Apparently, a number of years back, a Black Ark came to Albion. Or, at least, as near as what you can tell is one. The Albionese don't call it exactly that, but there's only a few 'Gaed aweful black moontain frem th' seays' that it could be, right? Besides which, afterwards the Druchii came stomping out in waves, slaughtering Fimir, Albionese, and greenskins alike. They also ended up capturing a few 'Sidhe', whatever that means, and dragged a number of captives back to the island. Ever since, they've been a plague on Albion. With fatal whimsy, they uproot themselves and slam into a different part of the coast, making it so that even the Fimir are struggling to fight them off, as any time there is a significantly large concentration of forces, the elves simply…pull back, and retreat elsewhere before coming back on another part of the island.