[X] Fighting Fate - Sometimes, it seems like the entire universe has been set against them, and yet, they persist. Sometimes, even, with a bit of aid from the Gods themselves. Gods, supreme beings that they are, often contest one another as well, and once again, it seems a locus point has been found where a great many are exerting their influence in a single place. For better or worse, influence becomes easier to push forward. A great many champions are present after all, and Gods are not above petty acts of vengeance. Frederick and Natasha both gain 1 Fate Point, and 1 Fortune Point To Use 'Per Day' I.E. In/around 24 hours within-universe.
[X] The Burning Bulwark of Love: It is a poison and an antidote, a balm and poultice and an open fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. Love is many things, and in the case of Natasha and Frederick, it is a source of strength that has yet to be matched. In the distant past, elves were averse to performing the ritual binding their very souls together for all the pain that it could bring them. And yet it was done, and it is a strength beyond strength. Neither shall be the weakness of the other, ever. Though it was unintended, perhaps because of the usage of materials born of the Realm of Chaos to try and hurt or the influences of the Gods themselves, the bond has grown stronger still. The Soulbond Connection Between Natasha and Frederick Grows Stronger To Untold Levels, Protecting Both Parties All The More.