War as the Ritual

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Many philosophers and warriors have speculated on the Laws of Warfare and justice of the field.
Warlocks and Sages are concerned with greater things than ethics, however.
No, we are more interested in the Great Rituals of War and how the knowledge of them.

The First Great Ritual It's the ritual that is the war, and the war that is the ritual. Great battles filled with anger and hatred scar the the lands and the spirits. If there was a famine before the war then. The lands and the waters in which blood is spilled will be fertile and the inhabitants of the lands will bear witness to the most abundant harvest. And both men and beast grow fertile and plentiful.

Feeding the war so that it can grow ever more terrible, allowing monsters of both men and beast to thrive on the abundance.
Kings be warned, for hatred will grow from greed and hatred will cycle until a satan from the pain and the hatred and Judgement is brought upon all.
Warlocks might tell you otherwise, but the tale of the Dragon Emperor is a tragic one. Even he could not tame a satan with the might of the Dragons. And while it is true that he technically survived through means better left unknown. I want to point that even he and his great armies hadn't won, not really his lands became known as the great desert, both his people and his enemies were decimated and the orphans dispersed into lands of men. We are not even sure what remained of the Dragon when they became HaSatan.

The Second Great Ritual is one in which I ask of you to. Heed my word and declare war upon your target Clearly, correctly and timely. And make sure that your soldiers feel that it is correct. If you do not respect the second ritual this will take some of the magic released through the first ritual to muddy the power of the Last Breath.
A single wish spoken at an untimely death is known to release all the wasted life in the oldest and wildest of magics. A single curse spoken can easily devastate a village, imagine what thousands will do to your realm.

There are of course many ways one might take advantage of this. between liches who inverted the ritual to fuel their armies and wilt the lands of their foes to a King who upon receiving a poorly worded declaration of war killed himself, so that their enemy to become vulnerable and ripe for the revenge of his wife.

Remember that even the Second Great Ritual won't make you immune when the enmity of the soldiers is drowned out by people cursing with their last breath. So do not take this as a free for all to burn orphanages, like your predecessor, please.

One last last thing to remember is that it's only a war when at least two armies fight in earnest. The most famous example where this was broken was when Dragon Kings succeeded in his great blasphemy and all his enemies, slaves and allies united against HaSatan speaking with as the Breath came out as one upon his last terror and betrayal.

And finally we come to The Third Great Ritual of war. If you win by blessing of the gods then you need to claim your victory. Walk upon every land you claim and speak to the people get to know what you conquered your own.
Even if you decide not to loot and enslave the people is important to make the claim.
There are only two ways to have a chance at peace.
Either you let it go or make it known and make it yours through familiarity.

This is part of the war, many natural disasters have happened when a warlords didn't care for what they've won. Didn't take note of the land and the spirits that inhabit it.

This too was a sin of the Dragon Emperor kept the first ritual by not preforming the third. For he to look upon his hoard or the people he and his dragons enslaved. Punching holes in his lands as the people were in perpetual rebellion as both slaves and loyal citizens overcame the terror as natural disasters followed the rule of their new emperor who only seemed interested in waging war and expanding outward.
The Dragon thought that this resulted on the greatest hoard, the most expansive domain and the greatest knowledge in his library filled with enslaved scholars.
I wonder what the value of that was, there was a newt among the orphans who wondered if the Dragon Emperor even knew that he had children or wives.

I wrote this for The Influence of High Magic on Warfare thread. But decided that this thought deserved a thread of it's own.

The war in itself can have meaning and magical significance.
How can this effect a world and the people waging war within it?