Warhammer Engineers Quest
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You play as a newly minted engineer in the old world. Beginning in 2304 just after the great war against chaos your quest begins.
Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 1


Annoyingly Historical
East Coast USA
Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 1

Welcome to my first quest. I've been inspired mostly by "A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism," one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever read, but I also draw from "A Tattered Eagle" over on Spacebattles.

This quest will be about a citizen of the empire working to make a fortune through industry of any kind. This is the kind of quest where I want people to interact and give ideas on how the character will build his wealth.

This quest takes place at the end of 2304 just after Magnus the Pious is elected emperor. You are 18 years old, you will be male.

[x] Name

Your stats will be chosen in part 2 but here are the 6 stats. Your decisions in the choices will help me distribute them, not including the bonuses to rolls from the backstory.

- Martial
- Diplomacy
- Stewardship
- Intrigue
- Piety
- Learning

This quest also has a somewhat unique mechanic, Mastery. The Mc and other characters can gain mastery, this is similar to stats in a ttrpg called World of Darkness. But unlike Wod these are only for skills you are learning so, while a one in Wod is poor, one here simply means a novice. The ranks go from novice, sufficient, competent, proficient, and expert.

Skills may change, so while in the beginning, it may be metallurgy, when it becomes a five and you keep studying metallurgy you gain a novice in advanced metallurgy while keeping a 5 in basic metallurgy

Some examples would be a human normal smith, dwarven journeyman runesmith, and elvish caledonian smith.

Human Smith
-Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]

Dwarven Runesmith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][][]
-Runesmithing [x][x][x][][]

Elvish Caledonian Smith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][x][]
-Magic Smithing [x][x][x][x][]

The Following traits will be combined to help give unique bonuses and options for part 2 of character creation which deals with more personal traits.

Where are you and your family from (Choose one)

[x] Reikland
  • Reikland is for many the core of the empire. It houses the city of Sigmar himself, home of the Unberogens, and stands at the crossroads of the rivers of the empire. Safe from most sides it is considered by many to be the most important province.
    • Observations of Engineers- Growing up in Altdorf you watched the comings and goings of the students and scholars working in the Imperial College of Engineers. Never taking an interest in the workings of the foundries you gained an appreciation for the skills in building and construction. (+5 to designing and building)

[x] Wissenland
  • Wissenland is the industrial heart of the empire. In its capital Nuln it churns out most of the cannons and weapons for the entire empire. Home of Magnus the Pious it is now the new imperial capital taking away some political clout from Altdorf.
    • Fires of Industry- Growing up in Nuln you watched how the forge of the empire churned out weapons, first to aid in the many wars during the era of three emperors, then to arm the warriors of now emperor Magnus's armies. (+5 to metalworking and weaponsmithing)

[x] Nordland
  • Nordland is the northernmost province of the empire and home to a great deal of the empire's military and naval might.
    • Eye to the Horizon- Growing up in Dietershafen you watched the ships big and small pull into port. The constant threat of Norscans made you take a distinct appreciation not found in any other province for the protection of the ships. (+5 to shipbuilding and sea trade)

[x] Talabecland
  • Talabecland is one of the largest provinces in the empire. Home to the cult of Taal and Rhya it is in the center of the very empire and it has dominion over the River Stir and the River Talabec.
    • Crossroads of Trade- Growing up in Talabheim you spent your time watching the many merchants of the empire plying trade and transporting goods. (+4 to negotiation and contracts) (GM note, a Taal-loving friend asked me to add this in, it won't synergize well with other traits and will probably lead to a more boring story)

What is your Family History (Choose one)

[x] Knightly Family
  • A family of knights, your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all knights. Not of any large powerful order but of a smaller more local one. You were trained in martial skills strategy and tactics. (+2 to martial related skills)

[x] Merchant Family
  • Your parents were scions of a small but still wealthy merchant family you saw how they managed a business and made a small fortune. Receiving an education in numbers and accounts you had a mind for business. (+2 to stewardship)

[x] Priestly Family
  • It was strange having your father be a priest because despite being the scion of a religious man you were never pressured into falling in with his cult as he wanted you to find faith on your own like he did. Nevertheless, you still received an education in religious matters (+2 to Piety)

[x] Landed Family
  • You are the heir to a noble estate, 1500 acres of land worth. But with only 800 acres farmable its wealth did not equate to its size. With a fortified manor on the top of a hill, your family lived close enough to the provincial capital to spend a good deal of time in the city and you gained an education in lordly manners and courtly politics. (+2 to diplomacy)

What was your Education during your latter teenage years? (Choose one-two)

[x] College of Altdorf
  • You studied at the Imperial Colleges at Altdorf when receiving your formal education. You learned much in the way of engineering but also in the way of politics. But for all the skill in statesmanship and engineering, you never picked up only any lesions in military skill, (+5 to learning, +5 to diplomacy, -5 to martial)
[x] College of Nuln
  • You studied in the Imperial College of Gunnery in Nuln gaining valuable experience in the creation of cannons and metalworking. You became skilled in cannons and gunnery, but while there you picked up a trait that many engineers do of getting lost in your work and disregarding other things (+5 to learning, +5 to Martial, -5 to stewardship)

[x] Miragliano
  • You studied under an engineer in Miragliano, home of the famous genius Leonardo da Miragliano. During your time in the canal-lined streets, you learned much in the way of intrigue due to the natural amount of backroom politicking but also gained a bit of foreignness due to your time away, especially to the faithful. (+5 to learning, +5 to intrigue, -5 to piety)

[x] Dwarven Wanderer
  • You studied for several years under a wandering engineer from Zuftbar. You learned much from the dwarf whose time with you seemed like a blink in his lifespan. You learned how thoroughly dwarfs get lost in work but also how meticulous they are in their recordkeeping. But for all you learned in terms of skill the dwarven bluntness was something you gained as well. (+5 to learning, +5 to stewardship, -5 to diplomacy)
The poll will be opened up tonight here is the format around 10 pm est

This is my first quest so I am learning as I go

Plan Format, Remember you get to choose two education choices, but if you only choose one its QM's choice for the second.
[x]Plan Name
-[x]Mc Name
-[x] Original Province
-[x] Family History
-[x] Education choice 1
-[x] Education choice 2

Voting will begin at 3:30 (if I can figure out how it works)
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet
Dieter Frieden

Born: 2285, Frieden Estate, Nordland

- Martial 11= 11 +0
- Diplomacy 13, +2, -5= 10 +0
- Stewardship 14, +5= 19 +4
- Intrigue 13, +5= 18 +3
- Piety 14, -5, = 9 +0
- Learning 15 +5+5= 25 +7

Stat Bonus Traits
  • Noble Heir +2 diplomacy
  • Educated in Miragliano (+5 to learning, +5 to intrigue, -5 to piety)
  • Educated by a Dwarven Wanderer (+5 to learning, +5 to stewardship, -5 to diplomacy)
  • Spendthrift (-2 to purchasing deals/contracts)
  • Small Lab (+5 to research)
  • Structural Engineering [x][x][x][x][x] +15
  • Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x] +15
  • Mechanical Engineering [x][x][x] +7
  • Shipmaking [x][x][x][x][x] +15
  • Steam power [x] +2
Special Traits.
  • Eye to the Horizon: Growing up in Dietershafen you watched the ships big and small pull into port. The constant threat of Norscans made you take a distinct appreciation not found in any other province for the protection of the ships. (+5 to shipbuilding and sea trade)
  • Goal: Defence of the seas - Living in Nordland you grew up hearing stories from the coast and lesser defended areas of Norscan raids and Dark Elf attacks. You want to defend your home from threats coming from the sea
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Turn Length

A turn is a quarter of a year, three months. They will be listed as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 respectively.


This quest also has a somewhat unique mechanic, Mastery. The Mc and other characters can gain mastery, this is similar to stats in a ttrpg called World of Darkness. But unlike Wod these are only for skills you are learning so, while a one in Wod is poor, one here simply means a novice. The ranks go from novice, sufficient, competent, proficient, and expert.

Skills may change, so while in the beginning, it may be metallurgy, when it becomes a five and you keep studying metallurgy you gain a novice in advanced metallurgy while keeping a 5 in basic metallurgy.

Some examples would be a human normal smith, a dwarven journeyman runesmith, and an elvish Caledonian smith.

Human Smith
-Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]

Dwarven Runesmith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][][]
-Runesmithing [x][x][x][][]

Elvish Caledonian Smith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][x][]
-Magic Smiting [x][x][x][x][]

These add bonuses to rolls as well as unlock new research options and investments, it goes +2, +5, +7, +10, +15. It does get harder to level up skills as they progress.


A large part of this quest is doing contracts. You can receive contracts from anyone you so choose, you can seek them out or they can seek you out.

Usually, contracts take place over multiple turns. You can do them wherever you want as long as they are done by the completion date.

If you don't finish them in time there can be consequences, from reputation and prestige loss, to financial penalties, and even threats and attacks. In cases where it is cash after dive very, you can give part of the order if it isn't finished but this can have similar, if similar effects, to not delivering at all.

Sometimes there may be bonuses for contacts being finished early, but this will only be for large orders.

If you produce goods and you don't think they are good quality, like say making subpar swords from a contract, then you can try to make them again and deliver a product. Usually, the contract will name the quality of good or service they want, and you need to meet this to fulfill the contract.


You will not be making everything by hand, what are a laborer. You will work to establish production facilities and supply lines.

All production lines make one good, that isn't to say that only one good can be made in a building or that one good has only one use. You can establish a supply line to make basic goods that flow into larger categories.

Two examples would be making a logging camp to get wood, one of the most basic resources. Then you could make a sawmill to turn that wood into planks which would be part of the building supplies group.
The same can be done with clay, which once harvested can be put into a kiln to make bricks that fall into the aforementioned building supplies group.

There are several basic item groups that if produced can be used to get discounts on certain actions.

So if you want to build a building you would either buy one to then refurbish with building supplies, or build an entirely new one with building supplies. If you didn't have enough you could simply buy more, and if you had too much then you could sell it. This won't be some hyper reactive system, I am only one guy and it is more of if you make this thing then you get a discount for material costs and operating costs.

Basic goods like building supplies, simple tools, foodstuffs, and other stock whose quality isn't important won't have complex production lines. But for advanced goods, things like luxury items, weapons, and items with large variances in value, like textiles, the production quality matters.

Production lines for these things are expensive and require higher maintenance, as well as trained and more expensive workers. These lines also make some items not fit for sale, a number determined by a roll. There are measures to be taken to reduce this.

The final aspect of production is effectiveness vs efficiency. This metric isn't too important for basic goods but for some advanced goods production may be effective, which means it can make it, but it isn't efficient meaning that it uses a lot of resources and time. You can sacrifice one for the other or take other means to improve production.

Goods are just that, items to be produced and then sold.

Basic goods are items that have little difference between production and are almost always consistent, food, wood, and stone.

Advanced goods are items like weapons, textiles, and other items that require a good deal of processing to be made.

Specialty goods are things made one at a time, and can rarely be mass-produced. Large industrial creations and other machines. They can be recreated but not made on an assembly line, but through research, they could become advanced goods and then mass-produced.


Research is a subset of learning, you can research to do two things.

One is to look into inventions or discoveries, this can be done by the MC or other people.

The second thing is when the Mc or another character spends time studying to increase their mastery level.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HydroG3 on Sep 30, 2024 at 2:43 PM, finished with 36 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] To the Air we take!
    [X] Plan: Student of Ancients, Pioneer of the new
    -[X] Name: Himmel Sensenmann
    -[X] Province: Reikland
    -[X] Family: Landed Family
    -[X] Education: College of Nuln
    -[X] Education 2: Dwarven Wanderer
    [X] Plan Universum und menschlicher Einfallsreichtum.
    [X] Ekkirih Verenaffin
    [X] Priestly Family
    [X] Nuln
    [X] Miragliano
    [X] To the Air we take!
    -[X]Dieter Frieden
    -[x] Nordland
    -[x] Landed Family
    -[x] Miragliano
    -[x] Dwarven Wanderer
    [X] Plan: Imperial Core
    -[X] Name: Warihari Jungfreud
    -[X] Reikland
    -[x] Landed Family
    -[X] College of Altdorf
    -[X] College of Nuln
    [X] To the Air we take! (stewardship focus instead)
    -[X]Dieter Frieden
    -[x] Nordland
    -[x] Merchant Family
    -[x] Miragliano
    -[x] Dwarven Wanderer
Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 2
Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 2

Your name is "Dieter Frieden"

When the great war against chaos began your family sent you away, as far as possible while still being in the "civilized" part of the old world, Tiliea.

You spent four years in Miragliano learning all you could. Being from the landed nobility, even minor, you were granted entry into many circles you wouldn't be allowed to if you weren't part of the aristocracy.

While you did enjoy spending time in the vibrant social circles and learning much intrigue from the local nobility, you discovered your real passion.

After six months you were going crazy from boredom, you could only go to so many parties and deal with so much doublespeak. So one day you took a walk around the city hoping to find something new to do and then you heard it—the clanking of the metal, the churning of machines, and the smell of iron.

Walking toward the source of the sound like a man possessed you navigated the streets until you found it, a workshop. Inside you found a symphony of work all coordinated by an elderly man presiding over the organized chaos.

Talking with him he found out that this man has one self title, "Master Engineer Andrei de Livoci" a claimant to what he called the legacy of Leonardo da Miragliano. His masters, masters, masters, and so on studied under the great engineer and learned many things and remained in Miragliano while Leonardo left for the empire.

After begging him to take you on as an apprentice he eventually relented after you made an effort, which was a display of one of your more negative traits.

[] Spendthrift: Offering to pay for your education expenses with the allowance your parents gave you, Gain Trait: Spendthrift, you are often willing to spend money to get what you want, but that doesn't mean you can't find a deal.
[]Stubborn: You sat outside the door every day for a week until he finally relented and allowed you to study under him. You can be thick-headed, when presented with a square block and a circular hole you tend to break the hole and shove the block in.

You studied under the master engineer for over three years learning many things. During that time you became somewhat close to Andrei and entered into a nice master student relationship. He took you on as his protege and that is when you truly blossomed into a young budding engineer.

Select four items for you to gain 3 mastery points in, and you get to choose one of the four to become proficient in. (Bold this Choice) You will gain one to two mastery points in the rest, QM choice.
[]Structural Engineering
[]Mechanical Engineering
[]Gun Smithing

After those three years of study, you were somewhat well-known in the general social circles and well-known in the engineering circles as a young promising engineer. One evening you saw what looked like a rotund child under a cloak examining one of the winches on the docks.

Then you saw it, a rope holding a palette of goods from a crane hanging over the large child was about to snap. Without thinking you ran over and grabbed the large, very heavy, child and once you did you heard the rope snap. You tossed yourself and the apparent youth over to the side and the spot on the docks where the two of you were was destroyed as a palette of what appeared to be fine marble crashed through the planks.

"Ha," you heard a laugh from the child, one too deep to belong to a kid. Pulling his cloak down you see, not a child but a long bearded dwarf.

"Well Manling, you appeared to save my life there." he says with a smile standing up, "Alaric Bolkison, master engineer of Zhufbar," he says sticking his hand out to help you up.

Taking it you say "Dieter Frieden" apprentice engineer"

"Ha" Alaric chortles "Only another engineer could see that the crane was umgak work"

You stand there somewhat starstruck, you know your current master is a great engineer, but a dwarven master engineer from Zhuftbar must be one of the greatest of their craft in all the world.

"You okay there manling?" Alaric says with a smile, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Snapping out of your stupor you try to recompose yourself, "Yes elder" you say trying to remember all the, albeit few, lesions in dwarven culture you've picked up from your time abroad.

Your response causes the master engineer to laugh boldly, "Respectful one, aren't you."

You blush slightly out of embarrassment, "My apologies master dwarf, I wasn't expecting to meet an engineer more experienced than my master today."

"More experienced than your master you say," he chuckles out. "Not very respectful to your current teacher are ye."

Before you can respond he continues with a mirthful tone, "How about we go to this masters of yours workshop and see if your statement holds any truth."

Without any time response he starts walking into the city, and already a good five paces ahead of you he shouts "Lead the way Manling"

Running after the dwarf you catch up and begin leading him to master Andrei's workshop.

On the way the dwarf strikes up a conversation, "So young engineer, I just realized I never asked your name and where you're from, mightily rude of me."

"Dieter Frieden," you say "I've lived in Miragliano for just over three years now, I'm originally from Nordland up in the empire. My parents sent me away to keep me from the chaos up there."

"Aye, the same is happening in the Karaz Ankor, many an elder is sending the beardlings down to the more southern holds in the vaults or Barak Var, I've got a few grandnephews and nieces there now."

You and the dwarf talk some more with him remaining jovial and you opening up a bit more before finally arriving at the workshop.

"It's rather small," Alaric remarks, "But I'm used to the large workshops of Zhufbar so anything not taking up an entire cavern must seem small to these old eyes," he says with a smile.

Pushing open the large doors with ease he walks in with the kind of confidence that only comes with the centuries of age this dwarf must have.

"Where is the master of this workshop!" Alaric bellows out in a loud but not hostile tone.

After a full minute of silence, Andrei rushes out of a backroom and seeing you and the dwarf tries to straighten himself and walks toward the dwarf.

Alaric speaks first "So you must be this young man's master Andrei."

Andrei looks over at you then looks back down toward the dwarf, "Indeed" he says "I am Master Engineer Andrei de Livoci." He pauses before continuing "You seem to have me at an advantage, master dwarf."

Alaric then smirks, "I am Alaric Bolkison, master engineer of Zhufbar, a descendant of Morgrim, member of the engineers guild, and traveler of the world."

Like you at the docks, Master Andrei looks shocked, but recovers faster than you did, "Well meet Master Engineer, for what reason have you come to my studio."

Looking back toward you then back at Andrei, "This young man has saved my life and has incurred a debt that I must fulfill so I am here to speak to his master."

Raising an eyebrow when Andrei gets an inquisitive look on his face, "Then let us go into my office to discuss master dwarf."

"Aye" is all Alaric says following after your master into a side room by the entrance.

You stand there still barely comprehending what has just happened to you in the last thirty minutes.

Going over to your workstation in an attempt to work on your personal project, it is one you always found a passion for,

Choose one of these goals you are working toward. (These will unlock future goals, bonuses, and paths)

[]Defence of the seas: Living in Nordland you grew up hearing stories from the coast and lesser defended areas of Norscan raids and Dark Elf attacks. You want to defend your home from threats coming from the sea.
[]Wealth of the land: Your parents are members of the landed nobility and rule over a somewhat large patch of farmland. Unlike many other engineers who grew up in cities you know that the empire truly runs off the work of the farmers, work you want to make more efficient.
[]Safety of the Night: Living in the empire you know forests are both a source of bounty and danger. You've always been taught to fear the night because of what might lurk there, you wish to tame the night and beat the literal darkness back.
[]Write In

After about thirty minutes of working you hear the door to the office swing open and Master Andrei shouts, "Dieter" come to my office"

Leaving your work you run over to the office and inside you see the two master engineers sitting one on each side of the desk.

"Well young man, Master Alaric has an offer for you, one I am inclined to tell you to accept," Andrei says with a complex expression.

Hopping out of the chair the dwarf walks over and stands right in front of you, " Dieter Frieden I Alaric Bolkison hereby offer you the chance to travel and learn with me for the next four years."

This offer excites you, what engineer wouldn't want to learn from a dwarven master. But inside your mind, you think of some contradictions.
"Master Alaric," you say, your voice shaking a little bit from the shock, "Aren't you beholden to oaths that prevent you from giving your guild's secrets to outsiders."

Chuckling "Aye, I am prevented from telling you how to make things but I don't see the harm in letting you travel with me, watch me work, hear my conversations, and ask me any conceptual questions you have. Plus, even amongst other radical engineers, I am considered a bit too extreme so this wouldn't be the strangest thing I've done."

You are unable to speak as you stand in shock, you are only sixteen, and yet you have the kind of opportunity many others would kill for.

"Master Dwarf," Andrei says, "May I have a moment to speak to my apprentice alone."

"Of course," Alaric says, "I am leaving this city in two days so I'll need your answer preferably by the end of the day. I'll wait here for an hour or so, I want to see what kind of work you are doing here."

Leaving the office and closing the door Andrei motions for you to sit and so you do.

"Young man, you have been studying with me since you were thirteen and have grown at an incredible pace. In time if you stay here you can rise to my level and become a great engineer."
This surprises me as I have never really received a compliment like this in my time here, I have always gotten compliments on my work, but never myself.

"But right now, if you take the offer from Alaric you have the chance to become one of the greatest engineers in all the old world. If I was in your place I would take it, and even though I would miss you this isn't something you can not do."

Standing up and walking over to you he puts his hand out. You take it and he pulls you onto your feet.

Shaking your hand he says, "You are an exceptionally bright young man and will go far. I am glad to have been a part of your journey."

Tearing up a small amount, "Thank you master Andrei, you have been an incredible teacher and a kind mentor."

Giving a small snort of mirth he smiles, "Thank you, now go get your things and tell that dwarf your answer."

Walking toward the door you look back to see your master nod at you and you exit and meet Alaric who is looking at your desk.

Looking at you and then back at your desk he asks "Are these your drawings."
"Yes Master Dwarf, while Master Andrei has me assist him in projects I have some time to think up ideas for projects."

"You are a bright young lad, just like your master said," walking toward me he looks up at you and switches to a slightly more formal tone, "What is your answer to my offer,"

"Master Alaric, I accept your offer of tutorship."

"Perfect," he says with a smile, "Then I Alaric Bolkison hereby give an oath to let you travel by my side, to protect you during our travels and teach you to the extent my oaths to the engineers guild allow me to."

From that day forward you traveled with Master Alaric through Estalia, Tilea, and the southern holds of the Karaz Ankor.

Before you truly learned he focused on doing one thing, making you "as strong as my grandnephew."

He made you lug iron bars and stones around fifty pounds and helped load and unload everything not too valuable. On top of that, he managed your diet, keeping you on a meal plan of meat and bread.

While all this work did not endear him to you in the beginning after a few months you felt your body's changes. Over the years of hard labor combined with his diet regimen, you grew into a specimen standing at over 6 feet 1 with strong muscles all over your body.

Gain: Dwarven Training: from all the work and a hearty diet you are a strong man (+5 to martial)

You learned many things, both building on topics you already knew and letting you learn a new skill, one not common in the realms of men.

Choose three skills to boost by two mastery points, (Note: You cannot boost them past 5 in the prologue, a human 5 is still prodigal at your age)

[]Structural Engineering
[]Mechanical Engineering
[]Gun Smithing

Also during your travels whenever you did work alongside Alaric, he gave you an equal share of the commissions, and as a master engineer is always in high demand you accrued a nice stack of change after four years of work.
1d100 -67- 67 gold coins
(I did some math and read articles on the value of medieval coins so I am pegging the value of coins at Gold=1000, silver=100, copper/bronze=10. Most imperial coins follow the Nuln standard so they are pretty uniform, a similar method is also in Estalia and Tilea)

Choose one of these advanced skills to gain one point in, these are things that one be useful in the near future as they are expensive and you are only barely a novice in, still being that level in one of these is beyond all but the most senior human engineers.

[]Cannon Smithing
[]Steam power

[X] Plan Name
  • [] Negative trait
  • [] Prodigy Skill
  • [] Skill 2
  • [] Skil l3
  • [] Skill 4
  • [] Long Term Goal
  • [] Boost 1
  • [] Boost 2
  • [] Boost 3
  • [] Advanced Mastery
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HydroG3 on Oct 1, 2024 at 9:22 PM, finished with 35 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan Shipwright:
    -[X] Spendthrift
    -[X] Shipmaking
    -[X] Structural Engineering
    -[X] Metalworking
    -[X] Mechanical Engineering
    -[X] Defence of the seas
    -[X] Steam power
    [X] Fool Tide
    [X] Plan Carronade:
    -[X] Spendthrift
    -[X] Shipmaking
    -[X] Structural Engineering
    -[X] Metalworking
    -[X] Mechanical Engineering
    -[X] Defence of the seas
    -[X] Cannon Smithing
    -[X] Metallurgy
    [X] Let the Steel Flow
    -[X] Stubborn
    -[X] Metallurgy
    -[X] Mechanical Engineering
    -[X] Gun Smithing
    -[X] Metalworking
    -[X] Let the Steel Flow: Increase steel production to industrial levels with consistent quality.
    -[X] Structural Engineering
    -[X] Steam power
    [X] Fool Tide
    -[X] Spendthrift: Offering to pay for your education expenses with the allowance your parents gave you, Gain Trait: Spendthrift, you are often willing to spend money to get what you want, but that doesn't mean you can't find a deal.
    -[X] Metalworking
    -[X] Structural Engineering
    -[X] Metallurgy
    -[X] Shipmaking
    -[X]Defence of the seas: Living in Nordland you grew up hearing stories from the coast and lesser defended areas of Norscan raids and Dark Elf attacks. You want to defend your home from threats coming from the sea.
    -[X] Steam power
    [X] Plan IN THE NAVY
    -[X] Spendthrift
    -[X] Shipmaking
    -[X] Mechanical Engineering
    -[X] Metallurgy
    -[X] Gun Smithing
    -[X] Defence of the seas
    -[X] Structural Engineering
    -[X] Metalworking
    -[X] Steam power
    [X] Steam Revolution
    -[X] Negative Trait: Stubborn
    -[X] Prodigy Skill: Metallurgy
    -[X] Skill 2: Gunsmithing
    -[X] Skill 3: Structural Engineering
    -[X] Skill 4: Metalworking
    -[X] Long Term Goal: Safety of the Night
    -[X] Boost 1: Metallurgy
    -[X] Boost 2: Gunsmithing
    -[X] Boost 3: Structural Engineering
    -[X] Advanced Mastery: Steampower
    [X] Let the Steel Flow
    [X] Steam Revolution
Turn 1 Year 1 Q1
Turn 1 2304 Q1

As you ride your cart along the Erengrad Middenheim road you reminisce about the journey you've been on during the last 7 years of life. Studying under two master engineers, traveling the Southlands, and learning the art of engineering. You've lived more life in less than ten years than many do in their entire lives.

Later that week you turn south from Stavern and head along a dirt path getting more rugged the further it goes into the enchanted hills. Every day you are grateful your family lands are north enough to not need to be covered in treaties with the elves but south enough to avoid the worst of the coastal raiders.

You remember the handful of times you traveled to your family's estate on the hill. It was your great, great grandfather's joy but your grandfather bought houses in Dietershafen and Salzenmund to better socialize and your father fell in love with the urban life and did not enjoy the seclusion of being in the hills. He tended to keep your family in the city houses and only rarely in case of plague or danger did you return to the lands.

You approach the pass in the tall hills that allow people to enter from the north. At the entrance, you see two men in padded armor with an embroidered raven holding a paddle on their shoulder pads.

"Hold There" one man calls out. Walking toward you he appears to be the younger of the two guards. "Who are you and why have you come here? These are the lands of Lord Agustus Frieden."

I give a small smirk and hop off the wagon, giving a smirk I say, "A lord's heir needs a reason to visit his family lands."

"What?" the man by you says obviously confused, then the man in the back stands up and walks forward and gives a short laugh.

"Well if it isnt little Dieter, I haven't seen you in years." the man lets out with a barking laugh filled with warmth.

You look closely at his features, the blue eyes, short black beard, and wisened face and then it clicks.

"Kurt," you say, "Is that you, why are you here I thought you were part of my mother's guard?"

"So you do remember me," he says with a smile, "Aye I was, left about three years ago, wanted to enjoy the quiet life in the countryside and after twenty years of service to your father he was more than happy to oblige."

That sounds like your father, a man who always made friendships with anyone who stuck around him for long enough.

Continuing he says, "What are you doing here then? Last I heard your folks were in one of their city houses, wouldn't you want to see them."

Giving a short sigh, "I have either been traveling or living in large cities for the past seven years, it would be nice to spend some time in the countryside, in the quiet."

"Aye, I understand that." Kurt responds, "All right Luke," he says looking at the other guard, let him pass."

"Thank you, Kurt," you say, climbing back onto your wagon.

"It's no issue, I'm glad you're back in the empire. After the insanity of the past few years, it is good for you to be home again. And if you ever want to meet up I can tell you what I've heard the past few years."

Giving him a nod you start driving your horse through the rest of the pass and then you see the valley your family has domain over.

You see the little slice of paradise. As far as you remember your family doesn't own the entire valley, just the raised part near the back. The little village about fifteen minutes downhill on cart and another twenty on the ground sits next to a somewhat large stream about twenty feet wide by the village.

The town, Friedenburg, is a small thing. Less than 100 people live there with the only notable buildings being the waterwheel, the temple to Sigmar, and the bailiffs house, the last building being the only one you technically own.

Over the next hour, your card winds its way down the road and through town, only attracting a small amount of attention as most people are still at work. Then you reach it, the cliffs separating what you own and the rest of the valley.

Towering over you the 30 foot cliffs stand as an imposing barrier between you and your home. As you drive your cart up the nearby switchbacks you eventually crest the final hill and see it in the distance, Castle Frieden. It is a stout thing, with its keep barely creeping above the stocky 20-foot walls.

Built by your great, great grandfather, then renovated by both your great-grandfather and grandfather it is a home that can be considered well above a family of your wealth. Passing through the barely planted fields you reach the gatehouse.

Sitting there in your cart you greet the man who came out to meet you, Albrect Meyer, the castellan of this estate for the past 25 years. He is an older man, having taken this job when he was 26 he is only 51. His hair is an unthinned grey and his eyes a warm brown, he stands at 5'9 having to cane his neck to speak to you.

You greet the man warmly and settle into your old room in the castle.

You have no contracts and are unable to seek them at this time.

(Having just arrived back and only being the heir you don't have any legal authority but some leeway is given to you.)

Martial: You have trained somewhat in martial skills but it isn't your best trait. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

[]About the Guard- (DC 25) You lack any authority or official position apart from being heir but you could talk and examine the guard and talk to the men. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[]Marksmanship: (DC 35) Even with your time training with both your masters you never got a large amount of experience using a pistol, you could grab a matchlock from your stores and practice. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[]Dueling Practice: (Dc: 45) You are not an experienced swordsman but not to the standard that is considered good for noble society, you could spend some time training with the guard. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

Diplomacy: You are a decent enough diplomat from your time in tiles and you are especially good at negotiating with dwarfs. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)
[]The Castellan: (DC: 40): You really should talk to the Castellan of the keep and get to know him better. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[]Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[] Speaking with the Bailiff: (DC 40) In the town the highest local official is the bailiff, a man charged with keeping the peace, upholding the law, and collecting taxes. You should introduce yourself to him. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

Stewardship: Your time abroad managing your supplies as well as learning dwarven bookkeeping methods has. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

[] Fields of Plenty- (DC: 35) Your family like most noble families earns a large amount of their funds from the farm. You could go walk the fields and look at the current progress and structure of the farms. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[] Check my Stocks- (Dc: ???) Having only gotten home you realize that there are many small trinkets you've picked up over time without realizing, you should go through your stocks to see what's there. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

Intrigue: While you did pick up on a few things in Miragliano your time with Master Alaric somewhat made you unlearn things. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

[]Nooks and Crannies- (Dc ???) Any keep in the empire has secrets. Hidden passages, false bricks hiding treasures, and unsavory details hidden in the dark recesses. Spend some time looking around and checking to see if there is anything special in your family's keep. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[]Gossip around town- (DC: 30/50/90) Kurt offered to meet up with you at a tavern and tell you about the going on in the town. A local guard would be one of the most capable people when it comes to hearing any local rumors. (Cost: 0) Time: 1 Quarter

Piety: You have strange feelings for religion, you need to come to terms with it, until then there isn't much you can truly do. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

[]Reflect on Faith (DC 10/25/50/75/100)- Spending many years abroad in foreign lands you never interacted much with the empire's pantheon. You grew familiar with many of the classical gods during your time in Tilea, but you should reflect on your beliefs. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[]This Little Sanctuary (Dc ??) In the keep, there is a small chapel, one built by your great, great grandfather and renovated by your grandfather. You never went there willingly as a child during your few visits but you should visit it and pray. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[]Local Man of Faith(Dc: 25) In Friedenburg there is a small chapel to Sigmar, you should go and check it out and introduce yourself to the priest, an undoubtedly important individual in any small village. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

Learning: This is what you enjoy, and you love to learn, a day without learning is a day wasted. You want to start working on your research again. You lack any kind of facility though, something you probably want to rectify (1 Action)

[] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10) Time: 1 Quarter

[] Buried in books: (DC ??): The family library keeps a small collection of books, mostly gathered before your father's time. Maybe you could look through them and see if you could find anything. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

[] Brainstorming: (DC ??) A way of thinking of things taught to you by your second master. Sitting down and writing down any random idea, solution, problem, and other things to find inspiration. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

Assets: ???

Gold: 67

Plan Examples
[]Plan Name
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Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae

Family Members
  • Agustus Frieden- Father of Dieter Frieden, Lord of Frieden Valley. Reputation (?/10)
  • Alice Meyer Frieden- Mother of Dieter Frieden, Lady of Frieden Valley Reputation (?/10)
    • Dieter Frieden

Family Servants
  • Kurt- Family Guard for the Frieden family. Reputation (6/10)
  • Bruno Voit- Master at arms at Frieden Castle Reputation (5/10)
Friends, Aquantances
  • Andrei de Livoci- Tileian Master engineer and Teacher of Dieter Frieden Reputation (7/10)
  • Alaric Bolkison- Master engineer of Zhufbar and Teacher of Dieter Frieden Reputation (8/10)
Friendsburg Residents
  • Old Heinrich Local Bailiff of Friendsburg
  • Jost Mengen Local Priest of Friendsburg, Reputation (6/10)

General Reputation

  • Imperial Reputation (Unkown to the Wider Empire)
  • Nordland Reputation (6/10 Respected, member of a well-known family)
  • Friendsburg Reputation (5/10 Heir to these lands but abroad for a long time)
  • Dawi Reputation (7/10 This Umgi was trained to proper dawi standards, we can work with him)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HydroG3 on Oct 12, 2024 at 3:58 PM, finished with 29 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: learn about our home
    -[X] About the Guard- (DC 25) You lack any authority or official position apart from being heir but you could talk and examine the guard and talk to the men. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Fields of Plenty- (DC: 35) Your family like most noble families earns a large amount of their funds from the farm. You could go walk the fields and look at the current progress and structure of the farms. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Gossip around town- (DC: 30/50/90) Kurt offered to meet up with you at a tavern and tell you about the going on in the town. A local guard would be one of the most capable people when it comes to hearing any local rumors. (Cost: 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Local Man of Faith(Dc: 25) In Friedenburg there is a small chapel to Sigmar, you should go and check it out and introduce yourself to the priest, an undoubtedly important individual in any small village. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10) Time: 1 Quarter
    [X] Plan: Somehow, I your son have returned
    -[X] Marksmanship: (DC 35) Even with your time training with both your masters you never got a large amount of experience using a pistol, you could grab a matchlock from your stores and practice. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Check my Stocks- (Dc: ???) Having only gotten home you realize that there are many small trinkets you've picked up over time without realizing, you should go through your stocks to see what's there. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Nooks and Crannies- (Dc ???) Any keep in the empire has secrets. Hidden passages, false bricks hiding treasures, and unsavory details hidden in the dark recesses. Spend some time looking around and checking to see if there is anything special in your family's keep. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Reflect on Faith (DC 10/25/50/75/100)- Spending many years abroad in foreign lands you never interacted much with the empire's pantheon. You grew familiar with many of the classical gods during your time in Tilea, but you should reflect on your beliefs. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10) Time: 1 Quarter
    [X] Plan: Faith and local knowledge
    -[X] About the Guard- (DC 25) You lack any authority or official position apart from being heir but you could talk and examine the guard and talk to the men. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Check my Stocks- (Dc: ???) Having only gotten home you realize that there are many small trinkets you've picked up over time without realizing, you should go through your stocks to see what's there. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Gossip around town- (DC: 30/50/90) Kurt offered to meet up with you at a tavern and tell you about the going on in the town. A local guard would be one of the most capable people when it comes to hearing any local rumors. (Cost: 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Reflect on Faith (DC 10/25/50/75/100)- Spending many years abroad in foreign lands you never interacted much with the empire's pantheon. You grew familiar with many of the classical gods during your time in Tilea, but you should reflect on your beliefs. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10) Time: 1 Quarter
Turn 1 Results
Turn 1 Results
Year 1 Q1

Finally, being home is a unique experience after so many years of travel, but you settle in. Before you can establish a routine, you must first iron out any kinks that arrive in your ancestral lands unannounced.

Martial: You have trained somewhat in martial skills but it isn't your best trait. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] About the Guard- (DC 25) You lack any authority or official position apart from being heir but you could talk and examine the guard and talk to the men. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 25: Rolled - 46+0=46)

Walking into the training yard around noon a week after you've arrived, you find less than ten men training with swords. You learn that a few days a month, the family guard, having nothing better to do, invites the local men to train and practice against them during the off-season.
"Martin!" you hear a man's name called out.
Looking toward the source of the voice, you are drawn to an older man, maybe in his forties. Black hair with strands of grey, the eyes of a sentry, and a long jagged scar along the right side of his face cutting into his hairline.
You see the scarred individual approach a younger-looking man and grab the spear in his hand.
"You need to thrust forward in a straight line, avoid letting the spear lean down when you drive the point forward," he says while demonstrating the proper technique.
You watch the man go and correct a few more of the men on the field before training resumes. Seeing you watching over the field he walks over and stands in front of you.
"So," he says with an only slightly serious tone, "You must be the little lordling." As he speaks, you can see him giving you a once-over.
Slightly startled, you respond, "Yes, I am Dieter Frieden, son of the Lord Frieden." Trying to recompose yourself, you then ask, " And who are you? I know it has been some time since I was in the valley, but I remember most of my father's men at arms, and I won't recognize you."
Giving a small nod of acknowledgment he answers in a less serious tone, "Names Bruno Voit," he says giving you a small bow, "I've been the master at arms here for about two and a half years"
"And how did you get this job," you say, curious about this man you've never met before.
"I suppose you would like to know," he says with an understanding tone, "Four years ago I was working as a caravan guard, one your father was part of. We were ambushed by beastmen and in the chaos I saved your mother's life.'
Your eyes widen as this is the first time you heard of this attack, "He offered me anything in his power" That part makes you chuckle, your father was always like that. "I asked for a job, one that would keep me in one place for my family and he sent me here, took me two years to become master at arms and that's my story."
The two of you talk about the castle, its guard, and your personal lives. You leave with the impression that while Bruno doesn't like you, he does not dislike you.

Diplomacy: You are a decent enough diplomat from your time in tiles and you are especially good at negotiating with dwarfs. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 30/70: Rolled - 73+0=73)

After a week at home, you sent letters to both your parents, identical ones to both of the family's urban manses. They were simple things, letters simply stating that you had arrived home, that you were in good health and decided to rest in the countryside for a while. Five weeks later you get responses from Dietershafen. The letter from your mother is one filled with flowery prose that you still remember your mom being obsessed with. She never liked you leaving for abroad and speaks of her joy at you arriving back home in the empire. To this day you haven't told either of your parents about your adventures with Master Alaric, if you did your mother might faint. Your father's letter, while more formal, is still affectionate. He writes about the connections he has made and other things about the state of the town. Happy you are home he sends you word that during the next shipment to the town will be 20 gold stipend to be used as you see fit.
He also writes to you about the discovery of new vegetables he bought seeds and samples from a passing Tilean trader. He describes them as a strange almost sour red fruit, a kind of strange yellow grain that grows in kernels, and a pair of brownish tubers that sounds somewhat offputting, with one being mealy and the other being strangely sweet but still offputting. He offers to send you some but only if you are interested as the shipping costs will come out of the stipend.

[]Accept- Get a shipment of seeds of these strange plants but will have a 5gp reduction in stipend due to the rarity of these plants at this time and the cost of transport. Roll for the amount of seeds 1d100. (Volume of 15 if enough for an acre of farmland.)
[]Decline- You don't need these strange plants, get the full 20gp in the stipend.

Stewardship: Your time abroad managing your supplies as well as learning dwarven bookkeeping methods has. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Fields of Plenty- (DC: 35) Your family like most noble families earns a large amount of their funds from the farm. You could go walk the fields and look at the current progress and structure of the farms. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 35: Rolled - 42+4= 46)

One morning after a good night's sleep you decide to look over the family's ledgers, and while these books are technically supposed to be for the steward's eyes only no one would deny their lord's heir from reading over the books. What you see satisfies you, a large surplus of food has been produced and stored over the last three years. The sales of this food have been quite profitable as with the empire reunified and a great many men off to war there has been a great demand for food. But even with this demand, you notice a flaw, there simply isnt enough space for your family to keep the food it produces with its storehouses almost overflowing at the end of some harvests. The local farmer's warehouses are also not capable of this bounty. While this is nowhere close to a problem you still do not want to risk a time when grain is left to rot due to having too much of a surplus
Learning this you use your notable structural engineering skills you design a plan to be presented to the steward. One is where your family would build a series of new warehouses, some for exclusive use by your family while others are built for the farmers and are allowed to use for a small portion of the harvest they choose to store.
(Problem Identified and possible solution, "Store My Wares" )

: While you did pick up on a few things in Miragliano your time with Master Alaric somewhat made you unlearn things. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Gossip around town- (DC: 30/50/90) Kurt offered to meet up with you at a tavern and tell you about the going on in the town. A local guard would be one of the most capable people when it comes to hearing any local rumors. (Cost: 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 30/50/90: Rolled - 51+3= 54)

After a week or two of hanging around the castle, you see Kurt in passing while wandering the keep and the two of you strike up a conversation and agree to meet up later that night with you taking Kurt up on his offer to discuss the going ons in the town.
Later at night you take a horse out and arrive at Fridensburg and go to the local tavern. A sign saying "The Green Stalk" hangs above the door and as you enter you see a bustling hall. Being the only tavern in town it holds a near monopoly over the sale of less common alcohols. Scanning the room there are a wide variety of people. From farmers resting after a hard day's work, guards from your family, and a few local tradespeople all are resting after a hard day.
In the corner, you see Kurt at a table with a free seat and approach weaving your way through the crowd. Seeing you he pushes the chair out with his foot and gestures for you to sit. Sitting down he gestures over to the bar and in less than a minute a mug of ale is produced and sits before you. The two of you get to talking and throughout the night you learn three key things.
First is that the locals do not particularly like you. They do not despise you as due to the prosperity of recent years they have a positive disposition toward your family. But the knowledge that you spent many years in the "Heathen" south beyond the empire makes some of them wary. The second is that the local Ballif is rather weak-willed, old Heinrich is what they call him and he hasn't done a great job maintaining the town. He often does not collect the entire tax amount owed and as such some of the local infrastructure he is supposed to maintain is experiencing wear and tear. Kurt says Heinrich is a kind old soul who wants to work hard but is overburdened and could use help.
The third thing you learn that night is that you are a heavy weight. Years on the road with a dwarf and trying to follow their instruction has led you to develop a resilience to all but the strongest brews meaning that after three ales you are only beginning to feel a buzz while Kurt, who is on his fourth, is slurring his speech.
(Information Gained, Friendsburg Reputation (5/10 Heir to these lands but abroad for a long time), Old Heinrich (Local Bailiff))

: You have strange feelings for religion, you need to come to terms with it, until then there isn't much you can truly do. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Local Man of Faith(Dc: 25) In Friedenburg there is a small chapel to Sigmar, you should go and check it out and introduce yourself to the priest, an undoubtedly important individual in any small village. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 25: Rolled - 67+0=67)

About a month into your return home you decide to do something that has been on your mind for a while, go to church. During your time in Tilea you never really went to a temple, especially one to Sigmar. And this was more so during your travels with Alaric as most of your free time was spent trying to decipher the dwarf's mutterings. Arriving at the church you see it's a small thing, probably barely able to hold thirty people inside. Wooden walls with a small stone foundation and a belltower that is barely two stories tall it is a runt of a building. Walking to the doors you see an ornate and painted carving of the hammer and twin-tailed comet sitting above it.
Entering it you see a man cleaning the altar at the far side, hearing the creaking of the doors he turns sound and looks at you.
"Welcome son of Sigmar," he says with a kind tone, "Please give me a moment and I will come greet you."
As the man comes out from behind the altar you a face scarred across the jat complemented by sharp blue eyes and the traditional bald head of a sigmarite priest. Then you hear the 'clack, clack, clack', and looking at the floor you see that the man is missing something, and where was once his left leg is now a sturdy piece of oak.
Over the coming minutes, the two of you talk and you learn much of this small priest. Jost Mengen is his name and his story is a special one. He was a warrior priest of Sigmar one who traveled far and wide across the empire even during the disunity that came before Magnus's arrival. After one encounter with a beastman, he ended up gravely wounded and missing a leg. Jost tells you that at the moment that he would be his death he had a vision from Sigmar that he would be saved and must take on a simpler life. Then he tells of how Old Heinrich, then just called Heinrich, found him and took him into the village and helped him heal. Afterward, he decided to stay in the town and help the man who saved him.
After your conversations, you leave with a favorable impression of the man and you think he has one of you as well.
(Met Jost Mengen Local Priest of Friendsburg, Reputation (6/10))

: This is what you enjoy, and you love to learn, a day without learning is a day wasted. You want to start working on your research again. You lack any kind of facility though, something you probably want to rectify (1 Action)

-[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10)

(DC 30/70/95: Rolled - 24+7=31)

It took you a week to convince the steward to let you take one of the castle rooms for your "experiments" and in the end, you only just barely succeeded. You gain a room in the keep on a higher floor, a room that while not truly suited for your experiments is better than nothing. During some of your free time, you clean out the chamber and to your joy, you discover a small pile of books.
Noting special, just some agricultural documents from half a century ago and one book simply called "Surveys" sits at the bottom of the pile. The revelation of this, albeit small, trove of knowledge feels like a validation of the room you have chosen.
By the end of the month, the room is set up, but it isnt functional yet. You haven't taken inventory of your supplies yet as that is a task you are dreading the mundanity of it.
(Small Lab Gained, +5 to basic research rolls. Lab Can be refurbished or moved to other locations in the future to change rolls.)


[]Accept the Shipment
[]Decline The Shipment
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