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"…Because the lack of heaven means my actions are truly without consequence." The man whispered, his foot pressed down on Naruto's neck as his eyes warped with vicious chakra, "now die…die so my dreams could come to fruition." OR how a modern man reborn went against fate and its heroes.
What to expect:

In this Alternate Universe story, the focus will not be closely tied to Boruto's narrative. While ninjutsu techniques will be incorporated, shinjutsu or dōjutsu will be excluded from the plot.

There won't be any gender-bending except for Haku, as I believe the character l to be a girl still.

The story will not be a crossover, and the main character (MC) will only possess abilities within the Naruto world. Although the MC is intelligent, they won't be a genius like Orochimaru or Tobirama. They will make mistakes and misjudgments on occasion.

Jutsu will be written in alphabetic Japanese. Like Ninja Style: Clone Technique will be Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu.

Dōjutsu Explanation:

Now, let's explore the three main dōjutsu in the story, starting with the Byakugan. These eyes belong to the Hyūga clan, inherited from their ancestor, Hamura Ōtsutsuki, who received them from his mother, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. The Byakugan is pure and unevolving, so there won't be any Tenseigan in this story. The focus will remain on the original dōjutsu.

The Sharingan, on the other hand, is inherited from the God Tree and was first manifested by Kaguya after consuming the chakra fruit, granting her the Rinne-Sharingan. During this time, Kaguya gives birth to her first child, who manifests the first true sharingan in his main eyes but does not inherit the Byakugan. It's important to clarify that the Sharingan is not a dōjutsu of the Ōtsutsuki clan; it is connected to the Earth's God Tree.

The Sharingan has an evolved form known as the Mangekyou Sharingan, which grants the ability to use the Susanoo and two other unique abilities. Indra, the firstborn son of Kaguya, is considered the father of the common sharingan.

The third dōjutsu is the Rinnegan. It's crucial to note that the Rinnegan is not an evolution of the Mangekyou Sharingan. Awakening the Rinnegan doesn't involve mixing Senju chakra with Uchiha chakra. Instead, it requires gaining Ōtsutsuki genetics, like Madara and Sasuke, who received the zetsu. Additionally, one needs to acquire the unique chakra infused within pure God Tree chakra (Sage of Six Paths' chakra).

Pure Ōtsutsuki can awaken the Rinnegan by consuming a Chakra fruit or chakra pill, which manifests as an extra eye somewhere on their body. Due to Black Zetsu's meddling, Madara awakened a Rinnegan that was Hagomoro adjacent, explaining why he had access to the Gedō Mazō (Gedo Statue).

Black Zetsu was able to manipulate Asura and Indra's chakra along with whatever chakra was left in the God Tree's roots (I'm sure you saw the connected tendrils) and Hashirama's senjutsu to awaken Madara's Rinnegan. Thus the years it took.

MC power progression:

He's only advantage is chakra manipulation (internal and limited) and chakra sensing. And he is a rich civilian.

Chakra control exercises will be vividly explained in their aim, and elemental transformation will be a pivotal aspect to performing nature jutsu.

He wouldn't be super op due to certain factors mentioned within the story, and he sure as hell won't be focused on maintaining canon events.

This is not a Fix-it fic.

In canon characters I only care about goals, I don't particularly care about their significance to events that might or might not happen, or if their lives are good or not. Expect immediate divergence.

Konohagakure no Sato

Year 65 (After Founding)

The dark clouds were a mimic to the heavy gloom and sadness that enveloped the village, as final rites and somber words were spoken for those who had met their end. Sniffles of sorrow from grief-stricken loved ones could be heard, and soft cries filled the air from those who hadn't been able to settle their grief during the week that followed Kurama's rampage.

Many had fallen as was evident of the tombs erected, and their end would be felt in days to come…this was especially so for the fourth who had given his life in pure Konoha fashion, as his end would invite the probing of those villages who didn't truly view our splendid Leaf in fondness…

Perhaps if the wounds of the Third Great Ninja War weren't so new. Perhaps if the Fourth didn't turn himself into a deterrent.

…yet for all the recent suffering, the spirits of the citizens of the Leaf never wavered. Reinvigorated and emboldened by the touching words of the Third, the corp was sure to see its numbers replenished in times beyond tomorrow.

This was, after all, the perfect opportunity to evoke the Will of Fire within the citizens…and give them reason to sacrifice their lives for a better future, and a more prosperous generation.

But the future was ever unreachable — quite the insidious philosophy this Will of Fire, but I guessed we all sought need to feel worth in our existence.

Ah, greater love, indeed.

The ceremony didn't last in its duration, over in less than an hour as work was to be done for the village to return it back to adequate functionality.

I lingered, my brown eyes affixed to the tombs of my parents with borrowed sorrow. I shed no tears today, but I suffered a sad induced headache a week back when the news were delivered to me.

['Taka Kimura'] and ['Shino Imai']

I knew little of them…not directly at least, the memories of the child I now possessed were the only proxy to their identities and the life before my come about in this world.

I knew it, of course; this world I meant. It was Naruto…one would need to be an isolated tribal to not know of it, but I didn't just know it, I had been obsessed with it in my teens, and kept touch with it for nostalgia's sake.

But this was fiction meets reality so the phantasmal aspects of it were a bit dull, overshadowed by realism, and all its unsavoury effects.

I wasn't a pawn in a game of gods— I had long relinquished myself of the notion of being some sort of self-insert who could guide events of the future, become an absolute power and spearhead the conflicts to come. And while I held sympathy for the residents of this village, my empathy for them was nonexistent.

Shackled I would not be, and while still important, I refused to rely on the events of canon with absolute faith.

It was a pessimistic view, but I had long been awakened to the cruelties of optimism.

I mean Iwagakure fuckin' despised us with a passion in this reality…we had shown and written instructions for any Land of Fire merchants with hair that seemed a bit yellow, cautioning them to Iwa's countless missing-nin.

A sigh breached my lips.

With my young body, I took a knee and placed the flowers I had brought to the graves of this life's spawners. The consultation with my memory showed them to be good, if a little ambitious. Yet their influence and wealth meant I would want for nothing…and not fear being snatched by Danzō or the snake.

With the meagre advantage I had been granted in this rebirth, my lack of caution— as far as magic ninjas were concerned— would no doubt invite attention.

The uncomfortable feel of Kurama's corruptive chakra still seeped from their buried bodies, futilely trying to corrode the ambient before being smothered by its vastness. I judged only I could perceive it at this level…through an ability I had yet to put a name on.

It affected all of my senses, making me incredibly sensitive to the metaphysical energy…but with the sensory came the boosted manipulation, granting me the ability to recover my reserves quicker and deplete them rapidly.

The latter practice had seen an increase in my reserve and subsequent density by a factor of 5% within my first week.

A significant growth, especially considering that I was civilian in heritage and the first shinobi within both my bloodlines. The study I had conducted showed that those of such a beginning were destined the rank of genin, and if exceptional, chunin. Because of course ninja genetics mattered.

Still, I would not be an absolute anomaly…merely a curiosity.

The only downside to the increase in reserves was the pain of chakra exhaustion, though it did last an hour in my case.

I placed a mixture of lilies and hydrangeas on my father's grave, and a batch of chrysanthemums on my mother's.

"I will see that part of your dreams are realised should fate not favour you as it did me." My voice was low and light, unstrangled by puberty as my body was still that of a six-year old. I moved it well though, with the preparation of ninja-hood this body had been subjected to there was little effort required to achieve this grace.

Still, I would need much more practice and dedication if I were to achieve peak grace: ninja edition.

Words spoken, I stood once more and brushed the debris that had caught to my kimono and made to leave.

The academy opened within a week, and I would see my preparations done as I was sure there would be an influx.

The streets were cold and miserable, especially as one drew closer towards the ruined slums. Dimly lit alleys carried a heavy stench of decay and poverty. Crumbling buildings surrounded malnourished people and children whose hollow gazes revealed their yearning for a life beyond their means.

I walked through the suffering, unguarded in my gait. I knew that nothing of harm would before me in the vigil of daytime…as normals would never match ninja in their search for truth, especially one that involved crime.

Punishment was harsh for crime, twice more if the perpetrator was of useless origin.

It was the part the series didn't show, the misery behind the carefree outlook. I wasn't surprised, not really. Konoha wasn't a paradise, but a ninja village, where a person's value depended on the significance they brought, be it through crops, weaponry, literature, or other contributions. The shinobi clans controlled most of the resources, extending their reach beyond the village with outposts and retainers.

Becoming a noble clan required more than just dōjutsu or hiden abilities, lest one turned to banditry and raiding. Contracts needed to be made, promises secured, and alliances formed for protection and prosperity.

The shinobi villages were a way to grant safety in numbers and have easy assistance in case of emergencies.

It was a feudal society, and lives weren't equal, how could they be, in a world where superiority was so visible.

My metaphysical senses scanned over their forms, searching for the fundamental essence that made this reality truly fantastical. I wasn't surprised by what I found. They were as civilian as civilian could be, possessing only the faintest traces of chakra, enough to satisfy the requirements for Ninshū, I surmised.

Leave it to an optimist to screw an entire species… Hagaromo truly knew little of humanity despite being half-human. Sin ran deep in our veins, and benevolence was a chore to maintain.

These people…

I shook my head as I directed attention to the shinobi who were remoulding the earth with their advanced, yet unrefined, jutsu. My sensory ability allowed me greater insight into Nature Transformation, yet it was like having a house plan without the knowledge of brick laying.

I was taught hand seals and their importance in channeling and regulating chakra to manifest a desired jutsu into realism. But preparation was still foreign to me, something that I was to be taught at the academy.

These were the things I wanted learned and mastered before becoming genin.

  • Chakra Manipulation in all its entirety.
    • At present, I could stick a leaf to my head for a minute before running out of chakra. I needed to be able to move it at will and do so with little effort. The same was true for tree walking and stick-exercising. Control would make so jutsu demanded little chakra in their use while providing excellent effectiveness.
    • Shaping or Moulding was the easiest part thanks to my ability. Even now, I could feel the augmentation on my limbs, senses, mind and muscles. Though I couldn't push my augmentations to their fullest due to my tiny reserves, I was still capable of the feat with surprising ease.
      • Moulding also allowed me to produce chakra faster, along with transforming chakra to nature chakra quicker (no wonder a lot of people preferred Ninpō, far less steps).
  • Taijutsu Style that favoured efficiency over strength, it should also pair well with my Ninjutsu, though not be dependent on it. I wasn't above using ninja tools and poisons…or genjutsu I wondered if I needed to acquire a sharingan in the future.
    • I would need to master throwing weapons and trajectory prediction. As for weapon mastery, I would aim for adequate proficiency.
      • Find a way to acquire a fully awakened sharingan, compatible sharingan. Priority!
  • Jutsu Refinement and Accumulation, all jutsu should be refined to their utmost mastery. Perfect chakra control would reduce the need for hand seals. But understanding could make one as dangerous with a simple jutsu as Shunshin no Shisui.
    • Henge no Jutsu could be used as Chimera and add flexibility and versatility to simple jutsu, Madara's Tengai Shinseiwas a use of three different hand seals weaved simultaneously to produce one single jutsu via his pseudo Chimera Susanoo.
      • This meant that I could achieve some level of enhanced jutsu production, or pseudo kekkei genkai if I managed the chimera technique…that's in theory of course.

Still, a lot of these things would require research and experimentation. But I was patient in my want for greatness…and as I looked more at the unfortunates that littered this part of the village, I felt a resolve of something form in my heart.

Their lack of power and potential meant they were excluded and discriminated against, but even then, the village was still safer than the outside, were nuke-nin, bandits, monsters and wild animals roamed free.

Slavery wasn't illegal in this world… and so were many other things unless you were a citizen or a noble.

These were the people Orochimaru should have experimented on, not Konoha citizens, not war potentials, not clan members.

My extreme view on this was mainly because I fell under the potentially experimented, and I was still weak.

It wasn't the nature of the experiment that troubled Hiruzen, but the callous disregard for Konoha's future and the essence of the Will of Fire. The true strength of the village lies in protecting and nurturing its citizens, not exploiting or sacrificing them for personal gain or power.

Of course, I was far removed from that sacrificial ideology, this second chance at life I'd use to see my wants and desires fulfilled. I wasn't saviour, but also not heartless.

I was home before long, greeted by the empty echo of a house that was once filled with life. The supplies I had bought I placed in my room before initiating my training.

Totsu Kimura would be a name feared more, and a legend on par with those few greats.
2. Academy and Geniuses
Konohagakure no Sato
Year 67
Hiruzen POV

"I see," Sarutobi said, his expression contemplative as he carefully considered the report delivered by Team 2's leader. The information aligned well with what he had gathered from his ANBU operatives, who had been keeping an eye on Minazuki-san due to Danzō's concerns about his inferiority complex. It appeared that Danzō had been overly paranoid.

He shifted a bit on his chair, settling himself into a more comfortable posture. The ANBU in his office tensed at the movement, readying themselves to attack at quick notice.

Recent incidents had made them slightly paranoid, it seemed.

The Sandaime gave pass to this behaviour, and focused back on the jōnin.

'I wonder what Danzō saw in you that painted your image in such a bad light in his eyes.' Albeit the Shinobi no Yami had been rather disagreeable ever since he found out of Sarutobi's indecisiveness when he confronted his former student.

Orochimaru's betrayal was truly a blow…and to think he had been considering passing on the title of Godaime to him.

Dispelling those thoughts, he brought attention back to this recent development within the renewed team 2.

The Sandaime couldn't help but feel relieved that this new team had achieved a greater synergy. However, he wished it could have been that way from the beginning, without the tragic loss of one of their shinobi, no matter how seemingly insignificant.

He knew he would need to question those responsible for team assignments. Their primary task was to ensure that genin assigned to teams had greater compatibility, not harbor resentment like the deceased genin seemed to have had for the prodigious Uchiha…

Even now the echoes of that night still lingered, and because of the evident takeover shown within the Kyūbi's eyes refute was impossible without political ramifications. least, the bright side was that Itachi had managed to awaken his sharingan during the ordeal. The reports spoke of him being no less of a prodigy with it as he was with everything else.

'Truly, mastering the dōjutsu within several months? I'm quite sure such a feat is unheard of.' Sarutobi thought in astonishment. Even young Kakashi hadn't become this hastily proficient with his gifted sharingan, although he did have the excuse of receiving the eye from Obito.

The closest who came to this feat were Kagami and his descendant, Shisui.

Turning his attention back to the jōnin, Sarutobi inquired, "And what of the masked-nin? Had he attacked your team again?"

The investigation they conducted provided little information on the identity of this mysterious shinobi, as no one seemed to match his skill set.

Minazuki shook his head in response, "We haven't encountered him again. I believe the last encounter was merely an unfortunate twist of fate, Sandaime-sama."

Sarutobi considered another possibility, wondering if the rogue-nin might have been targeting Tenma Izumo. Itachi's recount seemed to support this hypothesis. After all, if the masked-nin's goal was to eliminate their employer, there was no need for him to target Konoha-nin, as it would only make him an enemy of the entire village and land him in their bingo books.

Still, the hypothesis of targeting Izumo-san left the question of why such a seemingly unremarkable genin was a potential target. His parents had been chūnin level at best, earning their rank through intelligence rather than physical prowess.

Putting aside that line of thought for the moment, Sarutobi decided to delve into another matter.

"Is Itachi holding up well? While we conducted some psychological evaluations, I would like to hear your input as his sensei."

Minazuki nodded, responding, "He had been understandably shaken, but he showed signs of recovery after the first month. I noticed he has grown more determined and focused on his training as well."

"What about connectivity? Any reluctance?"

The jōnin's expression turned thoughtful, which reassured Sarutobi. It meant that the shinobi wasn't overly suspicious of every action taken by the genin and didn't view Itachi in a negative light.

"Not quite," Minazuki-san replied, "though he is a bit too vigilant during our missions, even going as far as keeping his sharingan active."

Sarutobi knew that Itachi possessed significant chakra reserves for an Uchiha thus the feat wasn't something outside the realm of possibility, although the density of his chakra left much to be desired. However, Itachi's exceptional chakra control compensated for this disadvantage.

Regarding Itachi's vigilance, it was a common trait among loyal shinobi who had experienced misfortune at a young age. Despite that, it seemed Itachi was determined to prevent any further harm befalling his teammates from rogue attacks.

Sarutobi let his stern visage fade, a small smile etching on his features as he nodded at the jōnin.

"Good work, Minazuki-san. Continue to guide and watch over them, as they are the future of our village." He turned to look out his window, "You and your team will rest this weekend, and resume duty and training on Monday."

"Understood, Hokage-sama."

The jōnin left without further prompting, and Sarutobi let out a sigh of exhaustion, sinking into the tender embrace of the cushioned chair.

Subconsciously, his hand slipped into his robes and produced his pipe which he lit with an easy flex of his Fire Transformation mastery. With an eager drag, smoke filled his lungs, and the aged kage let it simmer before letting it out.

His eyes flicked towards the file of graduates and team reassignments delivered by Funeno Daikoku.

This year had no individuals with greater potential…but those were a once in a generation occurrence. And they already had Itachi Uchiha.

The only person worth note within the academy was Hana Inuzuka, and only because she was the heiress to her clan. Izumi Uchiha had also been a candidate for someone with exceptional talent, but it seemed her early awakening of her dōjutsu didn't equate to greater physical prowess.

Or proficiency in its other aspects.

Yet again, these two were still second year students moving to third year. There was still time for them to mature.

Totsu POV

The Academy had been different from what I had expected, and it still remained so. Instead of the romanticized expectations of heroic deeds, it primarily focused on essential skills that a shinobi needed to carry out their assignments with utmost efficiency. Topics like killing, fighting, stalking, hiding, medicine, camping, and cold reading were discussed and taught with an unsettling nonchalance, as if they were everyday, mundane subjects.

This world served as a constant reminder that morals were subjective, shaped by the views and agreements of society, and there existed no absolute truth of good or bad set in stone. While the intention was not to turn students into monsters, it certainly aimed to instill aggressive nationalism.

And I was morally flexible.

A part of me appreciated the process, finding it eerily similar to what I had tried to achieve with my siblings in relation to the superiority of our family. I truly believed that my bloodline had been supreme in its make, despite the countless evidence suggesting otherwise. But I had been loyal to my family…and as I looked at the instructors talk about Konoha, I could see the same loyalty shining in their eyes.

This was year 2 in the Academy, approaching the last days in this grade before moving on to the next.

It had been a calmer year, and I had come to appreciate my stay at the Academy. The droning annoyance of the kids had become bearable after I had shown my disfavour for mingling about…unlike the loud and obnoxious Iruka, who had graduated a few months after my attendance started…

Truly, it was uncanny how he and Naruto had such similar personalities.

As for me, I was recluse and distant, I didn't try to interact with the kids, lest I ended up manipulating them. The attitude was understandable, after all, I had just lost my parents, but I didn't want eyes on me, so I was cautious yet not restrained.

Cloaked under my clothes was a piece of paper that danced on my skin…guided by the soft control of my chakra. At this point, the exercise served nothing, but I had grown fond of it. I was sure my control was nigh-perfect, the rigorous training I had subjected myself to didn't lack dedication.

So far I had been successful in being inconspicuous, both in strength and mind. The only time I had felt a subdued chakra shadow me was a few months after the Kyūbi attack, when I had started donating much of my funds to assist in the rebuild and the unfortunate homeless.

The attempt had earned me favour and clout but it was a bit suspicious for a child to possess such forethought.

That hadn't been a mere act of benevolence, but a calculated risk to further dissuade any attempts at capture from the notorious duo, though the snake had gone rogue, I knew he still kept in contact with the extremist.

I gazed out the window, the warmth of the sun and the gentle dance of branches on a typical spring day enveloped me. Chirping birds filled the air, creating a tranquil yet uneventful atmosphere that reminded me of my childhood. I recalled those days spent sitting under a shaded tree in the quiet countryside, pondering why I seemed to be without any true friends.

The answer had been obvious even back then, I hated noise and I hated pointless motion… I never fitted in with my peers, and as years passed by, I found myself finding comfort in my loneliness and proxied entertainment through a screen.

It took a moment before the mood faded and I was brought back to reality and the active bustle of the class.

"…never linger in the air, and always make sure to favour the ground when pursued by enemies."

Hisata-sensei stood front of the room, explaining the importance of distance determination and perception honing while tree hopping. There were a few obstacles she used to demonstrate.

She was one of the more liked instructors among the students, and it wasn't just because she was an engaging teacher, but a person of great beauty. Despite being a shinobi, her body was more voluptuous in its make, with a bountiful rump and an ample chest, coupled with a soft beautiful face with long black hair.

Not once I had sensed some of the male instructors discreetly leering her during her classes as she was prone to movement…a free display of alluring bounce.

Perhaps that was the reason she had chosen to be an instructor, she was a walking bundle of allure, no doubt she would have been familiar with sexual assaults had she taken an active role.

"But sensei, what if the pursuit happens in a crowded forest, wouldn't it be more efficient to tree hop?"

The instructor shook her head…

"Tree hopping is similar to ninjutsu, unless you are proficient with it, it will only serve as a hindrance if used or relied upon in combat," she explained, "and while in mid-air, it allows your enemy an opportunity to predict your motions while granting you limited movement."

Many of the students groaned as this was one of the few things they actually looked forward to doing and mastering… And it was quite easy to master, I had done so within the first month of school. The problems Hisana-sensei had raised were actually easy to overcome with a bit of battle awareness.

But I was stuck with kids, critical thinking, if this could even be called that, wasn't exactly their strong suit. They weren't emboldened like I was, and took to lessons with less enthuse and nonchalance, some still struggled with hand seals…while others had yet to execute a punch with flawless form.

In that regard, I was a genius…albeit a softer one. I had learned most of the programs within my first year, and had gained proficiency in my second. I was still a far cry from the likes of Itachi, who had been my classmate for about a month before being moved up, but I was also born with a severe disadvantage.

My reserves had just now hit what was necessary for a genin, while his were chunin before even hitting puberty— it was an unfair world.

It wasn't only the chakra advantage but the genetic advantages as well, being from a clan and a celestial descendant, the Uchiha weren't quite human in their physiology— superior even. Their chakra was unique, body stronger and more attuned to the energy than humans…

They took to its application faster than we could…and had a direct bloodline of the Jūbi.

I wasn't bitter of course, I had not intended for myself to graduate from the Academy quickly, I would take my time and refine…research, and become a powerhouse once I was ready to stray and begin my path.
3. Pre-Shinobi
Totsu POV

I met Anko today.

"Hurry up, you cocky little bastard! Fight me!"

No, this wasn't her. This was a stubborn classmate of mine who couldn't stomach the fact that I had been moved up a class, and I was the top student within the fourth years. It was a spur of a moment decision that I regretted no sooner after I had made it.

I needed time…no matter how boring and inconsequential I found the Academy. Time here gave me freedom to further hone my already exemplary skills…and as my recent encounter with the snake's student had shown, an opportunity to branch off into other interesting disciplines I had neglected.

Like Juinjutsu and Senjutsu.

"Calm down, Hagiri," Funeno-sensei cautioned with a slight frown on his normally jovial face, "remember, this spar is meant to help the students with their taijutsu skills, not a brawl."

Hagiri didn't look in any way chastised, glaring at me with utter disdain. I lamented the fact that I had to deal with Itachi and Izumi's baggage…I truly wasn't fond of beating up kids, no matter how bastard they were.

With a sigh, I stepped into the circle, disregarding the whispers and murmurs from my classmates. The outcome of this match was clear to all of us, except for Hagiri, of course. It wasn't because I was considerably stronger than my opponent; I had taken precautions to conceal the majority of my capabilities. The truth was, Hagiri was hilariously weak.

They all were, but the bully was the most vocally unliked so his insignificance was widely known, and errors magnified.

Funeno-sensei urged us to perform the seal of confrontation. We did so, two fingers held in front of us as we glared at each other— Hagiri glared, I merely looked at him calmly, wondering how to end this battle without much inflicted injury.

A moment passed as we stood, the day's wind rustling both my untied hair and shirt, before our sensei signalled:


He moved first, zooming toward me with a lunging thrust intended for my left shoulder. The speed was at least impressive…for a second year.

I spun — counter clockwise — and avoided while also deflecting his attack with my pocketed left arm, elbow to his cheek. Simultaneously, i counterattacked with a measured punch to his left ribs, relying on the momentum of his failed attack to amplify the effectiveness of my punch.


The attack connected, and the air within Hagiri's lungs left him as he staggered aside, pained and dazed.

Allow me to once more reiterate, Hagiri was weak. Not just strength-wise but in endurance too. The fact that a lazy punch from an eight year old — and I did maintain laxity in my strength— left him this disoriented was honestly laughable.

Exerting force beneath the ground and gaining height for my follow up, I managed to catch the slightly disappointed look on Funeno-sensei's face as I rotated.

Hagiri recovered and turned just in time, receiving an angulated tornado kick on his neck, the force of it dragging him out of the ring. Of course, he wasn't knocked out or significantly injured, my final attack only applied force upon connection to mimic the effects of push.

This time the bully recovered quickly and tried to retaliate, unaware that he already lost. Unfortunately, Funeno-sensei called for him to stop.


"But sensei I can sti—"

He tried to reason but Funeno-sensei cut him off.

"You have been pushed out the circle, Hagiri. Totsu wins." He beckoned for the bully to come closer, "Now perform the seal of reconciliation to reestablish the bond of comradery."

Hagiri grumbled but still complied, I did so as well, feeling no glory save for my kept promise to limit injuries to a minimum. Our classmates weren't so restrained, wearing my victory as if it was their own.

Important to realise was that despite my celebrated victory I was still not liked, I was merely disliked less than my opponent in this bout. As someone who skipped a grade— especially after someone as famed as Itachi and a stubborn as Izumi— I was viewed as a privileged intruder at best… and briber at worst.

Despite his tendencies, I held no ill will but sympathy towards Hagiri. He was one of the few kids in our academy who had been orphaned by the Kyūbi attack and left to the tender mercies of the village. The village, despite its leniency, didn't coddle; instead, it sought to harness the potential within chakra-gifted individuals to shape them into capable shinobi…even if they only became meat shields.

Because being a shinobi wasn't a profession, but a commitment.

As we left, rejoining the rest, I sensed Funeno-sensei's studying gaze burn into the back of my neck. The suspicion wasn't unfamiliar…long had he expected some kind of deception from my part, especially with the oddity of my attacks despite their lack of injury.

The thing was, I always attacked vitals…executions that would spell the death of an opponent if they were ever coupled with intent.

The punch I delivered could have been an instant kill if I had a kunai with me, plus I was stupidly proficient with Hien (Flying Swallow)…because adjustable length was always an advantage.

As for the tornado kick, all it needed was sufficient strength to break an opponent's neck, or shatter it if I was feeling particularly cautious.

Still, what I showed was killing proficiency and measured movements, while impressive, there were nothing to write home about. My ninjutsu was untested and unknown, reserves suppressed to that of a genin, and sensory abilities unmeasured and unsuspected.

If I was to judge my strength, I would rank somewhere within the lower ranks of jōnin (C), due to my lack of jutsu, mass and muscle, and inability to combat a group of chūnin ranked shinobi.

My refined mastery over the basic three would give me an edge in a forested area though, especially since I had learned to incorporate my Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Jutsu)and Chakra Threads to fool sensory types shinobi and dōjutsu wielders by giving the Bunshin a chakra network.

As for my Shunshin, I suspected that a Sharingan or Byakugan was necessary to peak it to my required level. Still, I was still masterful with them, to the point where I could perform them without hand seals and still achieve greater speed even with little focus.

Though what I excelled in was the Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Jutsu), my sensory abilities proved a greater advantage than I had expected. I was beginning to suspect that the reason why the Nidaime and Yondaime were so fast and able to use the Hirashin (Flying Thunder God) to an unnatural level was because of them being hyper sensitive to chakra.

It also explained why sensory type shinobi were able to counter them as well. Case in point, Madara and Naruto were able to not just dodge, but counter opponents who moved faster than they did.

Distanced from the gathered crowd, I watched at the following battles, uncharmed by their styles or skills. Only two students had been able to trance me in their fluency and unique taijutsu, both of them had been heirs of their clans. Itachi and Hana.

And while the latter lacked any personal talent, she had been smart enough to be able to utilise her clan's techniques with adequate skill.

Unfortunately the Inuzuka taijutsu skill was similar to the Jūken (Gentle Fist) of the Hyūga, it was modelled after their clan's Hiden, as the Jūken was reliant on the celestial dōjutsu for even its most basic functions.

Even now, I couldn't believe that the Hyūga have sacrificed so much in their pursuit of uniqueness. Sure, while the Jūken was dangerous, it was incompatible with anything else, denying the Hyūga shinobi to even be able to use Ninjutsu in battle without opening themselves to attacks or grave opportunities.

And because the kata was taught to the members at such a young age— a calculated move to maximise the effectiveness of the Jūken upon the awakening of the Byakugan— relearning common kata was nigh-possible, lest the end product be subpar.

A pair of steps interrupted me from my musings and watch of the sloppy combat happening about. Looking, I found the approach of one of my classmates, Osaru Rikini.

She was a more likeable of the many girls within my class, sociable yet considerate…and perhaps most of all, talented and determined in the pursuit of excellence. Plus in a way, she reminded me of Rin, possessing the same brown eyes and hair the dead girl had, though without the markings.

"Totsu-kun, what are you doing this far back from everyone?" She asked in way of greeting.

I let a smile claim my features, its formation genuine.

"C'mon, Osaru-senpai, you know most of the class doesn't like me. Plus if I'm this far, I won't be able to sour their moods."

What was left unsaid was that I didn't enjoy the noise they were all making…discussing and arguing about who was the best or the most cutest.

Osaru pouted, "I told you not to call me that, Totsu-kun."

I couldn't resist milking the Japanese honorifics for all they were worth, especially since I had been quite the weeaboo for Japanese media in my life-before.

A bonus was that despite her outward expression, I knew that Osaru, just like all the other kids, secretly enjoyed the title of respect. It made them feel like they were still superior to me in some regard.

…what could I say, I liked seeing kids happy.

Osaru came to sit next to me and gazed at the fights as well.

"Congratulations on your victory, by the way. Even though I think you should have been more harsher on Hagiri."

I just shrugged, dangling my legs over the tree branch.

"You know he won't stop harassing you if you just keep ignoring him."

"He won't stop harassing me regardless, besides, all Hagiri-senpai ever do is call me names," I turned and looked at the girl, "it's not like any of you guys believe him."

"That's because he's a loudmouth moron who likes saying lies about anyone he doesn't like."

Ah, it was the Naruto treatment, except this time it was somewhat deserved, at least from a child's point of view.

Hagiri, along with his friends, Tenma and Katsura had been attention seeking bullies due to their shared pain of having lost their loved ones during the Kyūbi attack.

The poor boy not only lost his mother and sister, but the friends he had made excelled beyond him, leaving him behind at the academy…with Tenma dying at Obito's hands.

But credit where it was due, Hagiri never wavered in his hatred for the Uchiha unlike the other two.

"Hey, can you show me that leaf exercise thingy again," Osaru asked.

I wasn't surprised. Despite the young age, the kid was a shinobi, albeit one in training. And like I had said, she was oddly determined.

"Still trying to become a genjutsu specialist, Osaru-senpai?"

I idly asked, of which she nodded, "Suzume-sensei says I need to have better chakra control if I want to be one."

Ah, the kuniochi instructor. She was an odd one that one.

I plucked two leaves and gave to Osaru. I placed my leaf on my forehead and let it stick.

"Focus your chakra on the section where you've placed your leaf and pull it," I instructed.

The objective was to be able to create isolated push and pulls through one's own body and manipulate the objects place on it. Of course, I made sure to botch the process and instructions a bit just in case dear Osaru was playing spy.

…because like I said, she was still a shinobi.
4. Stalking and Curses
Konohagakure no Sato
Year 68

Totsu POV

I had stalker tendencies…

It had been a month since I'd met Anko Mitarashi— it was less a meeting and more the identification of her love bite. It wasn't a surprise to me, anime and reality were entirely different, and unless a person had perceivable distinction to their character, It was nigh-impossible to identify them based on their 2D rendition.

Anko wasn't her dangerously flirtatious, scantily dressed counterpart…

What a disappointment that

…but a more angry and biting version who was still evidently affected by the snake's betrayal and the caution people seemed to direct her way whenever she was in close proximity.

Her reaction to their behaviour was pure and hurtful…angry at the unearned mistrust but at the same time understanding their view, or at least I hoped she did. I wondered if she ever wished that she could have fled with the snake…probably not. Yet I knew her feelings weren't entirely simple regarding the matter.

But back to my initial admission…I had stalker tendencies. It wasn't a thing that was discouraged within the village— quite the opposite in fact. It helped with stealth capabilities, for both the stalker and stalked.

My way of doing it was subtle, relying on my sensory abilities to keep tabs on people of interest…I was rarely in the same proximity of those I stalked unless coincidencedictated otherwise.

I moved expertly throughout the crowd, my smaller stature and ninja-grace rendering the difficulty of such a task void. Bustle had returned to Konoha, and the people were ever-happy for it.

Many of the stance owners waved to me, recognising. I had been supportive of many businesses, the inheritance and influence from my parents' businesses weren't insignificant. Sponsors, loaning and donations…I had a bit of a reputation, and with the skills and information from my past life, I had been able to introduce some new ideas to this world.

Like you know, new architectural styles, fashions, food, and the likes. Granted I only did so in my spare moment, and in businesses far off from the village, tax was a bitch.

But I digress.

The reason for my interest in Anko wasn't because of her character or my fascination with the person she would become or any such thing. I was interested in her Ten no Juin (Curse Seal of Heaven), more specifically, the section within the Fūin seal that was able to siphon off chakra from the individual and store it within the Juinjutsu seal to be used on when the seal was activated.

Anko's Ten no Juin was the first edition, one without the incorporated function of converting the chakra stored into senjutsu through the altered method of Jūgo's clan's Senninka (Sage Transformation). It only served to condition her body and chakra network to be able to house Orochimaru's soul remnant— though with the lack of use, the conditioning was rather slow.

Honestly, I would have rather it had been the perfected version. My primary want into delving within the forbidden world of Juinjutsu was to find a way to acquire Natural Energy…since I knew that chances of being taught Sennin Mōdo (Sage Mode) were slim, much less finding a summons contract that practiced the art.

After all, to this day, they had ever been four senjutsu masters and half of them were deficient, and 75% of them dead.

I was a realist.

Anyway, I had spent the month studying and practicing Fūinjutsu. The discipline wasn't easy, it was like advanced calculus with hints of quantum physics. And honestly, I didn't think I could ever master its entirety like the Nidaime had…especially without the Uzumaki's Shiki Technique.

But it wasn't just the theoretical side of it that was difficult but the requirements needed to execute it…much less in the midst of combat. High reserves, high density or proficiency in chakra moulding, and exemplary chakra control.

Luckily, I was only focused in Juinjutsu, and had a few numbers of examples to help create my very own. Orochimaru's Ten no Juin, The Hyūga's Kago no Tori no Juin (Caged Bird Curse Seal), Danzō's Zekka Konzetsu no In(Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal), and the Nidaime and Yondaime's Hirashin Shiki.

All were everlasting Juinjutsu, all of them were highly detrimental if placed upon a person. This was especially so for the Hirashin Shiki since Minato had enough mastery to place it with just a touch and make it invisible.

I didn't need that much refinement, and had already made a prototype genjutsu based Juinjutsu that focused on mind control. It was easily broken, any one with elementary chakra awareness (academy student) could break free of it and remove it.

But it was a step into the right direction.

I entered into the ramen stand, taking in the alluring smell of delicious food.

Ah, Ichiraku ramen was truly a feast. I had hated ramen in my past life— broke college days would do that to a man— but Teuchi's unique style of cooking the meal rekindled my love for it.

The stance was a bit out of the way, though it never failed to attract customers during lunch hours.

Today there were only two people occupying the seats, an elderly man and a young boy, basically a three year old. Blond hair and bright blue eyes with whisker marks on his cheeks, it was impossible to mistake Naruto, the other occupant the Sandaime, the old man didn't even bother switching out of his haori.

My eyes widened, feigning surprise at the sight of the Hokage. Of course I sensed the duo from a block away, and even though this was my first time meeting Naruto, I could sense, albeit with much focus, his Hakke no Fūin Shiki(Eight Trigram Sealing Jutsu) on his abdomen and the uncanny density of his chakra in just a small vessel.

No wonder this kid had trouble with chakra control, I mean his chakra was as dense as Hiruzen, and the old man was a Kage, a powerful one at that.

The Sandaime looked at me and smiled — a grandfatherly thing — before signalling for me to not make a ruckus. I didn't intend to, but I guessed him being the Hokage and being in public was course for attention.

I sat a bit further from them…and listened in on their conversation while dissecting Naruto's chakra, and how exactly it intertwined with his abnormal physiology.

As was the wont with Asura's spirit inheritors.

"…..njoying yourself, Naruto."

"Dis is gud stuff, Jiji! It's way yummier than da food Neko-chan cooks for me!" Naruto replied happily, wiping his mouth with his arm, not paying much attention to the stains he was transferring to his shirt. The kid was certainly a high spirit!

The Sandaime chuckled in turn, patting him on the head, "And what exactly is it that Neko-chan cooks for you?"

"She cooks those yucky tree things dat those oba-san sell. They don't taste nice, Jiji, but Neko-chan doesn't give me sweets if I don't finish them." The Jinchūriki complaint.

"Well, first off, they are not tree thi—"

I withdrew attention and focused on the seven year old looking at me, waiting to take my order.

"Tonkotsu with roasted pork, please." I handed young Ayame the payment with a small smile. She blushed at the expression, taking the ryo bills and scurrying away.

I tilted my head in confusion, did what I thought just happened really happen? Directing my senses to the girl, I found her chakra churning in what decided was embarrassed delight…

Oh boy!

Despite what most believed, kids didn't really swoon over other kids in the academy…at least not those below 5th years. Ayame…might be an outlier in that regard. Perhaps the countless smooching couples that frequented this place led to her getting the talk early.

Naturally, I wasn't fond of grooming kids…and I actually believed in true love, especially when it was in regard to girls I actually respected. Ayame was one of the few female characters I had liked in Naruto, along with Shizuka, Shizune and Konan.

"Those other kids like to whine, Jiji, and they get tired pretty easily…"

Returning attention back to the duo, Naruto was regaling the Sandaime with his plays in the park…I was sure he thought chasing them was some sort of game because he did say Neko-chan pulled him away when the kids' oba-san— he was referring to their mothers— started to yell at him.

His stories were both saddening and innocent.

Yeah, it was fucked up how isolated and ignorant the kid was…he didn't even know what parents were or even social cues. Granted he was still three but even three year olds knew that crying meant wrong.

The Sandaime should arrange play dates for him with the clan kids, at least they would be able to keep up with his boundless stamina…

"Would you like another bowl, Naruto-kun?"



…naturally, I knew why that wouldn't be a good idea. Naruto was a Jinchūriki and Jinchūriki were volatile at such a young age. At this moment, Naruto's emotions only range from excited, disappointed, and mild sadness. He never experienced deeper emotions as they would lead to anger.

And no one wanted a mini-kyūbi tearing apart a kid just because he hurt his friend. Plus a Jinchūriki befriended to a clan was a big no-no.

So, yeah…

The villagers didn't hate him— at least most of them didn't— but they ignored him— mainly because any attempt of deeper emotions would be met with interrogation and suspicion— and the Sandaime's decree also meant they couldn't spread or discuss word of his true identity.

It was…a complicated situation, but a common occurrence in regard to Jinchūriki. Sad was how Naruto was denied so much…but such was reality, uncaring and indiscriminate.

"…to be when you grow up?"

"I wanna be like dat one oba-san who gives Neko-chan sweets, so I can eat 'em whenever I want." Naruto exclaimed…and then his eyes widened with an idea, "hey, Jiji, when we finish here I'm gonna take you to her so she can give you sweets too, but you have to give me many of them after."

I almost busted out laughing… This kid, was that supposed to be some kind of manipulation tactic?

"Oh, you don't want to be like Neko-chan?"

Real subtle there, Sandaime-sama. The fact that he even kept up the illusion of choice was honestly admirable and devious. I wished I had that kind of patience and manipulative excellence…

"Nah, all Neko-chan knows how to do is make yucky food and hiding. I know how to hide, and I don't wanna make yucky food."

There wasn't any reaction from the Sandaime, he merely patted Naruto's head and promised him to show him how to not make yucky food. Still, the boy was malleable, and there was time to shape his psyche.

This was already different from the series, but it was fiction meets reality thus some things needed to be changed to match realism.

My only question was how would this Naruto develop.

My food came, and I indulged in it with gusto while subtly deciphering the flow of concealing mechanism within the Hakke no Fūin Shiki in hopes of replicating it somewhat.
5. Personal Growth
Konohagakure no Sato
Year 68


Amidst the green field I stood patient as the gentle summer breeze caress my clothes and tousle my hair. But I was lost to the evening caress, however, my focus grasped by my recent creation…jutsu.

Chakra churned in my abdomen, molding and transforming into my preferred shape. I opened my eyes with a snap, and my hands flew into motion to execute the hand seals of the jutsu I had been preparing.

Hitsuji (Ram).

"Doton: Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu!"

The vocalisation was unnecessary, but I wasn't locked in combat thus I indulged. The earth beneath my feet rambled and injected into my feet, streaming out a moment later before transforming into a formation of rocks that swiftly took the shape of a form mirroring my image.

Upon the jutsu's completion, half of my chakra reserves had depleted, drained by the considerable amount of energy I had pumped into it, and my tenketsu burned from such a substantial influx.

A fleeting sense of weakness overcame me, staggering me enough to get me to one knee. As I knelt, the ambient chakra began to rush into my network, emboldened by my finer control.

I was not fond of this feeling, I concluded.

"The performance of this jutsu was pathetic," came a pitched and young voice, urging me to glance up at the frowning face of my first solid Bunshin, which was inspecting its body and the surroundings with a not so enthusiastic look. It was strange to hear my own voice from a mouth not my own.

…at least not truly my own.

It had short, dark grey hair that framed its youthful face. Big, brown eyes conveying a hint of seriousness and a frowning expression that added to its soft charm. The Bunshin was dressed in knee-reaching black shorts and a soft greenish-grey shirt, it exuded an aura of childish determination that made the whole image look rather cute…

My god, this was how I looked like?

Amused, I stood with a steadying stagger…recovering as I made to reply, "It was. I've only recently learned the jutsu, and I wanted to test its limitations quickly. How do you feel?"

It wasn't a lie what my Bunshin said, the Doton jutsu was slow and required a catalyst in the form of earth that gets reabsorbed into the user, momentarily immobilizing them.

A severe disadvantage in combat… But Ōnoki was able to perform it without a catalyst and while also inflight.

It would take some time and effort to reach that level…even more if I wanted fast performance without hand seals.

While many might see my equation to the Third Tsuchikage as arrogant, I was, in fact, fully capable of mastering earth jutsu to that proficiency and in a reduced time, as Earth was my nature.

It wasn't what I had wanted, but it was what I got. Plus I had already mastered its transformation and acquired many of its jutsu. In the same boat was Fire, and a semi-complete mastery in Wind chakra — transforming it still had a lag of half a second and a conscious need for focus.

"I'm unrestrained, except for the fact that I only have access to Earth Chakra, which limits my jutsu options. I may be stronger and more durable than you, but I'm also slower and less versatile," it admitted without much fuss. Its personality was more direct and honest, I noted, but that had been what I was aiming for.

This was good…great, in a fact I could design the personality of my solid Bunshin. It was a simple feature that many lacked…and I had been spoiled by Naruto's excessive usage of Kage Bunshin that I had unconsciously thought personality retainment was a feature in all Bunshinvariants…that had been a rude awakening.

Another unfortunate was I couldn't integrate an offensive mechanism upon its defeat like Kakashi could with his Raiton: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, but then again, the base for that was the Kage Bunshin, and I still don't know how to make one, or even if I had the capacity to make one.

Disregarding those thoughts, I brought attention back to my Bunshin.

"Expected. I'm guessing you have access to all my other skills?" He nodded, "then take a stance, I need to truly test just how strong I truly am."

"Any restrictions?" It asked as it complied, mirroring my own stance.

'The arrogance in this one,' I mused with a quirked smile.

"I will refrain from using Ninjutsu outside the Academy Ninpō, you are free to use anything."

"Then come!"

In that fleeting moment, a tacit understanding passed between us, and we silently infused our bodies with an abundance of chakra, pushing past our baser limits. I could feel adrenaline unlock my restricted potential.

Clone POV

Earth chakra subsumed it, augmenting its overall capabilities and maintaining the enhancements with a steady stream of chakra through its phenomenal handle over the manipulation…

The creator, swift and decisive, made the first move, exploding into motion as he closed the distance to the clone with astonishing speed, reminding it of its lesser status in this bout.

He blurred through the air, launching a cutting kick aimed to end the fight in one decisive strike. It seemed the creator was truly serious about gauging his progress.

Had the spars at Academy not been enough…or the chūnin he so often spied on in their training.

However, they shared battle sense, and the clone was not caught unbalanced. Body reacting without much conscious input, it quickly brought two fingers to its face and let its chakra stir and solidify as one of the refined basic jutsu came to mind converted…

"Doton," it whispered with a jump as the earthen chakra grasped into the ground, "Kawarimi no Jutsu!"

In a flash, a chunk of rock took the clone's place, shattering upon impact with the creator's vacuuming kick. It emerged a second later, unwinded, chakra churning as it went to slot another jutsu, this one unrefined. in its retaliatory counterattack.

Its hands flew into motion and ended with the seal of confrontation, earth chakra moulded in its mouth…

Doton: Iwa Sutoraiki!

A stone pebble shot out with true aim…

But the creator proved a predictor as well, his hands blurring as shuriken and kunai were flung, each with their own target. The kunai deftly deflected the jutsu aside, but the shuriken found no purchase save for the the dismissal of the unmassed illusion.

The clone had substituted itself with a dust clone, a result of conjuring the Academy Bunshin with earth chakra.

Totsu eyes widened…

Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu!

The pebble exploded into a cloud of dust, obstructing vision as the clone shot out from the ground of which it had hidden, appearing within striking range, delivering an aggressive punch towards the creator's ribs. It's attack rippled and parted the air as it vacuumed past it…whistling.


Failure met its expectations as its punch met a soft tap of downward redirection at the hand of its opponent, before it felt a sharp impact erupting from its cheek as its vision shifted.


Its jaw had been cracked…and weakened. The fact was had it been mortal then that attack would have been enough to take it out of the fight.

Realization hit it—it had forgotten that Totsu relied more on his chakra sense than his vision, a countermeasure against Sharingan users with a focus on genjutsu. Vision clouding techniques would do it no favours.

The earthen construct quickly made to counter, separating its captured limb from the rest of its body at the risk of reducing its overall reserves by a sizeable factor.

…and not a moment too soon as a chakra thread guided kunai struck where its head had been.

Seizing the opportunity and the advantage of its lack of nerves, the clone whirled with a hastened reverse roundhouse kick.


The shockwave from the impact dispersed the shroud the earth based smoke ball had caused, leaving behind a clear image of the creator having halted the attack with his left palm, as the limb had rushed to protect his right shoulder.

The grip tightened, but the clone was just as decisive. It chose to detach yet another limb, pushing toward the ground to create distance.

Its opponent tossed the crumbling limb to the side, revealing the damage it had inflicted. Two of the creator's fingers were broken. Dislocated.

"You need to consider picking up Iryō Ninjutsu," it said as it shoved its remaining hand to the ground, pulsing its chakra to reconstruct its missing limbs.

Its opponent patiently waited, inspecting his injured hand. "I know, though I don't know how to do so without going through the right channels," he answered with little change in his tone, indicating that his pain tolerance exercises had been successful.

As the clone stood and tested its new limbs, it found them adequate but slightly weaker than the original due to its reduced reserves. It looked at its opponent and suggested, "Then reverse-engineer it like most of the jutsu in your repertoire. I doubt it would be that difficult."

"No, though it will take a long time. I already have plenty of projects, and if I keep adding to the pile, I'd never be done."

That was true. Aside from the sharingan acquisition project, the creator had other ongoing endeavors, like the Sage Juinjutsu seal that would absorb, convert, and balance Natural Energy, injecting it into his network without any severe ramifications. There was also the Chimera Project, which still lacked the Kage Bunshin in its equations. Along with regular training, these left little time in the day for relaxation.

"How is the Sharingan Acquisition project coming along?" The earthen clone inquired.

"The plan has been laid out, and I have already designed a chakra conversion seal. It will try to mimic the Uchiha's unique chakra as much as possible, enough to be able to deactivate and activate the eyes at will," He winced as he rearranged one of his fingers. "Thought to boost the rate of familiarity, I'm going to have to acquire the eyes of an Uchiha with the same blood type as me."

Genetic alteration through blood transfusion? Then again, Madara was able to achieve a similar effect through nonsensical grafting.

"If this works, it could help with your common genetic structure and frail chakra network," it agreed.

Despite the advantages of unmatched chakra sensing and internal chakra manipulation, its creator had a weak genetic structure compared to second or third generation shinobi. His muscles weren't as strong or chakra conductive, and his chakra networks strained easily, limiting his ability to use high-ranked jutsu without losing feeling within his tenketsu, even with his expanded reserves.

This was why the creator had rushed the solid clone project, to find an alternate way to use those jutsu…

"The acquisition of Senninka would also void that weakness. Natural Energy is bound to be better at reinforcing both the body and spirit."

Totsu POV

It also had a healing factor, albeit it wasn't as potent as Hashirama's. Another lance of pain shot through my hand as the last finger was relocated into its rightful place.

Blocking the Bunshin's attack head-on had been a foolish move on my part, especially considering it was twice as strong as me. The impact had also fractured my bone, but the constant circulation of chakra through my body kept the damage from fully taking hold, and the unending surge of adrenaline was nullifying my body's natural defiance.

"Though you still need Jūgo or the snake's second version of the Ten no Juin or Chi no Juin," the Bunshin remarked, assuming a stance…

It was time to end this training session.

…I reciprocated in kind, channeling my base chakra into Fire to maximize the power of my strikes and add more speed to my movements.

The Bunshin had been right in its exclusion, I knew better than to be optimistic about Jiraiya using his imperfect Sage Mode anywhere near my vicinity. And even if he did, most of his conversion was done by frogs…toads, mimicry would be nigh-impossible considering how our chakra networks and physiologies differed.

And I wasn't truly fond of Toad Sage Mode…I wouldn't be able to use it to its full potential without Frog Kata.

Redness came to my skin as I shot forth…

Clone POV

Another kick landed on its solar plexus, sending it tumbling backward towards the trees in the distance. The clone gritted its teeth and didn't allow the momentum to bring it to a stop.

Chakra pulsed and its right hand touched the ground…

Doton: Iwa Funka no Jutsu!

The ground answered its call as rocks started to emerge from the gravel, hindering its opponent's path, who had been heading towards it while also deflecting the shuriken he had flung its way.

Another pulse of chakra activated another sealless jutsu as its earth sense picked up his location—the clone could only sense the earth chakra within its creator.

Doton: Shunshin no Jutsu!

It was a suicide move, using its body and momentum to slam into its opponent… A moment later, it felt impact happen, though it seemed that the creator had sensed its emergence and made to defend…

It didn't matter.

The clone spun, earth chakra enhancing its body as its arm struck him and sent him huddling into the erupted rocks.


Blood spurted from its creator's mouth as he crashed in the stone, cracking and felling some of them…for a second it feared it had done too much damage before…


…the false creator turned into a log that promptly shattered after the Henge placed on it was expelled.

The clone's eyes widened as realisation came to it, "…then that means—"

Something that was compressed with enough chakra to charge an A-ranked jutsu touched on its back near the core area.


Totsu shouted just below it, his stance a refined mimicry of the Shikodachi!

The deliverance of the attack found its whole body erupting into a thousand pieces just from the power packed into the punch, ending the clone's existence.
6. Interesting Iyrō-nin
Konohagakure no Sato
Year 68

Later that Day

Totsu POV

"Why do you keep abusing your body so, Totsu-kun?" Aizu Yamanaka asked, concern furrowing her brows as she used her green-hued iryō chakra to mend the fractures on my ulna. Most children who visited her had minor bruises and scratches,I'd wager, but my injuries tended to be more severe.

I opened an eye to look at her unblemished face, my own visage still locked in a feign expression of excruciation.

Her long blonde locks of flowing hair passed by her face untied, and cherry red lips pursed in admirable focus, or at least what passed for it— you could never tell with shinobi. Her eyes were green…the clear type, and her beauty was fair.

She felt like what Ino would become, albeit with a bit less curves and a kinder personality.

'There might be some relation here.'

Aizu never truly spoke with force or command, but the sooth that was eerily familiar to what I imagined my mother had sounded like before addiction took her tender.

I didn't let melancholy take me, shutting down my sight and emotions as I made to answer.

"Training," I breathed as the ache began to vanish somewhat with the repetitive care, "I misjudged my strength and suffered for it."

A lie, of course. I needed to build density within my muscles and bones so I subjected myself to strenuous training and injuries… It wasn't an optimistic thing to do, and quite honestly I had been getting less and less results as of late. But I had yet to find a non-fatal or quick alternative.

The woes of being a first generation ninja in a world filled with monsters.

Her gaze burned into my unseeing skull, doubtful.

"That's the same thing you say every time, Totsu-kun, honestly I'm starting to wonder if it's even true at all." Aizu huffed.

For a shinobi, this woman had a rather generic line of thought. Still, I wasn't comfortable, not completely…Aizu was a Yamanaka, a clan known for their mind techniques and an uncanny understanding of psychology.

It was their clan that was in charge of psychiatric evaluations and counselling when nightmares became a frequent in the minds of Konoha shinobi.

But less known was their empathetic capabilities, however insignificant.

"I'm not being bullied if that's what you're asking, Yamanaka-san." I dismissed quite casually, neither hastily or hesitantly. And even if I had been bullied, there was nothing the woman could do about it…

Aizu levelled a look at me, her fading green meeting my common brown… I tilted my head in confusion until she turned away with a sigh.

"You are such a hard child, Totsu-kun." The iryō-nin said, dismissing her Shōsen Jutsu (Mystical Palm) and wrapping a bandage on my arm, "you shouldn't strain it for the next two days."

I nodded at her advice and made to leave…

Aizu Yamanaka had become my personal healer, taking on the role after I developed a habit of visiting her every week due to my frequent injuries… The hospital was most often than not packed, and unless you were an essential or important— I felt under the latter part— you'd most likely be given only the barest of care and be left to recover on your lonesome.

I didn't want to gain a bad reputation, so I opted to frequent Aizu, if not for her haste service then for how she left me feeling nostalgic…and hopeful for the future.

Aizu was a lone iryō-nin, as a clan member, she had petitioned to open her own private business where she handled patients who had ryo to spare. It was a similar position Hana would take if my memory served true, though with her clan's K-9 attachment, she would focus on dogs and pets.

Though I wondered how viable that future was with the hotheaded variant in the 3rd grade.

My head shook in remembrance. Time was a moulder of personality, I shouldn't think that Hana would not see change in the future…

"Excuse me," I said as I slipped out the entrance, mindful of the significant number of shinobi (men) with injuries ranging from cuts, to bruises or itchy throat— any excuse to come be tended to by Aizu after a profitable day, I was sure most of the injuries here had been self-inflicted.

But I was understanding thus I didn't begrudge… Aizu Yamanaka was what you'd call wifey material, encompassing each aspect of femininity without excessiveness.

Glancing to the side, I noticed Santa-san sitting patiently, waiting for the iryō-nin to finish her work. His stern expression seemed to soften as he spotted me, and he waved with a slight smile— a rare sight indeed, but love had that effect on a person. I returned the wave with no level of unkindness.

'Aizu must be more vocal about me than I'd thought.'

I like Santa-san, if not for his personality then his name…it was rather strange in this singular world.

It wasn't an everyday occurrence to witness the formation of a stronger bond in its infancy, much less one through clan members considering how many of their mergers were arranged.

I shrugged, maybe love was a simpler feeling to develop among empaths.

Before long, I found myself on the bustling road, surrounded by a variety of traffic. It was only an hour before sunset, and the streets were filled with the hurried movement of civilians rushing home after work or hurrying to prepare supper.

The atmosphere was lively…in a fashion.

And if one squinted enough, it would almost look normal. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a ryo note.

'Should I buy something and use the saved time to spend in studying more Fūinjutsu? Or opt to make my own meal instead?' I thought with indecisiveness.

I had come a long way in mastering the sealing arts, but I had yet to create my own signature Juin or Fūin to protect my work from tampering. Lately, I had realized that aside from the original creator, very few people and methods could completely remove or alter a signature seal.

The most famous way of removing a seal was through the Sword of Totsuka, which Itachi had wielded in the series after incorporating the original treasure with his Susanoo, along with the Yata Mirror. I had reason to believe that these two legendary treasures were housed within the Uchiha vault, their origin possibly stemming from the Sage of Six Paths himself.

This was the only way to explain the inexplicable capabilities of these two remarkable items.

The least known way of removing seals was through the Rinnegan, with its frightening ability to convert jutsu into chakra and absorb it. Nagato, despite possessing the Rinnegan for the longest time, hadn't been able to use this ability to its utmost proficiency. On the other hand, Madara, as the original awakener of the Rinnegan, demonstrated a high level of skill in wielding this power.

However, both methods were exceptionally rare and not widely understood or accessible thus I shouldn't inject excessive caution in their tamper.

As I walked, I came by a familiar chakra signature walking along with perhaps the second largest reserves I had sensed since the Sandaime.

'Now this is unexpected.'

Who knew Konoha had this many Kage level shinobi lounging about.

Fugaku POV

Fugaku felt rather drained from recent revelations…

Who would have thought a slight cough would turn into something this severe.

His hand wrapped tightly around the package of medicine he had been given, but he did keep mind to not damage the items within, and a tight leash on his chakra to not spook the civilians and shinobi who were just going about their normal lives.

Many of them didn't recognise him and Itachi, and those who did kept mind to keep their misgivings to themselves.

He looked towards the setting sun and took in its radiant splendour as his emotions lost their strain…

Today…today he wasn't in a mood to play docile. He felt that fate held a grudge against him and his clan. First it was Madara's betrayal and the clan's subsequent loss of faith in the eyes of the village, their noble clan reduced to a bunch of would-be traitors. Then it was the Kyūbi's release at one of the clansman's hands— though the mystery behind that event was still unsolved, and the hypothesises he held he wasn't willing to share with anyone outside the clan elders.

And now it was Itachi being diagnosed with an incurable disease.

Was their clan truly cursed?

His eyes turned to his son who walked besides him with a maturity that belied his age. Fugaku had thought about informing the boy, but he felt that would be unwise. He had already taken much of his heir's innocence and childhood, he would not rob him of his future as well.

Besides, the doctor had said that the disease didn't spell doom, especially with maintained medicinal intakes.

He and Mikoto could maintain the dosages until they were comfortable with telling Itachi.

'I will need to have Sasuke checked up as well just to ensure he doesn't have any latent illnesses in his system as well,' he decided, hopefully his wife wouldn't choose to maintain ignorance about the future of their second son after he'd broken the news to her about Itachi's disease.

He knew emotional and stubborn she could be.

And although he had been informed that this disease wasn't genetic, the Uchiha head felt the need to indulge his paranoia a bit more.

Fugaku sighed, closing his eyes to alleviate the throbbing ache that had taken his left eye.

Of course, to ensure the secrecy of this information— especially to stop it from reaching the hands of the Sandaime and his despicable cohorts, he had use Kunitsukami to eliminate the information from the doctor's mind.

He was rather pleased by the fact that despite his long absence from activating his Mangekyou Sharingan, its abilities were still as simple to use as they had always been.

Along their return, they passed by a boy with mannerisms far too adult for his age. He seemed to know Itachi as per his familiarity with his greeting— perhaps a former classmate— Fugaku would have to ask about him someday in the future.

It was rather eerie how many of the youth were forced to grow due to the Kyūbi attack.

They eventually reached the Uchiha district uninterrupted, far away from the rest of the village…such was the distrust for their clan.

The Uchiha head let loose a tired sigh, he really didn't care for this divide…as he both loved his village and clan. He loathed to see the two at odds with each other.

"I will be heading off to the training field, tou-san."

He nodded in acquiescence, "Hn!"

Itachi branched away from him, off to train with Shisui who had become rather impressive with the Shunshin. So good in fact, he sometimes reminded Fugaku of Minato, though the blond man had far too much natural speed.


The two gate guards bowed their heads to him as he passed, sharingan active to prevent chances of deceit.

He gave a nod of acknowledgment, bolstering loyalty. Given how many times the elders have fought against his decisions…he couldn't rely on the clansmen's passive loyalty alone to sate discontent.

He flicked through hand seals and felt his chakra stretch towards his home before blurring motion took him.

Since Mikoto and Sasuke were out to the marketplace, he could use this opportunity to run over how he would deliver the news to her without inviting too much suspicion to the situation, considering how perceptive Itachi was
Interlude: War Hawk
Orochimaru's Hideout.

Danzō Shimura POV:

An intelligent wasted on the fears of their own mortality. Another failure born from Hiruzen's incompetence.

'Only one sannin remained loyal to Konoha, and yet he too had shrugged off his duties in favour of travel,' Danzō thought, a frown etching itself upon his visage.

The halls echoed with the drips of droplets upon a puddle, the sole source of noise in the otherwise silent narrow way. The almost eerie nature of its loudness left a disconcerting feeling, given that it could easily obscure the movements of intruders if timed well.

However, the Shinobi no Yami wasn't so easily fooled by the otherwise common occurrence. He remained unbothered in the attempt, well aware of the sound-based genjutsu trying to weave its way into his senses and disrupt his Yin balance.

A wasted attempt.

Concealed beneath the layers of bandages that covered his right face, his former teammate's Sharingan spun in sync with the rhythm of Magen: Kyō Tenchi-ten, deciphering the structure of the genjutsu that had attempted to ensnare his mind within his pathways. It kekkei genkai also etched the incomplete workings of the symphonic hypnotic. He planned to rework and refine it for the benefit of his ROOT operatives.

Danzō moved silently, his annoyance hidden, carrying a bundled cloth package in his left hand as he made his way toward the snake sannin's laboratory.

His conviction remained unchanged.

This hideout was just one of the many owned by the treacherous sannin, and Danzō had only learned about it after Orochimaru's defection. Yet, ever since uncovering this blind spot in their surveillance, he had assigned numerous operatives to locate and expose these secret lairs.

Two additional discoveries have been made in Kusagakure, despite his awareness that numerous remain unresolved. This demonstrated the consistent nature of Hiruzen's actions, as the snake sannin had anticipate the sentimental fool's response to being discovered, leading him to prior preparations.

Did Orochimaru start plans of defection before even the 2nd Ninja war?

Despite himself, Danzō could not dismiss such a possibility. The snake sannin had always been a well-rounded genius unseen since the warring era in the form of the Nidaime.

Yet his fear and lack of loyalty were a strangle to the potential he could achieve, but that was also a weakness simple to capitalise upon.

The Shinobi no Yami would not repeat Hiruzen's failure. The snake would be swiftly disposed of as soon as his use to Konoha had been depleted.

As for now…

He pushed open the doors to the lab, and they cried…screeched in alerting welcome. In the heavily illuminated room was the snake sannin clothed in his plain coat in the process of mixing a plethora of chemicals, an attempt at an insidious concoction no doubt.

Syringes full with the exact substance hung to the side.


…there was much and more he needed from Orochimaru.

Serpentine eyes flickered toward him, surprise not shown in the sannin's expression, save for the amused stretching of his lips at the edges as his eyes drifted toward the bundle in Danzō's hand.

"My my, to think you'd actually go through with your promise, I'm impressed, Danzo-sama." Orochimaru slithered back and forth, the movement not unlike those of limbless reptiles, "and here I thought you would be more opposed to the wastage of Konoha's resources, especially on endeavours so personal in benefit."

Affected, though he made sure that his face displayed little change to give it away, Danzō placed the bundle on the table. Some of the sheets covering the bundle fell, revealing smooth unblemished skin of a newly born baby sleeping…and sedated within.

His lone eye turned to the sannin, whose gaze was transfixed to the infant Uchiha, with Orochimaru's greed pouring out unchecked.


Foolish was the fact that the snake thought that the spawn of those traitors counted as Konoha's resource. No, the Uchiha were merely vassals of the most versatile dōjutsu… He and Hatake were proof that the eyes would see better use in the hands of actual loyal shinobi of Konoha.

But Danzō would not reduce the value of this effort by explaining such to Orochimaru.

"The only reason I agreed to this is because I expect you to share all your findings on this dōjutsu, Orochimaru…fail to do so and I will not be as lenient as Hiruzen," Danzo reminded..warned!

To punctuate his message, he projected his killing intent on the tranced sannin, jolting him out of his reverie.

The twitches of the infant were ignored.

"Oh, of course, Danzo-sama…had I ever failed to deliver on my promises?" The grovel was fake and mocking, but he paid it no mind, as the spoken words were true.

Still, Danzō was not easily trusting of shinobi who lost their way.

Forgotten was the sannin's previous task as he dedicated his focus on the infant snatched from the hospital upon its delivery. The Uchiha had become lax in their caution, the steps taken by the Nidaime were finally bearing fruit.

Danzo felt irritation start to bubble at the reminder of the treacherous clan…and the steps Hiruzen was once again taking to preserve their reputation and existence.

And yet, through his meddling, tensions would once again worsen, even those disinclined to the beliefs of their clan's extremists— the followers of Madara's will— would be forced to show their traitorous side to the rest of the village in due time.

…such would be the impact of this infant's disappearance.

Done with his inspection, the snake turned to him.

"How is the test subject you've stolen from me by the way? Good I presume?"

His eyes furrowed and glared at the presumptuous snake. Did he truly think that any of the subjects he worked upon while in the village were his to keep.

The Mokuton user was Konoha's to keep…as was Orochimaru himself. The snake would do well to remember that it was his strength— born from the village's tutelage— that kept him free.

"He is a far cry from what the Shodai was capable of…I doubt he would even be able to suppress the Kyūbi Jinchūriki if he ever got out of hand."

Danzō was quick to remind the sannin of his failure in that regard.

Kinoe was a disappointment with little talent or natural advantage. The Mokuton was the only reason he was even able to be considered one of Konoha's most capable, such was the strength of the Shodai.

Carefully undoing the fastening of his right arm, Danzō revealed a gauntlet-like seal designed to conceal the leakage of foreign chakra. This safeguard prevented those with sensory abilities from detecting the anomaly. From a paper storage seal, he retrieved a capsule containing two fully matured Sharingan eyeballs nestled within.

Orochimaru was inattentive as he cleared the table for the procedure to come.

"Ah, but that was a foreseen outcome. I had to settle for ordinary test subjects after all," He remarked, "I could've done more if you had been willing to part with some of your stray clan members."

Danzō frowned as he began to undo the seal on his arm.

"And waste valuable weapons on hypotheses? Do not act as if you can replicate Kinoe's success."

"I still have the research, Danzo-sama. If I could be permitted to run tests on the boy, I'm sure I would be able to reverse engineer the process."

"I will not allow you to tamper with Konoha's only weapon against the Kyūbi Jinchūriki."

Despite Kinoe's shortcomings, he remained their sole opportunity to control Namikaze's son if he were to deviate from the right path. This prospect appeared plausible given Hiruzen's indulgence towards the boy.

'Had Namikaze not used a seal so foreign, I would have made moves to have the Jinchūriki under me. It is high time we tame the Kyūbi's power.'

The seals became undone, revealing the pale, shrivelled arm that pulsed and twitched with the unmistakable chakra of the Shodai, along with the forming face on his elbow.

On his backhand there was a single sharingan eye in its full maturity, gazing with an unseeing glint in its unnatural location.

This was Danzō's sacrifice to Konoha, he would see his village regain its rightful superiority even if it meant abandoning his humanity.
7. Progress
Konohagakure no Sato
Year 69

Totsu POV:

I wasn't inherently malevolent. Dishing out suffering upon others didn't bring me any pleasure, not even when it was directed at those I considered enemies. But, on the flip side, I couldn't claim to be a paragon of virtue either, not by a long shot. Sure, like any ordinary person, I'd occasionally experience moments of empathy and benevolence, but those instances never came at my own expense.

Though I sympathised with people who suffered— as was the norm in my past existence — if raising a hand in assistance meant the lack of common luxuries, then I would rather not.

Such was the extent of my selfishness.

I brought the cup filled with tencha flavoured hot water to my lips and took a moderate sip, enjoying in the resplendent taste that held a sweetened tardiness to it.

A gentle smile bloomed in appreciation on my childish face, "I finally brewed an adequate cup of Tencha."

The need to express my thoughts was a conscious decision. I had a guest, so I engaged in lighthearted conversation before the silence could become awkward. While I had come to appreciate the absence of noise, I knew that subordinates often felt uneasy when sitting in silence with their superior, face to face.

The man before me, a former street stray like many of my employees, was a slightly older fellow, likely in his early thirties. He wasn't particularly handsome; the hardships of the streets had taken their toll. However, the comfort and stability he had found after my tender mercy allowed him to shed some of the hopelessness that plagued all strays.

He stood— although he was sitting at the moment— healthier and happier, enough so that I'd heard he found himself a girl and was saving to build a house in the farm regions.

It truly was a perfect story of rags to riches. But I found tragedy to be a much common theme in life, where most opportunities were just machinations from biased forces.

I was one of those forces, and this time, my satisfaction came in the form of physicality.

The man before me laughed, though there was awkwardness in his voice. I guessed it was only appropriate seeing as I was still a child with words unmatching the appearance. But I was also shinobi, eccentricity was our forte.

"I would say it's more than just adequate, Kimura-sama."

He said after taking a sip of his own.

I took the comforting words for what they were… I honestly had no idea what the man was tasting, his mixture, I had only tried separately.

"Thank you, Katari-san," I placed my cup down and looked at the man, "Do you know why I have requested for you before your leave?"

Katari-san shook his head honestly, "Okata-san merely told me that you wanted to talk with me before I went to Yugakure."

I nodded, I didn't really share much of my intentions with anyone, "There's a new product I like you to deliver to our branches in that nation, one that would most likely boost our revenue as it would their tourism."

I placed a note of where he could go to collect the product on the table and I gestured for him to take it.

"I would like this product to be isolated to Yugakure and be sold in small quantities, with buyers needing to place their orders in advance."

This was an honour and an opportunity to make big money. I could practically see the lust for wealth in Katari-san's eyes as his hand trembled towards the piece of paper.

"Kimura-sama, I…I don't know what to say," this kind of emotion I had only seen when I offered him a chance to become a runner in my company.

And now, I was offering him exclusivity and a chance to expand into his own branch of runners.

I feigned abashment at the genuine joy from the man.

If we lived in a kinder world, I would have felt bad about my actions.

"You have nothing to say, Katari-san. It was your contribution and luck that earned you this outstanding opportunity."

But in all honesty, it was his luck that earned him this.

Katari-san's movements started to become dragged, and his eyelids heavy. Some poisons and drugs in this world were odd, the one I gave to the man caused immediate unconsciousness when the target's emotions became unbalanced.

But perhaps the most important of all was that it only caused physical rest but left the metaphysical chakra channels functioning as if the person was still conscious.

Because of course prerequisites for Fūin application on a human had to exist…

I took a lazed sip of my brew as Katari-san flopped to the table face first.

"I really outdone myself on this one," I chuckled with a slight shake of my head. I placed the cup on my table and stood, patting down the wrinkles on my kimono as the feigned excitement melted off my youthful features.

Silent steps took me to the back of my unfortunate guest, I pulled at his haori, prying it off his form and exposing his back to me. His flesh was a canvas of harsher days gone and careless breeding.

I didn't proud myself on my pragmatic view when in came to bloodline continuation, but I really didn't want to condemn my kids to ugly looks and lesser minds.

Concentrating on the man's chakra network, I felt it flow as expected…

"Good, but I will need a bit of help to apply my Juin."

My chakra pulsed and moulded as it patterned in to a formula for a Bunshin. Adding Earth transformation to it and the addition of a solid core yielded me with a Jutsu I had come to perfect in recent months.

Doton: Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu!

The Bunshin shot out of my body and swiftly began to prop Katari-san into an optimal position. I felt little discomfort from the Jutsu's performance, save for the slight dip in my primary reserves.

A brief sense of pride warmed my heart at this accomplishment.

"It's getting easier and easier every day."

I hadn't been idle these past months and have dedicated more and more of my time to my Juinjutsu creation project. The fact was, my body's unfamiliarity with chakra has been a bothersome obstacle that needed swift rectification.

I'd come to realize that my basic strengths must reach S-rank before anything else. Currently, the only notable aspects of my overall strength that fell into that category were Chakra Control— which aided in Body Augmentation, Chakra Recovery, Chakra Molding, Swift Nature Transformation, and Chakra Concealment— and Jutsu Performance with little to no hand seals.

But all my physical attributes were at best high genin level, pushed to low jonin by relying on my Chakra Control, Sensing, and Ninjutsu. The issue was, my body lagged behind.

And that was a big no-no!

To address this issue swiftly, without overly depending on time or the successful acquisition of Senninka, I incorporated a new function into my partially completed Juin:

  • Network and Body Hardening: This feature is designed to steadily enhance the user's chakra network and physical constitution.
    • It aims to eliminate the vulnerabilities commonly associated with first-generation shinobi.

I no longer needed to consciously exercise my chakra network or familiarise my muscles with chakra, the Juin applied on my nape in a form of a single white spot handle that for me.

As a consequence, I had a bit of a growth spurt, shooting up a full 8cm and matching some of my classmates in height— mostly the girls, but I was gifted with the essences of absolute equality.

"Okay, let's start."

I said as I brought my finger to my mouth and bit into it, infusing the blood that bled from it with my chakra, beginning the cursing process at I wrote my Juin formula on Katari-san's back.

I needed to nudge at the man's chakra in some places to engrave the curse in to his spiritual body.

For all its versatility, Fūinjutsu was a real chore to study and understand, much less perform.

Of course, this wasn't a disadvantage to a Fūinjutsu master…or just a combat-inclined Fūin user.

I immediately began to churn my chakra after finishing the last character of the curse formula and watched the thing start to pulse a greenish glow.

My hands flew into seals.


Seishin-teki dorei-ka no Juin! (Mental Enslavement Curse Seal)!

The characters on Katari's back began to swirl and reverse into a single point before becoming a single green dot on his nape.


The Bunshin nodded to my excited word, immediately beginning to reclothe Katari-san and placing him where he had once seated.

Done, the clone went outside the house to dispelled itself.

Unfortunately there was no chakra retrieved…

'The Kage Bunshin really is the superior form of BunshinJutsu.'

With two fingers in front of my face, I sent a pulse of chakra and intent in Katari-san's Juin as I took hold of his desires and amplified them threefold with selective ease.

"Go home and enjoy whatever time you have left with your partner, Katari-san. You and I have work to do on Sunday."

The man's eyes snapped open…and then an embarrassing demeanour claimed his face as he scratched at his head, "yeah, I guess I should, Iyomi-chan is gonna be so happy."

He looked at me, stood and bowed.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Kimura-sama, I promise I won't disappoint you."

I nodded and watched him leave with anticipation in my heart.

"I should begin my own preparations."

Through the alignments of heaven, I had found myself fortunate to acquire a very precious B-rank jutsu in a form of a scroll.
8. Escort
Konohagakure no Sato
Year 69

Gozo Uchiha POV:

The mission assignment office was awfully desolate... As Genin were prohibited from taking missions throughout the weekend, he had never been to the building during those days, though he heard the Genin cells with Jōnin sensei were an exception to this rule.

A privilege he and his teammates did not enjoy, unfortunately.

'Maybe if we did, I would have made Jōnin by now… or at least honed my shurikenjutsu enough to make Tokubetsu,' he lamented within the deeper recesses of his thoughts.

Greater days gone and missed opportunities. Gozo Uchiha was always unmatched in the shuriken art during his academy days—

"Uchiha-san," the receptionist said by way of welcome, "I see you had no issues with your flak jacket."

A smile flickered on his face at the recognition, but he made an effort not to be lost in the sensation...especially after what his father said about his promotion. And just like that, his mood was ruined…reduced to so much bitterness and irritation. But he hid it well, shrouding the unpleasantness with a nod.

He reached into his pocket and produced a document, "I'm here to hand in a departure notification. I will be going on an escort mission to Yugakure along with Genin Kamitsu and Haru."

Despite himself, Gozo found he enjoyed the vocalization of the distinctions of his two teammates... a clear and undeniable fact of his superiority in their team. This promotion he had won through his persistence and dedication… not earned through flimsy competitions.

Contrary to what his father believed, it only took this long because of the negative bias their clan name invoked within the hearts of many in the village, not due to his own lack of brilliance.

The kunoichi took the documents and gave it a quick scan.

"A B-rank mission as your first assignment as Chūnin, was the request by name?" She asked as her hands went through well-practiced motions... stamping and copying down key details while also adding some secondary objectives.

He nodded, "the person is a well-known client of ours; we used to escort him during his supply rounds within Hi no Kuni."

"That's quite impressive," the kunoichi exclaimed with perceivable honesty, "It isn't a common thing for shinobi to cultivate that kind of partnership while still Genin."

That was news to him... and a source of pride. He'd need to see if that smug bastard Itachi had managed the same achievement as well, seeing how his father always made him his source of comparison.

'Being compared to a spineless—' Gozo let out a subdued sigh, careful not to alert the kunoichi of his frustrations and annoyance.

What was more insulting was that Itachi was almost half his age, with close to no experience under his belt. The fact that he made Chūnin by his exaggerated achievements within the Chūnin Exam changed nothing.

After a moment, he was given a small supply scroll and bid the kunoichi good day.

On his way out, he passed a pair of Jōnin who seemed to be engaged in conversation. Out of curiosity, the newly minted Chūnin augmented his ears with chakra and made to listen in…

"—delegation will arrive Friday, the Sandaime asked for Jōnin without clan ties to reinforce places of interest during Kumo's stay within the village."

Gozo quickly dismissed the conversation, uninterested. He knew about Kumo's intentions to form ties with Konoha, though due to his father's injury at the hand of Kumo Shinobi during the Second War, Gozo held little love for their intentions… peaceful or otherwise.

He stepped out of the building, quickly molding chakra beneath the base of his feet and jumping atop the village houses as he began his journey towards the gates.

It took him only a few minutes to arrive— it would have been less if he used the Shunshin but he was really unliking of its disorientation. He free fell from the last building, chakra reinforcing his entire body before he came by a land near his waiting comrades, with minor disturbances to the ambiance.

"Show off!"

The words came from Haru, a kuniochi who graduated from the Academy a year after he and Kamitsu had. Unlike them, she was rather vocal and impulsive…and more often than not, her behaviour was to their detriment.

Kamitsu said she had a not-insignificant case of inferiority complex… Gozo didn't see it, he just thought her someone with little patience for the finer arts and a rather simple mindset. Honestly, Haru had little affinity for the shinobi arts, and the Uchiha half expected that her induction in the system was due to her sensory ability.

Unfortunately it seemed that ability wasn't potent enough to grant her nurture, and was left to the stagnant comforts of the Genin-corp…as was the rest of them.

Gozo turned with a forming frown on his face, "I'm not showing off, nor was I trying to," he sighed, "is Katari-san yet to arrive?"

Kamitsu nodded, while the kuniochi made a face at him.

The Chūnin reached into his pocket and produced the supply scroll. With a single practiced motion, he unraveled it. He brought his right thumb to his mouth and bit into it, enough to produce blood, before slamming the hand into the scroll, unsealing the supplies within.

There was a small puff of smoke which disappeared quickly to leave a bunch of shuriken, kunai, smoke bombs, ninja wire, and plain rations on the ground.

"Waa, the rations are more than our regular supply…the weapons too. Is this because Gozo made Chūnin?" Haru asked as she crouched down to inspect the food… it was still the old plain tasteless bricks they were used to, unscented too.

It was a mystery how their teammate developed a taste for them.

"No, it's because we will be journeying out of Hi no Kuni for the first time. Our usual batch wouldn't have covered for the duration." He crouched down as well, sectioning a part of the supply—mainly the shuriken and kunai.

Not long after that, the supplies were divided and sealed within their own personal scrolls and were waiting for their client to arrive. Fortunately, it took little time for that to happen. Katari-san, along with two individuals, a woman and a…child, slowly approached their way.

Upon closer inspection, the Chūnin noticed that the woman fitted the description of their client's partner. A woman in her early twenties with long black hair and an attractive — if barely for someone of her lesser origin — face. She was rather short with a more feminine form… which was to say she didn't lack in physical allure.

'Hmm, I hope she isn't just using Katari-san for his fortune. I've met plenty of her type within the red light.'

Curious, Gozo activated his kekkei genkai as his eyes warped into crimson orbs with a single tomoe in each of them swirling in deeper observation. With his enhanced vision, the Chūnin discovered that the woman had fallen pregnant, as was evident with the second chakra signature… and it was only a few days old by the looks of it. She was also an unawakened citizen like Gozo, but lacked the scars of harder times.

'So she isn't a reformed prostitute, you seem to have struck true gold with this one Katari-san.' He mused, though his visage remained unchanged.

A moment later his sharingan fell upon the child that walked with them, noticing that his posture and gait spoke of cultivated grace. Had he not activated his dōjutsu in inspection, he would have mistaken him for a scion of a noble clan, but Gozo's ocular prowess saved him from such a misunderstanding.

Still, the boy walked well for his age…almost like he was one of those stuck up Hyūga. It also didn't help that he wore the same attire as well, a dark kimono with combed down hair, though his was a lighter shade.

His chakra was low but awakened with a softer, more conscious rumble, unused to the heavy demands of Ninjutsu, so likely an academy student… Was he perhaps a relative of the woman?

Deactivating his dōjutsu, Gozo stepped forward to welcome their client and company.

Totsu POV:

I watched as the group left, their backs being swallowed by the large forest and being lost from sight. However, my chakra sense still perceived them. All of their reserves were still in the late genin stage of development, a stage slightly below mine. But I wasn't comforted by that fact. These shinobi were untalented and ordinary; they lacked drive and determination, while I had to cultivate tirelessly just to get where I was.

Nothing had come to spur them to pursue strength unclouded. Katari-san had told me plenty about the group after my Juin's seduction. I knew that while blooded, they had never been pushed to the extreme by someone who desired their oblivion.

Because of this, they had grown arrogant and conceited, even if they themselves weren't aware of it. The Uchiha even flaunted his rank as if it didn't take him five years to acquire, though that was still a commendable accomplishment…but it was still a dragging pace for someone of his potential.

"I guess the same can be said for the majority of his clan, they growth crippled by the Nidaime's machinations." My hair tousled at the soft gust that took my muttered murmurs.

Excellency was expected of the high clans of Konoha, all their members were expected to make Jōnin before they became of two decades…or risk being settled with a derogatory title and become an outcast of their clan.

…a fate that was all but guaranteed for the Uchiha.

But I was benevolent, and thus would see his name untarnished.

I let out a sigh and a snort, both actions unbecoming of someone my age and turned back to the village. I didn't need to be here to bid them a good leave, but I was paranoid and wanted to make sure that the war hawk didn't get any ideas and go after my target. I had long since taken to visiting the cemetery on a weekly basis under the assumption of missing my parents.

While there, I made sure to frequent the memorial stone and search for any newly added names, Uchiha names. Thus far, there had been three, all of them Chūnin, all of them frontline shinobi, and all of them with fully matured Sharingan.

There was little proof that Danzō was responsible for their deaths, but I was willing to wager my manhood that it was his doing, probably in an effort to acquire their Sharingan for his eldritch arm.

From what I had been able to gather from the war hawk's actions and my previous life's knowledge of the Sharingan, it seemed that non-Uchiha were incapable of maturing the Sharingan without some serious tempering or twist of fate, as was the case with Obito and Kakashi. But it also seemed that only fully matured Sharingan were capable of Izanagi and Izanami.

'Still a cheap price for reality-bending if you ask me,' I mused. Honestly, a fairer price would have been a Mangekyou Sharingan.

What I was trying to say was that the chances of Danzō going after Uchiha Gozo were extremely low, but the war hawk dealt with the snake — an absolute genius unmatched — so I had reason to worry.

Fortunately, it seemed that interest wasn't held…I guess the upcoming Kumo delegation held more of his attention.

The group faded from my senses as well, and I let a smile morph my features into something more resembling my mood. It was a bit of an effort to let go of the Depersonalisation Technique and reclaim proper control of my body. It was a surprise when I found that such a thing was even taught in the academy, though the instructors did advise its usage be sparingly.

Under a shroud that limited the fluctuations of my chakra, I performed the Shunshin unaided by seals before disappearing mid-step with no trace of swirling leaves.

'I leave the rest to you, Kage Bunshin.'

The plan was simple…

Unknown Location

Clone Totsu:

It took three days for the compulsion to take effect within Katari's psyche, and had the team of shinobi been more vigilant, more suspicious, more uncommon with their client, such a thing would have been investigated… and perhaps stopped.

But Totsu was diligent and careful. He had foreseen such possibilities and nullified them before they could even happen. Ever since he noticed that Katari had sought the services of his target and had begun to develop a rapport with him… and his team, Totsu had started to request some odd things during his runs.

Every time the runner was to travel, he needed to deliver a scroll at a certain location midway. The scrolls held little of worth—at least to Totsu. The first and second time, he noticed some tempering within their seal work—remnants of foreign chakra—which Totsu deduced belonged to the target and his male teammate, after that the suspicion reduced and became nonexistent as the scrolls were ignored with each run.

Cultivated trust…or just the cumbersome mundanity of an odd client.

Totsu didn't much care for the reason, so long as the behaviour was maintained. The scroll that Katari-san had left in the hallowed out buck of a tree gave a pop sound before a plume of white smoke was expelled from it. This scroll, it was designed so that after its bar had been twisted, there would be a delayed summon of what was in it.

The mechanism behind the dragged design was stolen from the formula of a personal tags explosives…

After a moment, a figure shrouded in dark attire stepped out of the white plume with a rush of chakra.

…while the sealing of a pre-activated jutsu with stolen from Minato's Hakke no Fūin Shiki. That along with the Shiki'sconcealment mechanism, a feature that disallowed discovery when the Fūin isn't in use.

The dark clad figure stepped forward in emergence, the white plume parting and dispersing…the process initiated by motion, but exaggerated by wind transformation.

"It seems the first stage was without trouble…"

I spoke unheard, while my slightly dulled chakra senses scanned for the remnants of the group's chakra traces within the ambience. From what I had seen, these shinobi weren't that proficient in chakra control.

It took a moment, but I was soon able to notice their trail. They weren't far, dragged by the mundanity of Katari-san.

Well, first I needed to prepare.

Seeing how Totsu had taken diligence in the creation of this Kage Bunshin, enough so that a pseudo copy of his Juin was transferred, I flared up my chakra to activate and unlock the stored chakra within the seal.

The Shiki on my nape bloomed as augmentation took hold of my constructed body and enhanced every single attribute within it… I directed some of the chakra into my defence, building a three layer barrier that would act as a safeguard to my destruction.

After all, despite their versatility, Kage Bunshin were still weak chakra constructs that dispelled after damage was inflicted.

The surge of chakra morphed and shaped my body, giving me unearned height and maturity in features, tattooed lines appearing within my form with burns…though they weren't a mess like those of Orochimaru's Ten no Juin, but a beautiful symmetric like Danzō's Ura Shishō Fūin.

With a nudge, I cloaked the suspicious transformation with a Henge that gave me a new identity…supercharging it to hinder discernment.

Finishing that, I went through hand seals, producing another pair of Kage Bunshin that would act as a countermeasure in case of the prime's destruction. The pair submerged into the earth via the usage of Hyōmen no Inpei. There was barely a ripple within my reserves, courtesy of the density that became of my chakra.

I flexed and stretched my body, enjoying the power stored in it. A smile unbidden came to my face…

"Well, I shouldn't waste anymore time…"

With a burst of speed, I shot toward the group, adding a few Shunshin in between to minimise time. As soon as the group came to view, I initiated the second stage to the Sharingan Acquisition mission…

I brought my right hand into a seal and triggered the explosive curse woven within Katari-san's Seishin-teki dorei-ka no Juin. It was unfortunate, but I couldn't have the runner survive.

Katari-san's neck ballooned, the blazing inferno practically perceivable within it, before an explosion replaced the spectacle.

The Saint: As y'all no doubt noticed I'm trying to stay away from the expected events and I'm only mentioning them in passing. Things like Itachi's promotion to Chūnin and the birth of the Hokage's grandson. This is because those are well known events and the MC isn't nearly as interested in their developments as his projects. This is the beginning of the divergence, courtesy of the next major event getting flavoured by the presence of the MC.

We won't be returning to the Academy by the way.

Also have a Patreon in case y'all wanna show some love or read advanced content.

Bye bye.