Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Well this simplifies things we just have to retake the black temple and purify it and gift it to the Draenei. That may help, hey grommash would be down with this plan
Well this simplifies things we just have to retake the black temple and purify it and gift it to the Draenei. That may help, hey grommash would be down with this plan
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Black Temple in the SE of Outland past that massive Fel Energy spewing volcano that none of our people can go near without getting corrupted?
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Black Temple in the SE of Outland past that massive Fel Energy spewing volcano that none of our people can go near without getting corrupted?

We can't go near it... yet. Though we can apparently in eight or nine turns, which should give us enough time to make friends and gather our strength to purge the Valley. Of course we'll have to deal with the Fel Horde coming out of it, but since we've culled some of the demon's number we might have a better chance.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Black Temple in the SE of Outland past that massive Fel Energy spewing volcano that none of our people can go near without getting corrupted?
Just several more years before the radiation lowers enough for us to enter without corrupting ourselves! In the mean time, let's see what we can do about capturing Hellfire Peninsula and keeping the Citadel out of the hands of the Fel Orcs. Maybe even kill Magtheridon if we get the opportunity to keep the orcs from continuing to Double Demon Dip for power. Also it might count as an early Winter Veil gift to Garrosh who would now be on par with his father in the number of Annihilans slain.

Now that I checked, we really need to see about the other Dimensional Portals that are set up across the world. I'd rather we had them either closed or under control before Illidan shows up, but that will require an expedition into Zangarmarsh and dealing with the Portal pushing the Boulderfists out of the Blade's Edge mountains that will take us finally checking out the mountains. 1 down, two that we OoG know exist, and one that Torroar gets to have fun with.
The Black Temple is in Shadowmoon Valley. The super-Fel-radioactive place that Kargath and his Horde went into.

With the way the choices and time commitment worked out, we are probably going to end up with Kargath and the Shadowmoon Warlocks as the "major antagonist faction equivalent" for us.

Dealing with Kargath will probably require not raids, but an actual campaign of war.

So basically, what we've taken care of in Nagrand was sort of like the "basic questing" or basic/small battlegrounds or scenarios stuff -- Kargath and Shadowmoon will be, uh, more like Alterac Valley or like the huge collection of Instances that Blackrock Mountain had in Wow.

Conquering and purifying the Black Temple?

One problem is, we don't even know who would currently be holding it... In WoW, it's Illidan's fortress, but Illidan isn't even here. So... maybe the Shadowmoon has it. Maybe Kargath is marching on it to oust the Shadowmoon from it. Or maybe the Dragonmaw were using the Black Temple.

Hell, for all we know, it could be that instead of Hellfire Peninsula, Kargath will just set up in Shadowmoon Valley itself. :(

My current best-guess is that Kargath went straight for Shadowmoon because he learned about some kind of source of Fel power or a Fel ritual or he heard news of another demon like Mannoroth and wanted to capture it.

I figure that the Shadow Council might have informed him that if he wanted to empower his Horde further, he should head into Shadowmoon. Or maybe they offered to provide Fel energy to Kargath in exchange for him helping them with something. Or maybe they're going to be summoning Mag'theridon and Kargath is either there to assist in exchange for favors... or to crash the party and commit Grand Theft Pit Lord.

... Or maybe he heard about Fel Reavers and decided he wanted some Giant Stompy Robots of his own. Or, uh, he heard about the Dragonmaw and decided he'd head over and "recruit" them in order to get dragonriders...

But yeah... My current thought is that Kargath's journey to Shadowmoon would involve whatever it was that would in canon empower his Horde into Fel Orcs.
I hope there is a series of epic duels in the final climactic battle with Kargath. Preferably with us fighting the Fel mad Kargath who is empowered by fell energy but due to the rage lost a lot of skill he once had.

Garrosh going full paladin on some sort of powerful demon summoned, if possible maybe the pit lord himself.

Jorin should fight against the head warlock (maybe that apprentice of Gul'dan who is apparently in the are)

Kaz should fight the Burning Blade head blademaster.

Finally Sabellian (yes I am still holding out on recruiting that guy) fights an epic aerial battle against the Dragonmaw, all of them.
It is established in the lore that Magtheridon's original throne was in the Black Temple, so likely Kargath went to it for the Blood Pact to begin forging the Fel Horde. Magtheridon will remain there until Illidan shows up and ousts, binds, and has him shipped off to be siphoned for power. In the interim Magtheridon is the "Lord of Outland" and the one in charge of the dimensional portals, such as the one we just isolated.

Doing a bit of additional Lore diving, I don't recall if it has been brought up yet but I have found something that might be really rather fun. Velen is still on Outland on Telredor until Illidan shows up and the Blood Elves start to capture Tempest Keep, which is when Velen decides to leave for Azeroth and takes the Exodar to do it.

Heading East to recapture Shattrath and Auchindoun, as well as try to seal up Shadowmoon Valley, makes for a pretty solid plan. Or we could move north and then east to explore Zangarmarsh, see the Blade's Edge Mountains, and attempt to gain control over the Dark Portal. Decisions, decisions...

EDIT: Actually... maybe if we somehow manage to find and get in contact with Velen he could help us with Oshu'gan. So perhaps at least exploring into Zangarmarsh could be a pretty solid decision...
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Does anyone remember the Sword of Light from the Slayers series because I want to give it or something like it to Garrosh.
Does anyone remember the Sword of Light from the Slayers series because I want to give it or something like it to Garrosh.
There is a method to making one, it's how the Ashbringer was forged. To make it we'll require a piece of a Naaru that is full of holy light to be forged in primal fire by the best smith in Outland and quenched in blessed water (Added a few steps but you can't over do it with a holy weapon).
Eh, I doubt we'll be able to make a sword of pure light. Ashbringer is as close as Warcraft got. And that's still a big slab of metal that's kind of glowy.
and now i'm imagining the scene playing out something like this. We assault the Black Temple with obligatory epic battle to breach the place, then we lead a raid team (Composed of all our heroes plus a bunch of elites) to take out Kargath after finding out that he is trying to have the warlocks summon something big.

At one point they pass through a gate when a large horde of demons coming in behind them and since they don't have time to deal with those Garrosh and the Warsong Paladins decide to hold them off at a gateway probably at the top of a large flight of stairs while the rest of them go on ahead.

Reluctantly everyone agrees and goes off to stop the ritual (with the needed one on one duels) and when they return they find Garrosh still standing there having not taking a single step back and a massive pile of dead demons in front of him.
and now i'm imagining the scene playing out something like this. We assault the Black Temple with obligatory epic battle to breach the place, then we lead a raid team (Composed of all our heroes plus a bunch of elites) to take out Kargath after finding out that he is trying to have the warlocks summon something big.

At one point they pass through a gate when a large horde of demons coming in behind them and since they don't have time to deal with those Garrosh and the Warsong Paladins decide to hold them off at a gateway probably at the top of a large flight of stairs while the rest of them go on ahead.

Reluctantly everyone agrees and goes off to stop the ritual (with the needed one on one duels) and when they return they find Garrosh still standing there having not taking a single step back and a massive pile of dead demons in front of him.
This must happen.
Garrosh Gained traits:- Demonbane- Garrosh when fighting demons gains 5%+1% for each demon after the first for the rest of the battle.
-Immobile Guardian- When fighting a defencive action Garrosh can not be pushed back.

Also don't forget the magical duel between Jorin and some high level Warlock and fighting off a Grandmaster Burning Blade Blade Master.
And (again I really want to get the Black Dragons as friends and I still think we can save them) the Dragonmaw breaking out their dragon riders and diving on our forces only to be intercepted by Sabellian.

Hell even if we can't persuade the guy to ally with us he'll be pretty pissed at the Dragonmaw for enslaving Deathwing's children (which Nether dragons technically are) and might be willing to participate for the chance of killing them.
Is it wrong of me to want Jorin to meet his death after covering a mass retreat of our forces after the burning legion pulls some demonic bullshit. And his last words are delivered to us by Velen's Draenei. After he falls breaking an army of demons that out numbers us 6 to 1
Is it wrong of me to want Jorin to meet his death after covering a mass retreat of our forces after the burning legion pulls some demonic bullshit. And his last words are delivered to us by Velen's Draenei. After he falls breaking an army of demons that out numbers us 6 to 1

Or he could do all of that and still live since it's not the way he dies.