Warhammer 30k World Building Project and Discussion Thread

I haven't been on the site in a couple of years. But coming back to find a new section dedicated to World building is really nice.

I have been trying to discussion warhammer 40k world building on other websites but have had very little luck in the matter. As this forum have alot of 40k and 30k fan I am hoping to discuss my ongoing World building project call...

= Rise of the Techno-Barbarians =
The Age of Strife and the Early Years of the Great Crusade

of the
Sol Sector and Beyond

I have alot of notes regarding this project so instead of posting 50 pages here is a = link =
"editted link 27/03/2022"

As this is a MASSIVE project concerning hundred of world I am always looking for ideas and filler. Even if your not a huge Warhammer fan I'd love to hear from you about your thoughts and ideas concerning the project. For instance I am playing with the idea of having the local aliens of the Sol Sector be future version of iconic Star trek aliens. An example being the Bajorien being warp cultist.

If you would like to include your work, please feel free to contact me with your characters or polities in this thread below for further discussion.

I hope you like my word and comment down below.

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I can't seem to access your document. Seems like its locked or something.

On world building, The Sector Solar/Sol Sector is the oldest human occupied region in the galaxy, and I imagine that it would have been very heavily developed during the Dark Age of Technology, which of course would have made the collapse of that ancient human civilization all the worse in the area, as warp storms choked interstellar commerce and trade, those heavily developed and over-populated worlds would be facing shortages in food, spare parts, and other necessities to keep functioning at their level of civilization. Likely the various worlds would have turned to attacking and raiding each other for supplies once they realized it was all crumbling down with no respite in sight.

And being the oldest and most developed sector of human space, means they would have the biggest and most esoteric of weaponry. In all, those last few decades as the warp routes slowly died off were probably horrific in the extreme.



Cthonia was the barren and impoverished Imperial Feral World and former Mining World on which the Primarch Horus was raised when his gestation pod crash-landed there after being stolen and transported through the Warp from the Emperor of Mankind's gene-laboratory deep beneath the Himalazian...

Cthonia, homeworld of the Primarch Horus was pretty crap when the Emperor found it, and its one of the worlds that survived.

At the dawn of the Great Crusade I imagine there were two primary types of human civilizations in the Sector Solar. Type 1 would be worlds like Cthonia, that had regressed terribly and were nearly worthless wastelands due to the terrible wars and technology/supply raids conducted against them at the start of the Age of Strife, and type 2 would be worlds that maintained their prodigious industrial might and some choice high end horrific DAoT tech (probably due to being the raiders at the start of the Age of Strife) that were probably tough nuts to crack, much as the warlords of terra during the Unification Wars were, for much the same reasons.
i updated the link. if anyone else is having that issue let me know asap please

@Old Guard, we are of one mind here. That's why I thought developing the area more would be fun. After all it took the Imperium years just to pacify their own home system, other nearby star systems have had tens of thousands of years of development as well so they should be similar.
Speaking of Unification War era Terra, here is a map I've been fiddling with on and off for a couple years.

Most of the names are canonical groups, but some of the small ones are homebrew, mostly to fill in some of the vast empty space.

Unification Wars

Yes, there should still be a small ocean in the former Pacific, but I haven't quite figured out how to add it and make it look good.

I also noticed you were going to use the classic Greys in your write-up document. There is a canon 40k race that are basically grimdark Greys, the Fra'al, if that interest you. At least I've seen art that depicts them as such. Not sure if the art is canonical on second thought.
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Yes I've research the Fral'al regaining crusade era aliens.

they don't have a physical species description from any lore sources that I could find. But you are right as in other scifi settings they are depicted as tall greys.

As you are having trouble seeing my files, here is a like to a series of alien designs i have made of canon friendly aliens of the Crusade era

Yes I've research the Fral'al regaining crusade era aliens.

they don't have a physical species description from any lore sources that I could find. But you are right as in other scifi settings they are depicted as tall greys.

As you are having trouble seeing my files, here is a like to a series of alien designs i have made of canon friendly aliens of the Crusade era

Nice, not nearly enough artwork for minor xeno races! I especially like your interpretations of the Losh, Ghassulian, and Spinedorians!

I can see your word document in the link now, no problem. Still reading through it. On the Xenos occupying the moons of Saturn, I've read fan theories that it was the Khrave, and that they may have been why a good portion of the inhabitants of the ring fought against Imperial unification. That being said xenos that dominate the minds of humans were a dime a dozen in 30k and it could have been anything from Enslavers to Osiran Psybirds.

On the vehicles section, I'd be willing to bet that in the earliest years of the Great Crusade the Imperial Army was still using Skylance Gunship in some capacities.
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I'll add the skylance to the list to the list :)

If you have any more ideas let me know.

Nothing specific, but on a more general note have you heard of the Old Hundred?

Old Hundred
Old Hundred - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

We only have the names of about 20 of the regiments, and only significant details on about 4 of them, but they were the mortal techno-barbarian warriors that formed the core of the Imperial Army as the start of the Great Crusade, with many serving until the Horus Heresy. Being battle-hardened in fires of the Unification Wars I imagine that the fanatical hordes of savage barbarian soldiers descending upon non-compliant worlds in the Solar Sector were probably almost as terrifying as the transhuman Astartes legions.

For some reason neither of the wikis have the Lucifer Blacks listed even though they are another regiment of the Old Hundred. Lucifer Blacks
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On Star Trek as an inspiration, what about a Borg like civilization run by an insane AI of the DAoT? Maybe not quite at the same level as the Borg to give the early Imperium a fighting chance, but similar concepts of forceful abduction and integration of citizens and technology? Perhaps the AI is doing it to "preserve Human life and science", and due to scrapcode errors doesn't realize the harm it is doing?


Not Borg: Your STC technology will be assimilated, resistance is futile
Mechanicum: Not if we assimilate your STC technology first!

Also the Chronicles of Ursh, which was a book written about the early history of the Ursh Empire and its war with the Nordafrik Conclaves sheds some light on what life was like on Terra pre-Unification Wars, and can probably be extrapolated to be the situation on many of the more war torn worlds pre-Great Crusade.

The Chronicles were as raw and brutal as Sindermann had promised. Long-forgotten cities were routinely sacked, or burned, or simply evaporated in nuclear storms. Seas were regularly stained with blood, skies with ash, and landscapes were often carpeted with the bleached and numberless bones of the conquered. When armies marched, they marched a billion strong, the ragged banners of a million standards swaying above their heads in the atomic winds. The battles were stupendous maelstroms of blades and spiked black helms and baying horns, lit by the fires of cannons and burners*. Page after page celebrated the cruel practices and equally cruel character of the despot Kalagann.*

He (Loken) quickly became absorbed by a sequence detailing Shang Khal's campaigns against the Nordafrik Conclaves. Shang Khal had assembled a significant horde of irregular levies from the southern client states of Ursh, and used them to support his main armed strengths, including the infamous Tupelov Lancers and the Red Engines, during the invasion. The Nordafrik technogogues had preserved a great deal more high technology for the good of their conclaves than Ursh possessed, and sheer envy, more than anything, motivated the war. Kalagann was hungry for the fine instruments and mechanisms the conclaves owned.

Eight epic battles marked Shang Khal's advance into the Nordafrik zones, the greatest of them being Xozer.
Over a period of nine days and nights, the war machines of the Red Engines blasted their way across the cultivated agroponic pastures and reduced them back to the desert, from which they had originally been irrigated and nurtured. They cut through the laserthorn hedges and the jewelled walls of the outer conclave, and unleashed dirty atomics into the heart of the ruling zone, before the Lancers led a tidal wave of screaming berserkers through the breach into the earthly paradise of the gardens at Xozer, the last fragment of Eden on a corrupted planet.

At the heart of the ruling zone, a ninth, minor battle had marked the conquest, almost as an afterthought.
One bastion had remained, the murengon, or walled sanctuary, where the last hierophants of the conclaves held out, practising, so the text said, their 'sciomancy by the flame lyght of their burning realm'. Shang Khal, wishing swift resolution to the conquest, had sent Anult Keyser to crush the sanctuary. Keyser was lord martial of the Tupelov Lancers and, by various bonds of honour, could call freely upon the services of the Roma, a squadron of mercenary fliers whose richly decorated interceptors, legend said, never landed or touched the earth, but lived eternally in the scope of the air. During the advance on the murengon, Keyser's oneirocriticks - and by that word, Loken understood the text meant 'interpreters of dreams' - had warned of the hierophants' sciomancy, and their phantasmagorian ways.

When the battle began, just as the oneirocriticks had warned, majiks were unleashed. Plagues of insects, as thick as monsoon rain and so vast in their swirling masses that they blacked out the sun, fell upon Keyser's forces, choking air intakes, weapon ports, visors, ears, mouths and throats. Water boiled without fire. Engines overheated or burned out. Men turned to stone, or their bones turned to paste, or their flesh succumbed to boils and buboes and flaked off their limbs. Others went mad. Some became daemons and turned upon their own.

When Shang Khal heard the news, he flew into a fury, and went at once to the scene, bringing with him what the text described as his 'wrathsingers', who appeared to be magi of some sort. Their leader, or master, was a man called Mafeo Orde, and somehow, Orde drew the wrathsingers into a kind of remote warfare with the hierophants.
The text was annoyingly vague about exactly what occurred next, almost as if it was beyond the understanding of the writer. Words such as 'sorcery' and 'majik' were employed frequency, without qualification, and there were invocations to dark, primordial gods that the writer clearly thought his audience would have some prior knowledge of.

The earth trembled, as if afraid. The sky tore like silk. Many in the Urshite force heard the voices of the dead whispering to them. Men caught fire, and walked around, bathed in lambent flames that did not consume them, pleading for help. The remote war between the wrathsingers and the hierophants lasted for six days, and when it ended, the ancient desert was thick with snow, and the skies had turned blood red. The air formations of the Roma had been forced to flee, lest their craft be torn from the heavens by screaming angels and dashed down upon the ground. At the end of it, all the wrathsingers were dead, except Orde himself. The murengon was a smoking hole in the ground, its stone walls so hideously melted by heat they had become slips of glass. And the hierophants were extinct

- Horus Heresy Book 7: Inferno

The Chronicles have a semi-mythological aspect to them, but if you read between the lines it is fairly clear that things were far more horrific than simple total war across five thousand years. One interesting note is that the Tupelov Lancers, noted in the excerpt as serving under General Shang Khal in the Ursh Empire, later served the Emperor and became one of the previously mentioned Old Hundred techno-barbarian regiments allowed to remain in service during the Great Crusade.

Also, I'll note that "When armies marched, they marched a billion strong, the ragged banners of a million standards swaying above their heads in the atomic winds." is my absolute favorite line from the Chronicles. Really sets the tone.

EDIT: Also, I guess I'll note the fan theory that Mafeo Orde was Malcador the Sigilite.
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On Star Trek as an inspiration, what about a Borg like civilization run by an insane AI of the DAoT? Maybe not quite at the same level as the Borg to give the early Imperium a fighting chance, but similar concepts of forceful abduction and integration of citizens and technology? Perhaps the AI is doing it to "preserve Human life and science", and due to scrapcode errors doesn't realize the harm it is doing?


Not Borg: Your STC technology will be assimilated, resistance is futile
Mechanicum: Not if we assimilate your STC technology first!

I am looking to have a bunch of trans humanist factions running around in the Sol Sector, but don't know if I want them to be proper borg. Although its could be a interesting concept as they are supposed to be an allegory of Soviet Communisms and that would be a great opponent to the fascist Imperium. I am also thinking of Cybermen of Dr. Who. Like you insinuated, I'm just thinking about what the tech priest would and would not consider heresy.

Regarding AI remnants, I'd think that be a great idea. As my notes briefly mensioned, apart from orks and eldar, i think humans would run small pockets of AI hold outs. Now are they all proper Men of Iron or are they actually a small tomb world, who cares, they all look the same haha space luddites

One of the reasons why I'm using the star trek aliens is that most of them are very close to our solar system. Plus if the old human federation was a alien friendly society it makes sense to me that humanity would loss its collective shit and go on a genocidal rampage once the aliens that were once our closest friends turn their backs on us in our greatest time of need.

Thanks for including the Chronicles of Ursh segment. i'll give it a good read in a bit.
I just updated the first post with my old sector map.

Im reworking it and Im thinking to focus on the center ring at the center of the map, called the Local Bubble in astronomy.
I just updated the first post with my old sector map.

Im reworking it and Im thinking to focus on the center ring at the center of the map, called the Local Bubble in astronomy.

Yeah, thats probably the best way to go about it, work from Terra outward. Flesh things out in that region before worrying about stuff further away.
Ok so regarding the sol sector, here are some more of my thoughts.

Without a doubt, the stars closest to our own would be the most heavily colonized as before the advent of warp drive in 10k humanity was already colonizing space. With sub-light engines, humanity could easily have heavily colonize the sounding space.

In the local bubble, which is primarily the Sol Sector, I am going to say that humanity has 100 ''active'' settlements, with hundreds more formal colonized but were destroyed or abandoned by our current events.

Additionally, there are another 50 or so active alien settlements / home worlds.

There are lots of polities operating in and around the sector. For the human factions before the emergences of the imperium I got it down to 4 primary entities. they are;

The Martian Technocracy Or the Cult Mechanicum: the Martians sent out lots of expeditions into the galaxy before the rise of the imperium of man. It would make sense that they had colonies and outpost throughout the sol sector as you could travel there and pack with sublight engines.

"The Red Host" : semi-cult group of Ghouls/vampire mutants, they have long lost the statues as human beings for their actions against their own species. there fleets travels from world to world harvesting humans for food and other foul purposes. they very rarely put down planetary roots preferring void life and nomadic livelihood. The members of the Host worship their ship's navigators as a holy priests. The Priest, often the leaders of a host, have been driven mad by the warp. Sometimes fighting amongst themselves, there are actually several dozen factions but too outsider observers; they are virtually unrecognizable.

Federation Military Remnant: the descendants of the last of Human Empires interstellar military. They have long ago devolved into tribes. High levels of tech to rival Space Marines and Mars, see themselves as the guardians of mankind.

"Draconis" Navigator trading league : Im abit up in the air with these guys. They are definitely a mercantile trading league that does business with anyone who pays. Either are either ruled over by a group of Navigators OR they are ruled over covertly by the "Reptilians" shapeshifters from UFO and cult fame.

Additionally, I know I want to have two Eldar factions within the sector. they are inspired by the Vulcans and the Romulans, but as they are pointy eared humanoids as well, I can included them regardless if I chose to lean into my idea of "star trek was ancient history" bit.

The Exodites of the 40 Eridani A: A beautiful Desert planet. the Aeldari Xeodites of 40 Eridani A just want to live in peace away from the terror of the galaxy. they have several outpost and stations around their planet.

The Aeldari Corsairs of 128 Trianguli III-A: A large fleet of Aeldari pirates and adventurers have made this region of space their hunting grounds as the Sector is rich in loot and trophies.

As always looking for readers thoughts
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I want to keep this thread active so I am giving it a bump by posting part 3 of my "Minor Alien Races of the Great Crusade" here.

The Human is for scale.

The Chroxius Myriad - was a Xenos-forged Abominable Intelligence, which had command of mechanical hordes. Here you see a Common Death Orb.
Tarellians – "dog soldier" of the northern ghoul stars, Chechen guerilla fighters . the have a single lore friendly picture of its head. I don't like the rest of the internet's interpretation so I made it into a reptilian dog.
Kinebrach – The Kinebrach were hefty, simian aliens with sunken eyes and big brow ridges. Their mouth and nose were one organ, and their mouths were filled with many small teeth. The skin of the Kinebrach was blue-black in color with thrums of russet hair resembling feathers. Kinebrach had angular, heavy craniums, and a strange and distinctive smell. part of the interex – gorilla men
Tushepta - came into contact but not wiped out. "Tushepta, resemble shaggy furred humanoids with a pair of beady, squinting eyes, a wide piglike nose, and descending tusks being their only notable facial characteristics. They're pretty much a wookiee mixed with a walrus and given even more fur." from 4chanwiki, suspect but interesting.
Megarachnids - aliens from planet murder. There are 2 really nice lore friendly pieces of art of these guys BUT every time I lost these creature creations I have 50 guys asking me what they look like.
There is so much stuff I can work on and talk about with this project.

But at the moment I am trying to focus on the "basics" of humanity as they represent tons of factions and groups. My thinking is that alot of stuff is going to be common as they are using the "junk" of the DAoT but simple modified to the aesthetic of the faction ( a basic gun for example).

As thats ALOT to cover I am focus it down even more to just focus on the Imperium of Man vehicles and equipment.

Here is a list characters and some vehicles I am working on for this;
==Imperial army==
Imperial officeryou basic techno barbarian military officer/warlord who have pledged absolute loyalty to the Emperor and his Imperium.
DISIPLINARY OFFICER / Early Commissar - they are the secret police of sorts, making sure no one is trying to turn traitor (well for the army and military at least 😛)
Warlord / Rogue Trader – the vanquished enemies of the Emperor given a final chance of redemption; fight at the forefront of the Crusade as scouts or DIE
Psyker or NavigatorWhile navigators are oven rich and honored, the era psykers are looked down on and hated.
Space Marine – A space marine from one of the legions overseeing the army

Conscripts/Levies - "civilians with guns and clubs"
Skirmishersberserkers with handguns, grenades and hand weapons
Militia troopers"proper" soldiers,
Fire support troopers – soldiers with heavy hand weapons.
Grenadiers – shock troopers with heaver armor armour

Power Armored troopers Old nobles of Terra and the Sol system
Gene Veteran troopersElite troopers

Fast Attack
Biker cavalry – biker gangs as mobile infantry and skirmishers
Early sentinel walkers – as the name suggests
War Dogs/beast of war – as the name suggests

Heavy Support
Heavy weapons teamheavy gun emplacements and artillery
Land ship/fortress - Old Tanks of the Terrain Unification Wars
For more see Imperial Vehicles
i haven't posted in awhile so here is a drawing i made for my Imperial Army stuff.

He is of the famed Geno five-two Chiliad

Getting back into Working On the Solar Reclamation Era Marines after seeing some awesome Thunder Warriors artwork
Im abit tired of all the space marines that I have be drawing and developing so I have decided to go back and develop the various human societies in the Sol sector.

Going to design the general look and flavor of the Sol system inhabits.

These are my ideas so far please feel free to critique and or comment. Ideas are always welcomed.

Mercury - Siberian arctic mixed with North African, Extreme weather suits. Either always living on the move to avoid the extreme Heat of Cold, or living in cramped underground mines.

Venues - Witches and wizards of the dark and menacing variety. Caribbean and American southern states flavor.

Terra - the greatest diversity as its the biggest population center in the system. However, I am leaning for everything to have a 16th century fashion mixed with retro-futuristic vibes and plenty of ware and tear to everything, they are Techno-barbarians after all.

Luna - Alot of white, Doctors and scientist, 1970's retro Scifi

Mars - same as they have always been, European Techno-monks

Belters and voids men - retro space and sea suits, mixed in with a variety of stone and bronze age cultural wares. Example; Pacific islanders in space.

Jupitor - Home of the Jovian Conspiracy, lots of alien and funky clothing.

Saturn - Byzantine era aesthetic, greek and turkish

Uranus - Indian Ocean, 16th century.

Neptune - Slavic, Romanian, Horror aesthetic.
Im going to try to do some more sketching and painting of human horrors this week. Rogue Psychers, Mutants, Cyborgs and the like.

If anyone has some ideas please share them here.


I'm not getting alot of feed back from replies but I like to collaborate with like minded people so I'm going to keep at it.

this is a WIP of a map of my take on the Unification Wars era Terra. On the map are the various Lore Nations as well as a few other fictional states I have taken from other properties that I think fit.

For instance; "Simba City" is actually from the Judge Dread Comics.

If you have any ides for nations from other fictional properties that you think would be a interesting fit PLEASE LET ME KNOW

I might have some ideas on what the DAoT human civilization were doing and how Earth got so messed up.

It's quite likely that during the Dark Age of Technology there WAS a ring around Earth too, but during some calamity similar to this the ring became unstabilized and began to crash down on Earth. Of course in 30k or 40k... no one could rebuild such a colossal station.

Imagine something like this... but a Ring around the planet crashing down.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huRmvG3zRpg

The cradle of human civilization literally got whipped as 20 thousand years of space infrastructure began to crash down upon the planet. Earth might have been in total anarchy during the final days of the DAoT, and while the initial "moving of the Stellar Commonwealth Government to another planet" was temporary... but in actuality, it wasn't. The Stellar Commonwealth abandoned Terra before their attempts to keep human galactic civilization fell.