Can we not retread this debate so quickly, please?

The update was nice and fun to experience, and going back to a screaming match with each other would really suck.
We set the mad dogs loose. Now we apologize, and mend our fences with the sane members of the cult of Manaan. I really don't see what else there is to do.
Can we not retread this debate so quickly, please?

The update was nice and fun to experience, and going back to a screaming match with each other would really suck.
It is not a retread? The current Manaan debate is Freddy should never appease the cult of manaan (I might be misunderstanding), in favor of micro-controling all boats in Ostland without any Manaan support. When before the Cult of Manaan got pissed off Freddy worked with the Cult to fight naval raids, in the background.

As far as I'm aware this thought-train is new.
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So, random question, what do you guys think the next crazy weapon/ogre upgrade is going to be, I think we can give the ogres their own great swords proportionally sized
So, random question, what do you guys think the next crazy weapon/ogre upgrade is going to be, I think we can give the ogres their own great swords proportionally sized
Nothing, that's my hope. I don't want another delay on taking the beastpaths. Three military actions available, and the majority could still choose to not take the beastpaths. The skaven went west for aid in this update!
So, random question, what do you guys think the next crazy weapon/ogre upgrade is going to be, I think we can give the ogres their own great swords proportionally sized
I mean with an ogre? Those jokers could wield Dragon Slayer one handed so anything that would be considered a two handed weapon for them would basically be a small tree made of metal.

At that point you don't even need an edge, just make it vaguely wedged shaped with a point on the end. Doesn't even have to be a sharp point either, it'd still punch through any amount of armor like, well, a small tree made of metal being used as a stabbing implement.
(deleting this post; accidentally posted without seeing stuff that came AFTER what I replied to but BEFORE this)
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We also need the priests in order to operate the fleets. Sailors want the blessing of Manaan when they go to sea, and the priests have been a valued, load-bearing part of our naval infrastructure for as long as we've
This discussion got tabled by the QM. It's important, but until Torroar updates again, they want any reference to the Cult of Manaan and the Holders of the shore to not be brought up.
let's shelve this for the next time we are allowed. In the meantime, ogre upgrades?
That was accidentally posted; had I kept going I would have spotted the "please nos."

This discussion got tabled by the QM. It's important, but until Torroar updates again, they want any reference to the Cult of Manaan and the Holders of the shore to not be brought up.
Yes, thank you, that makes two of you.
This is amazing. Always love to get other perspectives on stuff.
QM performed a tell instead of show, to speed the writing up.

The QM is apologizing for how much is skipped over by looking through Ortrud's eyes. The players skip dialogue between Ortrud and Evangeline for example. Among some other stuff that's summarized.
wait anyone familiar with ogre lore can tell me, can ogres learn how to use the winds like imperials? Imperial battle ogre wizards.
Wonder how the jade wizard journeymen that got called back compares with others from around the empire. Got the impression that they have basically been doing trauma care constantly what with them caring for the family sparring, which sounds a bit like working as a surgeon at the trauma centre in a major city with a lot of violence. Maybe I'm overestimating how much experience they are getting, but it would be sort of funny if Ostland gets a reputation as a posting that will make a jade wizard into an elite healer.

Neat to see what was going on in Ostermark, though I got sort of worried about what other things might be brewing in the province.
Speak of future actions. What do you guys think about properly expanding fortifying Dunkelstal? I mean we've been fortifying the coast for a while. The roads fortifications were done a long while ago and should proabably be expanded and reinforced again soon. Wulfenburg just got done but the mountain stuff has been a while and has no singular settlement to the level of Wunfelburg or Salkalten.

Could be a nice Stewardship action for next turn. Another Military one could be fortifyjng the roads to the Flames temple fortress or investing into speeding the fortifications construction and defenses.
Speak of future actions. What do you guys think about properly expanding fortifying Dunkelstal? I mean we've been fortifying the coast for a while. The roads fortifications were done a long while ago and should proabably be expanded and reinforced again soon. Wulfenburg just got done but the mountain stuff has been a while and has no singular settlement to the level of Wunfelburg or Salkalten.

Could be a nice Stewardship action for next turn. Another Military one could be fortifyjng the roads to the Flames temple fortress or investing into speeding the fortifications construction and defenses.
maybe work on roads and transports and logistics, we have a great army, we just gotta make sure they can get to where they are needed in time.
So, random question, what do you guys think the next crazy weapon/ogre upgrade is going to be, I think we can give the ogres their own great swords proportionally sized about we create an Ogre Heavy Phalanx Company? each Ogre is decked out in Full-Metal plate armor with humongous shields and Gargantuan Spears/Halberds?

Although I don't think the Ogres are too effective with this build.
I'd be interested in another beastmen hunt.

And something like better guns. Oh hell the things I'd do for long barreled rifles. Oh and just being able to go on bikes. Or those ridiculous stunts like weaving bikes through the beastmen woods like in those stunt movies.

On a more relevant note I am so happy to see that Ortrud is doing well for herself and this mini campaign didn't result in something terrible like a critical failure or worse a protracted battle. That'd probably end up worse for everyone involved and might end up with more entrenched Skaven in the area. That would end up with more work on the QM's part.
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So, random question, what do you guys think the next crazy weapon/ogre upgrade is going to be, I think we can give the ogres their own great swords proportionally sized

ogre rhinox riders , odds are some of ogre warbands that serve as mercenaries from Morn brought with them some of their rhinox and might be willing to sell like they did the titan cannon in fact it should be a much easier sell compared to the cannon as those cannons are considered major relics and a source of pride for a tribe while the rhinox are just mounts and emergency rations to them .

imagine a formation of ogres in full plate armor wielding a gigantic halberds riding barded rhinox impacting with a devastating charge of several tons ,unless the dragon riders of Calador manage reclaim their famous dragons it would be the single heaviest unit of cavalry in the warhammer fantasy world about we create an Ogre Heavy Phalanx Company? each Ogre is decked out in Full-Metal plate armor with humongous shields and Gargantuan Spears/Halberds?

Although I don't think the Ogres are too effective with this build.
rather figure out how to make shotguns auto reloading so we can have heavy plate armor ogres moving around mowing down everything in shotgun fire.