[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?

We'll see this through without the timeskips.
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[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
This seems rather redundant. Outside of being informed of the situation, which would happen anyways as soon as the column started moving again, what does this accomplish? There doesn't look to be a reason to give this it's own scene.
Too early, I suppose, but whatever.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Let It Go Until The Camp Starts Moving Again (Timeskip)
No. of votes: 21
Derek58, Novus Ordo Mundi, Cjdavis103, Kairos123, DragonParadox, rex754, notanautomaton, etincelle047, Massgamer, Beyogi, jamie96969, Arcman, Pricey, 3man75, Artemis1992, Antumbra, Rhadamanthine, CeBrudras, Crazy7s1, Zoxabels, Romv

[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
No. of votes: 16
Night_stalker, Nix's Warden, SwiftRosenthal, Daecl, Arbit, Theunderbolt, DannyboyZero, jwolfe_beta, Hangwind, bdun140, Khepri14, Ian Drash, Restalaan, Melancholeric, TheNotoriousSMP, StarkDemise

[X] Volunteer to go into the tunnels, it's something to do
No. of votes: 1
[X] Speak to the High King about whyyou've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
This seems rather redundant. Outside of being informed of the situation, which would happen anyways as soon as the column started moving again, what does this accomplish? There doesn't look to be a reason to give this it's own scene.

It was a place to stop.

Also, the timeskip is to move a bit forward, not skipping the whole mountain.

The wailing about it? Stops. We had that conversation already, multiple times. I gave the option to be done with the mountain. Harping on it every single time? Is annoying and drains me of motivation to write at at all. Nothing new is said. I'm actually pretty sure I said this last time too. But just in case I'm saying it now.

So stop, if you would.
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It was a place to stop.
Well yeah, but we didn't volunteer to go into the mines. So voting to confront the High King is really just asking for a scene long explanation of why we are stopped. Which is a waste of your time and energy, especially if you haven't been feeling your best lately.

Edit: Okay, that's new. I guess I gave the wrong impression or you're using me to make a point. Either way, I'm shutting up now.
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I, personally, wouldn't find it a waste of time and energy considering what the High King is doing. That's why I gave it as an option in the first place. The time skip is leaping forward until the NPC's are done with this part of the Underdeep, and then we would be moving on. It is a chance, besides that, to have further character interaction with those that would be going in the mines or to speak to the High King about what is going on a bit more - both opportunities for Frederick to learn more and interact more.

It was a good place to stop and had options to do stuff like that.

The timeskip, meanwhile, would have Frederick not do much besides wait until the NPC's all finish up on their own. Which I would backround roll for and reopen the next update with Frederick and whatever is happening next.

thats all

Right, I'm getting overly...man I don't even know. I'm going for a walk.

Vote closes in 3 hours
[X] Speak to the High King about whyyou've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What was even mined here in the past?
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?

changing vote
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
(Marching Through The Underdeep: 28/100)

just an observation about d100 systems, they tend to be immensely swingy. really good or really bad results are just as likely as average results.

[X] Speak to the High King about whyyou've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?

I'm actually curious about what they could be mining down here.
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
Right, I'm getting overly...man I don't even know. I'm going for a walk.
Sorry we keep stressing you out we are really bad about that. Hope you enjoy your walk.

Also changing vote.

[X] Speak to the High King about whyyou've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
Here's a question, it can be to Torroar or any other person in the thread:

Would it be a good idea to striengthen ties between the Northern Trident and maybe even Kislev in preparation for a shift in power for when Magnus( the Emperor, not Freddy's son) dies?

Playing TW:W has kinda shown me how...interesting...a New Emperor taking the throne can be...

I'm somewhat expecting something like Adolphius from the Norsca Quest myself, but that's near worst case scenario.

We should also consider the possibility of an Emperor that might not like us or Kislev very much.

Oh, and here's my vote:

[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?

that said: @torroar

I love this quest, it and Conquest are why I watch for WH:F CK2 Quests and love them so much! I'm sorry it's causing you problems...
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
[X] Let It Go Until The Camp Starts Moving Again (Timeskip)
The explanation can go with the action and doesn't need its own scene.
[X] Speak to the High King about why you've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?
[X] Speak to the High King about whyyou've been in this part of the Underdeep for a month with teams being sent into these strange tunnels. What…was even mined here in the past?