Shining Talon Tears Apart Foes: The curious two-legged avians that the Order of the Shining Talon rides upon are not to be discounted, for all that they are odd and loud. Nor are the knights who ride them. Fully armored in plate, wielding lance and sword, atop beasts with beaks capable of biting clear through a black orc, the Shining Talon were once the pride of Solland. Though that province is defunct, it's memory is still yet honored by the Shining Talon, who this year committed to a great purge of the forests up and down Wissenland. Though the greenskins are wholly absent, either having been successfully put down or more commonly – and unfortunately – escaping to the south past Black Fire Pass, the beastmen have grown more numerous in recent years. Well, this year, those numbers have certainly been heavily culled. Several warherds were run down this year, from gors to bestigors and even minotaurs. The heads of multiple chieftains and Beastlords were piled high upon the floor of Countess Toppenheimer's court as marks of their success. Gruesome, yes, but glorious in its own way. Of course, the heads were then later disposed of, as such rotten things are not worth being mounted. The horns, however, were shaved off and placed into a large silver basin which now has a pride of place in the Shining Talon's main Chapterhouse.