Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Look Over Here
-[X] Have Priests of Sigmar bless the cannonballs so when they are fired they cause lots of damage to the enemy and when they hit the portal destroy it or disrupt it enough that the Elf can do whatever she is trying to do with magic.
No. of votes: 4
The Laurent,
[X] Look Over Here! You have cannons, rifles, and a little bit of magic of your own, though the Ice Mages are still quite tired. If you were to set up a bombardment of the enemy with said cannons and set your knights, swordsmen, and ogres correctly, you could bleed off the forces of the enemy and potentially allow the Elves to do something. Besides, the more time you can just attack them without them managing to shamble over to you, the less casualties you'll have. Once the enemy has taken enough damage, you can move forward. Maybe the Elves will just finish off whatever doesn't attack you, maybe they won't. How many cannon balls does it take to blow up a daemonic portal?
No. of votes: 2
[x] Gore From Behind
No. of votes: 8
[X] Look Over Here!
No. of votes: 3
[x] Rocky Road to Heilidorf
No. of votes: 2
[X] Rocky Road to Helidorf
No. of votes: 1
[x] Gore From Behind â€" Okay. That portal is spewing daemons and Warriors of Chaos, specifically aligned to Nurgle. You hate Nurglings, you despite Plaguebearers, and you hate Chaos in general. You need to get over there, while they are distracted and have the majority of their forces attacking Heilidorf and hit the portal from behind. By assaulting the rear of their formation, and
succeeding, you will have knocked out their main source of reinforcements besides the apparently periodical trains of plague zombies and creatures up towards thecoast. Sure, more dangerous to your people as you throw them into bodily combat with Gruber's forces directly for the first time, but you can't just avoid them all at range forever.
No. of votes: 1
[X] Look Over Here
-[X] Have Priests of Simgar bless the cannonballs so when they are fired they cause lots of damage to the enemy and when they hit the portal destroy it or distrupt it enough that the Elf can do whatever she is trying to do with magic.
No. of votes: 13
Novus Ordo Mundi,
[X] Look Over Here
-[X] Have Priests of Sigmar bless the cannonballs so when they are fired they cause lots of damage to the enemy and when they hit the portal destroy it or distrupt it enough that the Elf can do whatever she is trying to do with magic.
No. of votes: 4
[X] Look Over Here
-[X] Have Priests of Simgar bless the cannonballs so when they are fired they cause lots of damage to the enemy and when they hit the portal destroy it or disrupt it enough that the Elf can do whatever she is trying to do with magic.
No. of votes: 2
[X] Look Over Here! You have cannons, rifles, and a little bit of magic of your own, though the Ice Mages are still quite tired. If you were to set up a bombardment of the enemy with said cannons and set your knights, swordsmen, and ogres correctly, you could bleed off the forces of the enemy and potentially allow the Elves to do something. Besides, the more time you can just attack them without them managing to shamble over to you, the less casualties you'll have. Once the enemy has taken enough damage, you can move forward. Maybe the Elves will just finish off whatever doesn't attack you, maybe they won't. How many cannon balls does it take to blow up a daemonic portal?
-[X] Have Priests of Simgar bless the cannonballs so when they are fired they cause lots of damage to the enemy and when they hit the portal destroy it or distrupt it enough that the Elf can do whatever she is trying to do with magic.
No. of votes: 1
[X] Plan Mano a Mano
-[X] Have the Flagellants released from their collars in the direction of the portal as a wall of humanity whose physical mass keeps the nasty gribblies from getting to our army for however long they last. (Since presumably all the stuff Chaos Warrior and above would be hanging out around the portal).
-[X] for however long they last the cannons have free reign to ruin Papa Nurgel's day. Namely by blowing up the portal and the Chaos gribblies wading through Flagellant.
this is an example of the inspiration for Ungol horse archers. (I don't even have to say anything about the Huzzars) As long as they have some distance or nearby Flagellant they can keep the Norscans busy until everything else has been killed. If things get too hot then they can slip in behind our lines with everything behind them completely incoherent.
-[X] if all else fails, the cannons miss, the ungols are overwhelmed, the flagellants are vaporized too early. Then the rest of our army, Knights, Ogres, and common swordsmen alike are to as turtles up as physically possible. Another wall, but of armor, pikes, and magic.
No. of votes: 1