The Beasttide is in its opening stages, and the Fuerbachs are taking the brunt of it. Once we're off this Ark, I imagine Johanna will want to head there to help assist her brothers, even if they never know or appreciate she was there.

Ostland is pulling together surprisingly well for losing half of a major city, most of an army and their Elector. Our family runs a tight ship.
So it begins.

The assembly of Beastmen that The Shadowgrave has spent the last decades forming, the greatest champions of the corruption of Morrslieb can account for. Monsters from the time of Nagash himself and Deamon artifacts and weapons bound to the service of creatures that seek the corruption of all. Beasts from across the New and Old worlds, creatures that have fought and conquered both the champions of Order, of Destruction and of Chaos, uncaring for except for the fulfilling of their bestial appetites.
Oh dear a chance to normalize relationship with Talabecland (and if we fast enough Middenland if they hold long enough for Magnus to get to them after getting rid of the ones in Talabecland), if we win
I'm kind of surprised that Averland has enough forests for beastmen to hide in them. In large enough numbers to be a threat at least. Though, as was mentioned several times, they may only be a threat now that the standing army is gone.
I thought for sure this was going to end in a vote.

"Everywhere is calling for help, and Ostland has an army to spare... but just one. Where do you send it?"

Pretty sure the city was mainly Port so it took some serious damage as the opener and then even more in the crossfire.

It is true though that the majority of the civilian population from the entire coastline was huddled in the city, which didn't get overcome, so we're going to have a much more rapid bounceback than otherwise. So that's good.
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The Beasttide is in its opening stages, and the Fuerbachs are taking the brunt of it. Once we're off this Ark, I imagine Johanna will want to head there to help assist her brothers, even if they never know or appreciate she was there.

Ostland is pulling together surprisingly well for losing half of a major city, most of an army and their Elector. Our family runs a tight ship.

How is Johanna supposed to know about the attack on Talabecland when Freddy gets off the Ark? Magically be teleported instantly to Ostland? There is travel time to Ostland, then things can get moving, but that won't be the work of a day, but weeks.

Anna is studying gyrocopters, nice. Or a flying dirgible?
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I'm kind of surprised that Averland has enough forests for beastmen to hide in them. In large enough numbers to be a threat at least. Though, as was mentioned several times, they may only be a threat now that the standing army is gone.

I mean, that's generally how they do things, right? Attack out of the forests. The mountains. Etc.

As near as anyone can tell, that's how they did it again this time, just managing to stay out of sight despite the scouts and foresters and what not.

They don't have another way of doing it, as near as most would be able to say. Beast paths letting them get close enough to spread out into the interior, especially with most of Averland's strength away.
How is Johanna supposed to know about the attack on Talabecland when Freddy gets off the Ark? Magically be teleported instantly to Ostland? There is travel time to Ostland, then things can get moving, but that won't be the work of a day, but weeks.

Anna is studying gyrocopters, nice.
The implication was that yes, once we took the long time to get back to Ostland, Johanna would then want to head out to her home province which would probably still be under siege given the conditions present across the Empire.
I feel like it shouldn't be too hard to get a copy of a War Dirigible, if a very rudimentary one. The hard part is getting the right gasses to fill it up.

But it would be a lot easier and cheaper than a gyrocopter, and having aerial support that can hang around in the air would be a big change from our current flying scouts. Still, that's all in the far future, not relevant right now.
I thought for sure this was going to end in a vote.

"Everywhere is calling for help, and Ostland has an army to spare... but just one. Where do you send it?"

Mmm, sort of not quite? Nordland was 'handling' their beastmen without calling for aid but was sending messages to keep the rest of the Trident in the loop, Ostermark is 'handling' their fighting without calling for aid and keeping in contact like Nordland, Averland is fighting, Middenheim is sieged but it's Middenheim one of the toughest nuts to crack ever, and so on. General Briggs is fighting his beastmen too, the issue is more the different factions trying to say what should and shouldn't happen, and Ostland can't march in there at swordpoint and tell them to just shut up. Well, they could, but they probably shouldn't at the moment. Meanwhile, Middenland has sent more of a 'there's beastmen but we're fine because we're Middenland'. Most of the messages for aid and such discussed in the post were Ostland proper, as beastmen were being contested by various noble families and knights and so on, the minor settlements.

Talabecland is the closest province which is actively calling for help, and pointedly, even asked for help from Ostland specifically rather than in general, which is not a great sign given Ostland-Talabecland relations.

They could go around them all the way to Stirland or Averland or Wissenland, but that's...not quite the way that ya'll've raised the kiddos as Frederick.

If it were a more proper turn rather than interlude based on how the children have been raised and developed by the dynasty, their actions, and their father's previous histories and actions for them to base decisions off of, it would have been a vote though, yeah.
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"Talabecland needs help, beastmen are cropping up in every province, we're readying to deploy the Army of Ostland," Arthur informed her.

Anna paused, mouth closing shut as she thought with the slightest furrowing of her brow.

"Understood," she declared, then turned to look at Magnus. "When do we leave?"

For the sake of normalizing relationships, it is extremely significant the Magnus will be the one to respond to Talabecland in their time of need. Helpful for the narrative.
The Salkalten lighthouse was destroyed? I thought it was behind the last wall and thus would be fine since the black arks and druchii didn't get past there.
Pretty sure the city was mainly Port so it took some serious damage as the opener and then even more in the crossfire.

QM had a post somewhere pointing out that the internals and population were safe for Salkalten, that the city was not in fact destroyed. The dock was, yes. The dock was wrecked, but the internal city with it's markets, housing, bars, where the population was kept in the attack. That's intact with little damage.
Wrongo bongo.

Maaaahaaaaann I can't think that this is not the first time this has come up, and I'm pretty sure I've slapped it down before. If I haven't then what have I been doing I must have been a truly forgetful idiot this time around, but just to make sure we'll say it in this post as well (or for the first time, if I really was an idiot about it)

Salkalten is NOT half-destroyed it is not QUARTER destroyed is is, in fact, absolutely positively incredibly undeniably factually provably PRISTINE outside of its docks district which is the part that got MOSTLY destroyed but with the final 1-2 sets of walls connecting the Docks to the Actual City intact. The docks and bay got absolutely ravaged and reshaped and deepened thanks to the Arks, but not one single Druchii caused not one single bit of damage to the actual City of Salkalten proper outside some of the projectile fragments of the walls shattered by the oncoming Black Arks landing here and there, but even then that left to zero injuries aside from a sprained ankle since everyone was in prepared fortified positions and some minor property damage that would be quickly repaired.

The Norscan Dwarfs were just happy to get some rapidly built shelters after the beaches/new future site of the docks was largely cleared of the buildings and also found some comfort in the fuckoff huge dwarf Dreadnought fleet now filling the new bay, and the Slayers did not want any kind of comfort, whereas the other slaves are carefully being organized inside Salkalten proper and the Lizardmen chose to stay where they were.

You evacuated the docks prior, purposefully, it was voted on, so you sustained significant docks damage, but Salkalten itself is fine.

Which, in turn, is part of the massive confused trauma fury for the Druchii.

EDIT: Oh no! Multiple informative reactions have informed me that I evidently did a really, really bad job :( Well, at least the information is now available properly, then.
Magnus is handling things really well but he's not taking people acting like his father is dead well.

Also looks like the Ulcarians have a good reason to be dipping and gathering up because holy shit that's going to be a slugfest.
I am trying to complete my fucking LIFE'S WORK over here, and a bunch of sweaty blood-bathing pieces of shit with more leather and spikes than clothing decided to come and SHIT ALL AROUND MY BUILD SITE. No it doesn't matter that the build itself wasn't affected, everything ELSE was! The fucking materials have to go to rebuilding the docks, the walls, whole new housing facilities, deal with the mountains of steel in the harbor, and the workers are all getting reassigned! AND NOW THERE'S A WAR ON!

^Essentially Morgan's issues.

It has come. And Gunthar is besieged in Middenheim. I'd find it amusing if not for the straits the Empire is in.

Mmm, sort of not quite? Nordland was 'handling' their beastmen without calling for aid but was sending messages to keep the rest of the Trident in the loop, Ostermark is 'handling' their fighting without calling for aid and keeping in contact like Nordland, Averland is fighting, Middenheim is sieged but it's Middenheim one of the toughest nuts to crack ever, and so on. General Briggs is fighting his beastmen too, the issue is more the different factions trying to say what should and shouldn't happen, and Ostland can't march in there at swordpoint and tell them to just shut up. Well, they could, but they probably shouldn't at the moment. Meanwhile, Middenland has sent more of a 'there's beastmen but we're fine because we're Middenland'. Most of the messages for aid and such discussed in the post were Ostland proper, as beastmen were being contested by various noble families and knights and so on, the minor settlements.

Talabecland is the closest province which is actively calling for help, and pointedly, even asked for help from Ostland specifically rather than in general, which is not a great sign given Ostland-Talabecland relations.

They could go around them all the way to Stirland or Averland or Wissenland, but that's...not quite the way that ya'll've raised the kiddos as Frederick.

If it were a more proper turn rather than interlude based on how the children have been raised and developed by the dynasty, their actions, and their father's previous histories and actions for them to base decisions off of, it would have been a vote though, yeah.
Is Salkaten under assault by the Beastmen in any notable force?
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The Beasttide has finally arrived, and it looks like it'll be up to Ostland to pull Talabecland's hide out of the fire once more. Good opportunity to repair relations if nothing else.

"There is never a better time to try and gather power over another than when they are terribly vulnerable," Sabine spoke up, hands over the small swelling of her belly
Looks like Sabine is pregnant again. Insane fertility that Magnus and Sabine have. They already have 7 children!
Will Magnus von Hohenzollern get a special title to differentiate from Magnus the Pious?

Assuming Magnus von Hohenzollern moves around the empire, helping out, reports and rumors may become confused or garbled when they say Magnus fought at Talabeheim to try and generate faith for the desperate.