[X] Your hands are not gone, for they were never there. There is no blood, for there were no veins to cut. This is your will, and thus it shall be.
- [X] (repeat as many times as needed to enforce will upon reality)
- [X] Leave the mirror alone. You're an amnesiac, not an idiot.
[X] Your hands are not gone, for they were never there. There is no blood, for there were no veins to cut. This is your will, and thus it shall be.
- [X] (repeat as many times as needed to enforce will upon reality)
- [X] Glare angrily at the mirror before leaving it alone
[X] Your hands are not gone, for they were never there. There is no blood, for there were no veins to cut. This is your will, and thus it shall be. (You guys do realise if this works you'll lose your Hands, right?)
- [X] (repeat as many times as needed to enforce will upon reality)
- [X] Leave the mirror alone. You're an amnesiac, not an idiot.
To Dream is to control the Nightmare.
I... If... If I didn't have hands, then I don't have any to bleed now, right? There's... no... no harm in trying, right?
My hands are not gone, for there were never here. There is no blood, for there were no veins to cut...
This is my will. Thus, it shall be.
This is my will. Thus... it shall be.
I feel so cold.
This is my... it shall...
When did I close my Eyes...
I wake with a gasp. Hands hands hands - I grasp at my face and relief floods through my body. It doesn't matter that I'm still in this room of infinite whiteness, that the Mirror at the end of the hall is still there, for I am alive and whole again!
I can't believe that worked. I'm... I'm ecstatic! Hah! Take that, world, you're mine!
That doesn't help me... I'm not sure what to do now. My heart is still racing yet -
The Mirror is whole again.
The Reflection is there, whole and with milky white eyes. Lips bright, a crimson red. Smiling.
[X] Make like a tree and leaf.
-[X] But first you should see just how far your power extends... by setting those vines on fire with your mind. They probably had it coming.
[X] Rip some of these leaves out of these 'feking' vines and gently stick them into the hell mirror until they smoulder.
-[X] Maybe the smouldering leaves will get us high or something...
[X] Rip some of these leaves out of these 'feking' vines and gently stick them into the hell mirror until they smoulder.
-[X] Maybe the smouldering leaves will get us high or something...
Our luck? At best, the effect'll be some shit like ayahuasca where its just the worst trip ever, every single time, to say nothing of the profuse diarrhea and vomiting. Or, it'll just be poison ivy, and the smoke will cause a nasty rash on the insides of our lungs, suffocating to death within a few minutes.
[X] Make like a tree and leaf.
-[X] But first you should see just how far your power extends... by setting those vines on fire with your mind. They probably had it coming.