Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses.

Reinforcing Oshu'gun: Revitalizing a Fury of Light, a Naaru, is a worthy endeavor indeed if Velen is to be believed. It would be good for most everyone on Draenor if that were to occur. On the one side a being who is apparently a millennia long foe of the Burning Legion could return to full strength, and on the other the Draenei regain one of their most vital aspects of society. While you do not possess any shamans who truly pay respects to this Fury of Light, they have at least done so somewhat indirectly through the rituals that your ancestor's spirits organized. As such, you must keep it safe from all comers, no matter what. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Oshu'gun much more fortified against any assault.

Zangar Gate: It is time to crush the Zangar Gate and cut off the flow of demons onto your world. It is time to fight, and let the earth run with rivers of fel blood. That…you will absolutely clean afterwards. Damn, can the demons truly leave you with nothing? At least you can enjoy slaughtering them. Whoever commands the demons clearly thought that you would not be able to simply take their gate, as this one has been left with sub-par defenses, so dedicated they are to streaming materials east. Not to mention your own advance forces ready to assist. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Zangar Gate captured and contained. Chance of Success: 65+Previous Actions=85%
Better defenses for Nagrand, make sure that the Draenei can revive their Naaru in peace, and take Gate #2 with a HI.

Aggressive Diplomacy: Cho'war is waffling over attacking the Mag'har and not attacking the Mag'har. You need to ensure that he decides on the latter. For now he has been keeping busy attacking and pushing out the Boulderfists and the Gronn, but based on the rate he's going in a few years the Boulderfists will be pushed out completely at which point he'll more than likely search for another foe to fight. Or maybe he won't. It is hard to tell with a being who is supposed to be magnitudes more intelligent than normal ogres. But how smart is he? You can't be sure, which means that you'll take Kaz's advice when it comes to ogres. You will start by telling him that there will be no fighting between your people. This will involve violence. Kaz is coming with you for this. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Cho'war does not decide on attacking the Mag'har. Warmaul get to appreciate strength of Mag'har.
Let's get this taken care of, we're all ready on excellent terms with the Draenei.

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining.
Getting these mines set up will give us an excellent boost to our economy and give us blackrock for better gear. We've got great defenses so Decentralization can wait.

Cavalry Alternatives: The vast majority of your wolf population goes to the Warsong and their famous raiders. With the Scythegore Arm long disbanded, and with its history of Blackhand being one of its most prominent past members, the Warsong have become your main cavalry forces. But with so many of them now in Talador rebuilding Shattrath, it has come to your attention that you might need different cavalry forces. Some people have suggested the Clefthoof. Though the tusk bearing Leatherhide type seems to have disappeared, the remaining Clefthoof have made up for that in their strange bulking size which now dwarfs their previous bodies significantly. It's going to take time however to tame these mighty creatures anew. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Some Tamed Clefthoofs to experiment on creating cavalry with. Chance of Success: 75%.
Definitely want that cavalry.

Calming Talador: The Furies of Talador are coming into conflict with the Furies of the Spires, those refugees of that completely destroyed place. The Balance is falling apart, and this offends and frightens those at the Throne of Elements. Always, Draenor's Elementals worked in tandem and in balance, and conflict between them is meant to be rare. At the moment it remains muted, but if you do not get a handle on the situation soon you may see just what the Elements may do if goaded into war with one another. It will be difficult, and hard, but it is most absolutely necessary. Cost: 1000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered.
Gotta calm those Furies.

The Paladin, Not the Elf: So the Elf Alliance Commander is rather put out with your people. You can only assume that the Horde did something terrible to her people and perhaps even herself personally. However, the other leader of the Alliance that you have seen, the human paladin, seems less completely aggressive. There is less contempt in him, your lover says, and more righteous fury. Hopefully the second will be better for diplomacy than the former. Both leaders led parties to search for your Laughing Skulls, but now they seem more and more dedicated to fighting the Fel Horde. Perhaps Kaz could approach the human? Jorin speaks fluent Alliance, or so he says. He better not only know two random words. In any case, it will be something to see indeed. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Interlude Turns.
Opening regular contact with the Expedition will be a huge help against the Fel Orcs.

Preserving Reputation: One of the best ways to keep everyone in line is to beat the absolute crap out of them. For all that you have done for your people, one of the worst mistakes in life, orc or otherwise, is complacency. Especially amongst orcs however. Even the most respected of warriors cannot be expected to coast on reputation alone. Sometimes things require more forceful reminders. Not maliciously, mind you, just because young people are stupid and it is inevitable that some young orc or another decides that his elders have no idea what they are doing. You are young yourself, but all that you have learned and experienced have brought you much wisdom. Besides, you could use the workout. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dranosh gets to let off some steam.

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own.
Morale will improve so long as the beatings continue :D, and we need a wolf companion.
Yeah making friends with the alliance before the Elf leader attacks us is my number one goal. We can look into the bonechewers next turn when we pull together a group to wipe them out.

Also teaming up with the alliance now means we can probably get a strong enough mage to help get rid of the portal faster.
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I personally think we might want to hold off on the Alliance thing until we can get Ku're up and running. Having the personification of their faith telling the alliance. Hey, these orcs are good guys should pretty much give us an instant success with most of the alliance. While this time we can figure out more about the fel orcs and delay them from completing their base.
I personally think we might want to hold off on the Alliance thing until we can get Ku're up and running. Having the personification of their faith telling the alliance. Hey, these orcs are good guys should pretty much give us an instant success with most of the alliance. While this time we can figure out more about the fel orcs and delay them from completing their base.

That and us screwing with the Bonechewers help the Alliance and they might see us messing them up so they are more likely to talk to us when we do.
I personally think we might want to hold off on the Alliance thing until we can get Ku're up and running. Having the personification of their faith telling the alliance. Hey, these orcs are good guys should pretty much give us an instant success with most of the alliance. While this time we can figure out more about the fel orcs and delay them from completing their base.
Going to have to disagree. The faster we get some kind of accord going on with them even if it does lead to us deciding to not attack one another the better. Cause what her name will attack our people if we don't work something out with the alliance considering how much she hates orcs.
Yeah, if we have a Naaru, and the Alliance sees us killing off fel orcs, relations might be easier to improve. Besides, right now, we're more likely to enter conflict with the fel orcs than with the Expedition.
They are looking for us.
Alliance Searching For Mag'har: Since Kaz revealed the presence of green and brown skinned orcs and your generally aggressive demeanor against the Fel Horde the Alliance has put some work into searching for the Mag'har. Whether to fight you or to speak with you, the scouts are unsure. Specifically when the parties are led by the as of yet unnamed Paladin who commands much clout amongst the Alliance the parties seem less aggressive and more curious, yet when they are led by the elf Alleria they seem almost willing to burn the forest down around them to find any hint of orcish presence. Of the two, the latter seems to almost take glee in killing the Bonechewers. For that matter, the Bonechewers seem to be now being reinforced by demonic helpers from Shadowmoon Valley. You are still uncertain what the end-game in this matter is.
Let's make peaceful contact so that we can at least come to the agreement to not attack one another before she kills some of our people. Cause honestly we don't know when the naru is going to be able to vouch for us.
See this would work if we didn't have green orcs among us. However we do so to them it's just going to look like the horde split and are fighting it out.

We have green and brown Orcs fighting Orcs that have deep red skin and have been partly demonized we will be seen as the lesser evil and if we help enough at least worth talking to.
We have green and brown Orcs fighting Orcs that have deep red skin and have been partly demonized we will be seen as the lesser evil and if we help enough at least worth talking to.
Alleria doesn't care. If we didn't have green orcs then maybe that wouldn't be a problem but we do. You know the green orcs that burned down parts of her homeland and slaughtered some of her people? Like said. Let's get them to agree to not attack us. Then we can investigate the bonechewers and focus on them until the Naru is up and running.
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[X]Increasing Defenses
[X]Reinforcing Oshu'gun
[X]Zangar Gate

Glorious land grab, also destroy demons as is our raison d'etre

[]Abstaining for now

[X]Mining Time


[X]Calming Talador

misread talador as blade's edge, fixed, want to avert war.

Downside is that that war seems like a pretty important thing to avert but I don't want to force our shamans to wade through Zangarmarsh without calming them first.

[X]Investigating Bonechewers

Demon worshippers, Fel orcs. hatehatehatehate.

Personal Actions
[X]A Noble Wolf
[X]Let's Go Hunting

Prestige? we'll give them prestige, by killing something huge.
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Alleria doesn't care. If we didn't have green orcs then maybe that wouldn't be a problem but we do. You know the green orcs that burned down parts of her homeland and slaughtered some of her people? Like said. Let's get them to agree to not attack us. Then we can investigate the bonechewers and focus on them until the Naru is up and running.

I understand wanting to contact the Alliance but the Bonechewers can't be given time to build up well or else they can attack us and the Alliance with a base suppling them.
Sweet an update. Now if only kingdoms would update as well, I need my atheist spider people fix dammit. Curse Arcman's short attention span, why must he make such good threads only to abandon them with no warning.
I have a question for all of you voting to investigate the bonechewers instead of at least reaching a don't attacks us agreement with the Alliance. What are you planning to do when Aleria wipes out a caravan or something?
I understand wanting to contact the Alliance but the Bonechewers can't be given time to build up well or else they can attack us and the Alliance with a base suppling them.
We have the Draenai. Both the broken and normal ones. Us pushing out hte bonechewers will be easy. Aleria wiping out a caravan of our people or god forbid she finds a village and attacks that is not as easily fixable. You have to remember there was never going to be peace between us and the bonechewers.
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The Zangar Furies will take five months to calm down to help us while taking out the Gate will only take one month so we need to focus on preventing war between the Furies in Talador or else they can cause trouble and will disrupt the Balance which is bearly still in place after the world ended.
To be fair about Alleria, she's totally bug nuts insane angry about green orcs. But brown orcs really confuse her.
It's her bug nuts insane anger I am worried about. She nearly attacked Kaz despite her having some brown orcs with her. I'm worried she might attack something of ours in a berserker rage because she simply sees a green orc.
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@torroar about my previuos question when will we be able to research the shadow magic we got from the bird men?

Also are you ever going to change the catagory descriptions since they have been the same for awhile even when the story changes?
I wonder what the reactions would be if the Alliance learn that a good portion of the orcs, both the ones in the old horde and probably the Bonechewers now, are actually just children.

It's hard enough for adults to handle demonic power and have any measure of sanity, let alone fel-empowered children.