No. They cannot. They used to know, but they forgot a long, long time ago. Now they can only maintain the Ogham Stones and the Mists protecting the island. The Truthsayers used to have knowledge of magic that was taught to them by the Old Ones which let them reach and even exceed the elves in a very specific way, but they've long since lost that knowledge, never to regain it.
Please note that the High Elves moving one Waystone was a monumental effort, and that they noted that it was incredibly dangerous to do, as a cadre of wizards had to constantly be on hand to continue to direct the flows from the 'cap' where the Waystone was placed, and that it needed to be returned to its place immediately the moment it was cleansed.
Yes, the Truthsayers can use the Winds in a different way, but let's calm down just a smidge, okay?
Waystones are not the Oghams of Albion. Waystones were built by the High Elves and Dwarfs. Oghams were built by the Truthsayers of Albion and the Intelligent Giants of Albion. The word Ogham is suspected to have originated from the tribes of Albion before the mists and isolation degenerated them heavily, but it's not hard to figure why the tribes would call any big glowing rock an 'Ogham' without necessarily knowing the precise difference. Waystones are specifically built, and placed, at certain areas. The Asrai have subverted this and wiggle the things around as big fence posts to keep Athel Loren contained, as well as the Wildwood, probably because Athel Loren is itself able to wrangle magic to its needs, suffused and part of it immensely as its own weird unique thing. Note that in Laurelorn, the Eonir have not done this, and in fact prefer to keep the Waystone Network within their boundary as secure and kept in place as possible.
Oghams of Albion form specific stone circles at specific points, but can be shifted around as the Winds of Magic themselves twist too and fro, meaning they're a literal responsive network that is maintained by tradition - and it is, mostly, just tradition which keeps it going. The Truthsayers have only a modicum of their former knowledge and power, the Giants have interbred and become much less intelligent - not to the extent of those in the rest of the world, but still - and though they remember and teach themselves the rituals of maintenance and some guidance of the Mists and what it does and does not allow as well as its potency, they are not a group of hidden uber-wizards who are capable of just subverting the desperate campaign of preservation that the Asur have been committed to for the last few thousand years.
Furthermore, unlike with Waystones, which are built to make magic go to the Vortex from all over the world, the Ogham Stones and the Stone Circles of Albion specifically take and wrangle a huge swath of that continual Polar Flow and ground it out onto Albion. This, in turn, is what made what was once an incredibly fertile land with huge fields and bountiful forests turn into the rain-sodden quagmire ridden poisonous plant filled mutated monstrous wildlife mist-covered pile of mud it is today. At the time, the Truthsayers and the tribes that were there as well as the Giants decided that the sacrifice of what was to come was worth it. Would they say the same, now, looking at their descendants? Who can say. It is also why the Fimir aren't just blowing them up, because when Waystones blow up, that part of the network pools magic into Dhar, which is great and dandy for evil workings, yes.
The Oghams take and twist that magic in great gusts, and suffuse the land with it. Not necessarily like Dhar, but still powerful. It is why, canonically, the 'main goal' of the Albion campaign books was not to utterly crush the other enemy armies or whatever, but to claim and maintain control over the Ogham Stones, because they're closer a mixture of a stable Arcane Fulcrum as well as a broken Waystone in terms of pooling magic down into the area rather than what regular Waystones do. Lots of power, if you can keep control of them.
And, I don't know if this needs to be said or not, but the Albionese are not looking to be 'saved' by way of colonization. Their traditions have kept Albion going for all these years, taking an immense amount of strain off of the Vortex, which is very, very good for the elves. Every little ritual they have and do with the Ogham Stones was taught to them by the Old Ones and maintained, to the point that you'd see the same level of geological and geometric precision as expected and performed by the Lizardmen when it comes to the Oghams. Because if anything is off, the Stone Circles and all the magic and all that crap could go quite haywire. The stones circles are also intimately connected with the protective Mists. It's why the Fimir are claiming the Oghams. In an equivalent situation, such as in Sylvania or something, the vampires would knock over the Waystones for all that good Dhar. The Fimir aren't doing that, yeah? For good reason.