Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

We are going there to meet the rest of the Alliance expedition we will be going in that direction so after we talk to them we swing by the Mok'Nathal village.
Assuming we get the option.

Just because the players may want to go tearing off into Outland to find a shiny doesn't mean Dranosh can do that. The scouting expeditions give a fairly good idea of our operational range and I'm pretty sure the Blade's Edge Mountains are outside of that.
Nagrand - Full Operational Range
Talador (what in canon is called the Terrokar Forest or whatever) - Mostly Full Operational Range, about 75%
Zangarmarsh - Minor Operational Range, mostly western edges. Generally 35% or so.
Shadowmoon Valley, Hellfire Peninsula, Northern Draenor beyond Zangarmarsh - Near Zero Operational Range. At best a maximum of 3%
Assuming we get the option.

Just because the players may want to go tearing off into Outland to find a shiny doesn't mean Dranosh can do that. The scouting expeditions give a fairly good idea of our operational range and I'm pretty sure the Blade's Edge Mountains are outside of that.

True but at least we know where they are based on past knowledge so all it takes is a scouting group to go and meet them at some point down the line after we expand some more.

Also thanks for the info @torroar.

Right now let's focus on diplo with the Warmaul Ogres and Cho'war to get on their good side.
I thought we considered him and his clan as dangerous not-yet-enemies?
Something along those lines, but not quite.

Cho'war, being an Ogre Lord, has a slightly greater capacity for intelligence over other Ogres, which means he might be able to understand, if not an alliance, then at least a non-aggression pact.

This requires Dranosh to meet up with him though (AKA we vote for it)
Aggressive Diplomacy: Cho'war is waffling over attacking the Mag'har and not attacking the Mag'har. You need to ensure that he decides on the latter. For now he has been keeping busy attacking and pushing out the Boulderfists and the Gronn, but based on the rate he's going in a few years the Boulderfists will be pushed out completely at which point he'll more than likely search for another foe to fight. Or maybe he won't. It is hard to tell with a being who is supposed to be magnitudes more intelligent than normal ogres. But how smart is he? You can't be sure, which means that you'll take Kaz's advice when it comes to ogres. You will start by telling him that there will be no fighting between your people. This will involve violence. Kaz is coming with you for this. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Cho'war does not decide on attacking the Mag'har. Warmaul get to appreciate strength of Mag'har.

He's currently busy dealing with the Gronn and the Boulderfists, so we probably still have a few turns, but it's still somewhat time-sensitive to take.
Its -10C outside, and ice on the ground, twisted your ankle, fell, and hurt your arm when you tried to catch yourself but the ground was frozen solid so you hurt that too?

Sucks to hear, Get well!

It's pretty cold, but not as bad as it was here a couple days ago (-18 Farenheit, with windchill bringing it to -40)

Still, that's pretty chilly.
Turn 9
7, Month Three AA
Turn 9
You feel as if you have a new lease on life, one you did not necessarily need but nonetheless enjoy immensely. Tensions between your people and that of Velen decreased at an almost impossible rate, the work of your respective legends and legacies combined with the amount of personal influence the Warchief and Prophet possess being major boons in the process. It turns out that guiding a people for thousands of years from the destruction of their homeworld and safeguarding them with visions and personal wisdom does wonders for ones ability to convince a people to give the orcs another chance.

The Mag'har will not waste this opportunity, you will make sure of this. For though both orc and draenei were quite confused indeed when both you and Velen arrived back at Garadar alongside one another, they were simultaneously relieved. The orcs feared an ambush and that you would return to tell your people that they would need to go to war with those they had already come close to exterminating before, something that your recent works and words has made a very uncomfortable thing to contemplate doing. The draenei feared that you had somehow slain Velen and would kill them all in a tide of blood once more like other Saurfangs before you had joined in on.

On some level the fact that both groups assumed that you would be the victor tickles you in a grimly humorous way. You have seen, as it were, the Light, from Velen's perspective. No one, but no one, survives combat with the demons and grows up alongside their two greatest Lord's without being one of the most powerful beings to simply walk around. You almost desperately wish to keep relations good between your people and Velen's, and you have simply gained a new reason.

He might be able to simply wipe you from existence with a lash of Light so powerful that there would be nothing left but your suddenly surprised skull.

Besides that, you have other concerns. The Alliance. The Fel Horde. Demons in general. You will deal with them as best you are able. You will overcome.

It is the Saurfang way.

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose3):

Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses.

Regular Patrols: A good way to keep an eye on everything and protect Nagrand is to set up regular patrols who can travel along the roads looking for anything of note or concern. Wolf riders for farther areas and people who can walk on foot for otherwise. It's a way to get your people out there. For too long you have been sequestered in Garadar, and with the Pox finally draining away more and more with every passing day you need to ensure that your people do not become used to simply sitting around. Though for now it might do well to divert patrols around the draenei army. They still look a bit twitchy. Cost: 500. Time: Eh. Till you say stop. Reward: Patrolled land. Better morale for the people. Happier orcs. Exercise yay!

Reinforcing Oshu'gun: Revitalizing a Fury of Light, a Naaru, is a worthy endeavor indeed if Velen is to be believed. It would be good for most everyone on Draenor if that were to occur. On the one side a being who is apparently a millennia long foe of the Burning Legion could return to full strength, and on the other the Draenei regain one of their most vital aspects of society. While you do not possess any shamans who truly pay respects to this Fury of Light, they have at least done so somewhat indirectly through the rituals that your ancestor's spirits organized. As such, you must keep it safe from all comers, no matter what. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Oshu'gun much more fortified against any assault.

Zangar Gate: It is time to crush the Zangar Gate and cut off the flow of demons onto your world. It is time to fight, and let the earth run with rivers of fel blood. That…you will absolutely clean afterwards. Damn, can the demons truly leave you with nothing? At least you can enjoy slaughtering them. Whoever commands the demons clearly thought that you would not be able to simply take their gate, as this one has been left with sub-par defenses, so dedicated they are to streaming materials east. Not to mention your own advance forces ready to assist. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Zangar Gate captured and contained. Chance of Success: 65+Previous Actions=85%

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 1):

Minors: You are greatly respected by the people for your fiery voice and honorable reputation. All amongst the large clans of the Mag'har are sworn to you by blood oaths, and some took it even farther. But something that you've realized that you feel a bit embarrassed about is the fact that you don't know about any of the minor clans. Even then, you are struck with the feeling that even that denominator is a bit insulting. 'Minor' clans. As opposed to what? They are all orcs. Proud. Strong. They deserve to know that as well. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Mag'har further unify internally. Will Complete This Turn.

Aggressive Diplomacy: Cho'war is waffling over attacking the Mag'har and not attacking the Mag'har. You need to ensure that he decides on the latter. For now he has been keeping busy attacking and pushing out the Boulderfists and the Gronn, but based on the rate he's going in a few years the Boulderfists will be pushed out completely at which point he'll more than likely search for another foe to fight. Or maybe he won't. It is hard to tell with a being who is supposed to be magnitudes more intelligent than normal ogres. But how smart is he? You can't be sure, which means that you'll take Kaz's advice when it comes to ogres. You will start by telling him that there will be no fighting between your people. This will involve violence. Kaz is coming with you for this. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Cho'war does not decide on attacking the Mag'har. Warmaul get to appreciate strength of Mag'har.

Fruit Pie Diplomacy: The draenei are right there. This is the perfect moment to reintroduce Arechron to his people, and herald a new dawn between the orcs and greater majority of draenei. Both you and Velen have laid down your edicts, and perhaps you can heal wounds. One of the best ways to gain friends is to feed them, and as of the moment your people are producing enough food to spare. All of your friends are in agreement with this. Jorin especially, as he wants to know what the two words he knows in the draenei language actually tastes like. With the Acolyte Yrel there, you can facilitate a mutual exchange of hides and food. Surely the draenei must be hungry for foods not related to Zangarmarsh where Velen told you they had previously been staying. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Improved Draenei relations.

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 1):

Expanding Garadar: Garadar has done quite well, but with the growth of your other settlements it has come to your attention that perhaps the place which serves for better or worse as your capital should be better off than just the original quarantine city it had been before. As such you have spoken to some of the elder Blackrock smiths and they have some ideas about putting up some better walls and watch towers around Garadar. At the moment Garadar seems to only possess light defenses, and that is something which you would prefer changed quite quickly considering the fact that there are demons about. But more than that, Garadar needs to be expanded just in general, as in more houses, farms, and some small docks along the lake for fishing. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Garadar expanded, better defenses. +500 Fishing, +500 Farming. Will Complete This Turn.

Decentralization: Jorin has largely been storing the majority of his scrolls and knowledge on the arcane in Gul'rok, but the recent Arrakoa raids upon his home have brought up the fact that should ancestors forbid it fall again that the knowledge gained there should be preserved. So much has been lost already in the apocalypse and under Gul'dan and the Shadow Council's predations. It would not do to lose what new things you have gained. As such, Jorin wants to be a library and some of the more experienced Arcane Warriors in all of your settlements to ensure that should one fall you will not be left without the ability to train more. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Arcane Warrior knowledge spread to all major settlements, if Gul'rok ever falls you will not lose the ability to produce more.

Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (Choose 1)

Cavalry Alternatives: The vast majority of your wolf population goes to the Warsong and their famous raiders. With the Scythegore Arm long disbanded, and with its history of Blackhand being one of its most prominent past members, the Warsong have become your main cavalry forces. But with so many of them now in Talador rebuilding Shattrath, it has come to your attention that you might need different cavalry forces. Some people have suggested the Clefthoof. Though the tusk bearing Leatherhide type seems to have disappeared, the remaining Clefthoof have made up for that in their strange bulking size which now dwarfs their previous bodies significantly. It's going to take time however to tame these mighty creatures anew. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Some Tamed Clefthoofs to experiment on creating cavalry with. Chance of Success: 75%.

Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah, the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, is the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (Choose 1):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Calming Talador: The Furies of Talador are coming into conflict with the Furies of the Spires, those refugees of that completely destroyed place. The Balance is falling apart, and this offends and frightens those at the Throne of Elements. Always, Draenor's Elementals worked in tandem and in balance, and conflict between them is meant to be rare. At the moment it remains muted, but if you do not get a handle on the situation soon you may see just what the Elements may do if goaded into war with one another. It will be difficult, and hard, but it is most absolutely necessary. Cost: 1000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered.

Calming Zangar Furies: Out of all the badly affected Furies, only those of the Spires have it worse. Those of Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge still retain a landmass to return to, with aspects from both drawn in. The Zangar Sea, now the Zangarmarsh, is an alien landscape that quite frankly frightens and is scaring the Zangar Furies. Their Balance has been utterly destroyed, with more Wind and Earth than they have ever been comfortable with suddenly present. It was a place of Water, and now not so much. They require much assistance in calming and soothing their pains. Cost: 1000. Time: 5 Months. Reward: Zangar Sea Furies grow more accepting of their new positions as the Furies of Zangarmarsh. Calmer. Easier for Shamans in those areas. Better for everyone in general.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 1):

Investigating Bonechewers: They are here, and appear to be there to stay. You need to learn all you can about these new Fel Orcs, and the Bonechewers have provided themselves as the perfect subjects to do so. Not to mention learning just what it is the Fel Horde plans on doing to the rest of Draenor. Whatever their plans, they cannot be pleasant. But that is fine, you just need to know what they are so that you can stop them. While there, The Laughing Skulls could probably sabotage the Fel Orcs a bit to slow the reconstruction of their village as a base. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dead Bonechewers, information.

The Paladin, Not the Elf: So the Elf Alliance Commander is rather put out with your people. You can only assume that the Horde did something terrible to her people and perhaps even herself personally. However, the other leader of the Alliance that you have seen, the human paladin, seems less completely aggressive. There is less contempt in him, your lover says, and more righteous fury. Hopefully the second will be better for diplomacy than the former. Both leaders led parties to search for your Laughing Skulls, but now they seem more and more dedicated to fighting the Fel Horde. Perhaps Kaz could approach the human? Jorin speaks fluent Alliance, or so he says. He better not only know two random words. In any case, it will be something to see indeed. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Interlude Turns.

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 2):

Preserving Reputation: One of the best ways to keep everyone in line is to beat the absolute crap out of them. For all that you have done for your people, one of the worst mistakes in life, orc or otherwise, is complacency. Especially amongst orcs however. Even the most respected of warriors cannot be expected to coast on reputation alone. Sometimes things require more forceful reminders. Not maliciously, mind you, just because young people are stupid and it is inevitable that some young orc or another decides that his elders have no idea what they are doing. You are young yourself, but all that you have learned and experienced have brought you much wisdom. Besides, you could use the workout. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dranosh gets to let off some steam.

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own.

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff.
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[X]Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses.

[X]Reinforcing Oshu'gun: Revitalizing a Fury of Light, a Naaru, is a worthy endeavor indeed if Velen is to be believed. It would be good for most everyone on Draenor if that were to occur. On the one side a being who is apparently a millennia long foe of the Burning Legion could return to full strength, and on the other the Draenei regain one of their most vital aspects of society. While you do not possess any shamans who truly pay respects to this Fury of Light, they have at least done so somewhat indirectly through the rituals that your ancestor's spirits organized. As such, you must keep it safe from all comers, no matter what. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Oshu'gun much more fortified against any assault.

[X] Zangar Gate: It is time to crush the Zangar Gate and cut off the flow of demons onto your world. It is time to fight, and let the earth run with rivers of fel blood. That…you will absolutely clean afterwards. Damn, can the demons truly leave you with nothing? At least you can enjoy slaughtering them. Whoever commands the demons clearly thought that you would not be able to simply take their gate, as this one has been left with sub-par defenses, so dedicated they are to streaming materials east. Not to mention your own advance forces ready to assist. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Zangar Gate captured and contained. Chance of Success: 65+Previous Actions=85%

[X]Fruit Pie Diplomacy: The draenei are right there. This is the perfect moment to reintroduce Arechron to his people, and herald a new dawn between the orcs and greater majority of draenei. Both you and Velen have laid down your edicts, and perhaps you can heal wounds. One of the best ways to gain friends is to feed them, and as of the moment your people are producing enough food to spare. All of your friends are in agreement with this. Jorin especially, as he wants to know what the two words he knows in the draenei language actually tastes like. With the Acolyte Yrel there, you can facilitate a mutual exchange of hides and food. Surely the draenei must be hungry for foods not related to Zangarmarsh where Velen told you they had previously been staying. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Improved Draenei relations.

[X]Decentralization: Jorin has largely been storing the majority of his scrolls and knowledge on the arcane in Gul'rok, but the recent Arrakoa raids upon his home have brought up the fact that should ancestors forbid it fall again that the knowledge gained there should be preserved. So much has been lost already in the apocalypse and under Gul'dan and the Shadow Council's predations. It would not do to lose what new things you have gained. As such, Jorin wants to be a library and some of the more experienced Arcane Warriors in all of your settlements to ensure that should one fall you will not be left without the ability to train more. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Arcane Warrior knowledge spread to all major settlements, if Gul'rok ever falls you will not lose the ability to produce more.

[X]Improving Arcane: It is time to take those among your people who have begun using magic beyond that of the shamans and not that of warlocks to take the next step. For all their prodigious strength and power, they are still quite youthful in their knowledge. Jorin on the other hand has advanced quite rapidly, and is now certain that he can put down what he has personally learned and trained into the minds and bodies of those who follow his path. It will take time though, and will be dangerous. Though all magic is dangerous on some level or another, Jorin tells you. It will be worth it though to increase the strength of your people. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Months. Reward: Arcane Warriors improved.

[X ]Calming Talador: The Furies of Talador are coming into conflict with the Furies of the Spires, those refugees of that completely destroyed place. The Balance is falling apart, and this offends and frightens those at the Throne of Elements. Always, Draenor's Elementals worked in tandem and in balance, and conflict between them is meant to be rare. At the moment it remains muted, but if you do not get a handle on the situation soon you may see just what the Elements may do if goaded into war with one another. It will be difficult, and hard, but it is most absolutely necessary. Cost: 1000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered.

[X]The Paladin, Not the Elf: So the Elf Alliance Commander is rather put out with your people. You can only assume that the Horde did something terrible to her people and perhaps even herself personally. However, the other leader of the Alliance that you have seen, the human paladin, seems less completely aggressive. There is less contempt in him, your lover says, and more righteous fury. Hopefully the second will be better for diplomacy than the former. Both leaders led parties to search for your Laughing Skulls, but now they seem more and more dedicated to fighting the Fel Horde. Perhaps Kaz could approach the human? Jorin speaks fluent Alliance, or so he says. He better not only know two random words. In any case, it will be something to see indeed. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Interlude Turns.

[X]Preserving Reputation: One of the best ways to keep everyone in line is to beat the absolute crap out of them. For all that you have done for your people, one of the worst mistakes in life, orc or otherwise, is complacency. Especially amongst orcs however. Even the most respected of warriors cannot be expected to coast on reputation alone. Sometimes things require more forceful reminders. Not maliciously, mind you, just because young people are stupid and it is inevitable that some young orc or another decides that his elders have no idea what they are doing. You are young yourself, but all that you have learned and experienced have brought you much wisdom. Besides, you could use the workout. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Dranosh gets to let off some steam.

[X] A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own.

Well let the quest begin anew
Good to have you back torroar.

Military: Regular Patrols, Reinforcing Oshu'gun, Zangar Gate (Heroic Intervention)
Pshu'gan is one of the most important sites for everyone so it's a must, the patrols will help catch any invaders while we're personally paying a visit to the gate.

Diplomacy: Fruit Pie Diplomacy
Time to normalize relations with our neighbours. We can flatten Warmaul skulls later.

Stewardship: Decentralization
We need to get this done ASAP just in case. Mining can come next turn.

Learning: Cavalry Alternatives
Let's get those heavy cavalry. The things can probably haul insane amounts of cargo if we get them tamed.

Piety: Calming Talador
We got to get a lid on this fast. I do not want to see what a war of Furies is like.

Intrigue: Investigating Bonechewers
The Alliance is really tempting but we need to get a better idea of the capabilities of this Fel Horde if we are going to fight them. Besides if the Aliance see us killing Fel Orcs they might be a little more willing to listen when the time comes.

Personal Actions: Preserving Reputation, A Noble Wolf
Go on a 'hunt';) next month. For now remind people of who we are and see about grabbing a mount.
[X] Increasing Defenses
[X] Reinforcing Oshu'gun
[X] Zangar Gate - Heroic Intervention

I figure that getting better defenses is a more long term solution to patrols and the rest is self explained.

[X] Aggressive Diplomacy

We need this done before the Warmaul get bored beating around the Boulder Fist.

[X] Decentralization

Get the knowledge spread around.

[X] Cavalry Alternatives

Heavy calvary against lots of enemies..

[X] Calming Talador

We don't want war between the Furies and we need to retain the balance.

[X] Investigating Bonechewers

Keep the Bonechewers from causing problems.

[X] Preserving Reputation
[X] A Noble Wolf

Help blow off steam and we get a personal mount.

@torroar when will we be able to research the shadow magic we got?

Also are you ever going to change the catagory descriptions since they have been the same for awhile?
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Ouch, those Piety options.
Regular Patrols: A good way to keep an eye on everything and protect Nagrand is to set up regular patrols who can travel along the roads looking for anything of note or concern. Wolf riders for farther areas and people who can walk on foot for otherwise. It's a way to get your people out there. For too long you have been sequestered in Garadar, and with the Pox finally draining away more and more with every passing day you need to ensure that your people do not become used to simply sitting around. Though for now it might do well to divert patrols around the draenei army. They still look a bit twitchy.
No Cost/Time/Reward.
Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses.

Reinforcing Oshu'gun: Revitalizing a Fury of Light, a Naaru, is a worthy endeavor indeed if Velen is to be believed. It would be good for most everyone on Draenor if that were to occur. On the one side a being who is apparently a millennia long foe of the Burning Legion could return to full strength, and on the other the Draenei regain one of their most vital aspects of society. While you do not possess any shamans who truly pay respects to this Fury of Light, they have at least done so somewhat indirectly through the rituals that your ancestor's spirits organized. As such, you must keep it safe from all comers, no matter what. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Oshu'gun much more fortified against any assault.

Zangar Gate: It is time to crush the Zangar Gate and cut off the flow of demons onto your world. It is time to fight, and let the earth run with rivers of fel blood. That…you will absolutely clean afterwards. Damn, can the demons truly leave you with nothing? At least you can enjoy slaughtering them. Whoever commands the demons clearly thought that you would not be able to simply take their gate, as this one has been left with sub-par defenses, so dedicated they are to streaming materials east. Not to mention your own advance forces ready to assist. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Zangar Gate captured and contained. Chance of Success: 65+Previous Actions=85%
For this, I figure Zangar gate and Reinforcing Oshu'gun are kind of no brainers. One prevents the demons from further reinforcing themselves, and the other should help our diplomacy with the Draenei. The last one was kind of a toss up. But I figure we can put off patrols until the Draenei are less twitchy around us.
Aggressive Diplomacy: Cho'war is waffling over attacking the Mag'har and not attacking the Mag'har. You need to ensure that he decides on the latter. For now he has been keeping busy attacking and pushing out the Boulderfists and the Gronn, but based on the rate he's going in a few years the Boulderfists will be pushed out completely at which point he'll more than likely search for another foe to fight. Or maybe he won't. It is hard to tell with a being who is supposed to be magnitudes more intelligent than normal ogres. But how smart is he? You can't be sure, which means that you'll take Kaz's advice when it comes to ogres. You will start by telling him that there will be no fighting between your people. This will involve violence. Kaz is coming with you for this. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Cho'war does not decide on attacking the Mag'har. Warmaul get to appreciate strength of Mag'har.
As for Diplomacy, I chose Aggressive diplomacy because, while the Draenei Might fight with us. The Warmaul WILL fight with us if we leave them alone long enough. So we HAVE to get on this soon. Besides, having Gronn killing Ogre's would be AMAZING to have before we start fighting Gronn in Blade's Edge so we can rescue Ogri'la and the Mak'Nathol.
Mining Time: You have located some mines of the valuable Blackrock Ore. The tough metal you can create from such materials is nothing to scoff at, and it is a good part of the reason that the remaining weapons forged by Blackrock hands from Gorgrond are still perfectly good is the fact that the metal is simply so good. Well, the other part is proper maintenance and expert forging, but the point remains. Metal tools are also quite useful indeed. It is time to set up some mines. Thank goodness you had the Furies help in locating them though, because you otherwise wouldn't have been able to justify the effort. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Blackrock Ore mines set up and begin mining.
As for Stewardship. I'm pretty sure we'll choose mining to get better equipment, though an argument could be made for Decentralization.
Cavalry Alternatives: The vast majority of your wolf population goes to the Warsong and their famous raiders. With the Scythegore Arm long disbanded, and with its history of Blackhand being one of its most prominent past members, the Warsong have become your main cavalry forces. But with so many of them now in Talador rebuilding Shattrath, it has come to your attention that you might need different cavalry forces. Some people have suggested the Clefthoof. Though the tusk bearing Leatherhide type seems to have disappeared, the remaining Clefthoof have made up for that in their strange bulking size which now dwarfs their previous bodies significantly. It's going to take time however to tame these mighty creatures anew. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Some Tamed Clefthoofs to experiment on creating cavalry with. Chance of Success: 75%.
Probably Calvary, it's quick after all, and we should get more transportation before we lock learning again.
Calming Talador:[/I] The Furies of Talador are coming into conflict with the Furies of the Spires, those refugees of that completely destroyed place. The Balance is falling apart, and this offends and frightens those at the Throne of Elements. Always, Draenor's Elementals worked in tandem and in balance, and conflict between them is meant to be rare. At the moment it remains muted, but if you do not get a handle on the situation soon you may see just what the Elements may do if goaded into war with one another. It will be difficult, and hard, but it is most absolutely necessary. Cost: 1000. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Talador Furies do not start war with Furies of the Spires. Balance not shattered.
Edit: After thinking on it some more and reading the synopsis. I think it's true we need to start working on the Talador furies since it takes a while. And the sooner we prevent a furies war the better.

Split on Intrigue since both are important will think about it some more later.

Let's Go Hunting: There are mighty beasts in Nagrand. Beasts that stand or fly taller than any of their brethren. Much prestige can be found for the orc who slays them and takes their parts as trophies. Not to mention the meat and hide. It is both recreation and personal adventure to hunt, and seeing as you have secured most of Nagrand now quite well, you have the opportunity to indulge yourself. Wouldn't it be nice to have some stories to tell your children one day? Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Get list of Trophy Hunts to go after. Each will grant prestige and unique reagents for….uh, stuff.

A Noble Wolf: You may not be a Warsong or a Frostwolf, but that doesn't mean that you can't possess one of those noble and vicious beasts as a companion as your own. Wolves are important in practically every clans culture, save for those who lived in areas where there were no actual wolves around like the Laughing Skulls. Up until now you've been making use of loaned wolves, but you need one of your own. A mighty wolf of Draenor, creatures that can grow larger than an orc depending on the bloodline behind them. Capable of carrying a fully armored and equipped orc for extremely long distances without tiring, the wolf is the best companion animal that an orc could ask for. Now it is time that you found one of your own. Finding the perfect one will take a while though, but it will be time well worth spent. Cost: 0. Time: 4 Months. Reward: A Wolf Of Your Own.
Noble Wolf is probably a definite choice. Kind of split on the last option though since both improve reputation. Let's go Hunting though, doesn't have us beating up our own people. And, well. Trophies. And stuff is always good.
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