Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Their was also a chance for Ranald to die during his confrontation with Mork.
Just because he rolled well doesn't we should go looking for more opportunities for him to roll the dice and risk dying or powering up.
well yes, but taking that to mean that the trait that we got for successfully robbing Mork will make us worse at dealing with Mork and company doesn't make sense to me.
@BoneyM, is "within the Karaz Ankor" the restriction that we're using here rather than "on behalf of the Karaz Ankor"? I ask because this is likely to become very relevant quite soon. To illustrate this, some examples:
  1. Belegar asks us to solve a problem related to a magical topic, like waystones or warpstone. We naturally want to get +5 to our library from everything the College knows on the topic to maximize our roll, which means paying them 250g+4 College Favors for it.
  2. Some Tilean mercenaries show up at Karak Eight Peaks and we hire them for a job supporting Karak Eight Peaks' interests.
  3. The EIC wants to build cannon factories, and they can get much better cannon factories if the dwarves help. We pay some of Zhufbar's engineers to build it for them, in both silver and favors.
  4. We go on a shopping trip in Barak Varr and buy a bunch of exotic things to poke at for our personal research.
  5. We employ craftsdwarfs of Karak Eight Peaks to build us quality new furniture for our shiny new penthouse wizard tower.

When you handed over the money, was it to a short fellow with a beard who lives in a place that probably starts with 'Karak'? 1 is a no. 2 is probably a no but will turn out okay if that money mostly didn't leave the Karak - expenses/food/beer/whatever. 3, 4, 5 are fine.

The idea is that if the money went from King Belegar's treasury to you and then straight back into Dwarven pockets, then it's just a part of your relationship with the Dwarves rather than a Grey Order Magister having their noble ideals tainted with filthy lucre.

@BoneyM Does the Magic skill we picked up boost or Magic stat like the other skills or is this only if explicitly called out in the skill?

If it increased your Magic stat it would say so.
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Like, assuming that "???" has precisely one effect because it's the only thing boney's said except for repeated mentions that it's deliberately vague seems rather silly.
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...and now for an evaluation of the choices by o-make nonsense.

[ ] Recruit Esbern and Seija
"Have you two figured out how to make instrument strings out of the webs yet? The spider siege is like the chorus of all the songs and the rune smiths want them for the commemerative instruments to play the songs. They are starting to get annoying about it."
[ ] Recruit Maximilian
"Your mission, should I chose to except it, is to take dictation of the new paper on uses of deamon blood in formulating house hold cleaning agents."
[ ] Recruit Johann
"So i've heard you like to study rattie technology, so I've brought back hundreds of samples of skaven musk and your going to describe the effects of you from sniffing them to Max. Later Esbern and Seija will be by to study the effects on you. Panoramia willl be by later to do the same, but she has a different mission first."
[ ] Recruit Panoramia
"I've just had an idea on how to cook pies with the sun using Ulgu lens based energy beams while on campaign and your going to help debug the process."
[ ] Take an active hand in the EIC
One action per turn will be spent keeping in touch with the EIC, allowing you to more directly control it and, if you wish, helping it branch out towards Karak Eight Peaks.
"I have the oddest urge to micromanage people hundreds of miles away."
[ ] Leave the EIC alone
Wilhelmina's the least bad person to fill the power vacuum Roswita has left in Western Stirland.
"There is goes..."
[ ] Interfere with the EIC
As Wilhelmina herself pointed out, you own enough of it that you could easily dominate the EIC. Start bringing it down.
"I kind of want ot mess with Abel's kid... could totally crash her economy while she is distracted... no thats stupid. Be more fun to sneak in during the night and keep killing off the leadership of the undead she is fighting and leave their dead bodies in her tent without explaination every morning. Ranald would find it hillarious, but its probably not productive use of my time."
New Trait:
[ ] Infiltrator: Nobody seems to guard anything well enough to keep you out. +2 Intrigue, +10 bonus to infiltration.
"I'z in 'ur base... krumping 'ur boyz!"
[ ] Scout: Sometimes the best weapon is knowing where everything is. +2 Intrigue, +20 to infiltrating all but the highest-security areas.
Goblins laughing at the 35th guard today that somehow managed to get them selves killed in silly ways on night watch.
[ ] Assassin: Combat is easiest when the other person doesn't realize they're in it. +2 Intrigue, +40 bonus against unaware targets.
Orks doing the third battle for being the new warboss this week.
[ ] Magical Duellist: Anyone unwise enough to try to cast spells you don't want them to will quickly regret it. +2 Learning, +10 bonus to dispelling and inducing miscasts.
"No! You get a squiggen! Your boyz get a squiggen! I grant you the gift of your own sqiggen!"
[ ] Marksman: Blackpowder is a wonderful thing. +2 Martial, +10 to attacks with blackpowder weapons.
"Boom Headshot!"
[ ] Avatar: You're growing worryingly familiar with being used as a conduit by deities. ???
Meanwhile in Horned Rat Quest:
(HR: These local skaven are so stupid... how do they keep missing that Dwarfs have take multiple mountains near them. I should really eat them for their raging incompetence.)
(Suddenly spots a magic ninja standing behind the bases top brass... she looks quite wearable.)
[ ] Polyglot: Your time with the Dwarves has revealed that you have an ear for languages, and learn new languages much faster.
Meanwhile in Belegar Quest:
(Belegar's Player: I want to congratulate her on clearing out all those skaven on her own, but she keeps researching something. Anyone know what?)
(GM: Your rune smiths said something about trying to find the proper words to describe the 'taste' of victory properly, but lacking the proper words.)
[ ] Collegiate: They say managing Wizards is like herding cats. Herding cats isn't actually that difficult. Can manage three other wizards per action spent.
"New research minions! I need something to get this horrible-horrible taste out of my mouth."

Changed Traits:
[ ] Wolf Familiar > Winter Wolf Familiar: Turns out Wolf is a late bloomer. Wolf will grow large enough to ride upon.
"I told you people to stop feeding him so much, now he is bigger than I am... his legs don't even reach the ground anymore. Minions! Help me roll him back to my tower."
[ ] Brave > Daredevil: Runic protection, magical protection, magical healing... why are people scared of combat again? +2 Martial, immune to fear/terror effects.
"Having tasted their fear I want to never experience that again!"
[ ] Blooded > Campaigner: You've seen more than your share of battles. +2 Martial, +10 bonus to fighting alongside others.
"Mork stop telling me to be more killy. I'm plenty killy."
[ ] Bureaucrat + Practical > Warrior of Paperwork: Scholarship is just a specific form of paperwork. You can live with it. Combines the two traits, +2 Learning, remove penalty to writing papers yourself.
"After experiencing the taste of fear and terror... Boring paperwork seems like a good thing by comparison.."
[ ] Practical > Collaborator: Though you still prefer fieldwork to paperwork, you've found that as long as someone else is doing the actual writing, you're capable of producing some amazing papers. +2 Learning, +20 bonus to dictating papers.
"I wonder if I can get the dwarves to make an automated Max so everyone can enjoy this feeling of lack of writers cramp?"
[ ] Practical > Hands On: Wait, you can just get other people to do the paperwork? Why didn't I think of this sooner? +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning, +10 bonus to insights developed 'in the field' (as opposed to careful laboratory study).
"NO wait... that is what secrataries are for."
[ ] Windreader > Windsage: Your magical senses see more than your normal ones. +2 Learning, even more able to see and understand emotion and magical effects in others.
"Seeing the colors of their suffering is so much better than tasting it. WArp stone is kind of trippy to watch."
[ ] Disdain for Sigmar > Polytheist: Your bitterness towards Sigmar has softened with time and distance. You're still not thrilled with him, but as long as his followers are coexisting with those of other Gods, you can deal with it. +1 Piety, removes anti-Sigmarite penalty except when dealing with Sigmarite supremacists and monotheists.
"It was then I discover what I really couldn't stand was people that can only see on outcome or way of doing things."
[ ] Return it with your thanks to the Bright College. +2 College Favour.
"Guess it was fun while it lasted."
[ ] Try to sell it as you pass through Barak Varr. +??gc
"Why do I have this sudden urge to pawn magic things random strangers?"
[ ] Donate it to whoever ends up leading the Undumgi.
"Their leadership is all so boring they can only be improved by being on fire... that feels like such a Sigmarite thing to say."
[ ] Donate it to the Winter Wolves of Ulrikadrin.
"I think I've read about this in so many romanace novels it seems oddly cliche."
[ ] Keep it around in case you ever want to study non-Ulgu enchantments.
"Yet another project for the backlog."
[ ] Keep it anyway - you might need to encourage allies at some point.
"Wonder if I can use it to inspire squeamish people to clean up the battlefield faster?"
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well yes, but taking that to mean that the trait that we got for successfully robbing Mork will make us worse at dealing with Mork and company doesn't make sense to me.

I am not saying it won't make us worse with dealing with them, I am saying it will bring more notice to us from the gods.

What happened when Mork possessed us left us with a opening in our soul that we then used to feed Ranald energy from Mork and Gork.

I am afraid by taking the Avatar trait it will mean that opening in our soul will remain instead of healing over and while that might make us able to handle Divine energies better including resisting said energie it would also bring us to the notice of the Gods who then would want to try and possess us to do their bidding since it'll be a convenient way for them to influence the world.
I am not saying it won't make us worse with dealing with them, I am saying it will bring more notice to us from the gods.

What happened when Mork possessed us left us with a opening in our soul that we then used to feed Ranald energy from Mork and Gork.

I am afraid by taking the Avatar trait it will mean that opening in our soul will remain instead of healing over and while that might make us able to handle Divine energies better including resisting said energie it would also bring us to the notice of the Gods who then would want to try and possess us to do their bidding since it'll be a convenient way for them to influence the world.
oh, if that's what you mean then that is fine, that sounds pretty cool actually. I am totally cool with Sigmar noticing our disdain for him.
The traits are probably roughly balanced against each other. As an example, look at the upgrade to Practical - in exchange for giving a penalty to Learning, it gives a greater net stat gain than any other option.

If we assume that Avatar has a major downside the other options lack (which I find dubious), it'd be fair to assume that it has a proportionally greater upside to go with it.
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"Resisting divine possession" seems pretty gosh-darned situational to me.
Agreed, but that discussion is in rebuttal of "picking Avatar means we will get possessed left and right".

Folks, think about it for a second: the trait is that Mathilde learnt something from channeling divine power.

Whatever side effects from channeling divine energy are there anyway, the trait only affects what Math herself drew from the experience.

I particularly want it for Sorcery research, plus the fact that we aren't liable to ever get that option again.
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I am not saying it won't make us worse with dealing with them, I am saying it will bring more notice to us from the gods.

What happened when Mork possessed us left us with a opening in our soul that we then used to feed Ranald energy from Mork and Gork.

I am afraid by taking the Avatar trait it will mean that opening in our soul will remain instead of healing over and while that might make us able to handle Divine energies better including resisting said energie it would also bring us to the notice of the Gods who then would want to try and possess us to do their bidding since it'll be a convenient way for them to influence the world.
The door is open, but Ranald is hiding behind the door with a cosh and a big grin.
oh, if that's what you mean then that is fine, that sounds pretty cool actually. I am totally cool with Sigmar noticing our disdain for him.

Would you also be fine with Sigmar blessing us for aiding the Dwarfs? Or giving us a Divine Mark? That's what I mean when I say greater notice from the gods both good and evil can be bad for us.

A priest at least only has a direct link to a single god which will protect them from other gods interfering with their soul.

By becoming a conduit Mathilde will be open to all gods from trying to influence or claim her and since she doesn't have a direct link to Ranald their can only be so much he can do to protect especially against other Order Gods which are his allies in the Human gods pantheon.

I just don't think the risk of opening up our soul to such influence is worth it to learn how to channel divine energy.
[X] Plan Fields of Gold
-[X] Recruit Maximilian
-[X] Recruit Johann
[X] Windreader > Windsage: Your magical senses see more than your normal ones. +2 Learning, even more able to see and understand emotion and magical effects in others.
[X] Avatar: You're growing worryingly familiar with being used as a conduit by deities. ???
Would you also be fine with Sigmar blessing us for aiding the Dwarfs? Or giving us a Divine Mark? That's what I mean when I say greater notice from the gods both good and evil can be bad for us.

A priest at least only has a direct link to a single god which will protect them from other gods interfering with their soul.

By becoming a conduit Mathilde will be open to all gods from trying to influence or claim her and since she doesn't have a direct link to Ranald their can only be so much he can do to protect especially against other Order Gods which are his allies in the Human gods pantheon.

I just don't think the risk of opening up our soul to such influence is worth it to learn how to channel divine energy.
I doubt she's going to become some sort of beacon in the warp, since the trait is simply to represent her experience being possessed.
Would you also be fine with Sigmar blessing us for aiding the Dwarfs? Or giving us a Divine Mark? That's what I mean when I say greater notice from the gods both good and evil can be bad for us.

A priest at least only has a direct link to a single god which will protect them from other gods interfering with their soul.

By becoming a conduit Mathilde will be open to all gods from trying to influence or claim her and since she doesn't have a direct link to Ranald their can only be so much he can do to protect especially against other Order Gods which are his allies in the Human gods pantheon.

I just don't think the risk of opening up our soul to such influence is worth it to learn how to channel divine energy.
Yeah, I'd be cool with that, I trust that Ranald and his order Bros would protect us from anything too nasty.
Would you also be fine with Sigmar blessing us for aiding the Dwarfs? Or giving us a Divine Mark? That's what I mean when I say greater notice from the gods both good and evil can be bad for us.

A priest at least only has a direct link to a single god which will protect them from other gods interfering with their soul.

By becoming a conduit Mathilde will be open to all gods from trying to influence or claim her and since she doesn't have a direct link to Ranald their can only be so much he can do to protect especially against other Order Gods which are his allies in the Human gods pantheon.

I just don't think the risk of opening up our soul to such influence is worth it to learn how to channel divine energy.
Those are wild fucking claims, given the trait is about Mathilde becoming familiar enough to do something about it.

Come on, an unhealed hole in our soul? Becoming a conduit for all gods?

To say nothing of the fact you think Ranald is just going to let shit happen when we are wearing a divine artifact of his.
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I think BoneyM stated that the hole Mork opened in her soul would heal over time.

I am afraid taking the Avatar trait means that Mathilde keeps the hole open to better understand divine energies which I just don't think is worth it.
Where does it say anything of the sort?

Mate, Mathilde with a hole in her soul that acts as a beacon in the aether is game over, we would have been possessed by daemons by now.
Properly formatting my vote:

[X] Plan Fields of Gold

[X] Take an active hand in the EIC

[X] Windreader > Windsage: Your magical senses see more than your normal ones. +2 Learning, even more able to see and understand emotion and magical effects in others
[X] Avatar: You're growing worryingly familiar with being used as a conduit by deities. ???

[X] Donate it to whoever ends up leading the Undumgi.

Assassin is amazing, but I figure it's going to be one of the more common ones. Windsage we absolutely cannot pass up on, and Avatar seems nearly impossible to show up again, and likely downright necessary for Sorcery, which might hold more potential than any other avenue of research, as negating Battle Magic miscasts is a game changer on the arcane dueling front.

@edit: Approval voting to get Johann:
@edit2: Further discussion points out that getting all minions is incredibly efficient, action-wise, as we can toss them at solving our assigned Advisor problems.

[X]Plan recruit everyone!
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I wonder, who our co-councilors are going to be?

I really hope the Sky-Thane takes the external spymaster slot, he seems both a great fit and an interesting character - it's not every day you get to witness the dwarf version of teenage rebellion.
Voting is open