[X] Plan: I'll make my own humans with chaos resistance, and blackjack
-[X] Name: Vavtiner
-[X] A unique creation of a rich and powerful colony of Sol, built during the height of the Dark Age of Technology. (+2 shinies) The generic option. More shinies, less specialization.
-[X] In space Can start building voidcraft immediately, but you will have a slower initial ramp in construction capacity and reduced access to organic life… probably.
-[X] I have something in mind. (+1-2 shinies based on write-in). Write in and check with me. If I think it's thematic and tells a good story along with the rest of your other choices, I may reward you with +1 or +2 shinies to be spent furthering that story, along with bonuses towards specific actions. You will be committed to pursuing this purpose in a number of ways.
--[X] The rise of psykers was concerning to many in the DaoT. As such, they created Vavtiner as the controlling intelligence of a research station designed to investigate not only the workings of psykers, both genetic and meta physical, but also how to counter act them. While much data has been lost over the millennia, Vavtiner remains dedicated to creating a better,more warp resistant strain of human.(+1 shiny)
-[X] Local civilization
--[X] Heretical Humans (+1 shiny)
-[X] Sector Civilizations:
--[X] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny).
--[X] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies).
--[X] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
--[X] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
-[X] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies) Your creators built experimental psytech shielding into your structure, and it protected you through your long hibernation. However, it will not be enough to protect you should the eyes of the Dark Gods fall directly upon you. You will need to research, build and maintain anti-chaos defenses or risk corruption. You are logical, focused on the physical world and less interested in warp-shenanigans for their own sake.
-[X] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies) You can simulate reality well enough to not need as many experiments. +100% base research capacity, +20 bonus to research rolls, reduced sample requirements. For some options you won't need samples to unlock research.
-[X] An advanced Database (-1 shinies) You have access to some ship, unit, equipment and weapon designs. Up through light cruisers, a few more exotic weapons including plasma, melta, torpedoes. You'll be able to build a fleet that's fairly powerful by Imperial Standards.
-[X] Payloads:
--[X] A Genebank (-3 shinies). You have the genetic material and facilities to immediately begin cloning healthy humans, which will cost build points. You can begin genetics and enhancements research immediately, and do not require as many samples for xenobiology and human genetic enhancement research. This will let you start cloning a workforce/creating your own civilization immediately. Further research (and samples of existing individuals) will let you focus your cloning efforts on various traits, including superhuman capabilities (easy), psykers (medium), space marines (hard) and navigators (very hard).
--[X] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny) You have a deep understanding of the fundamental physics of the universe. Grants significant bonuses to understanding and replicating technology based on different principles than you're familiar with. If you want to reverse-engineer Necron tech, you'll need this. It will also help a lot with understanding & reverse engineering other weird shit you find.
--[X] Advanced communications (-2 shinies) You know several languages and can research more with sufficient data. You understand nuance in diplomacy and can make audio transmissions that are not recognizably artificial. You'll need extensive experience to unlock an expensive project to get to the next level.
--[X] Psytech repository (-2 shinies) You have technical documents and a stockpile of rudimentary psytech. You can immediately begin the psytech tree without requiring samples. Even if you choose the full STC, there won't be psytech in it without this because you were built before humans had figured out much about psykers. This path won't let you manipulate the warp yourself, but it will let you build stuff to boost psykers, including force weapons, psychic hoods and more, as well as larger installations capable of letting individual psykers have battlefield-level effects.
-[X] Listening station (-1 shiny) You had an active listening post that picked up transmissions from across the stars and stored them. You are now scrolling through the recordings with growing horror. You know of the Age of Strife, the Great Crusade, the Horus Heresy, and the existence (but few details) of Chaos and the major Xenos races. You know of the nearby systems your system connects to and of any nearby civilizations in your system, but nothing in-depth.