranger customs, of food eaten with paired sticks and strongmen brawling for a few coins and the attention of the crowd, at every small town such trade passes through.

Do you know what I heard best though, dear diary? What words sank through my wonder to nestle against my thoughts, burring at them as the following days caused the luster of his gilded tales to grow dim? The ones where he spoke of distances. From Eightpeaks, two months of hurried travel across naught but desolation, the Ash Ridge mountains looming to the South, to where the northern route joined our own road. Then another month, even more cautious than before, creeping south of the dread fastnesses of Flayed Rock and the Black Fortress.

The crossing of the River Ruin was, perhaps, the one part of his journey that Master Jennysen declined to orate on at length, claiming it was for another time, but gossip amidst the horsehandlers was less guarded, if less informative. (I believe the caravan master holds the technique to be a unique advantage he is loth to let slip- it sounded of a mechanism wrapped round ropes and crossbows and clever work with pullies and floating wagons.)

Thence ANOTHER month, still under threat, afor the cities of Ind first appear.

Dear diary, forgive me for sounding as a grumpy dawi, but I heard nothing in his tale that spurred me to match it. Only grinding mile after mile with no sanctuary to be had...

Regardless, the shock and joy with which they responded upon sight of my company gladdens my heart still, for though our gyrocopter scouts are not quiet those in the caravan failed to even notice as they were survailled, allowing me the honor of first greeting.

Ah! Had we all have not dreampt of this? By the Lady, it was everything a chronicler could hope for save a horse 'neath me: our shining company marching down out of the shadow of Karag Nar, the fear bleeding to relief and desperate hope as we hailed them, the stunned shock as we told them of the conquest and the open pass that lay before them- the last true obstacle between them and their dreams of avarice unconstrained- and the tears, real tears, of joy they shed 'pon sight of the east gate swinging open.

(I have asked our new Prince, whose hand the gyrocopters fall under, to have some range out to the east and seek the markers where the southern roads diverge from the north, and place a stone the that those returning may know the pass open. I pray he has time.)

I do have some small momento of that evening; Master Jennysen, though he proved a fair sight more skilled with journey and caravan than with words or invitation, did leave with me a scrap of silk, a token he said with a wink, to the fair Knight-captain who rescued him. Would he have been even that charming later as the ale worked it's will upon him...

It had a fleur de lis bright and full, so I have kept it tied round my arm as a proper token should be. I think Francesco both amused and appalled- he has taken to mocking me with jests of tourneys and championing traders whose favors are given capriciously, but there is something in him that glows with approval when he does.

By the Lady, such things bring me sustenance. Chivalry I have not let myself think on too deeply of late, but this? This pushing back of the savage darkness, making safe the world from orc and goblin? This is what all nobility flows from, I think, for in forging kingdoms did Sigmar and Gilles le Bretton cement their legends, and hand down a legacy. Working here, now, to forge a kingdom out of a land of death?

It is strange, for such quests are too rare to become the stars in the eyes of squires, but more Noble do I find my endless treks cross Death Pass than any of the deeds done afore King Belegar's call reached me, for all that questing knights are meant to wander seeking deeds to be done.

I believe, dear diary, that it has been too long since I prayed. Perhaps this silk scarf is a sign of the Lady's favor, for why else would such a symbol come to me with the first caravan? There is a shrine to her, I know, though sadly we yet control no lakes to set it besides- I shall make my way there upon my return.

Wish me luck, dear diary.
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What about the Libera Mortis? Presumably, Mathilde doesn't walk with it everywhere.
I suspect it is also stored there, inside the lockbox it originally came in. It's not like the dwarfs will try to open it, right?

But, admittedely, that is only my speculation, I have no hard data yo back up LM being in the royal vault.

BAH! You are looking at the economics of it. Think of the story.
Story-wise it looks like flanderisation to me. It takes an existing quirk and inflates it to grotesque proportions.

Thanks, but no.
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