What's the refresh rate on our engineers? Like can we expect to increase their numbers as time progresses or are we treading water with current projects? I ask because our cannon projects are engineer heavy to man and R&D eat into that pool as well.
We don't know. We don't even know how many engineers we have at the moment.
What's the refresh rate on our engineers? Like can we expect to increase their numbers as time progresses or are we treading water with current projects? I ask because our cannon projects are engineer heavy to man and R&D eat into that pool as well.
Probably a mixed bag.

On one hand, we're open to ladies and Halflings/Ogres, which increases our potential recruiting pool a lot.

On the other hand, this is medieval R/D on some pretty dangerous stuff, so we run the risk of losing people. In addition to those just not making the cut.
@torroar Is the Conclave happening at the same time as the Elector's Meet or was it earlier in the year?

I was curious about what impact, if any, Frederick's atonement might have had on the previous tensions there.

It's after, actually. I think I've poked at this in the updates before, but basically the aid of all of the most important people coming into the capital at one time makes it so that the priests can come too. Elector's Meet with then the Conclave. It's not like Magnus is leaving the city, after all.

As for tensions, uh, not really? The issue is that the tensions were raised between the Cults, and just because the original issue was dealt with doesn't mean that words weren't spoken between the other Cults, yeah? If someone got punched, and was in a bad mood, and got into a really bad argument with his friend who then was also in a bad mood and got into an argument with their friends, and the entire circle of friends got pissed off at one another? The original guy who wasn't in that circle of friends, who originally punched the one person, apologies it doesn't magically make everyone else not mad at one another. You know what I mean?
Isn't that the point of the conclave though , to provide a controlled environment where the cults can be safely pissed off at each other without it spreading to the greater empire , it stands to reason that since it didn't devolve into a situation where widespread religious violence took place across the empire as a result of one cult pissing off another than the conclave is working exactly as intended
It's after, actually. I think I've poked at this in the updates before, but basically the aid of all of the most important people coming into the capital at one time makes it so that the priests can come too. Elector's Meet with then the Conclave. It's not like Magnus is leaving the city, after all.

As for tensions, uh, not really? The issue is that the tensions were raised between the Cults, and just because the original issue was dealt with doesn't mean that words weren't spoken between the other Cults, yeah? If someone got punched, and was in a bad mood, and got into a really bad argument with his friend who then was also in a bad mood and got into an argument with their friends, and the entire circle of friends got pissed off at one another? The original guy who wasn't in that circle of friends, who originally punched the one person, apologies it doesn't magically make everyone else not mad at one another. You know what I mean?

Fair enough. I just thought that showing the guy that started the mess the arguments were about to begin with was willing to show contrition for his part might help inspire others to work things out.

But Magnus is smart enough to use that as an example if he thinks it'd be of any use.

So if he would want Frederick for such a reason anyway, he'd reach out to Frederick on his own initiative. So we don't need to reach out to him. Not for that issue, anyway. In which case bringing it up does feel like beating a dead horse. So I'll withdraw that idea for the Meet.
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2. I made note of this previously - but a major difference between ST and VT operations is that the latter are constantly being used. They were deployed, and then immediately began usage up and down the province, along the roads, in the forests, up into the mountains, etc. Because the Ostland engineers know precisely how to fix the things if they get damaged in any way. Nuln, by contrast, doesn't and can't. They very, very rarely use them at all. It's a nearly bankrupting cost to rent them out by the reckoning of other provinces, and it has to be the absolute most dire of situations for them to be considered to be used at all. So their maintenance costs are far lower due to the fact that there are years that go by when they aren't used on the battlefield. The Vapor Tanks are being sent out to battle basically day one, and then that's it, they're just going up and down the province fighting.

Sorry to repeat myself I thought the reason it didn't get a reply is because this was answered already but I couldn't find an answer to the idea already posted so I'll repeat my post if the answer is in the thread I'd be greatful if someone to point me in the general direction.

Can we get an options for Nordland, and Ostermark getting their own Vapor Tanks by paying only for the building, upkeep, and the training of crew and mechanics to repair it? Obviously only our fellow Trident members and maybe the Emperor would get there own tank at near cost. Everyone else would have to pay us to repair them upkeep them, and give us a small fortune to build one in the first place.
same thing we did with the bloodfang. Not like there isn´t precedent for us with destroying and purifying chaos altars

1. That Altar was ostensibly in our territory
2. Said altar was easily accessible via land
3. Said altar had been relying on secrecy not brute power as it's main defense
4. Said altar was tended only by beastmen not the whole plurality of all the horrors the northern wastes can bring to bear
5. The god who purified it was doing so in his own land
6. It still took 2 whole Ostland armies, a new cutting edge Wars altar of one of the most militant gods of the empire with full escort to secure the site.

No take all that into account. We'd Have essentially none of those advantages, from how hard it'd be to transport multiple armies by boat, to how exponentially more dangerous Chaos is in their own backyard, to how many more Chaos denizens would come down on our heads when poked, to how much less power the Gods could bring to bear against Chaos in Chaos's backyard. It's a non-starter because we'd lose before we even got there, because Chaos would know the second we launch or even before from tzeentechian bullshit, and we'd get dogpiled by a never ending wave of savage norsemen, beastmen and other worse things while being corrupted by the very magic-infused air in the area.
Can we get an options for Nordland, and Ostermark getting their own Vapor Tanks by paying only for the building, upkeep, and the training of crew and mechanics to repair it? Obviously only our fellow Trident members and maybe the Emperor would get there own tank at near cost. Everyone else would have to pay us to repair them upkeep them, and give us a small fortune to build one in the first place.

I don't think torroar has answered, but I think part of the sticking point is that "training of crew and mechanics to repair it". It's not, like, a six week course where another province sends their people over and we send them back trained. It's years at the Ostland Engineering school and preferably having helped build the tank you're now maintaining. Sort of the same reason that other provinces can't just come over and hire some ogres for their own ogre archers.
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I don't think torroar has answered, but I think part of the sticking point is that "training of crew and mechanics to repair it". It's not, like, a six week course where another province sends their people over and we send them back trained. It's years at the Ostland Engineering school and preferably having helped build the tank you're now maintaining. Sort of the same reason that other provinces can't just come over and hire some ogres for their own ogre archers.

Which is why their paying out the ass for it. I'm assuming two years doing nothing but training for the tank your building, and having others tanks near by to practice piloting would be enough. This of course comes with the understanding if you fuck up and get the tanks and it's crew killed no more tanks for you.
Sorry to repeat myself I thought the reason it didn't get a reply is because this was answered already but I couldn't find an answer to the idea already posted so I'll repeat my post if the answer is in the thread I'd be greatful if someone to point me in the general direction.

Can we get an options for Nordland, and Ostermark getting their own Vapor Tanks by paying only for the building, upkeep, and the training of crew and mechanics to repair it? Obviously only our fellow Trident members and maybe the Emperor would get there own tank at near cost. Everyone else would have to pay us to repair them upkeep them, and give us a small fortune to build one in the first place.

The answer is yes and no? Yes, the players can rent out the Vapor Tanks.

No, in the sense that the players have no time to do this, and building Vapor Tanks is already an action sink that could be used for other stuff after we get three Vapor Tanks, and one Soup Tank!

If your idea is tossing away Ostland ownership of a Vapor Tank onto Stephan and Ortrud with Ostland essentially in control of all aspects of the tank? Rent or go home.

Marlin covered this well enough. There's simply no point whatsoever. Also, Magnus doesn't run the school, he's not the Elector Count or Countess of Nuln. There is no reason he would purchase plans he would do nothing with.

It's okay to retain certain things, you know, for the province. I applaud the sense of sharing and inter-Imperial aid/cooperation, it's the general feel towards things under Magnus the Pious. In the future, you might end up selling tanks to people, but they are incredibly intensive when it comes to maintenance. It's entirely possible that other provinces will just want to rent the things out, rather than try and shoulder the yearly costs as well as the retainer costs of a highly expensive engineering team to maintain and operate the thing. Ostland isn't paying for additional Engineering retainer costs, because they have the school. Other provinces would have extra cost. The Steam Tanks in Nuln have case-by-case basis for maintenance costs, due to the sheer rareness of their usage. They don't have to pay more than a pittance, because the things can go years without deployment.

Ostland, on the other hand, seems far more likely to use the things immediately and consistently.

Also, the reason I didn't catch this immediately, is because if you want to tag me you sorta have to get 'torroar' and not 'terror'. One is me. The other is an adjective. No worries though, yeah? :)

edit: Reading comprehension is not my strength. We might be able to sell the tank. Leaders would probably prefer to just rent them though.
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I am curious how potentially far this tension between the cults of Taal and Rhya can go considering they are very intertwined cults in general. Taal representing true nature while Rhya is the gentle organization of it for mankind.

Obviously I don't want a serious rift, but it is important to think about if we want seed drills to really take off.
I am curious how potentially far this tension between the cults of Taal and Rhya can go considering they are very intertwined cults in general. Taal representing true nature while Rhya is the gentle organization of it for mankind.

Hasn't a lot of warfare in history been between settled farmers who subsist on agriculture and unsettled peoples who subsist on hunting and herding? Feels like the bonds between Taal and Rhya could be papering over a volcano.
[CANON] Wild Bulls - Massgamer
Wild Bulls

It is no surprise that over the past several years that those ogres who strongly took up the tenants of the Cult of Taal have done so with a gusto that surprised even the devout human members of the cult, but glad nonetheless. This is seen in many male ogres choosing to live their lives in the wild places of Ostland while most female ogres followed the path of Rhya in the province's more rural areas, though with a few exceptions going in either direction. Whether it be embracing nature's true wild majesty or its gentle organization one cannot deny how far the Imperial Ogres of Ostland have come when it comes to their spiritual development, especially the Ogre Archers.

Just like the ogre hunters of the far east the archers, rangers, hunters, or whatever others call them, are by nature both paradoxically loners and highly pack-oriented. This is because while many can remain mostly on their own living in the wilds peacefully with nature to get the food required to healthy function and not disrupt the balance many have to come out of the wilds to various villages and towns to buy food for themselves, usually paying for it in trade using animals hunted and rare herbs found deep in woods. It is also not uncommon for these bulls, a common name for male ogres both in Ostland and the far east, to come together to support and hunt with each other, especially against the darker things in the forests. It is also natural for bulls to seek out the more civilization minded Rhyan ogres as well, making families and protecting their fellow citizens. It is even known that bulls will have a few companions in the form of dogs, domesticated mountain lions or other beasts that can assist in hunting.

It is only natural in a place like Ostland that a pack-like mindset from the heavy Ulrician population and Ostlanders general herd-like mentally when it comes to dealing with threats that even the most anti-social of Taalite ogres will seek out kinship with others, and going above and beyond to defend it. As a natural consequence this was how the Ogre Archers under Smarbog Whisperstomp Farslayer was able to form in the first place.

Unlike their eastern counter parts Taalite Bulls are both at ease on their own for weeks at a time and also with each other working towards common goals, especially when Taal's service fighting that which would corrupt or destroy nature.

If one were to put the average Taalite and Esmeraldan ogre next to each other they would mostly be the same physically, but with some noticeable differences.

Taalite bulls let their hair and beards grow wild and untamed, collecting all sorts of debris from leaves, sticks and whatever else one can find in nature. They not only reject metal armor but also most clothes in general, many most comfortable in nothing but a simple pair of pants, loincloth or even less! The only notable exception is the traditional gut-plate, which is not plate at all but rather large cured leather panels made from the largest beast they can hunt down themselves in forests that don't clink when hunting while still providing good protection for their guts. This obviously changes during Ulric's time and the winter snows falls, with bulls donning heavy furs to protect them during the extreme cold when needed. Bulls are also known to have many tattoos and ritual scars to Taal, Ulric and even Ursash placed upon their body as both a form of devotion and show of their toughness, while also carrying hunting trophies that have been earned through special ritual hunts.

The most notable difference one will find among Taalite bulls is how much leaner they are compared to their civilization living cousins. Oh they are nothing like those mad starving gorgers from the east, but their paunches are notably slimmer due to their highly active lifestyle and more conservative eating practices so as to not disrupt the balance of nature for their own hunger. In fact, many Esmeraldan ogres refer to them as 'Lean Guts' even when they are still considered very much fat by human standards, though their muscles are easier to notice beneath said fat. Considering the importance of gut size in orge culture this is one of the few things that makes Esmeraldan ogres view the Taalite ogres as 'weird' to their eyes and likely encourages most Taalite bulls longer mindsets away from those that do not understand them like their fellow Taalites and Rhyans.

One of the most impressive, and arguably terrifying, aspect of those ogres who live most of their time in the wilds is their ability to hunt with an almost unnatural grace. Taalite ogres can quickly camouflage themselves using mud, vegetation, and other loss matter and debris to vanish into their surroundings, becoming onto small hills that can wait for hours until they are ready to strike at their prey or enemies. They are also highly persistent hunters, using both their great sense of smell and learned tracking techniques to track a trail for miles with no rest, all while stepping their their environment with such stealth and dexterity one would not think a being that is hundreds upon hundreds of pounds could possibly achieve.

There has been more than one case of a Taalite ogre coming out of the woods to inform a passing Army of the Forest patrol of a pack of beastmen and greenskins... with the former not noticing their arrival until they were right in front of them and giving them quite the scare in the process. Ogres who achieve this and more can even earn a Big Name such as Whisperstomp, making many men nervous at the idea of a stealthy ogre.

These wild hunters are also known to make simple traps from snares to for prey to even hanging logs that can come flying out of the woods to smash unknowning beastmen and greenskins into paste, with the best ones making natural traps from the lessons of Ursash the bear hunter who knows of many traps to deal with even the worst beasts the forest can provide. After all, if a wooden spike pit can lay low a bear they can surely do the same with a minotaur or orc. Of course, these ogres are sure to remove said traps once they have served their purpose and not undoing harm nature when they can avoid it.

Of course, the most prized weapons of these wild hunters are their javelins and bows, both of which they can release at their targets with deadly accuracy and power, outright impaling them more often than not. There are even those who make use of slings to fire stones that could would not be out of place as catapult ammunition. Those ogres who help the Longshanks and Wardens in defending holy places of Taal and Rhya while always being on the lookout for poachers and similar threats to nature as a whole prefer large homemade clubs, spears and other simple weapons made from the nature's bounty, seeing defending nature as something that requires a more personal touch.

All told one can easily see those ogres who most strongly cleave to Taal and Rhya in the modern age to be what humans must have been before the time of Sigmar when they first came to the Old World from the east long ago. And when the skies now rain with over a hundred spear-sized arrows upon our enemies we can be happy to know it is because humanity's oldest gods guide their strikes.


AN: I am very happy we have our own Ogre Hunters now, and since this isn't the Mountains of Mourn I figured a little look at what they are like in Ostland would be like. Our forests are still deadly after all and lots of hunters loners, but also care about a thing bigger than themselves in long-run.
Can we get an options for Nordland, and Ostermark getting their own Vapor Tanks by paying only for the building, upkeep, and the training of crew and mechanics to repair it? Obviously only our fellow Trident members and maybe the Emperor would get there own tank at near cost. Everyone else would have to pay us to repair them upkeep them, and give us a small fortune to build one in the first place.

At the moment? No.

In the future? Maybe.
Incidentally, Borkill the Bloody Handed would, OTL, go on to do this:

Whilst hunting the Bonegrinder Giant, Maulgrong, Borkill the Bloody-handed finds
the Chalice of Chaos at the base of a jet-black monolith. As he drinksfrom the cup, Maulgrong attacks, but the vile liquid causes Borkhill's body to swell with unholy power, granting him the strength to best his monstrous foe.
So how many tanks do you guys think we should have total? I'm thinking 5 to start with, maybe going up to 10 as our income grows. They are really useful as ways to both anchor our own line and to break the enemy line, these are the things that can tussle with greater daemons and come out whole. the only thing I regret is that we do not have enough pull with the Colleges to get them enchanted.
So how many tanks do you guys think we should have total? I'm thinking 5 to start with, maybe going up to 10 as our income grows. They are really useful as ways to both anchor our own line and to break the enemy line, these are the things that can tussle with greater daemons and come out whole. the only thing I regret is that we do not have enough pull with the Colleges to get them enchanted.
are there even enough master engineers to crew that manny tanks ?, each one require at entire crew comprised of master engineers not exactly a resource that grows on trees plus those master engineers have a lot of demands on their time from overseeing production , research , being involved with the maintenance of our various deployed weapons ,teaching and being assigned to handling all the other weapons Ostland deploys
So how many tanks do you guys think we should have total? I'm thinking 5 to start with, maybe going up to 10 as our income grows. They are really useful as ways to both anchor our own line and to break the enemy line, these are the things that can tussle with greater daemons and come out whole.
The more, the merrier!

If we need more Master Engineers and engineers, then we expand our Engineering School and increase the number of engineers.

Though I think the Upkeep of the Vapor Tanks includes the fact that each one gets an Engineering crew just for them, so, each Vapor Tank is also an expansion of the amount of Engineers we have, so...

But still. If we start lacking in Engineers? Then I saw we increase the numbers of our Engineers. Vapor tanks are tanks. They're definitely worth it.
the only thing I regret is that we do not have enough pull with the Colleges to get them enchanted.
... Actually... Do you think we could get them Runed instead though?

I mean... There are Engineering Runes as a section of types of Runes... And we are great friends with the Dwarfs... ... Huh.

Holy moly. Could that be actually a viable action to do?

@torroar is that viable? Asking for Engineering Runes on a Vapor Tank? Or feeling out if the Dwarfs would be willing to do something like that, on something as radical and unconventional as a human creation rather than a Dwarf warmachine?
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The more, the merrier!

If we need more Master Engineers and engineers, then we expand our Engineering School and increase the number of engineers.

Though I think the Upkeep of the Vapor Tanks includes the fact that each one gets an Engineering crew just for them, so, each Vapor Tank is also an expansion of the amount of Engineers we have, so...

But still. If we start lacking in Engineers? Then I saw we increase the numbers of our Engineers. Vapor tanks are tanks. They're definitely worth it.

... Actually... Do you think we could get them Runed instead though?

I mean... There are Engineering Runes as a section of types of Runes... And we are great friends with the Dwarfs... ... Huh.

Holy moly. Could that be actually a viable action to do?

@torroar is that viable? Asking for Engineering Runes on a Vapor Tank? Or feeling out if the Dwarfs would be willing to do something like that, on something as radical and unconventional as a human creation rather than a Dwarf warmachine?

Runesmiths tend to be the most conservative of a very conservative people. I do not think they would trust their holy art to umgi mad science sadly.
Runesmiths tend to be the most conservative of a very conservative people. I do not think they would trust their holy art to umgi mad science sadly.
Yeah, though I suppose we could still ask. ... Actually, we probably start off by asking, like, Sven about it first. 'Yo, if we wanted our Vapor Tanks runed, how would the Runesmiths react to us asking that?' and if the answer we get back is <horrified screaming> we go 'Understandable, have a nice day' and back off.
So how many tanks do you guys think we should have total? I'm thinking 5 to start with, maybe going up to 10 as our income grows. They are really useful as ways to both anchor our own line and to break the enemy line, these are the things that can tussle with greater daemons and come out whole. the only thing I regret is that we do not have enough pull with the Colleges to get them enchanted.
Since 12 is the sacred number of Sigmar, we should make 12 so we are honoring him. Remember, this sort of thing is very important in Warhammer, making 12 will give them better protection from Chaos.
Yeah, though I suppose we could still ask. ... Actually, we probably start off by asking, like, Sven about it first. 'Yo, if we wanted our Vapor Tanks runed, how would the Runesmiths react to us asking that?' and if the answer we get back is <horrified screaming> we go 'Understandable, have a nice day' and back off.

We probably do not even need to go that far, Freddy knows dwarfs quite well so we can just ask the GM what he thinks of the idea.