We can't get someone to mentor us in a style we are in the process of creating the techniques for from scratch. Or, rather, going from the last time we took the Branarhune action, we can, but it requires a crit. Here are some citations to that effect:
I think I've been convinced that there's enough of a chance that people will want to do it that I'll approval vote the books, just so in case we decide to do it we aren't missing out on the narrative benefits from the books (even if the actual numbers involved are low).
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[X] [PURCHASE] The Lady: Extensive Bretonnian, Shallya: Extensive Bretonnian, The Kingdom Of Bretonnia: Extensive Bretonnian, Trade: Extensive Eonir, A dwarven axe for Baba Brzeginias/Gerdouen
[X] [PURCHASE] The Lady: Extensive Bretonnian, Shallya: Extensive Bretonnian, The Kingdom Of Bretonnia: Extensive Bretonnian, Trade: Extensive Eonir, Apparitions: Extensive and Esoteric Imperial, A dwarven axe for Baba Brzeginias/Gerdouen