Given how little island-wide organization there is, we might find a spot for a trading port that nobody even claims.
Any such port would have to be built after we deal with that Black Ark, which will require us to probably work with Kislev, Nordland, Ulthaun and (sigh) Marienburg. On the bright side if we manage to sink it, we'd really piss in the Dark Elves eyes.
@torroar how many Greatships would it take to kill that black arc?
the Black Arks are the remains of nagaryth each one a city sized ship that is very powerful and unique and pretty much irreplaceable.
taking one down is ridiculously hard and would probably take a military campaign in its own rights.
Add the fact that none of the nearby players have a powerful enough fleets in global terms(the dark elves excel in the sea second only to the high elves)
and the millennia of fortifications and spells that are probably on the ark ,i don't really like our chances of doing so.
Merchants are disdained more heavily in Bretonnia than they are in the Empire, and to Sabine and Natasha's amusement they are apparently somewhat happy with those who are a bit more amiable to them. A few of your merchants even made distant acquaintances with some knights errant who wished to partake of the wines and such
Heh, the nation with the strongest human navy in the Old World disdaining merchants.

Ahh, fair Bretonnia. Fair, silly Bretonnia.
Merchants are disdained more heavily in Bretonnia than they are in the Empire, and to Sabine and Natasha's amusement they are apparently somewhat happy with those who are a bit more amiable to them.
I can't be the only one thinking that we could use these merchants as spies/a way to further increase our trade income right?

Well, not yet.

To my understanding, the modernization of the Bretonnian navy occurred after something (Skaven?) destroyed the old one, an event that I don't believe has occurred yet.
I do believe we're past when that should've happened.
Well, Marienburg canonically took down a Black Ark by getting it into a Greatship crossfire. Malekith was so livid about that he sicked Shadowblade on the Marienburger major. So it should be possible. But i doubt it is possible with only three Greatships.
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Re:Naval activity: I think the Naval DCs went up by 5 each. Also, there's the possibility that the Druchii are setting up/have set up a naval base in the area, similar to how they were behind Gorebash. Could be Norsca. Could be Albion.
Kinda called it.
Captured Druchii ships.
New research option?
From what you hear, there are even a few discussion over perhaps a marriage between Arthur's children and one of those from Stirand.
Marriage Alliance? Hallelujah.

I always found suspicious that the Druchii could raid us without any friendly port
To be fair, a Black Ark is a friendly port.
It just happens to be a mobile friendly port city.
Well, Mariendorf canonically took down a Black Ark by getting it into a Greatship crossfire. Malekith was so livid about that he sicked Shadowblade on the Mariendorfer major. So it should be possible. But i doubt it is possible with only three Greatships.
Can I have a source for that please.
Well, Mariendorf canonically took down a Black Ark by getting it into a Greatship crossfire. Malekith was so livid about that he sicked Shadowblade on the Mariendorfer major. So it should be possible. But i doubt it is possible with only three Greatships.
Maybe we shouldn't sink the black ark, would rather we not fight Malekith thank you very much.
Well, not yet.

To my understanding, the modernization of the Bretonnian navy occurred after something (Skaven?) destroyed the old one, an event that I don't believe has occurred yet.
I do believe we're past when that should've happened.
Nope, not at the moment.

The Skaven never attacked all the coasts of the Old World a few years ago, distracted as they were with the Bonelands, so the King never ordered a grand restructuring and build up of their Fleet.

Shame, huh?
Gorebash was one hell of a butterfly.
Hmm we need to send some steel and men to Albion to help fight off the dark elves.
Lovely Laurelorn
[] Attend: Your 'success' was apparently noticed. Now they'd like you to repeat it, mostly by proving that trust and meaningful reciprocation is possible. By existing. Hopefully you are, if not a friend, a good enough associate that the elves of Laurelorn won't disappear you into their forest. Thank goodness you chose to make sure the Everqueen remembered you, huh?
[] Decline: You've had quite enough of elf business at this point. You could decline, and be done with the matter. Besides, they can't keep using you as a diplomatic crutch forever, just sort of sitting there while they dance around the matter, right?

Were attending right?
Hmmm, so we have Dark Elves in Albion. As people have mentioned, We should talk to Nordland, Kislev, and the High Elves. We should probably also tell the Emperor, and Marenberg. Britonnia also has a decent navy and would be just as effected as us.

Also if we are going after a Black Ark. We should pick up Motts Motley for that turn. An extra 30 ships to help deal and soak damage could help for that turn. Might want to hire a no name Teir 3 naval unit too for the same thing. Depending how the navy fairs after the battle would decide if we fired them afterwards.

An outstanding turn all around however.
Another massive greatship now floats in the Sea of Claws when it is not resting in the docks of Salkalten. This one has been named Alexandra's Hammer. Reward: 1 New Greatship, the Alexandra's Hammer.

Sorry, but can the name please be changed to have something to do with Oskar considering he was the one interested in ships and the navy?
We tell the high elves about the Black Ark, they have the capability to destroy one and we would want to support their efforts even with Nordland, Kislev and Marienburg fleets.
Glad Albion roll went so well.

We need to get various navies together to take out Albion Black Ark since we can't stand to have one so close to our shores to support raiding.

Get the three Imperial Fleets and even Kislev fleet involved if possible.
Could we put a dozen Titan Cannons on the walls of Salkalten? It would probably take 2 to 4 pretty big ogers to aim each of the from a mounted position. But it would make a heck of a defense upgrade.

'In case of Black Arc volley fire." Has a nice ring to it.
Apparently, a number of years back, a Black Ark came to Albion. Or, at least, as near as what you can tell is one. The Albionese don't call it exactly that, but there's only a few 'Gaed aweful black moontain frem th' seays' that it could be, right? Besides which, afterwards the Druchii came stomping out in waves, slaughtering Fimir, Albionese, and greenskins alike. They also ended up capturing a few 'Sidhe', whatever that means, and dragged a number of captives back to the island. Ever since, they've been a plague on Albion. With fatal whimsy, they uproot themselves and slam into a different part of the coast, making it so that even the Fimir are struggling to fight them off, as any time there is a significantly large concentration of forces, the elves simply…pull back, and retreat elsewhere before coming back on another part of the island.

there is a black ark, in immensely mist shrouded and treacherous waters, so what i'm hearing is there is an exposed black ark far from home in perfect ambush territory. I suspect if we pass this on to ulthan their going to take advantage.
We'll likely need Asur help with that Black Ark in Albion. Luckily, we are in contact with them, and they should be motivated to help, especially if we promise them Imperial ships as support.

In any case, trade beckons. Silver and whiskey for steel weapons and tools sounds like a fine start to me.

A quite lucky turn all told. We succeeded on everything, and I am glad that DD option won (even though I voted for the other one) as it made a real difference from a failed throw into a successful one.

Sylvania is one step more further from being a viable stronghold for the necromancers.

We might want to revisit culling the forests, clearing the beastways, etc.
Just so the gribblies don't accumulate too much.
there is a black ark, in immensely mist shrouded and treacherous waters, so what i'm hearing is there is an exposed black ark far from home in perfect ambush territory. I suspect if we pass this on to ulthan their going to take advantage.
Wouldn't the Druchii have the advantage in ambushing any Asur expedition given that they've had a few years to scope out the local waters and the whole "we have a floating mountain, fuck your treacherous reefs" thing?

Anyway, rather than throwing resources trying to hunt down a Black Ark, I'd rather we just alert our neighbours* and simply continue to expand our fleet and fortify our coastline until we get a better grip on the raider pressure(aiming for sub-50 DCs). I'm fine with arming the Albionese against the Druchii and Fimir though.

That said, Druchii raider pressure is suppressing Norscan raider pressure, so it's not entirely negative.

*and the Marienburgers/Bretonnians suppose.
If we get too many factions involved in the Albionese campaign, we're going to have a West/China Imperialism situation with a bad roll. Everyone is going to want a slice of the primitive pie with all the silver.
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